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Page 2

by Cara E Holt

  Sophie dismisses that idea with her hand. “Nonsense. Ollie can show you his guns tomorrow. It will be good for you to get out and start making friends.”

  I go to make more excuses, but I can tell that she is set on the idea and nothing will change her mind.

  Dom sighs clearly not thrilled at having to take me and looks over to me. “You’ll need to be ready in ten minutes.”

  “I can be ready.” I tell him. Ten minutes to make myself look presentable for my first introduction to my fellow sixth formers.

  He nods his head and stands to leave. “I’ll meet you out on the front.”

  Chapter Two.

  I thank Sophie for tea and leg it upstairs. I spray on some fresh deodorant and then look frantically at my wardrobe. I didn’t have a clue what to wear. I decide on black jeans and boots and one the one designer-ish top I own, my red Abercrombie and Finch t-shirt. I quickly put on some tinted moisturiser and a quick coat of mascara, blusher and lip gloss and I’m good to go. I grab my black jacket and phone and rush downstairs. Dominic is stood leaning against the wall when I step outside the front door. Headlights come up the drive and he gestures with his head for me to follow him.

  “I’m sorry you have had to babysit me.” I tell him as I hurry to keep up with him.

  He shrugs in response. As we near the car a girl with flame-red hair sits in the drivers’ seat. She smiles at Dominic blowing him a kiss.

  Dominic climbs in the front and I get into the back. The car is an Audi, a teenager with an Audi. A whole different world to mine!

  “Hey babe.” He greets her and leans over and kisses her on the lips. The girl looks back at me smiling.

  “I’m guessing you’re Everly. Dom told me you were arriving today.” She smiles warmly at me, her blue eyes assess me in a curious way. “I’m Izzy. This one’s girlfriend.” She informs me pointing at Dom, who winks at her.

  She turns back to face the front and slips the care into gear and we head out.

  “Someone is going to get a lot of interest tonight.” She says to Dom gesturing with her head towards me.

  Dom sighs. “Yeah that’s what I’m worried about.”

  “So Everly.” Izzy says looking through her rear-view mirror at me. “Did you leave any broken-hearted boyfriends back in Manchester?”

  I blush and shake my head. “No boyfriend.”

  She raises her eyes in surprise and looks over at Dom. “Really? How long since you were last seeing someone?”

  I crinkle my brow thinking. “Probably been over a year and a half.”

  She whistles. “That long huh?”

  I shrug. “Yeah, I kind of didn’t have much time for a social life with my mum being sick.” That is partly true, the rest of the reason was my secret to keep.

  I see a look of sympathy cross her face through the mirror. “I’m sorry about your mum.”

  “Thanks.” I reply. I never know what else to say when someone offers me their condolences. I see Dominic nudge her and give her a warning look. She briefly frowns at him but then smiles at me through the mirror. We arrive a few minutes later at another gated house and the electric gates open letting us in.

  The drive is long and when we reach the end of it my mouth hangs open at the size of the house. Well it is more like a mansion than a house.

  Izzy drives round the side of the house and parks up. We all climb out and Izzy comes and links arms with me.

  “Don’t be nervous. I’ll introduce you to everyone and look after you.”

  I give her an appreciative smile. I had been worried I’d be dumped as soon as we walked through the door and left to my own devices. We go through a small door at the side of the grand house and down a flight of stairs into what I presume to be the basement. Loud music greets us. This isn’t exactly what I would call a small gathering. Now those that know me well, know I’m not really a social butterfly. I hate being the centre of attention, preferring to hide in the background. When you walk into a party where everyone knows each other, everyone tends to take a second curious look at you. I keep my eyes down and try to keep my blush from deepening. Izzy and Dom greet people as we walk by them.

  “Come on Everly I’ll introduce you to some of the girls.” She pops a quick kiss on Dom’s lips before pulling me off in the opposite direction he goes in.

  We head over to actual bar that has every bottle of every spirit you can thing of on offer.

  “Vodka?” She asks me and I grimace in response. Vodka and I did not get on.

  “Any fruit cider?”

  Izzy crouches down and then holds up a bottle of raspberry cider.

  “Perfect.” I tell her smiling, as I take the bottle from her hand.

  “Izzy!” A voice shouts from behind me and I turn to find two girls walking our way.

  “Advance warning. Molly is wasted.” The blonde-haired girl tells Izzy gesturing with her head a girl that sits over to the right on a sofa.

  Izzy groans and takes a swig of her drink. “Molly just split from Jacob. She isn’t handling it well.” She tells me and I look over at Molly in sympathy.

  “Girls this is Everly. She’s Dom’s step-sister.” They all look at me surprised.

  The blonde girl looks back to Izzy. “I didn’t know he had a step sister?”

  I smile awkwardly. “No neither did he until two weeks ago.”

  The brown-haired girl giggles. “Your accent is cute.”

  “This is Lydia and Jessica. She tells me pointing to the blonde first and then to the brown-haired girl.

  Izzy grabs my hand. “Come on. Let’s see what state Moll’s is in.”

  We reach the drunk Molly and she is slumped on the sofa staring at her empty cup.

  “Molls.” Izzy sighs sadly. “How much have you had to drink?”

  Molly looks up at her through dark lashes her hazel eyes filled with sadness. “Not enough.” She replies, her words are slurred.

  She gestures with her hand dramatically. “He hasn’t looked my way all night.”

  “Ah Moll.” Jessica says frowning. “What are we going to do with you?”

  Molls suddenly covers her mouth looking a bit green in colour. “I think I’m going to be sick.”

  Izzy grabs her hand and yanks her up. “Come on let’s get you to a loo, quick.” She looks over her shoulder as she props up a staggering Molly.

  “Girls. Look after Everly for me.”

  I turn and smile at the two girls and I look around the room awkwardly not knowing what to say. Jessica grabs hold of Lydia’s arm.

  “Grayson and Nathan are over by the pool table.”

  Lydia is suddenly alert reaching up on her tip-toes to look over the crowded room. “Come on let’s get dancing where they can see us.” She grabs Jessica’s hand and starts pulling her across the room. Jessica comes to a stop and turns to me. “Come on Everly.”

  I shake my head smiling. “You guys go ahead.”

  I hang around awkwardly after they have gone and sit myself on the arm of the sofa and take a sip of my drink. I people watch for a while, but soon become bored. I have finished my bottle, so I decide to head back over to the bar and grab another. There are no more bottles of cider, so I pour myself some rum and add some coke in. I turn to head back over to the sofa hoping that Izzy will be back by now and run smack bang into a solid wall of chest. My drink spills all down my front.

  “Ah, for shits sake.” I exclaim lifting my wet top off my skin.

  “So sorry.” I tell the guy and look up at him. He is average height, with mid-brown hair and smiling blue eyes. He was cute.

  “It was my fault. I wasn’t looking where I was going.” He offers me an apologetic smile.

  “Neither was I to be honest. So how about we take joint responsibility.”

  He laughs and nods his head. “So, I’m guessing from the accent that you’re the mysterious new step sister of Dom’s?”

  I nod. “That would be me. I’m Everly by the way.”

  He smiles again, and
it makes his cheeks dimple. “Jacob.”

  “Ah Jacob the heartbreaker.” I reply, and he looks at me puzzled.

  “I was introduced to a drunk Molly, who was said to be heartbroken over a Jacob.”

  A sad look crosses his face. “Yeah that would be me. I’m a nice guy I promise you, it just wasn’t working out with me and Moll’s.”

  I shrug. “Hey, it’s none of my business. Do you have anywhere I can attempt to dry my top?”

  He looks down at my dripping wet t-shirt and nods. “I can offer you a hairdryer or one of my sister’s tops?” He offers as he moves off down a small corridor, and I follow after him.

  “A hairdryer should do the trick thanks.” We wind down the corridor which veers off to the left.

  “Your sister sleeps down here?” I ask him surprised as to why, in a big house like this someone would choose to sleep in the basement.

  He chuckles and looks back at me as I follow him. “It was kind of my sisters little own flat down here, but now she’s away at uni, I’m borrowing it.”

  He opens a door and lets me go in first. The room definitely has a feminine touch. Fairy lights hang over the bed head and a dressing table holds bottles of perfume and nail varnishes. He leads me into a ensuite bathroom and digs around under the vanity.

  “Ah here we are.” He holds up a hairdryer for me to take. “There are towels just over there.” He tells me pointing to a shelving unit full of white fluffy towels.

  He looks at me and clicks his fingers. “Okay I should go and let you get drying.”

  “Thank you and it was nice to meet you.”

  His hazel eyes smile at me. “It was nice to meet you.”

  He leaves me then and I push the bathroom door shut and use all my efforts to get my top off which is stuck to my skin like glue due to being wet. I find my bra is a bit damp also, so I take that off and plug the hairdryer in ready to start. I pause turning it on when I hear voices in the bedroom.

  “Are you sure we are okay in here?” I hear a girl ask.

  “We’re fine.” A male voice replies. Even from here his voice sounds confident. I wrap a hand towel over the front of my chest and ease the partially closed door open. There in the middle of the room a couple are making out. His hands are wrapped in her hair and she leans into him moaning as they kiss.

  “Feel how hard I am for you Caitlin.” He says taking her hand and placing it on his groin area. I can’t help it I laugh out loud and they both freeze and look over at me.

  “Oops.” I say feeling incredibly awkward.

  The girl takes me in stood there with just a towel round my naked chest and she turns back to the guy and pushes at his chest.

  “You already have a girl in here? I don’t know what your game is but I’m not into threesomes. Jerk!” She storms off out of the bedroom and slams the door shut as she exits. The guys stands there looking at the closed door and then his gaze falls back on me. He folds his arms and smirking, observes me, his head tilted.

  The guy is gorgeous there is no denying that. He has dark hair that flops onto his forehead and even from here I could tell he had piercing blue eyes, the kind that you don’t forget in a hurry. I blush as his eyes fall to where the towel covers my naked chest.

  “Well, well, well. What do we have here.” His voice is mocking. I notice his chiselled jaw that has a slight five o’clock shadow to it. He was solid muscle. I doubt there was an ounce of fat on him.

  “I spilled my drink.” I volunteer in explanation.

  He smirks again as his eyes meet mine. “You sure about that? Because I just saw Jacob leaving this room a minute ago.”

  I scowl at him. “What are you trying to imply?”

  “Ah, so you’re the new step-sister. The northern girl.” He says northern like it is some word to describe a disease. He laughs. “I heard northern girls were easy, but you really didn’t waste any time did you?” His eyes laugh at me.

  “Ha.” I laugh in disbelief. “Met many northern girls have you to warrant you forming that opinion?” Who was this idiot?

  He smirks again and it grates on my nerves. “I’ve met many, many girls. Have to say though I’ve never had a northern girl.”

  I roll my eyes. “Wow. You are a real charmer aren’t you.”

  He smiles a confident cocky smile. “I could charm my way between those pretty legs of yours Manchester.”

  God! He is so fucking self-assured. I storm forward until I’m stood in front of him.

  I lift my chin, meeting his amused gaze. Fuck! Close-up his eyes are stunning.

  “Let me make this clear posh boy.” I move a finger back and forth between me and him. “My legs wouldn’t open for you if you were the last guy left on earth.”

  He steps forward, so we are toe-to-toe and looks down at me. It pisses me off that I have to look up to look at him.

  “Ah, but Manchester I could make you scream my name in pleasure. I could show you just what us southern boys are good at.”

  I gulp and snigger. “Look Posh. I’m from Manchester. The boys from my neck of the woods are streetwise, rugged, a bit rough around the edges. Trust me when I say they know how to please a girl.” This is a huge exaggeration on my part. I had slept with one boy and it was not a memorable experience I can tell you that much.

  He bites his lip and looks down at my chest before moving back up to meet my eyes.

  “The accent is actually quite cute.”

  I roll my eyes at him. “Please! Your cheesy charm won’t work on me. Now posh, why don’t you just run along.” I gesture towards the door.

  He looks down at his pants and my eyes follow and I gulp as I see the noticeable bulge in his pants.

  “That is thanks to you, ruining my fun with Caitlin.”

  My eyes are glued to his groin and I hear him chuckle and my eyes dart back up to his.

  “See something you like Manchester?”

  I blush at having been caught out staring at his dick.

  “I’m sure your left hand is used to alleviating that problem.” I answer back grinning, pleased with myself for that come back.

  To my surprise he leans in closer and runs a finger up my bare right arm making me shudder.

  “Just so you know Manchester, I’ll think of you when I use my left hand.” His face is inches from mine now and I gulp as the image of me giving him head flashes in my brain and I shake my head to get that picture right out of there.

  I fake roll my eyes again. “Urgh, are you still here?” I hope my voice doesn’t betray my galloping heart. I swiftly turn around and stalk back to the ensuite and give him the finger before I shut the door. I hear him laughing as I lean on the door and steady my breathing.

  God! He was irritating. So full of himself. Posh boy was without a doubt an arrogant bastard but, well he was also totally fucking gorgeous with his inviting lips and perfect blue eyes.

  Chapter Three.

  Ten minutes later I have managed to dry most of my top and bra. I hesitantly pop my head round the ensuite door and peek into the bedroom to check no one was there. I make my way back down the corridor and manage to find my way back to the main room. I get myself a bottle and then set off looking for Izzy. I eventually spot her, and she waves me over.

  “There you are. Where did you disappear to?”

  I shake my head. “Don’t ask. I had a spillage.” I tell her pointing to my top. “Jacob let me use his sisters hairdryer to dry it.”

  She laughs. “Come on. You need to meet the rest of the guys.” She takes my hand and pulls me forward.

  I pull back. “Really there’s no need.”

  Izzy looks back at me and gives me a look that tells me she won’t take no for an answer. She pulls me through the crowded room, her red hair swinging as she walks. “They don’t bite I promise.”

  We turn around a corner and a group of guys are all stood round a pool table laughing and joking. I cringe inside and will myself not to go beetroot red like I usually do.

  “Hey gu
ys.” Izzy greets them worming her way into the centre of the circle they are stood in. “You all need to meet Dom’s step-sister.”

  I feel the conversation still and eyes on me. I want the ground to swallow me up right now.

  “You’ve met Jacob.” Izzy states pointing me in the direction of a smiling Jacob.

  “Hi again.” He grins tapping his bottle against mine. She turns me to my right then.

  “This here is Harry,” she turns me again. “Ben and Alex.”

  They all smile and say hi and I feel them look me up and down. Next, I’m turned to face a red-haired guy.

  “This idiot is my twin brother Owen.” A boy with the same fiery red hair as Izzy tuts at her but gives me a smile.

  “Nice to meet you Everly. Ignore my sister, I do.”

  I laugh in response and Izzy flips him off.

  “So, you live with Dom huh?”

  I look at Dom and nod my head. “As of today, yes.”

  He grins and looks at Dom and gives him a wink. “Think I’ll be coming around your house more often.”

  “Fuck off Brown.” Dom replies and they all laugh.

  “And this.” She announces turning me once again, “This is the school playboy himself, Grayson St. Clair.”

  My eyes travel up the chiselled chest that is hidden under a white t-shirt up to a face I am already familiar with. He sits there on the edge of the pool table with a drink in his hand smirking at me.

  “Oh, Manchester and I have already met.” He grins at me in that self-assured way that gets my back up.

  “You have?” Izzy asks surprised.

  He bites on his bottom lip as he looks me up and down again. “Oh yeah, Manchester and I spent some time alone together in the bedroom.”

  I hear someone cough and someone else splutter out their drink, but I keep my eyes on his.

  I scoff. “Ah posh, don’t try to make it sound like something it definitely wasn’t.” I emphasise the definitely, to make my point. “What it was, was me telling him he didn’t stand a chance with me.”

  I turn to Izzy. “Can we go get drinks?”


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