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The Alien Creator

Page 25

by Michael Miller

  "Excellent Commander," Beck answers after giving Cyborg vessel feedback. "We'll begin looking for tracks leading away from the camp. Can you get Sergeant Mingus down here pronto? Over."

  "Affirmative, Captain; he'll drop in shortly."

  "Beck out;"

  Full Scale Invasion

  In less than an hour, more than a hundred soldiers are looking for Creators in 6-man squads fanned out over a widening area. Meanwhile, Sergeant Robert Mingus is already maneuvering alone outside the compound looking for traces to begin searching from the origin after a harrowing parachute leap out a cargo bay. As Cyborg and the other five Alpha soldiers wait for his expert assessment, they're anxious to get moving.

  "Why are we waiting, Captain?" one NCO presses the ground leader.

  "Mingus is out there and doesn't want ground disturbances and noise until he gets a bead. That's his way, Sergeant; let's give him a few more minutes."

  As Cyborg is set to agree about the delay, Mingus trots back to the squad once exiting the tree line. "All right, sir; I picked up the trail. It starts about a hundred yards out. Tracks near the camp were swept away."

  "Swept away," Beck frowns at the mixed blood Apache and sweating from his work. "I wonder if they know we're here."

  "Who do you mean, sir?" a Corporal follows.

  Mingus grins, "Come on, we're wasting time. Whatever covered the tracks is on to us. We're not alone."

  "What'd you find?" Beck presses the Native American that spent years growing up on an Arizona reservation.

  "Six separate prints; very large deep tracks; I'd guess three to four hundred pounds; maybe heavier, moving toward that mountain," Mingus points at a peak in the distance. "Suggest we direct drones and Apaches."

  "Did you get that, Commander; please redirect assets to grid Tango, sector Niner," he advises after quickly scanning a map. "Acknowledge; over."

  "Ten-four; Tango-Niner; I'm on it, Captain. Good work, out," the boss replies.

  "By the way, Sergeant Mingus, did you find footprints?" Beck asks, his face screwed up as if in pain.

  "Not exactly, sir; it could be animals, but I didn't recognize the impressions. Closest creatures we know might be grizzly bears but distances between strides suggest it's much bigger and none have claws."

  "How fresh are these tracks, Sergeant?"

  "Hard to say, sir; maybe six hours; weeds are still bent over."

  "All right, let's move out; Mingus on point."

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  The Tracker

  hile Apache-Scottish White Tank Mountain parents have no idea what their proud son is doing trillions of miles away, there's little doubt that tracking and hunting skills are bred into him like many human traits passed on by past generations. First Sergeant Robert Mingus, best known as Taklishim or Grey One on the reservation, is careful leading Alpha into unknown territory. Never imagining a vital role like this at present, he takes his job serious as scary images of what they're tracking interrupt thoughts. When other soldiers see the large prints next to their size twelve boots, they grow increasingly concerned by the dimensions and distances between steps.

  Normally confidant tracking men and animals on the reservation, Mingus looks back occasionally ensuring the others are paying close attention. This will not be a typical search and destroy mission for any of them. Once standing in a clearing more than five hundred yards long, he informs Captain Beck that he intends picking up pace since there's no place to hide for what must be extremely tall creatures from broken branches above his head.

  After a lengthy and sweaty run, he comes to a halt at the edge of a rocky, bushy area. Holding up a right fist for the others to stop and kneel, Mingus begins low crawling until he's next to a set of bluish shrubs atop an incline in front of him about twenty paces. He hears loud noises of crunching and falling rocks likely due to heavy impressions. Continuing low crawling until looking into a steep valley, Mingus finds a group of large hairy, gorilla-like specimens talking to a new group of four creatures that just arrived. Though tall, erect, and athletic, they're speaking a complex language unlike grunts and chest pounds. Bobby is unsure how to describe them due to their command of the language that all understand. Before retreating to rejoin comrades, Mingus is suddenly overcome by odd sinking feelings telling him the creatures suspect he's watching them. Certain he wasn't spotted, Mingus remains disappointed in himself for an apparent mistake.

  "I believe they sense we're here, Captain," Mingus says hustling back to the squad. "I'd prepare for an attack and hope I'm wrong."

  "What'd you see?"

  "Six hostiles joined by another group of three are conversing about two hundred paces down the incline."

  "Are they armed?" Beck asks.

  "Nothing visible, sir, but I sense this new trio are hunters which means they'll probably try flanking us."

  "Did you see any Creators?"

  "One, sir; it could be a child and was being carried."

  "Any idea what we're facing?" Beck addresses Cyborg. "We don't have much time."

  Cyborg is inclined to chase the Creator but assumes they could easily kill it as well. "They are probably robots, Captain. Agile and strong but your weapons should offset their superior frames. I'd use headshots for safe measure."

  "All right; you heard Cyborg. Command is monitoring this conversation and sending support, but for now, we're alone. Here's what I want," he tells his soldiers as they await orders.

  Aboard Navi

  Commander Jacko replayed the tense conversation between Beck and Cyborg then updates a battlefield map for the coordinates of Alpha team. Soon after, he instructs the cargo bay to release two A-10 gunships. When airborne, he'd personally convey coordinates to the pilots. Opting not to use war-bot this early in the war, it will be kept in reserve until significant threats loom.

  Once the command is given, support troops in the bustling cargo bay scramble workloads to move A-10s in front of other equipment expected next. Due to the sudden contact with enemy forces, it's unclear if the Warthogs can reach Alpha in time. When the cargo bay commander passes along an update for launch is still eight minutes away, Jacko comes unglued.

  "We've six troopers in need of air support against mechanical apes the size of buildings," he begins sternly, scars on his face more pronounced than usual. "If I come down there and those A-10s aren't airborne in five minutes, I'll toss you out the cargo bay. Now, did I make myself clear, Sergeant Buckthorn?"

  "Yes, sir; message is loud and clear; out."

  Alpha Team

  Though Alpha coordinates and the utter excitement of finding a Creator spreads across the network, the nearest team is thirty to forty minutes away on foot. As a drone is retasked, it's a guess what level of support can reach them in time for the fight about to ensure.

  As Mingus and another NCO move left to avoid outflanking, two others maneuver in the opposite direction. Meanwhile, Beck and Cyborg prepare for what's coming up the steep grade based on heavy crunching rocks eliminating the element of surprise. Ready to engage, Captain Beck listens as automatic gunfire and explosions on both sides cause considerable consternation. Unable to make contact with either flank, he's suddenly in his own world of hurt as a gorilla-like robot runs over the ridge and attacks at gazelle speed.

  When the enemy long jumps at Beck and Cyborg over a long distance, perhaps twenty-five feet, they're overwhelmed as spent rounds miss the head. Both fall back from crushing weight of the scary monster as it begins taking Beck to task for inflicting chest and leg wounds. Instantly in peril, Beck is tossed aside like a doll as Cyborg slowly regains senses.

  Charging at the beast with considerable momentum, Cyborg strikes the machine's head with great force, likely ten times more than humanly possible. The creature falls back wondering what he's facing, a tall strange being unlike the weaker soldier. Perhaps angered by his situation, the two predators lock horns in mortal combat as Beck lies nearby dizzy, bleeding, and moaning.

  A-10 Pilots

bsp; "We're at the coordinates, Commander. There's no way of intervening without injuring friendlies. Cyborg and a hairy creature are battling one on one, sir. Please advise; over. One man is down."

  "Stand by."

  As Jacko tries reaching Beck, it's uncertain if he's still in the game. "Come in, Captain; A-10s are overhead. We need you to move out of there, son; over."

  "No sir," Beck manages, though breathing is shaky and voice is weak. "You'll hit Cyborg; stand by, I can help him."

  Pulling a 45-caliber from his holster, Jacko aims through glassy eyes while lying and bleeding before firing at the beast hoping to hit its head or neck. Spending two more cartridges, it's clear he hit the mark with at least one round as the monster responds with terrifying sounds of pain or anger. Distracted for a few precious moments, Cyborg picks up a large rock and repeatedly smashes the alien's head before it recovers.

  Soon after, the A-10s split up to find the other men. In little time, the pilots are asking permissions to engage as each finds similar large creatures closing in on Beck's position.

  "Hit them," Jacko exclaims. "They've broken through our flanks."

  Once banking around, the pilots put aircraft noses down then dive toward targets planning to minimize stray lethal rounds. Slowing to one-hundred fifty miles an hour, the exceptionally tough titanium-armor gunships with twin-engines and single-seats are growling past swirls of a violent carnage.

  Aftermath of First Encounter

  Additional troops finally arrive and find the four flanking soldiers injured to varying degrees, two serious enough for Medivac with punctures, broken bones, and deflated spirits. Though Bobby Mingus was least affected, he's hard on himself for letting the creature sneak up on them in their defensive position without firing a shot. Bobby had learned that heavy crunching feet is tactical in nature since there wasn't a whisper before the attack. Despite the harsh lesson, he recalls his father, Soaring Eagle, would dispatch him alone in the desert as punishment for combat missteps, ones later in life he knew could cost tribe member lives. In the desert usually days later, he'd report back tired and ashamed when answers from war gods revealed his tactical errors. Today however, ready for payback Taklishim and Cyborg hook up with a new squad led by Captain Win Jakes. Ordered to continue where Beck left, Mingus passes the picture book, complemented with Beck's bloody fingerprints, before the team resumes.

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Last of the Creators

  ommander Jacko gets new life and vigor when an Apache helicopter finds the six creatures carrying what appears to be a child based on zoom lens coverage at ten thousand feet. Miles from the last encounter, the Navy Special Ops leader soon figures his squad can't overtake them if calculations of their prey's foot speed is real. While super fast humans can move one to two meters per second or three to five miles an hour, these mechanical beasts advance about triple the rate. The only option left is an air assault that leapfrogs them. Consequently, twenty-four reserve soldiers aboard Navi gear up as the next phase in the war takes unpredicted turns. Twenty minutes later, two loaded Osprey take the long way around the targets as a drone keeps tabs out of visible range.

  "This is the bridge, Commander," an unexpected call enters his headset. "Lieutenant Nelson and Zote stepped out to check thrusters, so I'm calling instead, sir."

  "Make it snappy; I'm busy. With whom am I speaking?"

  "Billy Goddard, sir, senior navigator."

  "Ok Billy, what's on your mind?"

  "Two blips appeared on radar about three minutes ago."

  "What blips?"

  "Two vessels, sir, traveling at light speed are heading for us. They'll be close in several hours at current rates. I'd guess they used a time fold due to close proximity without being seen."

  "All right; once Zote and Nelson are back on the bridge, have them call after assessing the situation. I'd assume they're coming for Creators or what's left of them."

  "Yes, I'll do that; one more thing, sir."

  "Shoot Billy."

  "They're big, maybe twice our size, sir."

  "All right; creatures on the planet with the Creator are large as well, so it ties. It appears we're going to face an army of Philistines and I doubt we'll have our teams back on board in six hours."

  "Philistines?" Billy presses.

  "Goliath, Billy."

  "Right, sir; bridge out."


  Two dozen bearded soldiers donning tactical gloves, kneepads, knives, and M4 carbines, pile from their rides and deploy as the Osprey aircraft lifts off the surface. Based on updates from an overhead drone, their team leader points them to a ridgeline about two miles away. The volunteers, largely from the ranks of Navy Seals, Green Berets, Rangers, and Delta Force, double-time toward targets with explicit instructions to control fire until the Creator is safe. Soon, the men spread atop the ridge gazing into a valley below in the distance at what has to be the scariest creatures possible. Cross between Bigfoot and King Kong, the rapidly moving kidnappers are heading toward them at a pace none can believe. The order from command to begin the engagement using nonlethal force has them concerned, although none appears to be carrying weapons.

  "All right," Captain Win Jakes says once pulling back from the peak and regrouping. "Here's what we're going to do. Bravo team, you'll hold back and monitor the situation as I take Alpha to confront them using threats, fists, brass knuckles, and knives if necessary. Our only concern is securing the Creator. If they don't give up without a fight and we don't secure the package then Bravo is authorized to thin enemy ranks from this ridge, but under no circumstances are you to fire at the creature holding the Creator; that target is off limits. I don't care if we're getting our butts kicked, don't fire anywhere near the target. If the Creator separates and you have clear lines of fire, then you can take the shot. Am I clear? We will deliver the package to Navi without damage. Remember, Cyborg suspects they're mechanical despite their strange looks. Think of us as junkyard dogs attacking fence-jumpers stealing hubcaps."

  Once Bravo team forms a firing line at the ridge and waits as Alpha team drops packs, weapons, and gear, apprehension mounts as clarity of their six foes becomes more apparent as distance wanes. Hairy bodies, athletic movements, and energetic large steps indicate the aliens don't appear tired despite a lengthy pursuit already twenty miles or more from its inception.

  Meanwhile, interested viewers aboard Navi watch events on the ground as two dozen soldiers prepare to engage. As Win Jakes waits for the right time to emerge, he receives a call from Commander Jacko.

  "Captain; Commander Jacko; your plan is sound; over."

  "Thank you, sir. We'll be moving out in a few minutes; over."

  "There are two bogies approaching from deep space that are probably extractions for these aliens. Under no circumstances are you to let them escape with the Creator. Is that clear?"

  "Affirmative; the package belongs to us."

  "If they spot us, we may be forced to fight. In that event, all bets are off returning to Navi anytime soon. Right now, we have staff, equipment, and supplies being delivered to the Creator base camp that will sustain you in case we're damaged or destroyed. Once that process is complete, we're taking defensive positions to monitor and engage if needed. Is that understood; over?"

  "Affirmative, sir, once we secure the package we'll return to base camp and wait for contact. I assume you'll be dark until then; over."

  "Affirmative, all communications will be shut down to avoid detection. You'll be getting half our medical support, a few engineers, and the bulk of ground military personnel; over."

  "What about Zote and Cyborg, sir; over?"

  "We need Zote but Cyborg will be at the camp. You'll need it to communicate with the Creator. Do you have the picture book? Showing it to the Creator might ease concerns when you recover it; over."

  "Roger, Billy Goddard's picture storybook is in my pocket, sir. What about Captain Beck's team; over?"

  "I sent them back to the base ca
mp for treatment. All but Mingus is injured. It's up to your team to secure the Creator, maybe the last one alive; over."

  "Understood; we're up to the task; over."

  "If we don't make it back, Captain, then you'll be on your own. Make this planet a good home and perhaps someday you'll get new visitors from Earth. I know there are contingency plans; over."

  "Thank you, sir, but I expect we’ll see you soon. Good hunting; Captain Jakes out."

  Gang Fight

  Although hand-to-hand fighting isn't desired or ideal, Captain Win Jakes and Alpha team emerge from behind the ridge of the steep mountain as Bravo team watches through rifle scopes. Immediately the six aliens stop moving while assessing the situation, seemingly discussing limited options. Realizing it's either retreat or fight due to rugged cliffs on either side, the large hairy creatures opt to continue. As one carrying the Creator, a small, weak live being with oversize head, pale skin, and slender eyes, holds back, perhaps the oldest or leader, the other five giants edge up the incline, this time spreading out moving tactically. While a drone captures tense ground events, including close-ups of the young Creator, leaders aboard Navi sense tenuous turns in the mission.

  As Jakes and Alpha team advance toward the five giants wondering if they'll see another day, they note movements suggesting experience, coordination, and resolve. The machines appear more like rugged intelligent animals making them leery and overly cautious. Nearing with each step, the scary moment of conflict arrives. After war cry yelps from Jakes elevate team spirit needing a boost, the twelve intrepid warriors suddenly charge downhill with reckless abandon like 13th century Scottish warriors led by William Wallace. Two-hundred-plus pound bodies fling like ragdolls as others twist and roll on the ground once tackling prey like gridiron football players during an opening kick-off. Like a street melee unable to decide winners and losers, action is fierce and wild. Meanwhile, Jakes gets the upper hand on his opponent using a rear choke as an NCO attempts controlling the creature's thick arms. Wild swings at his head connect that hurl the dizzy sergeant backward with blood and bruising serving as testimony to the powerful blow. As Captain Jakes prays the martial arts technique will work on the unbelievably advanced and lifelike machine, he finally senses decreasing resistance as sweat pours from his weakened body.


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