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The Water Witch

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by L E Gordon

  The Water Witch

  L.E. Gordon

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author except in the case of brief quotations embodies in critical articles or reviews. This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales, is entirely coincidental.

  For Dougie

  Always in our hearts

  For Mam and Dad

  Thanks for being my biggest supporters


  I shivered under my ceremonial cloak, glad of the weight of the heavy fabric, but knowing I would have to bare myself to the elements before too long, bathe in the silver moon light and worship my goddess.

  Tonight’s full moon was special, coinciding with a high tide. I always felt the goddess closer to me on these nights when her fullness was reflected in the water, doubling her power. My feet walked the well-worn path through my garden to the sea, knowing every stone and bump that was there to meet them. I stopped at the edge of the grass, before it fell to the sand.

  Standing on the shoreline of my small Scottish village, I revelled in how bright the night was, my senses heightened I smelled the salt in the air, heard the small waves breaking on the sand and felt every blade of grass under my feet.

  Untying my cloak I let the heavy velvet slip off my shoulders, taking its warmth with it. Exposed, I raised my bare arms in salute and felt all the worries of the day wash away. Power started to fill my naked body; I stepped off the grass onto cool sand and walked into the water that was lapping at the secluded beach.

  Careful of my footing, I waded out till I was up to mid-thigh and cleansed myself in the cold water, goose bumps appearing over my arms and legs, from the freezing water splashing over my breasts.

  Satisfied I had washed away the last month’s cobwebs I was ready to turn to go back to the grass to put my cloak back on and finish my ritual. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a dark shape move in the water, slowly coming closer. My night vision was excellent and with Mother Moon giving so much light tonight, I recognised the seal I had seen earlier that week.

  Watching the movement of the seal, I raised my hand in greeting to him, always respectful of the ocean’s creatures, and he seemed to nod back. It was freezing in the water, and I wished I was back on land covered by the warmth of my heavy cloak, but I was fascinated at the lack of fear the seal showed. He dipped under the waves again and swam closer, raising his head to look at me, showing only curiosity.

  A sudden caress of magic brushed my skin, raising even more goose bumps than I already had. I glanced round for the source of it and was surprised when seal shimmered, revealing in his place a man wearing a long hooded coat.

  I dipped my head to the man, excited to meet my first Selkie, “Greetings from the land, Selkie, my hearth and home welcome you,” I spoke, remembering my schooling on how to address these magical creatures.

  “I thank you for your hospitality witch, and will be honoured to join you at your hearth,” he replied, with a voice that held a lilt to it that was neither Scottish nor Irish, but somewhere in between.

  Niceties over, he took in my naked body, his eyes slowly running over from top to bottom. “You are pleasing to me, do you find me acceptable?” He took off his coat revealing black wavy hair, liquid black eyes and a well-muscled, body that would have any woman nodding their approval.

  “I do indeed find you acceptable,” I replied, my smile meeting his gaze.

  Selkies were known to be amazing lovers and I couldn’t believe my luck; I was in for a busy night. Turning, I led the way to my home, collecting my cloak on the way. I opened the door and invited him in to the fire, where we stood side by side in the light of the flames, warmth taking away the chill from the autumn night.

  “May I know your name?” I asked, knowing some creatures didn’t like to give out their names for fear of it being used against them.

  “My name is Michael little witch, will you share yours?”

  “I’m Tarn,” I replied.

  Chapter one

  My kids were driving me nuts, running about, screaming and giving each other zap’s with their blossoming powers. I had asked them nicely to play quietly or go outside, but they seemed determined to drive me insane. Time to pull out the big guns.

  I made my favourite tea and checked to see if there were any biscuits left, or if my twins had eaten them all in a feeding frenzy to rival sharks. With all my supplies in place I sat at the worn kitchen table and looked at them running about and screaming like banshees.

  Under my breath I said “Silentium” and, with a flick of my fingers, sent the spell to do its job and was greeted with instant silence.

  I sighed, enjoying the quiet as it descended and picked up the kitchen timer and set it to give me ten minutes to myself. Not for the first time I lamented that I couldn’t share this with my human friends. Pretty much every parent I know would pay a fortune for the ability to mute their kids and get a bit of peace. Unfortunately there were rules against sharing magic, so I would enjoy my ten minutes of silence while the kids were happily playing and I couldn’t hear a thing they were saying.

  Savouring my oolong I closed my eyes and thought about the upcoming feast; Mabon was a favourite celebration in our coven and I was looking forward to it. Enjoying the last of my tea I got up to rinse my mug and heard the back door opening.

  Turning to see who my visitor was I let out a squeal of delight, Michael was finally home!

  “You’re back!” I ran to him and was scooped up in a hug by my Selkie husband, who had been away to visit his pod and do some treasure hunting while he was at sea.

  “I am my little witch,” he said, after he had kissed me quite thoroughly, “and it looks like I’m just in time to save your sanity. Kids driving you crazy?” he asked, nodding at our two children who were so caught up in their game they hadn’t noticed their father coming in.

  “Just a wee bit, I needed ten minutes of peace. I was about to pop the spell bubble when you came in, why don’t you go back out and you can surprise them?”

  He quickly headed out the door just as the timer went off and I undid the spell; the kids totally unaware of what I had done. Once again the door opened and Michael entered the house for a second time.

  “Daddy!” Both children forgot their game and ran straight to Michael, who opened his arms to draw them in for a hug.

  “You’re back! I missed you so much!” Ailsa launched herself at her father, desperate for the hugs she longed for when he was away.

  “I missed you too, my little pup,” Michael replied, scooping her and her twin brother Aaron up into a bear hug and flopping down on the old green sofa, both of them squealing in delight. After kisses and tickles and hugs, the twins settled down enough for Aaron to remember his dad had been away.

  “Did you bring any treasures home, Dada?” Aaron was always eager to see what his daddy found when he was away on his “trips”.

  Michael smiled, and produced a pouch from his pocket. The kids jumped up in excitement pulled him over to the table to see what he had collected.

  As he poured out the treasures from the soft brown leather pouch, the children’s faces lit up with delight. Each of them picked up a special piece that called to them. Ailsa lifted a pearl the size of my thumb nail, turning it over in her hand, examining it with a child’s curiosity.

  Aaron, like a magpie, went straight for a bright-blue stone, which glittered in the sunlight coming through the kitchen window. He held it up so it caught the light and threw blue sparkles round the w

  Pretending that we hadn’t already greeted each other, I walked over to Michael, who gave me another passionate kiss, which made the kids giggle and took my breath away. Looking into his black eyes, I smiled; “I missed you too, love, glad to have you home. Looks like you picked up quite a haul this trip.”

  Michael smiled back at me, “That I did my little witch. The ocean was very generous, I won’t need to look for more for a while.”

  His strong arms lifted me up and spun me round without a problem then he put me down and lifted the kids up again, much to their delight.

  “How about I make some tea and you can tell Daddy all about your adventures?” I said as Michael deposited them back the sofa.

  I gestured him to sit with the children and filled the kettle, putting it on the stove to boil. While the water heated they told him what they had been doing at day care, that they had stayed at their Aunty’s on Saturday while I worked and the fun they had playing with Granny’s new kitten.

  Ailsa sat on Michael’s lap playing with his hands as she told him how next time he came back from his trip he needed to bring her a kitten instead of treasures, which Aaron fully agreed with.

  “Kittens are much more fun than shiny stones Daddy, and you can get them from Granny’s friend so you don’t need to go away. You can just go to Granny and ask for one.” he explained earnestly.

  Michael smiled. “A kitten would be grand, my wee ones, but it wouldn’t help pay for the electricity, would it now?”

  “No, but it would be sooooooo much fun Daddy!” Ailsa replied. She batted her eyelashes at him, making her blue eyes look huge, knowing she would be likely to get her own way as he could never say no for long.

  “That it would, darling, but they take a lot of work to look after. I’ll speak to your mamma about it later on. Now how about you and your brother play outside so I can get something to drink?”

  Michael winked at me, and I backed him up. “Yes, kids, go out to the garden and have a run about while Daddy has his tea. I’ll give you a shout soon to have dinner.”

  We watched them scamper out the door into the late-afternoon sun, shouting instructions at each other for their game.

  “Are you needing to get your land legs back, love?” I asked, seeing he was tired.

  Michael nodded, closing his eyes - “The tides weren’t in my favour for coming home at night. A cup of tea, some quiet, and your home cooking will see me good, darlin’.”

  Glad of the quiet, he put his feet up on a wooden stool and pulled me to his lap. Happy to be held against his strong chest, I breathed in the smell of the sea from his skin and hair.

  “Did you go far this time? You were away longer than usual,” I said, still snuggled into his neck his long black hair tickling my cheek.

  “Not far, there were things to take care of with the pod. I had to spend some time at The Rocks.” Michael replied

  My body stiffened slightly at the mention of the pod, the Selkie side of Michael’s life. I was always wary when it came to them, wondering if he wanted to take a female Selkie for a wife rather than be with his land family.

  When we became an official couple I had insisted on a contract, it stipulated he could only have a sexual relationship or take another woman as his wife after we had mutually agreed to finish our relationship. Selkies were Fae, and they upheld their agreements in the same way as their land loving cousins. He would not break that promise for fear of the repercussions not only from me, but also from his pod.

  Sensing my worry, he kissed the top of my head. “Don’t worry, love, you’re the only woman I want. It was a dispute between two young males over territory. I needed to help settle it before it came to physical action.”

  I relaxed again, with a sigh of relief, and snuggled in closer. “Well I’m glad it’s sorted out and you are back with us. The stones you brought back should keep us going for ages. I’ll speak to Kenna tomorrow and you guys can get started on designs to sell.”

  “You witches amaze me with what you can turn your talents too. Who would have thought a fire witch would be so good at silverwork? I’m glad the partnership has worked out or we would have to find another way to sell the stones.” Michael replied.

  “She told me last week that she has had four more requests for custom pieces; the confidence spell she is working into each piece is helping the people who wear them feel good about themselves and it has the bonus that people are drawn to them. Got to love it when magic for someone else it works in your favour,” I told him.

  Michael’s stomach rumbled and I realised It was nearly dinner time. I had no fresh fish in the house and would have to go into Kilbrae to visit the fishmonger. Reluctantly I moved from his arms and got to my feet, picking up my purse and car keys I bent down to give him a kiss.

  “I’ll be back in fifteen minutes and we can have dinner. Keep an eye on the kids, will you love?”

  He waved me off then went into the garden to sit in the sunshine and watch the kids run about. I went out the front door and jumped into my battered red Mini Cooper to go to the fish shop in town.

  Living beside the sea meant fresh fish every day, but like the ocean herself, the catch could be temperamental, some days being bountiful, others being less so. Today wasn’t a good catch, so I settled for some smoked haddock and walked back to the car to head home. On the short walk Kenna spotted me and waved me over.

  “Merry Met Kenna,” I greeted her and was pulled in for a quick hug. At 5 foot 8, she was taller than me and I ended up with a mouthful of her flaming-red curls and was hit on the forehead by the large silver earrings she wore like talismans.

  “Merry Met Tarn, how are you and the kids?” she replied with our traditional witches greeting.

  “We’re all good and Michael got home today with a big bag of goodies for you guys to work on. There is a pearl as big as my thumb nail; it’s beautiful. Do you want to come over tomorrow for morning tea? We would love to see you and the twins are missing their Aunty Kenna!”

  “Of course! I can be over by ten o’clock and I’ll bring my sketch pad. Blessed Be, Tarn, give them all a hug from me. I’ve got to run, I have a training session with Joe lined up.” she replied, the smile on her face saying it may not be the type of session that Joe would give his other clients.

  I laughed and shook my head, turning towards my car. “You enjoy that. Say hi to Joe for me.”

  I was home in no time and while our dinner of poached fish and roast veggies was cooking, I snuggled with Michael and filled him in on meeting Kenna.

  “I bumped into Kenna when I was out. She’s coming over in the morning.”

  Michael closed his eyes and nodded. “It’ll be good to start work on the pieces. Do you want any of the stones for yourself? Kenna could make you something special.”

  He always wanted to bring me gems and pearls, but I didn’t need anything I couldn’t already provide for myself. It was an age-old tug of power between us, one that we both accepted. But, like his seal alter ego, he still liked to play the part of dominant male.

  “All I want is you. I have no need for fancy jewels or designer clothes. You are enough and always will be,” I told him firmly.

  “You are a stubborn woman, but you are my love and my mate so I have only myself to blame for my choice.” He kissed me on my head.

  “Glad you see it that way,” I laughed. “Dinner is almost ready. Could you bring the kids in and get them to wash their hands while I dish it up?

  After dinner we played a card game as a family. After what could have been the five hundred and twenty fifth game, but was probably only six games in reality, we called it a night. Bath, stories, and snuggles, and the twins were soon asleep in the room they shared, leaving us to relax without interruption.

  “Do you want to watch TV, love, or listen to some music?” I asked Michael.

  His eyes were heavy and I realised he was exhausted from his long swim back to us.

  “I believe it’s time for me to sleep.
Will you join me in bed so I can be near you?” he asked.

  “I’d like nothing better. Why don’t you have a shower to get rid of all the salt and I’ll be there once I’ve made a cup of tea.”

  By the time I went through he was in bed, almost asleep. I put my tea on the bedside table and got in beside him, knowing he would drift off in moments.

  He turned and draped an arm over me, pulling me in for a sleepy kiss. “Sorry love, I’m not up to anything else tonight. Tomorrow will be another matter thought.” Chuckling, he rolled over and was soon snoring lightly.

  I picked up my book, lying beside him enjoying his warmth I was safe, loved and happy. I read until my eyes got heavy then put my book down, I turned to Michael the corners of my mouth tugging upwards. He was so peaceful in his slumber. I dropped a kiss on his stubbled cheek and watched as he smiled. I rolled over and turned off the light, Michaels rhythmic breathing lulling me to sleep.

  Chapter two

  Michael had fed and dressed the kids by the time I got out of bed. Glad of the opportunity to wake up naturally after his long absence, and his attention to my body in the early hours of the morning, I wasn’t in a hurry to move.

  A quick shower washed away the last of the cobwebs and I walked over to my wardrobe to hunt for clothes. This was always a bit of drama for me; I loved clothes, and before kids I would wear proper outfits that I had taken time to put together. Since becoming a mum with two pre-schoolers, I went for practicality over design. It was depressing.

  Peeking outside, it looked bright and sunny, and considering it had been unusually warm for September I grabbed a pair of black jeans and a black long sleeve shirt, then threw a checked wrap over the top of it and fastened it with a beautiful Celtic pin that Kenna made for me as a gift. This was as put together as I got these days, but at least it had a bit of an edge to it.

  “Mamma, I thought you were never going to get up, you slept for so long!” cried Ailsa, dramatically drawing out “‘so’” for way longer than she needed to. The girl was going to end up on stage if she kept up her theatrics.


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