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Gates of Hell

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by Zoey Woods

  Gates of Hell

  I have one job. Don’t let anyone in the gates of Hell that doesn't belong.

  Lucifer trusts me to do my job. Not get charmed by a fallen angel who sneaks inside Hell while I’m distracted... by his ass.

  And once he’s in, all Hell breaks loose. (Ha, ha.) Because fallen angels shouldn’t be in Hell. Especially not ones who want to kill Lucifer.

  I can’t let that happen.

  Lucifer is my brother and it is my duty to protect him.

  Gates of Hell

  Zoey Woods

  Copyright © 2019 by Zoey Woods

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Cover Design by SwoonWorthy Book Covers


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 1

  “Devil’s spawn!” one of the newly arrived souls spats. “I went to church every Sunday, you can’t take my soul to Hell!”

  I shook my head. Demon. Monster. Devil’s spawn. I’d been called much worse but I was a Fallen Angel and the Devil’s sister. “Guess warming a pew didn’t help ya, did it?”

  Instead of flinching, the newcomer snarled, stumbling forward. Each time a soul came here, if they were on drugs or drunk, it took a minute to sink in that this was their fate. They’d been given free-will while alive on earth—something my father had forbidden to our kind—yet the humans threw it away.

  Here, my brother and I laid down the law and each human soul had to pay for their sins here. None ever got past me to the gates and my brother and none ever escaped Hell.

  The man rushed me, but I dodged his attack easily. Humans were too predictable. Angels too. Many had come to try and assassinate my brother but I was his weapon, his sword. No one entered his palace unless I allowed it.

  I roundhouse kicked the man and he went sailing into a throng of demons. “Take him to level six.”

  His scream vibrated through the air as the demons dragged him away. Served him right. He’d known the way to his soul’s salvation but threw it away. And the demons added to his fear using their physical appearance of pointy tails, horns, black wings and red bodies to add to his terror. Inside though, they were soft with the minds of a teenager ramped up on puberty.

  Which is why my brother, Lucifer, had me. If he let the demons run this place everything would go to shit. Hell, we’d probably have humans hanging from chandlers while the demons did pissing contests on them. I was all about redemption and proving oneself but not depravity. Unless the souls had been rapists or pedophiles, then whatever the demons could cook up wouldn’t be harsh enough.

  “Do you ever take a day off, Rebecca?” Jermel teased. His black wings ruffling behind him. Unlike the demons, fallen angel’s wings like mine and Lucifer’s were feathers and not leathery like demons.

  “Why? Is working too hard for you?”

  He shrugged, giving me a sideways grin that other angels might swoon at but only irritated me. “All work and no play makes you dull.”

  “No, it sharpens my skills.” I patted my sword at my side. “Why don’t you try me?”

  “Nah.” He held up his hands. “Got better things to do like seduce human women in their dreams than to guard a stupid gate.”

  I bristled at his words. “Your duty is Lucifer, your king, and keeping him safe. Not partying.”

  “When will you loosen up? It’s been eons since we had any real action.” Jermel saluted me then opened his wings and tore up the tunnel toward the surface.


  Why did I care that he was off having fun? Parading the gates was necessary. A duty. My brother ensured the peace of our realm. The delicate balance between souls who needed punishment for their sins and all the demons spawned from those sins. Every time a human got drunk, a demon of alcoholism was created. Each time violence broke out more devils sprouted. The humans blamed us for their troubles and crimes but it was they who started this shit storm.

  Katas would calm me down. I could relax just fine no matter what Jermel said. I rolled my shoulders back then flowed from one stance to another. Spinning on the ball of my foot, I sent a back kick high. Jab, cross, swoop into a duck, then I came up hard with an uppercut. Sidekick, elbow, backflip.

  I rolled then came at the same time as I slid my sword out of my scabbard and cut my imaginary foe. Breathing hard, I lunged, swinging high, then low. The demon magic in my blade whizzing through the air. It glowed with a bluish light. Sweat dotted across my forehead and I swiped it away with the back of my hand. I loved my job but sometimes I longed for reconciliation with my Heavenly family. Friends had chosen a side and I had picked my brother to fight alongside. He’d wanted freedom for himself, for everyone. But our father had it set that all his angelic creation would obey at all costs. Never question. Never fall in love. I’d visited earth during the last millennia and it seemed they only got worse.

  Movement caught the side of my eye. What the holy Hell?

  It moved too fast for a human but I’d seen something. Was it one of the imps playing tricks? Waving white feathers they’d found lying around topside?

  I sheathed my blade, acting like I hadn’t seen anything. Whatever it was would think I wasn’t aware of its presence. I yawned, stretching my arms like I was done for the day. The edge of my sword hilt had a reflective top and I pushed it back to view behind me.

  There! A shimmer of white wings flickered behind one of the columns lining the gate.

  Using my demonic speed, I spun and zipped to the intruder. A fucking angel! He rose up with a snarl. His flaming sword coming down so fast I leaped backward to avoid being struck.

  I drew my sword and blocked his attack.

  “Filthy demon!” He scrunched up his face like he’d sucked the sourest lemons ever. His strikes growing wilder as I blocked each one.

  Fighting came natural to me. Like breathing. It was one thing I was really good at like I was born to do this.

  Still, I took my time, wearing the enemy angel out before I slammed my boot into his gut and sent him sailing. He crashed against Hell’s gate with a thunk. His eyes rolled up in the back of his head and he slouched forward. With him unconscious, his flaming sword winked out of existence. Nothing Heavenly or righteous could stay in Hell or even at the gates long. Not without constant attention and power.

  “Thanks,” I said, sheathing my sword, “I needed that mini-workout.”

  But this angel wasn’t vanishing along with his sword. Why the Hell not? I bit the inside of my cheek as I kicked his foot. Had the Divine sent him and therefore he was given extra protection against being thrown out of Hell?

  Snatching him up by his leg, I dragged him toward my b
rother’s castle. Lucifer had reduced the number of guards at the gate recently—this was proof that we needed them back.

  If our dad had decided Lucifer’s execution was necessary, I’d stop him no matter what it took. No one would harm my brother on my watch. But the bigger question was why now? Why after all these years had an angel jumped the barrier?

  Chapter 2

  “Rebecca!” Lucifer called out in a loud, joyous voice that flew from across the throne room. Silence fell over the celebrations. Devils and demons stopped partying to glare over at me.

  This is what my brother was doing while I patrolled the gates? Drinking and fucking and all of this shit.

  “We need to talk.” I left the angel in the burlap sack that would nullify his magic until we got him into a cell. Lucifer and I needed to interrogate him. Find out how and why he’d crossed the barrier into Hell.

  My brother scooped me up in his arms in a bear hug, the angel I’d stuffed in the demon net squirmed at my feet. “Come drink with us.”

  “No, we have a situation.” I pushed back, pointing at the captured angel. “This one crossed the barrier and was inside our gates. What I want to know is why?”

  “Why?” Lucifer ran a hand through his dark hair and frowned down at the angel. “Who knows why their kind do anything? What does it matter? You’ve taken care of it.”

  He turned away but I grasped his elbow, stopping him from walking away. “Aren’t you even concerned?”

  His dark eyes narrowed. “That you’re dragging my fun down? Yes.”


  “Now you sound like dad.”

  I stiffened. “This is serious. What if this angel was here to assassinate you?” Without my brother ruling, Hell would turn into a shit hole with demons clamoring for the throne.

  “You worry too much, sister.” He flashed me a smile that gave him whatever he wanted when we were kids. When we were up in the Heavenly realm and everything was pure and white and full of happiness crap.

  “Everyone!” Lucifer tapped his silver goblet of blood wine with one of his black nails. “My lovely sister has caught an intruder.”

  Cheers and whistles sounded from the devils and demons.

  “Take this piece of trash to the lower levels of Hell.” Lucifer kicked the angel in his side. “Throw him in the jails and we’ll show him how horrible Hell can be!”

  More cheers and roars rose in the throne room while two football player sized demons dragged my prey away.

  “Hey, I was going to interrogate him,” I said over the noise to my brother.

  When the applause died down, I followed Lucifer back to his throne with its tall back curving into a black dragon and carved ruby gargoyles on each leg.

  “We need to figure out how he got past the gates,” I continued.

  “A toast, to my sister,” Lucifer said holding up his goblet. “My finest warrior who has saved us all from annulation. Let us have a party in her honor.”

  A deafening roar echoed through the chamber. Music started up again in earnest. I crossed my arms, watching the angel being dragged away. Several demons lifted their drinks in honor to me but I waved them away. My brother sat on his throne having fun while I fight his battles.

  As I turned to leave, I caught my brother staring after the angel as well. But instead of gloating or triumph, there was a pinch to his dark eyes, his lips drawn into a thin, white line.

  “What is it?” I whispered using a spell so he’d hear me over the noise but no one else would.

  “Nothing. Just wondering why you’re not having fun.” He scratched his goatee, his dark eyebrows furrowed.

  “Why won’t you tell me what’s going on?” I gritted my teeth. “You know it’s not like angels to cross the gates so why now? Are you vulnerable for some reason? As your warrior and protector, I need to know these things.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous, Rebecca.” He smiled but it didn’t reach his eyes. “I’m king of the demons, Beelzebub, the devil himself. Why would I know why a Heavenly being from on high has chosen this moment to visit us?”

  “You’re hiding something.” My brother was the king of lies and deception. A pain hit me deep in my chest that he would keep the truth from me. We told each other everything. Hell, I’d left Heaven and followed him into Hell.

  “Honestly, sister. I’ve no idea what you’re talking about.” He yawned. “And you’re bumming me out with your brooding whatever it is you do. Celebrate with us. Rejoice in your victory.”

  “Maybe later.” I straightened. If Lucifer refused to tell me why he was worried about the angel, I’d find on my own. “Thanks for the drink but I’ve got to patrol the gates. Never know when another angel might slip past.”

  He paled, swallowing hard but gave me a fake smile. His reaction told me everything I needed to know. He was fearful there would be more angels coming but he wouldn’t tell me why. No matter, I was good at extracting the truth from my enemies when I wanted. Time I paid my prize a visit.

  Chapter 3

  My shoes clacked against the black, obsidian tiles as I followed the hallway toward the lower levels of hell. Flames flickered against the walls and the occasional scream from one of the humans echoed nearby.

  Irritation grew inside me. I was tired of Lucifer’s partying and not taking the angel trespassing seriously. He’d been concerned. I’d seen it on his face before he announced the party in my honor. It was just his excuse to avoid what was going on and to live it up more. I loved my brother but he thought sex, loud music, booze and drugs were the answers to everything.

  I pushed past two demons making out in the hallway. When they saw who I was, they scurried away from me, toward the stairs to one of the party rooms. Did no one take what just happened seriously? They We had a breach and all the devils and demons were carrying on as if nothing was wrong.

  Well, I wasn’t going to sit by and get drunk. I was going to find out answers from this angel even if I had to pull each of his feathers off one at a time.

  Reaching the torture chambers, I slid my palm along the black glass for access. A click sounded and I pulled on the door. Except it didn’t open. I tried again, tugging at the handle. What the hell was going on?

  “There you are,” Elva clicked her tongue. “I’ve been looking for you since Lucifer’s announcement.”

  “The security system is broken.” I put my hand to the access panel, the click sounded again, and yanked on the door handles. Nothing. As Lucifer’s sister and part of his first defensive line, I had access to all thirteen levels of hell. “Let me call maintenance out here.”

  “Nothing wrong with it.” Elva tucked her jet hair behind her ear with her black fingernails. “Our lord has just put everything on lockdown until we get this mess sorted.”

  I straightened. “Really?” Finally, my brother was seeing sense. All my lectures these past centuries were getting through to him. He’d been a rebellious angel. Then one fight with dad and thinking he could rule the cosmos and the war had happened.

  Despite everything, pearly gates, streets of glittering gold, I’d sided with Lucifer. He was the favorite. And I’d always protected him. We only got a third of the angels but my suspicion was there were more who would’ve sided with us except dad got really, really scary when he was pissed off. It was mom’s idea to have Lucifer rule the underworld and demons and fallen angels. Guess she figured that if he could do a good job here, it would prove to our dad that he was capable of ruling heaven alongside dad—or if dad ever retired.

  “Why aren’t you getting ready?” Elva frowned at my black halter top and matching leather pants.

  “This is what I normally wear and it hides the blood better.”

  She huffed. “No, to your party.”

  Did no one understand that I had better things to do than go to one of Lucifer’s shenanigans? Before I could protest though, she snatched my arm and dragged me down the hallway.

  I wrenched away from her hold which was surprisingly strong for a
half-demon, half-fallen angel. “I’ve more important things to do now.” And forever. Celebrating was right there under getting a triple root canal.

  “And what if another angel attacks?” She placed her hands on her hips. The black and red buttons on her dress catching the firelight. “Who will protect Lucifer when everyone around him is drunk or stoned or both.”

  My brother was powerful in his own right but he had weaknesses which started with too much partying. He thought himself invincible but pride had always been his downfall.

  As good as Elva was, she wasn’t me. She wouldn’t stand a chance against a heavenly angel. Not for long anyway. Lucifer could fight on his own when he wanted. Provided his judgment wasn’t impaired either by too much partying.

  “Fine.” I sighed. Better to get this over with or I’d have to listen to her whine. Couldn’t torture the angelic prisoner if a half-demon was pouting as she tapped her foot impatiently.

  “Yes! I have the perfect dress for you.”

  I tried not to roll my eyes, but smiled instead. “Can’t wait.”

  Hooking her arm in mine, she dragged me down the hallway toward her chambers. We passed others dressed up and already headed down to the throne room. Male demons were dressed in tuxes while some fallen angels were in black leather pants and jackets with their wings furled. My wings were white with black tips like Lucifer’s. He and I could hide our wings and appear more human-like. Even though wings were cool, they got in the way of fighting unless it was a battle in the air.

  She tugged me into her room where several dresses were laid out across her bed. “See anything that jumps out at you?”


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