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Forever Together

Page 2

by Naughty Aphrodite

  “What he said,” Brent said before Leah could ask.

  The rest of the evening continued like this.

  No matter how Leah tried to press, cajole or trick, Brent wouldn’t say anything that wasn’t in complete agreement with Marcus’ clearly prepared statements.

  Finally, after what seemed like an evening of getting nowhere, Marcus seemed ready to call it a night.

  “We should get going,” he said as he stood up and gathered his coat in a way that made it clear to Leah that there was no room for discussion.

  “I’ll walk you out,” Leah said just as firmly. Marcus looked at her suspiciously. “It’s the least I could do. To thank you for giving me the interview.”

  “Oh, come on Marcus! Get the stick out of your ass and just let her walk us to the door!” Brent said standing up as well. When Leah glanced at him, she couldn’t help but give him a slight grin in thanks. When she did, he smiled and gave her a roguish wink in response. Leah felt her stomach flip once more.

  They walked back through the night club which was still filled with sweaty and scantily clad patrons. Marcus walked purposefully in front of their little group, leading them to the side of the dancefloor and towards a dark side door.

  As Leah walked directly behind the agent, she nearly jumped when she felt a warm body sidle up behind her. She was even more surprised when a strong hand took hold of her arm and warm breath leaned down to tickle her ear.

  “Sorry about Marcus,” Brent Watt whispered to her. “He’s just following my brother’s orders.”

  Leah looked up at Brent and swallowed when she realized just how close he was to her.

  “It seems like Jordan’s very protective of the company’s image,” she said, telling her voice not to shake.

  “He’s protective of a lot of things,” Brent said again in a low voice as he bent towards her. She noticed that the billionaire’s warm hand was still laid gently on her arm.

  “Should I take that to mean that some of what Marcus told me about your past isn’t the whole truth?” she asked hopefully as the black side door opened and they moved outside.

  “That’s not what I said,” Brent told her. When she looked back up at him, he was wearing a secretive smile that made her cheeks grow warm again. A sideways glance showed her that Marcus had moved away from them towards the sidewalk to signal the car forward. This might be her only chance all night to get a true statement from Brent Watt.

  “Then what are you saying?” she asked him. His secretive smile widened and he leaned even closer to her.

  “I’m saying I think you should interview me again,” he whispered. She could feel his breath on her neck and couldn’t help but shiver a bit.

  “Will your agent be there this time, or will I get to talk to the real you?” she asked.

  “Well,” he said moving away from her slightly. “My brother would throw a hissy fit if I talked to you without Marcus.”

  “Then what am I going to hear that I didn’t hear tonight?”

  “If you join me at the tournament this week…there’ll be plenty of chances to ditch my agent,” Brent said with a wink. “He can’t keep track of me all the time. And, you could do a little series for your paper. A week with Brent Watt or something. What do you say?”

  “I’d have to talk to my editor,” Leah said.

  “I’ll have my people call him. I’m sure he’ll agree,” Brent said. “In the meantime, I’ll add your name to the list of tournament guests tomorrow.”

  “That’s generous.”

  “Just the kind of guy I am,” he said with another smile at her.

  “It’s just the kind of generosity I should be suspicious of,” she said folding her arms over her chest. All the whispering and flirty looks, while heat inducing, had, in fact, made her suspicious. As a young and relatively attractive woman, she was used to men trying to hit on her. It had never worked before and it wouldn’t work now. Not even with Brent Watt.

  Brent’s smile faded and his expression became more serious as he glanced over to Marcus.

  “Look,” he said. “I know those quotes that Marcus gave you are dry. And you seem…nice. I just don’t want you to waste your time. I want to give you a real story.”

  “Does that mean you’ll tell me about the Lamb Foundation? Or about why you skipped town when you were 18?”

  Brent bit his lip and looked back at his agent who was, thankfully, still talking to the driver of the car.

  “I don’t know if I could talk about that,” Brent said. “I did promise my brother I wouldn’t say anything.”

  “You said you’d give me a real interview. Those are the kinds of things I want to know about.”

  Leah crossed her arms over her chest as though she were giving Brent an ultimatum.

  She looked at him critically. There was a sincerity in his eyes that, despite her instincts, she decided to trust.

  “Ok then,” she said. “I’ll follow you at the tournament this week.”

  His roguish smile returned. As it did, she realized she would still have to be firm in her expectations.

  “But, just to be clear,” she said. “I’m not your date to these things and I’m not going to sleep with you. I want a story. That’s all. So, don’t hit on me, ok?”

  His roguish, teasing smile returned.

  “Well, I can’t promise anything,” he said. She folded her arms over her chest and gave him a dark glare. When she did, his eyes widened and he raised his hands in a gesture of surrender.

  “Ok, ok,” he said. “You’re not my date and you won’t sleep with me. Got it.”

  “Brent! Car’s waiting.”

  Marcus called out to his client from the narrow sidewalk. When Leah turned to him, she could see a sleek red sports car that had pulled up in front of them.

  “Be right there!” Brent called before turning back to Leah. He smiled and she nodded preparing to say goodnight. Before she could, he put his hand down on her shoulder. She felt the warm pressure of it as he leaned down to whisper in her ear.

  “See you tomorrow,” he said.

  Goosebumps formed on her neck and her eyes widened as he pulled back. He smiled and gave a chuckle of satisfaction at her expression as he pulled away from her. Still smiling, he made his way to the car.

  As Leah watched Brent and his agent pull away, she felt a strange mix of emotions play in her stomach. On the one hand, she felt an excitement that she might finally get to write the story she truly wanted. On the other, she wondered if being alone with Brent Watt, even for an interview, was a good idea…

  Chapter 2

  As Leah expected, her editor, Mr. Hayes wasn’t too thrilled with the article she’d given him detailing the night club interview. But, he was interested in the proposed “Week with Brent Watt” series.

  “You have left this first article open-ended,” Hayes told her. “Just make sure you get quotes from him about why he left town and why he’s back now.”

  Leah had promised to try but, on the first day of the tournament, she hadn’t been successful.

  As promised, Brent was able to get Leah all day VIP passes to the tournament as well as charity events that would happen after the day of golf had ended.

  Of course, there wasn’t much chance to chat with Brent during the rounds of golf. So, Leah had to settle for watching him play. Which wasn’t so bad, all things considered.

  He wasn’t a professional level golfer by any means. But, he also wasn’t terrible. And, when she watched him joke with his caddy and the other members of his team, she could tell that he enjoyed it.

  She thought she might be able to catch him alone at the cocktail party after the tournament’s end. But, here, she was deterred by his overzealous agent whose jovial manner was quickly going from endearing to annoying.

  Marcus kept Brent by his side all evening. Guiding him around like he was a dog groomer and Brent was his prize poodle. Leah was shunted to the sidelines and
expected to keep notes while Marcus showed off his pet.

  “Of course, I wouldn’t even be here if it weren’t for Brent,” Leah heard him telling a group of men in suits near the bar area, as Brent was draped awkwardly beneath Marcus’ arm. “He’s a great little meal ticket, aren’t you Brent?”

  The men, including Marcus, laughed uproariously at this but Leah couldn’t help but see Marcus’ strained smile. It wasn’t long after that that Brent turned his gaze to her. He gave her a sort of significant look accompanied by a smirk.

  Immediately after, he pried himself away from Marcus and made his way over to the cocktail table next to the shrimp where she stood. His smile widened as he drew closer to her. Leah felt her face flush as she took in his fitted sports jacket and the way his untucked shirt matched the blue in his eyes.

  “Hey, having fun?” he asked as he stood next to her at the table.

  “Not really,” she answered honestly. “You?”

  “Me neither,” he answered with a half-smile.

  “Marcus seems to be enjoying himself,” she said nodding towards his agent. Marcus let out a laugh before seeing them. The agent’s grin fell just a bit as he started to make his way over to them. As soon as he did, Brent leaned over to whisper in her ear. Once again, she felt the skin on her neck rise as his warm breath caressed her.

  “See that guy in the dark suit by the door?” he asked drawing her attention to the large bouncer she had seen at the club the night before. He was now standing beside the dining room’s back door looking straight ahead as though on guard.

  “I see him,” Leah whispered somewhat breathlessly. She could feel the heat of Brent’s body beside her and it was all she could do not to turn and kiss him right there.

  “In about a minute, he’s going to come over to you and lead you somewhere. No matter what he says to you. Just play along, ok?”

  “What is he going to- “

  “Look, you’ve got to trust me,” Brent said quickly. “Just play along, all right?”

  “Ok,” Leah said. Almost as soon as she did, Marcus gave a loud chuckle causing the two to jump apart.

  “Not keeping secrets, I hope,” Marcus said, jovial smile still in place.

  “Wouldn’t dream of it,” Brent told him with a nonetheless secretive smirk. Perhaps that was why Marcus continued to look at him suspiciously before grabbing his arm once more.

  “Come on, Brent,” Marcus said. “I need to introduce you to a few people. You don’t mind, do you, Leah?”

  Without looking back to see whether Leah minded, Marcus dragged Brent from her and towards another group of uptight looking men.

  Almost as soon as they were gone, the man in the dark suit left his post and strode up to her. His eyes barely glanced at her before he spoke.

  “Follow me,” he said. Before she could ask where they were going or anything else, he strode away from the groups of wealthy patrons and towards a dark hallway. Remembering what Brent had told her, she followed him.

  “I know this isn’t the most romantic meeting spot,” he told her as the sound of the party died away. “But, Marcus watches the hotel. This is the only time you and Brent’ll get a chance to be alone.”

  Something about what the bodyguard had said stuck in her mind as the large man took out a set of keys and opened one of the plain wooden doors down the hallway.

  “When you said, romantic…” she said nervously.

  He turned to her with a secretive smile.

  “Don’t worry,” he said. “You don’t have to play dumb with me. Brent told me that you two had hit it off and you’d appreciate some…private time.”

  Leah felt her cheeks flush and was immediately inclined to deny that accusation entirely. But, then she remembered what Brent had told her. ‘Just play along.’ And it did seem as though this might be the only time she would get to spend with Brent alone.

  So, instead of scolding, she smiled as sweetly as she could at the bouncer and thanked him as he opened to door for her.

  “Give me just a minute and I’ll send Brent in,” said the bodyguard. Leah smiled at him again as he closed the door.

  Once he did so, she looked around the space she now occupied and had to agree with what the man had said. It was not the most romantic place for a tryst. The room was bare of furniture. Instead, discarded golf clubs, bags, and polo shirts littered the floor.

  Clearly, this was some sort of storage room. As she moved and hit her shin painfully on a bent driver, she thought it wasn’t an ideal place for an interview either.

  True to his word, less than a minute later, the bouncer opened the door and ushered Brent inside.

  “You’ve got about ten minutes,” he said. “I suggest you use them wisely.”

  “Thanks, man,” Brent said turning to smile at him. The bodyguard threw his employer a wink before closing the door behind them.

  “So, this was really the only way you could pull yourself from Marcus?” Leah asked, half an accusation in her voice.

  “Shh,” Brent said rushing over to her. “Not so loud, the door’s thin.”

  Leah fought back a shiver as he put his hands on her shoulders.

  “Why do we have to be quiet in here?” she asked. “I mean, that’s your guy out there. He won’t care what we say, will he?”

  “He’s Jordan’s guy too,” Brent whispered. “Look, it’s…complicated. And…oh, shit. Here he comes- “

  Without warning, Brent wrapped his arms around her and pressed her lips to hers. It was softer than she’d expected, warmer but just as passionate and desperate as she’d imagined it might be. Before she knew what she was doing, Leah had folded her arms around him and was kissing him back. It was a second before the dim light from the hallway’s open door hit her eyes.

  “So, this is where you sneaked off to.”

  Marcus' voice caused her to jump and pull away. An embarrassed flush come into her cheeks. When Brent turned around, however, she realized that he didn’t look embarrassed at all. Instead, a cocky smile lined his lips as he turned to his agent, slinging his arm around Leah’s shoulders.

  “Sorry Marcus,” he said. “Couldn’t help myself.”

  To Leah’s surprise, Marcus laughed.

  “Well, I guess I can’t stop you from your little liaisons,” he said. “I’ll wait outside the door and give you two ten minutes alone to…finish up. But, I warn you, if I hear any interviewing, I’ll put a stop to it.”

  “We didn’t come in here to talk,” Brent said with a roguish wink. Marcus nodded.

  “Ten minutes,” he said before closing the door.

  As soon as he did, Brent turned to Leah, his arm still slung around her shoulder.

  “So, if we can’t talk, what are we supposed to do?”

  Brent looked at her with a half-smile as he raised an eyebrow suggestively.

  “I mean, besides that!” Leah whispered giving him a playful slap. Brent let out a low, barely audible chuckle as he leaned in towards Leah’s ear. His hands moved from her shoulders, slowly down her arms as he spoke.

  “We’ll just have to whisper to each other,” he said. As soon as he’d muttered this, he moved his lips to her neck and placed a gentle kiss on it.

  “Remember what I said about not hitting on me?” she asked. Though, as his lips made their way down to her collar bone, she couldn’t help but feel that the question lacked conviction.

  “I’m not hitting on you,” he said. “I’m giving you an interview.”

  “If this is an interview,” she said. “It’s the strangest one I’ve ever done. Oh!”

  She gasped when his hand moved from her arms and up the hem of her skirt to play against her inner thigh, just inches from where her warm desire had pooled.

  “Well,” he said. “Marcus is a very suspicious guy. And, if I come out without lips gloss on my mouth and your hair isn’t mussed...,” at this, he reached his free hand up and ran it through Leah’s long brown hair.
“He’ll be suspicious.”

  Brent’s lips were, once again hanging just above Leah’s and she suddenly realized that she couldn’t take the teasing anymore. Without another word, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her lips desperately to his.

  She gasped again when his hands moved from their respective places to her hips and shoved her against the wall. Almost immediately, one hand returned to its place beneath her skirt and began caressing her desire above her panties as his lips moved to kiss and suck at her neck.


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