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Gates of Hell

Page 3

by Zoey Woods

  “You are an amazing fighter for a demon,” he said with admiration in his voice.

  “Fallen angel,” I corrected, straightening and hiding my wince as best I could. Why did everyone think that Lucifer, me, and all the others that fought with him were pure evil? Just because we didn’t agree with Dad’s strict rules and blind dedication?

  Down the hallway, the click-clack of demon hooves echoed. Shit! The demon-guard. They’d kill Elion for hurting me. As much as he pissed me off, I didn’t want him dead. I wanted to know how he got here, what his mission was, and if my father was now sending assassins over the gateway.

  “Come on,” I grabbed his T-shirt and dragged him down the corridor.


  “If you want to live for longer than twenty seconds, then you’ll listen to a devil.”

  Chapter 7

  I shoved him into a supply closet. Our bodies pressed together and my hands splayed across his chest. The scent of him filled my senses. He smelled of pure sunlight, crisp spring air, and maleness. Totally different from the stench of brimstone and sulfur I’d become accustomed to.

  “Now what?” He cocked an eyebrow.

  “Shhh.” The last thing I wanted was for demon-guard to find me with an angel and how he’d nearly bested me. How I’d almost let him slip past because I was busy checking out his ass.

  Pain shot through my shoulder and I winced.

  “You’re hurt.” He frowned, setting his hands on my hips and staring down at me in a way that made my heart flutter. Traitorous lust heated my veins. I couldn’t fall for this guy. We were enemies.

  “I’m fine.” I straightened, bumping his chin with my head. No one had bested me in a fight in over a thousand years. If my brother or any of the other fallen angels got wind of this, they’d never let me live it down. Lucifer might insist on me taking a lover and settling down to raise devil babies. I couldn’t let that happen. Fighting was in my blood. It was everything to me. Of course, I’d dreamed about finding someone to share my life and passion with but most demons didn’t take protecting my brother or Hell seriously. Except for the demon-guard and they were more monsters than devils. They loved torturing their victims. Ripping out their hearts and feasting on the bloody flesh. They even devoured souls not even letting the deceased find peace.

  “Let me heal your wounds,” his breath whispered across the top of my head.

  I shuddered. I hadn’t had an angelic healing since I left heave eons ago.

  “No thanks.” I pushed back but slammed into the shelves behind me. The iron canisters and cauldrons rattled.

  “It’s no big deal.” His sapphire blue eyes twinkled.

  “I said no. Besides, how do I know you won’t vanquish me and then go after Lucifer?”

  “You think that highly of me?” His voice carried a rough edge now. “That I would betray your trust and harm you? I fight with honor not deceit like a—”

  “Like a lying demon?” I asked adding a razor-sharp tone to my words. “I’ve known plenty of angels and even archangels that had tarnished souls.”

  “Yet they aren’t in Hell,” he said softly.

  “The only difference between you and me,” I jabbed a finger into his chest. “Is that I don’t stand for a tyrant who loves his creation more than his own sons and daughters.”

  “You picked the losing side.”

  His words stung. “Only because of cowards who trembled when dad raised his voice and the Heavens shook. More than half of those who promised to fight with us turned tail and fled.”

  “Lucifer was wrong.”

  “No.” I shook my head. “Maybe his timing was off but he was right. We deserve the same opportunity to chose our destiny as the humans. In fact, Lucifer fulfilled his promise—if not in the way he intended—here, we are free to be whatever we want. Chose our own life.”

  “And love?” He let out a breath. “You’re so far beyond this, Rebecca. Repent and father may take you back into his fold.”

  “Has the god I knew become unwrathful and unvengeful?” I mocked. “No way. I don’t trust him and I don’t trust you. For all I know this could be a way to get me up there as a ransom for Lucifer to face father’s further punishment.”

  His blue gaze saddened. “After all these years, you still have unforgiveness in your heart.”

  I breathed out hard, my anger snapping through me. It was too hot in here. Too confining with this angel a whisper away from me. A metallic taste hit the back of my throat and my vision went gray around the edges.

  “Hey, are you okay?” He grasped my elbows at the same time my knees buckled.

  “Give me a minute.” I’d rather no one see me in this condition but it was too late for Elion.

  “You’ve lost too much blood.”

  The concern in his voice caressed me. A holy angel caring…about me? My wounds must be worse than I thought. I tried to shake my head no again but the movement made the small supply closet we were stuck in wobble.

  But if I passed out and Elion took off after Lucifer, I’d never forgive myself. No one besides me knew another angel had crossed over. His disguise would fool everyone until he was close enough to my brother to strike.

  I squeezed my eyes shut. “Fine. But no funny business like making my blood holy again or something.”

  Last thing I needed was to become allergic to sin and demons. Where would I go if I couldn’t stay here in Hell? Heaven didn’t want me and that suited me just fine. Mortals were okay but only to visit, I wouldn’t want to live there permanently.

  “On my honor, I will heal your wounds, that’s all.” His wings crinkled behind him but his expression was sincere.

  “Do it.” I opened my eyes. “But I swear if you do anything else to me like bind me or anything I will slit your throat. Even if I have to sneak past the pearly gates to do it.”

  Chapter 8

  Pulsating light emanated from his palms as he placed them on my shoulders. Cooling energy shot into me and I gasped. I’d forgotten what pure, angelic healing felt like. It was like sinking into a waterfall of bliss.

  “Thanks,” I said to Elion at the healed wound on my side. Surprise filled me that he’d taken the time to do such a complete job as all he had to do was staunch the blood loss. He could’ve let me pass out and taken the opportunity to sneak off to do whatever he’d come here to do. Or at the very least made me unconscious.

  He nodded.

  The air between us turned suddenly thick. It felt like he was filling more of the space in the small supply room than was possible. My skin prickled. I stared up at him. Maybe I’d been wrong to lump all Heavenly angels into the two categories of either suckups or turncoats.

  “I think the demon-guards are gone now,” he said softly.

  “Hmmm?” God, Elion was handsome. Why couldn’t he have picked our side to fight way back when. He was a great fighter and would’ve been an asset on our side. Was he only following orders in what he thought was his duty? If he heard Lucifer’s original mandate, would have chosen differently? After all, he could’ve rushed off instead of staying with me and healing me.

  He rubbed his chin and my gaze locked on his lips. My skin heated up hotter than the fiery pit and I glanced away quickly.

  “I mean, yes, you’re right. Should be safe for us to get out of this supply closet.” Gah, I was rambling. What the fuck was wrong with me?

  Slowly, I opened the door and checked that the cost was clear. I drew my sword and motioned Elion to follow me. If we ran into anyone too curious about the angel, I’d just act like he was my prisoner and my weapon would put the others at ease. But I still had yet to find out why Elion was even here in the first place.

  We walked down the hallway. “Which way?” I asked. “I mean where are you planning on going?”

  What would happen if he admitted he’d left Heaven of his own volition and wanted to be here? Wanted to be a part of my brother’s original plan. Or that he was a messenger that many of the other angels h
ad had enough of father’s tirades and wanted a change—a new leader—a chance at freedom and not to be automatons following orders no matter what they were.

  I could see myself practicing with Elion. Teaching each other fighting moves. His hands over mine as he guided me in a move. Another shot of lust spiked through my middle and I licked my lips, waiting for his reply to my question about what he was doing here.

  “Lucifer must be stopped. I’m here to see that happens.”

  “Why? Father’s the one who threw him down here. We’ve not heard a peep in forever so why now?” My heart raced. It couldn’t be true.

  “Your brother’s done terrible things.” He gave me a sideways gElion but his jaw was set in a firm line. “I must remove him completely before he does any further damage.”

  “That’s not true. Lucifer is many things but he’s not done anything wrong. Mother and father put him in charge here—over the souls that should be punished and demons and devils alike. If he was doing something wrong why not tell us themselves? Why not send word?”

  He shook his head, marching beside me. “I don’t question the Divine’s will.”

  “No, of course not.” That would help him have a mind of his own. Disappointment stung me because I’d believed he was different.

  Stopping, Elion took my hand in his, making my mind threaten to turn to mush.

  “Rebecca, there is still a chance for you to repent and come back home.”

  Longing tugged in a deep place inside my chest. “And what about Lucifer? Doesn’t he deserve the same after being banished here for merely trying to free our kind?”

  When Elion glanced away, I pulled my hand from his.

  “I have a mission to remove your brother completely.”

  “You mean kill him.” I drew my sword, the metal zinged from the scabbard. “I can’t let you do that. Lucifer is my brother no matter what he’s done.”

  Elion signed, rubbing the back of his neck. “Do what you must, but I won’t be deterred from my orders.”

  My gut tightened. I’d hoped that with Elion healing me that he was different. That he was here to check us out and possibly join our side. Or that other angels had finally realized that my brother had been right and wanted to join with us. To fight for freedom and not to be mindless soldiers and messengers.

  “Put the sword down, Rebecca, and let me pass.”

  “No.” I moved into a fighting stance with one foot planted behind me and my sword raised. My heart hammered in my chest. I couldn’t beat Elion without my weapon. Now the scale tipped slightly in my favor unless he drew his sword as well. “You don’t have to do this. Tell father you won’t…to send someone else.”

  That way I wouldn’t have to kill Elion. I can’t believe I’d let my guard down even for an instant. A moment of weakness that I couldn’t afford to allow to happen again.

  “Don’t make me go through you,” he said.

  “No one touches my brother.”

  In a flash, Elion lunged for me.

  Chapter 9

  Elion drew his sword and smacked the blade down on mine with a vibration that shook the ground beneath us. My arm shook from the strain. Damn, he was strong. If he wasn’t after my brother and wrapped up in my father’s propaganda, I’d really admire his fighting style.

  I parried, then dove for his leg, but he whipped back out of range before bringing his weapon up hard. I slid to the side, the whip of the sword tip grazing my dark hair.

  Shit. I needed to end this soon or he could get past me to Lucifer. I couldn’t let that happened. Nor allow my emotions or his handsome face and tight ass distract me anymore.

  Time to play dirty.

  A binding spell would help me if I could get close enough without Elion striking me with his sword.

  I raced forward, slashing my sword down on his as hard as I could. Then I grasped his wrist and yelled, “Liga hostibus meis ab arte!”

  His hands fused together with an invisible rope. “What?”

  The angelic sword disappeared back to his armor. He had to have at least one hand unbound to call it forth again.

  “Told you.” I pointed my sword at his chest. “No one harms my brother. Come with me.”

  Lucifer needed to see Elion. To know that something was definitely going on now that two angels had shown up in less than twenty-four hours and were after him. I led Elion toward Lucifer’s castle.

  “You know it’s not too late for you to repent,” Elion said as I kept behind him with my sword ready in case he tried anything. “Redeem your soul—you’re not evil.”

  “And my brother is?” I scoffed. No, I didn’t see Lucifer as all evil or all good. He was just himself and didn’t give a shit what anyone else thought about him—not even our all-powerful father. It was one of the things I admired about him that he followed his heart and what he wanted to do with such passion. I was left in awe.

  “It’s too late for him, but not for you. All you’ve done is protect Lucifer. Something I admire but it’s time to face the truth that there’s no saving him from what he’s sown.” Elion looked over his shoulder at me, his face serious. “He must reap the consequences of his actions.”

  “Which are what?” I shrugged. “Partying too hard and defying father? Hardly worth the death sentence in my opinion. But then again, I’m not surprised. Dad always had severe punishments that far outweighed the crime while his mortals were given leniency and forgiveness. Where is the same consideration for us?”

  Elion turned back to the path, silent. He knew I spoke the truth even though he didn’t want to admit it.

  I jerked on the chain binding his hands together. His tempting words swirling in my mind, but they were empty promises. Elion couldn’t guarantee me anything. Not when I was the one who sided with Lucifer and battled two-thirds of the angels until those of us who remained were cast down, forgotten. Until now. Until father decided he wanted my brother dead.

  Didn’t matter that Elion didn’t think I was evil. According to our father, I was guilty by association and by defying him as well because I didn’t fight on his side. Screw that.

  Behind me, Elion was muttering or praying, I couldn’t tell which.

  “Save your words for begging for mercy, angel,” I spat.

  “I’m asking the divine for a way to reach you. That the truth will set you free.”

  “Good luck with that.” I chuckled. “Cause the way I see, I’m the one without the chains on them.”

  He didn’t say anything as I lead him into the castle. Part of me hoped he’d try to fight me again. Or come up with a witty comeback, but he grew quiet. Contemplative. Which shouldn’t have bothered me. And it didn’t—except for an uneasy feeling tightening around my middle.

  Was I doing the right thing by bringing him to Lucifer? Or was this Elion’s plan all along?

  Chapter 10

  Elion and I passed under the bone chandeliers on our way to the throne room. Hundreds of human bones made up the lighted hallway. Mostly for show and Lucifer’s way to keep the demons happy. If they knew he didn’t kill all of these people to make these, they’d think he was too soft and could rebel.

  As though hearing the dead wail through the broken skeletons, Elion stops.

  “Keep moving.”

  We enter the foyer and five demons round the corner. Lowlifes who do anything for scraps from my brother.

  “Holy shit,” Rezar said. “Is that a fucking angel? I thought he’d like glow or we’d hear harps or something.”

  “Move out of our way.” I clenched my teeth.

  “Now, now, not every day we get to mess with one of the divine beings.” Another demon tsked. “Let us have some fun with him, eh Rebecca?”

  Their idea of fun would be pulling all the feathers off his wings. “No. Now move, I need to speak with Lucifer.”

  Rezar blocked my path. “Come on sweet, let us see how good he is in a fight.”

  “Don’t call me sweet or I’ll rip your throat out.”

bsp; He mocks a bow. “As the princess of Hell wishes.”

  The title makes me stiffen. Sure, my brother’s ego is huge and he loves all his fancy titles of prince of darkness and such. I’m just me…Rebecca.

  “You gonna let us have a go at him?” the third demon asks. He’s the smallest in the group but his tusks curve up toward his eyes.

  “No.” I step forward around Rezar.

  They murmur behind us as we continue through the palace. Why did my brother have to build a castle so big? I swear it’s the size of a small country.

  “Never thought Rebecca’s sister would turn traitor,” Rezar’s words echo through the corridor.

  I skid to a halt and spin. “Blasphemy.”

  “Truth as I see it.” The second demon nods his head. “Prove your not an apostate and kill the angel.”

  “And ruin my brother’s fun?” I have to get past these fools to Lucifer. Elion needs to tell him that father sent him and why. If I bring Lucifer a dead angel, he won’t take the threat seriously. Besides, I feel a debt to Elion, because he healed me when he could’ve have left me.

  “I think she’s bluffing,” one of the demons snorts. “He’s hardly got a scratch on him. Like she didn’t even try to hurt him.”

  “Enough of this.” I straighten. “Get out of my way or I’ll redecorate these halls with your demon skulls and blood.”

  Rezar snickered. “Sorry but we don’t serve you. We serve your brother, our prince.”

  All five demons snarled. I tossed off Elion’s leash and drew my sword. Without waiting, the demons attacked. If I didn’t cut them down first, they’d kill me and Elion.

  Chapter 11

  Rezar’s leather wings unfurl and his crooked dagger appears in his hand. Following suit, two more demons copy his moves, circling me and Elion.


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