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The Ithaden’s Slave

Page 12

by Daniella Wright

  Xuff was looking at her quizzically.

  “Are you asking if Sidanav became your mate out of obligation for the baby?” The Ithaden sounded a bit incredulous. “It must be this memory wipe. I always thought it was an inherently bad idea but there was no talking you out of it. You were as determined to protect Sidanav from the Xerrks, from finding out he was the father of the Third Sun and making him a target as well, as he was determined to protect you. You thought that forgetting who he was would be safer for him. But if you had your memory, Kate…” Xuff paused to actually embrace her.

  Although Kate was taken aback by the Ithaden’s familiarity, she didn’t resist. It actually felt nice, being hugged by a friend… Isn’t that what Xuff was becoming? Or perhaps they were both a bit high?

  “Ah, you humans and your odd fears,” Xuff said, not unkindly, still holding her. “If you had your memory, you would realize that what Sid and you have is true and freely chosen. He was so taken by you from the first moment he saw you! He even consulted me about it, as is our custom when your mate wants to move on to another mate. Although we never officially became that, he still wanted my… blessing, as you would call it. I told him it was a horrible idea, mating with a human. Especially the human who carries in her womb the manifestation of an ancient prophecy. And then we both laughed and we realized he would do it anyway. There was nothing that could keep Sidanav away from something he really wanted. And I have never seen him want anything more than to be with you.”

  Xuff gently released Kate from the embrace and got up.

  “I enjoyed our conversation. Perhaps we will share more steam in the future. But I’ve dwindled too long and I must go back to my duties. I also made Sidanav promise he wouldn’t barge in here, that he would let me talk to you first, so I imagine he must be getting quite anxious.”

  Xuff was almost at the door now. Kate got up as well.

  “Xuff, can you… can you tell Sid to come find me here? If he wants and he’s not needed in repairs of the ship and stuff? I’m not ready to leave this place yet, but I don’t want him to worry or be sad.”

  Was that a mischievous smile on the Ithaden’s face?

  “Will do. By the way, this room has unlimited 3D printing potential. Meaning, it’s not just a human bathroom or an Ithaden cave. You can make it whatever you want it to be, as long as it’s an option that’s available on the printer’s database. Perhaps look at what is there and choose an environment both you and Sidanav could… relax in?”

  Winking at a flustered Kate, Xuff opened the door and left.

  Kate had to admit it: she wasn’t great at planning for romance. The very few times that she had invited someone to her Wall Street apartment, she never even knew what to wear, let alone what to do and how to ‘set the mood’. And here she was now, in an alien ship that traveled through space and time, stuck at the End of the Universe… trying to plan a romantic set up for her and Sid to sit and talk. Well, at the very least, talk.

  Keeping the cavern-like appearance of the room that Xuff had set up felt wrong somehow, like a violation of her friend’s privacy. On the other hand, taking a look at the 3D printer’s database of options proved to be exhausting. Mostly because it made Kate realize that yet another side effect of the memory wipe, was that her amnesiac self had no idea what Sid would like. An American-style diner, like the one he 3D printed for her the first night? A replica of his room at the Ithaden palace? Perhaps she should have asked Xuff for her advice before she left… No, this was something she needed to figure out on her own. And fast. Xuff had left about ten minutes ago, so Sid would probably show up any moment now.

  “I shouldn’t be nervous. It’s not like we haven’t done this before,” Kate mumbled to herself while browsing options. And then it hit her: they had probably been in this room before, hadn’t they? So what did that look like? Checking the user settings on her wrist terminal, Kate saw that although the ‘bathroom’ setup was saved as a default option, there was another one. After a brief consideration, she picked that second option. She was putting the final touches in her selection and debating whether she should print a different outfit as well (she was still in her bathrobe), when Sid opened the door. He had his illusion shield on, looking once more like a red-haired human man.

  “Xuff said… you were ready to talk to me?”

  Sid’s voice trailed off, looking at the space around him. Kate was pleased with herself. Not only had she figured out the settings for the 3D printer on time, but that particular setup she’d chosen was exquisite.

  They were standing inside a hotel room suite; a replica of a Four Seasons one Kate had spent a few days in while at a work conference. The walls were decked with pinstriped tapestry, making the room look like it had been plucked from a different century. There was a carved, round table at the far end of the room, perfect for a candlelit dinner for two; an old gramophone next to it playing soft, classical music. In one corner, a brown leather couch surrounded by book cases made for a cozy nest. As for the other corner of the room, it was dominated by a big, four-poster bed with satin sheets… Kate always thought this was the most beautiful, romantic room she’d ever been in. Throughout that conference, she was secretly disappointed she had no one to share that room with. Well, she was sharing it with Sid now.

  Kate sat at the couch, folding her knees under her plush bathrobe. She signalled for Sid to join her. He did, looking a bit unsure as per what to expect. Kate started talking.

  “I’m sorry I ran away from you. Again. I have this thing where, when I get upset or just need time to process new information, I hide away. Retreat to a corner to be by myself for a while. But I realize now that this is the old Kate. The Kate that didn’t have you.”

  She smiled to him, as bravely as she could. Sid opened his mouth to speak, but her fingers flew to his lips. There was more she still had to say.

  “The thing is, Sid, I had a conversation with Xuff. Or should I say, your ex fiancé,” Kate chuckled. Sid looked slightly alarmed at this, so she took his hand in hers, to show him everything was alright.

  “What I meant to say is, I think I understand better now. I understand how you think. You didn’t tell me you were the father of my child for the same reason you didn’t tell me about our relationship right away, when I drove to the Yardley address you gave me to find you… You didn’t know how the mind wipe had affected my feelings for you, for us. As with everything else you’ve done for me, you wanted to make sure I would choose this freely. And I do, Sid. I chose this. Miracle baby, ancient prophecies, intergalactic drama and all. If you’re included in this insane package, I’ll take it.”

  That was the closest thing to a romantic confession Kate had ever attempted in her whole life. She was still holding his hand, she realized, so she took it and placed it on her belly instead. Where their child was currently residing. “I have no idea what will happen with this kid. You’ll help me figure it out, won’t you?”

  In Sid’s eyes, there was all the response Kate needed. But his next words were an even better one.

  “Ror told me before, when I was worried about you, that you had asked him what Ith-rassil means. It means, “First Sun of my heart”. My people don’t usually say it a lot apart from during the wedding ceremony, but then we don’t have many words for endearment between couples in general. But there was no other word I ever felt like it could describe what you mean to me. What you are to me.”

  Now that was a much better romantic confession, Kate thought. Certain that she would never be able to top something like that with words, she let her actions speak instead. Sliding closer to Sid on the couch, she wrapped her arms around his neck and burrowed her head there.

  It was such a strange sensation: she could see the red hair on his illusion shield but her fingers grazed his true, hairless skin, feeling the scales on his neck. For a second, she tried to decipher whether she’d rather for him to keep this visage or remove it, show his true Ithaden shape. But she realized quickly that it didn’t re
ally matter. Her attraction to him was deeply rooted and had even grown stronger by learning more about him. At this point, it was about who he was, not what he looked like.

  Her face still buried in Sid’s neck, Kate started laying a series of soft kisses there. She didn’t have to wonder whether he liked it; she could feel his skin literally getting warmer by the second. His hand was still on her belly, although now clutching the belt of her bathrobe. His other hand wandered toward her naked thigh, his fingers tracing her soft skin. When she looked up from his neck, Kate realized that the need and hunger in Sid’s eyes only echoed her own need. Her own hunger. Without thinking about what she was doing, she straddled him on the couch and leaned in. Their mouths found one another in a passionate kiss.

  After a few seconds of Sid kissing her while his hands played with the belt of her bathrobe, the realization hit her: Kate was naked under there. Perhaps she was being too brazen, moving too fast… But she didn’t care. They had gotten so close to going all the way before and she definitely didn’t feel like waiting any second longer. She could feel his bulge growing under her bare legs, exciting her even further. Following some kind of instinct she didn’t know she had, Kate playfully bit Sid’s lower lip to show him how much she craved him.

  With a soft groan, Sid’s hands went for Kate’s hair, tilting her head back and breaking off their kiss.

  “You drive me crazy, Ith-rassil,” he whispered, giving her a look that made her feel even more naked than she was.

  And then, both his hands traveled to the belt of her bathrobe, untying it completely.

  Kate could feel Sid’s strong hands caressing her naked skin, from her back to her belly and her breasts, leaving a trail of warmth behind them. He didn’t spend long playing with her breasts this time though… His fingers traveled up toward her shoulders, slowly letting her bathrobe drop to the floor, his eyes not leaving hers for a second. Kate was completely naked now, her perky breasts and soft belly all out in the open for him to look at. She didn’t mind at all. If anything, she felt a strange mix of comfort and excitement, as if her body knew how to be naked in front of Sid.

  “But that’s not fair… You are still dressed,” she said, teasingly.

  Sid gave a hearty laugh and hugged her tight. So tight, it took her a second to realize that he had gotten up from the couch, taking her with him. With Kate’s stark-naked body wrapped tight around him, Sid headed toward the four-poster bed.

  It was like all of Kate’s senses where on fire. Lying on the satin sheets, her head propped comfortably against a plush pillow, she moaned as every centimeter of her body was being caressed, kissed, pinched, licked and softly bitten. Sid was being thorough. So thorough, he had already brought her to the verge of release twice. The first time was when his fingers started teasing her pelvis, slowly exploring her soft furrow and making her melt with every advancing touch. The second time, was when his mouth took over from his hand, his long Ithaden tongue opening up her crevice until she screamed with yearning…

  All that, and he was still dressed.

  “Please, Sid,” Kate panted, “I want you.”

  Her hands found his head and tried to lift him up. He looked at her, his eyes misty with desire. It was clear that he could have spent hours just going down on her, savoring every nook and cranny of Kate’s body. But he obliged. With a devilish smile on his face, Sid rose up and removed his t-shirt before leaning back — this time to give her a long and sensual kiss on the mouth, a kiss that carried the flavor of her own juices. Something like that would have grossed her out completely with other men, but now it almost brought her to the edge again…

  Kate moaned and grabbed Sid by the waist, her hands trying to find their way around his pants. He didn’t let her. With one swift movement, he pinned both her hands above her head.

  “Stay,” he whispered in her ear.

  A sudden sense of deja vu overtook her again. Dominant as it was, there was nothing in his behavior that made her feel scared or unsafe. They had done this dance before, she knew. And her body was ready for what was coming next. So when one of Sid’s hands went down to unfasten his pants, Kate bit her lip and moaned softly, trembling with anticipation.

  She didn’t have to wait long: soon, Sid had freed himself from his clothes. He stopped for a second and looked at her, wanting to make sure.

  “Please,” Kate mumbled again.

  Before she could repeat it, he slid inside her.

  Sid let go of Kate’s hands then and cupped her face. He stayed completely still for a second, appreciating the moment, his eyes full of affection and reverence. Kate could feel him inside her, his member so big it completely filled her up, all her nerve endings raw with the most exquisite agony. Everything about this felt so right… almost everything. She wanted to see him, not just touch him. And then she realized what she had to do. With her hands now free, Kate reached out and removed the Ithaden’s illusion shield ring. It dropped to the floor with a clank.

  “I want the real you,” she said softly.

  With the illusion shield gone, Sid’s scales now glistened in the candlelit room, their greenish hue contrasting to Kate’s pale skin. She didn’t think it was possible, but being in his true shape in front of her seemed to make Sid even harder. A deep moan escaped her lips. Loosing all control, Sid pushed himself deeper inside her. And then again, and again, moving faster and faster while he held her tight. Before long, they were both moaning, too lost in their passion to care if anyone could hear them.

  They moved together now, pounding against each other with an intensity Kate didn’t know lovers could possess. Her legs were wrapped high around Sid’s waist, her hands holding him by his strong shoulders, meeting him thrust for thrust. Again and again and again… She never wanted this ecstasy to end but at the same time she could feel her release coming, building stronger and stronger by the minute. Her breath was ragged and her skin was burning up, almost as much as Sid’s. When she couldn’t take it anymore, Kate kissed him hard on the lips, taking all the pleasure he could give her… until her whole body shook with an orgasm so strong, she almost passed out. She was still riding the last waves of her release when Sid exploded inside her, yelling her name.

  They stayed in that post-orgasmic moment for what seemed to be forever, holding each other tight. Their bodies started slowly relaxing, their breaths returning to normal. Sweet exhaustion washed over Kate. She wanted to close her eyes and fall asleep, but she also didn’t want to move an inch.

  “Ith-rassil,” Sid murmured, kissing her once more. Gently, this time. He slid out of her slowly, but he didn’t let go. Still holding her in his arms as if she was the most precious cargo in the whole world, Sid whispered:

  “Sleep, if you want. I’m right here.”

  As if this reassurance was what her body was waiting for, Kate felt herself drifting away into a deep, content slumber.

  Kate didn’t know how long the post-sex glow, that feeling that all is right in the world and nothing can hurt you, could last. In her past hook-ups, it had probably lasted a few minutes if at all. In Sid’s case, it seemed to last all the way into the following morning (or cycle, as they called it on the spaceship). Because he was indeed there, still holding her when she woke up. But he was getting antsy, she could tell.

  “We have to get back to the others, don’t we?” Kate asked after a while, stifling a yawn.

  “The ship’s repairs will take several cycles, more so if we don’t have all hands on deck,” Sid admitted. “But you don’t have to join me. Stay here and rest, nice and naked, where I can come find you after my shift…”

  The combination of playfulness and sweetness in his voice made her feel bad for comparing Sid to anything else she’d experienced before. This wasn’t a one-night thing. This was the real deal.

  “No, it’s okay, I want to help,” she said. “Our room won’t go away…”

  Now it was her turn to be playful.

  They got up from bed. As Sid was getting dressed, K
ate headed toward the 3D printer to make a new outfit. Which just reminded her:

  “We’ve been in this room before, haven’t we? This version of it?”

  “A few times,” Sid admitted with a smile. He was fully clothed now, his illusion shield ring back on his finger but not activated. Good. There was no need for him to hide his true form from her anymore.

  “Did you… like it here? Before?” Kate realized she was still experiencing a pang of insecurity. Stupid memory wipe…

  “Ith-rassil, I like every room with you in it. Especially the ones where we can be alone in.”

  He gave her a quick peck on the lips and waited by the door until Kate printed her new clothes and got dressed. She opted for the same type of practical leggings and shoes, only this time her blouse was green.

  “You look good in my color,” Sid said, in a tone that made Kate want to remove her blouse and jump back to bed with him. But there would be time enough for that later, she reasoned with herself. For now he was right, they had work to do.

  Beaming at him, Kate took his hand in hers. Together, they headed out of their own private bubble… and into a locker room filled with Ithaden taking a shower. Now that, was a rude wake-up call.

  Kate had almost forgotten that this was a common bathroom and locker space for the crew. Well, the sight of Ror, Berranav and the Mechs scrubbing their scales with wooden brushes under a hot mist that was being sprayed from the ceiling, would certainly remind her from now on. Interestingly enough, the Ithaden didn’t seem to bat an eyelash about being seen in their very naked state. Nor did they pay any attention to Kate and Sid holding hands — and for some bizarre reason, neither did Sid. He even waved at his crew, always holding Kate close. They all waved back, Ror flashing them his trademark toothy grin.


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