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Endgame Page 13

by Cara E Holt

  “Delightful.” I reply wanting to grab him by the balls and squeeze them until his eyes pop out.

  The end of the night comes, and I realise I now have to pile into the back of the car with Grayson and Lauren. Lauren has been all over him all night, gushing at everything he says. As we leave Grayson drapes an arm over mine and Laurens shoulders not giving me a chance to speak with Harvey.

  “Thanks for a great night Harv. We must do it again some time.”

  As we walk away I shove his arm off me and storm forward to the car. Grayson had clearly found the whole evening amusing and I was furious. We drop Lauren off first and Grayson holds the car open for her and then gives her a kiss on the cheek. She giggles like a twelve year old and stands there waving to him as we drive off.

  “You’re a fucking ass you know that, right?”

  I see Dom and Izzy glance at each other and Dom sighs and keeps his eyes on the road ahead.

  “It’s a sexy ass though, right? I mean you’ve said so yourself.”

  “You did that on purpose.” I cross my arms and smirk at him. “What’s the matter Grayson, you jealous?”

  He laughs. “Oh yeah, I’m jealous of Harvey. I just thought it would be a nice triple date night.”

  “Go fuck yourself.”

  Grayson chuckles. “Someone’s angry.”

  “Your damn right I’m angry. I hate you, you know that.”

  He smirks again. “You never hated me when I did that thing with my tongue.”

  Izzy nearly chokes on her drink and Dom pats her back as she coughs.

  “Will you just stop with the sexual references. Are you ten or something?”

  He smiles at me, folding his arms. “What can I say, we had a lot of good sex, feels good to reminisce.”

  I lean over so I am right up his face. “Well enjoy the memories because that is all you will ever have, memories.”

  He leans further in so our faces are inches from each other. “Oh, I’ve had my fill and moving on sweet cheeks.”

  “Arrghhh!” I growl and storm out of the car and to the front of house the second we have pulled up.

  I try putting my key in the door but due to my anger struggling to open it, a hand reaches out from behind me and placing it over mine turns the key. “Did I mention I’m staying over tonight?”

  I look at Dom to protest but then notice Izzy is still with us. “Are you staying too?”

  She nods. “Yeah my mum and dad are away for the night on some business event. Owens got the boys over, so Sophie said I could stay here.”

  “I’m just staying because I can.” Grayson tells me with a grin as he brushes past me and into the house.

  Sophie fusses over us when we all get in. A fold up bed has been put up in my room for Izzy and one for Grayson in Dom’s room.

  It’s late by now so we all head up. Dom and Izzy linger on the landing to say good night to each other. Grayson winks at me and heads into Dom’s room. I fall on my bed and groan. I wanted to kill that boy. I also wanted to jump on him and get him naked, but we will ignore those thoughts.

  Izzy comes in the room a few minutes later. She gives me a sympathetic smile and comes to sit beside me on the bed.

  “So, tonight was interesting.”

  I raise a brow. “It was a fucking disaster.”

  Izzy takes my hand in hers. “Think about it. Think about why he did that.”

  “To piss me off.” I tell her frowning again.

  “He didn’t want you going off having a date night with Harvey. Now why do you think that is?”

  I sigh and shake my head. “Izzy don’t start with this crap again. Grayson does not like me. He liked getting in my pants and proving he could.”

  Izzy sighs as she ties her hair up with a bobble. “Okay, I’ll say no more but honestly you two just need to swallow your pride and just be together. The sexual tension is tangible.”

  “I’m not listening.” I say putting my fingers in my ears which gets her laughing. She throws a pillow at my head and we begin a pillow fight.

  I wake up in the middle of the night and look over at Izzy cuddled up on the pull-out bed. She is snoring like a drill, jeez, that could wake the whole house. I quietly climb out of bed and tap her on the shoulder.

  “Izz, Izz you’re snoring real loud girl.”

  The finger I’m prodding gets pulled into her hand and the next thing I know I am being pulled down onto the mattress.

  “Hmmm, you smell good.” A very male voice, I recognise all too well has me suddenly alert.

  “Grayson?!” I hiss, and his eyes open sleepily to look at me.

  He looks at me sat on his bed. “Are you trying to get in bed with me?”

  I punch him in the arm. “No dick face I am not. I thought you were Izzy, I was trying to wake her to stop her snoring. or should I say you snoring.” I point a finger in his face. “Why the hell are you in my room?”

  He shrugs. “Dom and Izzy wanted some couple time. I was more than happy to oblige. We swapped beds.”

  “I’m going to kill Izzy.”

  A hand snakes around my waist and before I can protest I’m on my back on his mattress.

  He leans down and rubs his stubble on my cheek. I push his face off mine.

  “Stop that and get off me and let me go to bed.” I demand, his response is to just chuckle. He snakes a hand under my vest top and I hitch my breath.

  “You sure you want me to stop?”

  “Yes.” I say my voice shaky.

  “Because we can take back what we said the other night you know and well I really want inside of you right now.”

  I fold my arms and look up at him. “You purposely ruined tonight and you brought HER along.”

  He gives me a fake shocked look. “You don’t like Lauren? Worried she’s getting the Grayson goods?”

  “You slept with that blonde girl last weekend.”

  He laughs and his hand finds one breast and he rubs it with his thumb.

  “I didn’t sleep with Lauren or the blonde girl.”

  I look at him disbelievingly. “You didn’t?”

  He shakes his head. “You made out with her in front of me.”

  He nods. “I did, but you were all over Owen.”

  He moves his hand down my stomach and to the waistband of my shorts. I slap his hand away.

  “I am not having sex with you Grayson.” I tell him, trying to make my voice sound firm even though I am breathless from his touch.

  He shrugs. “Okay.” He rolls off me and stands up. His erection is blatantly obvious as he stands there in just his white Calvin’s. Shocked that he has given up I stand up just look at him in the dark for a minute.

  He grabs hold of my hand and his face goes serious. “l want you Ev, badly. I haven’t been with any other girl.”

  I stand there biting my lip. “Oh, fuck it.” I throw myself at him and he grabs my legs and I wrap them around his waist. Our hands are everywhere and our mouths crash together. He grips my ass and holds me flush against him.

  “On my bed.” I say in-between kisses. He carries me over to my bed and lays me down on it and just stands there for a second on his knees looking at me.

  I reach for his hand. “What are you doing.”

  He grins. “Looking at you, lay under me. You are hot as fuck Ev, you know that right?”

  I grab his neck and pull him down. “Just shut up and get naked Gray.”

  Chapter Fourteen.

  I wake in the morning and stretch out and smile. Wow was I sexually sated. We had gone at it last night for hours. It was as if we couldn’t get enough of each other. I roll on my side and Grayson is lay there looking at me.

  “Who put that smile on your face.” He asks me, grinning smugly.

  I wrap my hands around his neck. And lean in and kiss him. “You did.” I give him a stern look. “If you let that Lauren girl sit on your lap today, I’m going to kick your ass.”

  He grins. “If you let that Harvey boy put his arm aroun
d you at lunch today, I’m going to throw you over my shoulder and spank your ass.”

  I hold my hand out to him. “Deal.” He shakes my hand and then rolls me underneath him.

  “So, I reckon we have a bout twenty minutes before I need to sneak back into Dom’s room.”

  “Twenty minutes huh.” I grin. “You can get a lot done in twenty minutes if you put your mind to it.”

  Grayson grins at me but his eyes are serious when he replies. “Oh, I’m going to show you just how much I can do in twenty minutes.”

  Grayson leaves some twenty or so minutes later and Izzy sneaks back into the room.

  “You.” I say pointing at her. “Switching beds.”

  She holds her hands up. “Guilty as accused. I wanted sex with my boyfriend, I’m sorry.”

  I throw a pillow in her face and she laughs, and comes to sit beside me on my bed.

  “So, someone had sex last night.”

  I role my eyes. “I really don’t need you to share that information.”

  She laughs at me. “I was talking about you. You have that look.”

  “What look would that be?” I ask her giving nothing away.

  “The look of a girl who has had really good sex all night.” She inhales, “You can smell it in the air.”

  I throw another pillow at her. “You are full of shit Izzy.”

  “So, did you?”

  I roll my eyes. “Okay yes, I had sex with Grayson, a lot of good sex.”

  She holds her hands together as if thanking the lord. “Thanks heavens. So, is this it? No more games, you going to go public?”

  I furrow my brows. “Go public about sleeping together?”

  “No idiot, and be a couple.”

  I laugh at her. “Grayson doesn’t do girlfriends.”

  She looks at me and shakes her head. “You two are really clueless.”

  We head down for breakfast and I can tell Dom and Grayson obviously had a similar talk as Dom grins at me and looks over at Grayson and gives me a wink. My reply is to roll my eyes at him. Grayson sits opposite me at the table and I find his eyes on me as I eat. He gives me cheeky wink and I give him a quick smile in reply.

  First lesson at school I can barely keep my eyes open. I am so tired. Second period I have a free period, so I head to the sixth form common room with a plan to get my head down and have a power nap. When I arrive in there Grayson is in there with some of the rugby lads. I sink down on a sofa over to the left of where they are all sitting and lay my head on cushion.

  “What’s up Manchester. Up having hot sex all night or something?”

  The boys all laugh at his whit. I yawn and stretch. “Yeah I was actually. Man, I am so tired, but hell it was worth it.”

  The boys all look at me open mouthed. Grayson closes Owens jaw. “You’re drooling.”

  I give Grayson a quick smile and then put my head back down and close my eyes.

  I had set my alarm on my phone and it goes off giving me ten minutes to get to class. As I head off down the hallway, people snigger and laugh, and I get a sinking feeling in my tummy. I put my head down and head to class. When I walk in more giggles erupt. Lottie lifts her head up and covers her mouth.

  “Oh damn.”

  I sit down beside her. “What?”

  She points at my face with her finger. “Someone’s been doodling on your face.”

  I touch my face. “You’re kidding me?”

  She bites her lip and gives me a hesitant smile. “Nope. You have cat whiskers. And your cheek has ‘I love Grayson’ written on it.

  “I’m going to kill him.”

  Lottie laughs, and I give her the stink-eye. “Sorry I can’t help it. It is pretty funny.”

  “Cover for me. I need to get to the bathroom.”

  I spend ten minutes trying to get the black marker off my face. The fucker has used permanent marker and although soap and water make it fade a bit, it is still very obvious.

  I walk to lunch and get more laughs and giggles from all the students. When I sit down for lunch Imogen breaks into fits of laughter and Hannah covers her mouth to try and supress the giggles.

  “It is so not funny guys.”

  I see Grayson saunter in and takes his seat and I decide it’s payback time.

  “Who has a marker on them?” I hear Imogen rummage around in her bag and she pulls out a purple permanent marker. “Perfect.”

  Taking the lid off, I stand and walk over to Grayson’s table. A couple of the boys start meowing and I flip them the bird. I move around to where Grayson is sat and lifting a leg over I drop myself on his lap so I am straddling him.

  He cocks a brow. “You want to ride the Grayson train Manchester?”

  I look at Owen who is sat beside him. “Hold his arms.”

  Owen looks down at the pen in my hand and nods and before Grayson can protest he holds his hands behind him. I hold my pen up.

  “Fairs fair Gray.” I lean forward and start to draw. He tries to grab the pen from me using his mouth but fails. I sit back slightly to admire my handy work. “Perfect.” I give him a wink. “See you later posh.”

  The boys all roar into laughter as I walk off back to my table.

  Lottie and Imogen are in fits of laughter. “Did you really write ‘Ev is hot as fuck’ on his face?

  I shrug and grin. “Well I put stars where the u and the c should have been. Don’t want to get in trouble off the teachers. “

  “You two are so entertaining. I’m glad you are both battling again. Sixth form was real boring last week when you both went all moody.”

  Friday night and I am lay on my bed reading when I look up to see Grayson leaning on my door frame.

  “We are going out.” He announces.

  I sit up. “We are?”

  He nods. “Get dressed. We are picking Izzy up in fifteen.”

  “Wait.” I shout him back. “Casual or dressy.”


  I bound downstairs ten minutes later to find Dom and Grayson stood waiting for me.

  “Where we going?”

  Dom looks over at my Dad and Sophie who are sat watching telly and holds a finger to his lips.

  “Mum we are going to the movies.”

  Sophie and Dad give us smiles and tell us to have a good time.

  “Okay, so where are we really going?” I ask them as soon as we step outside.

  Grayson grins as he opens my door for me. “Street racing.”

  We pick Izzy up and she climbs in the back with me. We drive for a bout half an hour and we turn onto a car park that has roughly forty or so cars parked up. All with their lights on and people stood around chatting and drinking.

  Dom grins at me. “Grayson is racing tonight.”

  we all climb out of the car and Grayson is greeted by everyone we pass, as is Dom. They are both clearly regulars here. Girls stick their chests out a bit further when Grayson walks by. Grayson looks behind at me and offers me his hand. I look at it for a minute. He wants to hold my hand in public? He tuts at my delayed response and turns back around but I snake my hand forward and put it in his and he holds it tight.

  “St. Clair” A tall guy with a shaved head shouts. “Get over here.”

  Grayson leads us over there. Money jumps out at me in this crowd. These are all private school kids and sixth formers.

  “Hey Rogers.” Grayson greets the tall guy grinning.

  Izzy nudges me. “Come on let’s go and get drinks.”

  I let go of Grayson’s hand and allow her to pull me off into the crowd.

  “You are going to upset a lot of girls tonight.” She tells me grinning.

  “I am.”

  She nods. “Grayson has never brought a girl with him before.”

  “You’ve been before.”

  She laughs “Everyone knows I am with Dom. He just publicly made it clear you were here with him when he walked through holding your hand.”

  “Oh.” I reply. Part of me can’t help but smile that he just p
ublicly held my hand. It was strange feeling, but I kind of liked it. My smile wipes off my face when we walk back to the guys after getting drinks and I see Andrews sat leaning on a car.

  He whistles and looks me up and down. “Looking good Everly.”

  I see Grayson’s head snap up as he hears my name and he looks across the car park. His eyes meeting Andrews with a stony expression.

  “Want me to bend you over my bonnet?” He shout’s and all his friends laugh along with him.

  Izzy starts to pull me quicker over to the boys. Grayson looks at me concerned when we reach them. “What did he just say to you then?”

  I shrug. “Nothing. He was just being a dick.”

  I look back at Andrews who is watching me with a cunning grin on his face. He looks me up and down again and it makes me shiver.

  “Okay.” The tall guy shouts as he stands on the roof of a car. “It’s racing time. Who is up for the challenge of racing St. Clair tonight?”

  “I am.” A voice say’s and Andrews walks into the centre of the crowd.

  Grayson scoffs at the side of me where he sits on his car. “I’ll whip his scrawny ass.”

  “If I win.” Andrews says. “I want to take that sweet piece of ass out with me tonight.” He tells the crowd and grinning he points right at me.

  I see Grayson clench his fists and he storms over to where Andrews is stood.

  “Shit.” Izzy hisses, looking worried.

  “Who are you calling a sweet piece of ass Andrews?”

  Andrews saunters closer to him. “What’s your problem St. Clair? Last time I checked she was single.”

  Grayson puts a hand on Andrews chest and pushes him back slightly. “Yeah well she isn’t available, not for you.”

  Andrews laughs. “You giving it to her Grayson? Lowering yourself to sleep with common girls now?”

  Grayson explodes and throws a punch knocking Andrews on his ass. “Never talk about her that way again.” He leans down so he is in his face. “Get in your car and race me Andrews.”

  Andrews just laughs and getting to his feet he winks at me and blows me a kiss.

  Grayson turns and with a face like thunder comes back over to where we are stood. You could cut the tension in the air it is that thick. He walks over and sits back down on his car. His breathing is fast and you can feel the anger rolling off him.


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