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The Ne'er-Do-Well

Page 10

by Rex Beach



  On the following morning Kirk despatched a long letter to his father,explaining, as well as he could, how he came to be in Panama, andgiving a detailed account of the events that had befallen him since hisarrival. He would have preferred to cable this message collect, butMrs. Cortlandt convinced him that he owed a fuller explanation thancould well be sent over the wires. Although he took this means ofrelieving his father's anxiety, he was far from resigning himself to afurther delay of his return. On the contrary, he at once began aninquiry as to sailing dates, discovering, to his intense disgust, thatno ship was scheduled to leave for New York within several days. Heplanned to borrow the passage money from his friends, when the timecame, and accompany his letter northward. Meanwhile he devoted his timeto sight-seeing with his hostess.

  The city was old, there were many places of historic interest, and,although Kirk cared little for such things, he found it easy to assumethe virtue he did not possess. Moreover, there was something contagiousin his companion's enthusiasm. Almost against his will he felt hisappreciation growing, as he listened to her casual comments on thescenes they visited. Her husband, who seemed busily engaged in workthat barely allowed him time for his meals, seldom accompanied them ontheir excursions, and the two were thrown much into each other'ssociety.

  Edith Cortlandt was a woman very sure of herself in most things. Asituation that might have proved embarrassing to one less tactful sheaccepted quite as a matter of course, rather enjoying the exercise ofher influence, and never doubting her power to keep the friendship onany footing she chose. Kirk's frank, boyish gratitude for the favors hehad received made it easy for her to encourage the growth of anintimacy that she acknowledged charming, while she sincerely believedthat he would be helped by it. Finding him responsive, she deliberatelyset herself to please him. She studied him covertly and set her moodsto match his--not a difficult task, since he was merely a normal,healthy young man. Always faultless in her attire, she took even morethan ordinary pains with her appearance, and it was not long beforeKirk was naively surprised to find that she no longer seemed older thanhe--that she was, in fact, an exceedingly handsome woman. This gradualmetamorphosis depended more than anything else, perhaps, upon thegirlish humor that now possessed her. She was no longer brilliant andchilly, but gay, smiling, and unaffected.

  Daytimes, they rambled about the crooked streets, bargain-hunting inthe Chinese shops, or drove beneath the stately royal palms of Ancon;evenings, they loitered about the cool verandas of the Tivoli orstrolled down into the town to watch the crowds in the plazas. Once ina while Cortlandt went with them, but he was usually uncommunicative,and they scarcely felt his presence. On the few occasions when he gavehimself rein, Kirk was compelled to feel for him a surprised andhalf-grudging respect. Unlike most silent men, when he did talk hetalked easily and well.

  Several days passed thus, during which Anthony fully recovered from hisexperience at Colon. Then a ship arrived from New York, but before hehad summoned courage to ask his friends for a loan he received, aletter forwarded from Colon by the American consul, a perusal of whichnot only dumfounded him, but entirely altered his plans.

  It was typewritten, on plain stationery; there was neither heading norsignature, yet he knew quite well from whom it came. It read as follows:

  Don't cable again, or the stupidity of the police may fail to protect you. The others got away safely and you would be mad to return alone. I can't and won't help you now. This time you went too far. You have made your bed, now lie in it. I don't believe in miracles, but if you can straighten up and make a man of yourself, I'll help you face this trouble; otherwise don't call on me for anything. I'm through.

  Kirk reread this amazing epistle several times before its fullsignificance struck him; then, when he realized what it meant, he felthimself break into a sweat of apprehension. That plain-clothes man haddied! The police were looking for him. There could be no otherexplanation, else why had Higgins and the rest fled the country? Whyhad his father been so cautious in communicating with him? If it cameto a trial, undoubtedly a jury would find him equally guilty withHiggins, for he had held the poor fellow's hands; it was he who hadengineered the whole episode. Perhaps he was already indicted. Kirk sawhimself accused of manslaughter, arrested, and tried. What could he doif his father refused to help? With money, almost anything could beachieved; without it, and particularly without his father's influence,what would happen? Evidently the Governor believed him guilty. In thatcase the young man knew that explanations would be futile. Even theletter he had sent would do no good. When Darwin K. Anthony said he wasthrough, he was through.

  Finding a secluded corner of the veranda, he sat down to think thismatter out; but the more he reflected on it the more serious itappeared. Of one thing he became quickly convinced: New York at presentwas no place for him. A moment ago it seemed far away and extremelydesirable, now it was altogether too close at hand and mostundesirable. His father's reference to the stupidity of the policepersuaded him finally that his whereabouts were unknown, but how longthey would remain so was of course a question. It was useless toattempt further concealment. In the first place, he lacked means ofmoving, nor could he conceal his identity under an assumed name whilehe remained in Panama, for he had already advertised himself too wellfor that. Besides, the idea of hiding did not appeal to him. He decidedto face it out, therefore, hoping sometime to get to the bottom of theaffair. If he were arrested meanwhile, he would have to locate Ringoldor Higgins, or some of the others, and prove that he had not run awayfrom punishment. It would be difficult to verify the extravagant storyof his kidnapping, of course, but--there was nothing else to do. Herose quickly and entered the hotel, where he bought all the latest NewYork papers. It was not long before he found the thing he was seeking.There it was, a story headed:



  There followed an account of Mr. Padden's efforts to disprove hisconnection with an assault upon the person of a detective namedWilliams, who had come from St. Louis; but nowhere was there a wordabout the present condition of the plain-clothes man, nor the slightesthint toward explaining the conduct of the mysterious Jefferson Lockefor whom he had been searching. Who the devil was Locke, anyhow? Thearticle did not even state the charge upon which he was to be arrested.In another paper Kirk found something that relieved his mind a bit:evidently Williams had not died prior to the time of going to press,although he was reported in a critical condition. Kirk was interestedto read that the police had a clew to the identity of the criminals andwere confident of soon rounding them up. What mystified him most wasthe lack of detail. Evidently much had been printed previously, but hehad no means of ascertaining what it was.

  He spent an hour in serious thought, perhaps the first full hour he hadever passed so profitably. At the end of that time he had arrived atlittle save a vague feeling of offence toward the father who had beenso ready to condemn him. In one way he did not blame the old gentlemanfor refusing aid. This episode was the culmination of a long series ofreckless exploits. Mr. Anthony had argued, threatened, even imploredwith tears in his eyes, all to no purpose. Just the same, it hurt tohave one's father so willing to believe the worst. The two had neverunderstood each other; they did not understand each other now. And theymight have been such good pals! Darwin K. did not believe inmiracles--Well, perhaps Kirk was hopelessly bad. The young man did notcare much, one way or the other; but he shut his teeth grimly andwagered he could make good if he really chose to try. He half decidedto make the experiment just to show what he could do, but he was at aloss where to begin. Anybody could be successful who really wantedto--every book said that; the hard part was to get started.

  One thing was clear, at least: he could stay here no longer as theCortlandts' guest--he had already incurred an obligation which he wouldhave difficulty in discharging. Yet how could he explain his change
offront? Mrs. Cortlandt, he felt sure, would understand and come to hisassistance with good advice, but he shrank instinctively from layingthe facts before her husband. It was a deuced unpleasant necessity, andhe detested unpleasant necessities--necessities of any sort, in fact.Still, there was nothing else for it, so, conquering his sense ofhumiliation as best he could, he called up the Cortlandts' suite.

  Edith answered, saying that her husband was out; then, in response tohis request, she came down herself.

  "What has gone wrong? Why this face of tragedy?" she inquired, as sheseated herself beside him.

  "I've received my Declaration of Independence. I've heard from my dad."

  A look of quick understanding drove away the smile she had brought him,and her manner was one of grave sympathy as she took the letter hehanded her.

  She was clad in a crisp morning gown he had never seen, and he thoughtit became her extremely well. She looked very cool, very fresh, verymuch the fine lady. All in all, she seemed a person whose friendlyinterest might compensate for many woes.

  "Well!" she remarked. "You do seem to be in trouble. What does it mean?"

  Kirk told her everything without reserve, then showed her thenewspapers in his hand. She scrutinized them with a quiet seriousnessthat seemed to make his trouble her own. "After all," she said at last,"if worse comes to worst, you can prove your innocence."

  "I'm not so sure."

  "Nonsense! Those boys can be found. What puzzles me is that Lockeperson. Who is he? Why was he followed? What has become of him?"

  "I wish I knew."

  "I can have inquiries made, but it will take time. Meanwhile, it seemsyou are safe, so the one important fact for the moment is that you arecast off." Turning her bright eyes upon him, she inquired, "How does itfeel to be disinherited?"

  "Blamed uncomfortable! I must tell Mr. Cortlandt at once."

  "Let me," she offered, quickly. "I would not show any one that letter,if I were you, nor advertise the fact that you are in danger of arrest.It will be quite enough if I tell him that you have quarrelled withyour father--he is a peculiar man."

  Kirk signified his agreement.

  "Now what do you intend doing?" she asked him.

  "I'm going to work."

  "Good! Good!" She clapped her hands gleefully.

  "Oh, I don't WANT to," he protested, "but the old gentleman thinks I'mno good, and I'd like to show him he's wrong. After I've done that, Iintend to loaf again--yes, and I'll know how to loaf by that time. Ofcourse, I'll have to pay my debts, too."

  "Poor Mr. Weeks!"

  "Why poor?"

  "He is terribly agitated to learn that we came to your rescue. He knowsnow that he really entertained an angel unaware, and his grief of soulis comical."

  "Weeks isn't such a bad sort."

  But her eyes showed a sudden flash of anger as she returned: "Hedeserves to be forced out of the service."

  "That wouldn't do any good. His successor might be worse."

  "Haven't you any resentment? I dislike placid people!"

  "Plenty! If I get a crack at Alfarez---"

  "Now don't allow your mind to dwell on that," she cautioned. "I thinkhe is riding to a fall, as it is. What do you want to do?"

  "Anything. I'm going to hunt a job this afternoon."

  "What sort?"

  "Something with big pay and no responsibility."

  "Those positions are taken--by the army," she laughed. "What can youdo?"

  "I can take an automobile apart."

  "And put it together again?"

  "Oh no! I can sail a boat; I shoot pretty well; I waltz nicely; I row,swim, and box indifferently; and I play an atrocious hand at poker."

  Mrs. Cortlandt nodded gravely. "You are also good company, you dresswell, and you are an ornament to any hotel porch."

  "Naturally, I refrained from mentioning those things, but, in addition,I smoke, drink, and swear. I am unsteady in my habits, and require agreat deal of sleep. I think that completes the inventory."

  "Of course, you will live beyond your salary?"


  "Seriously, now, don't you really---?"

  "Go ahead. Say it! Don't I know anything? No. I am too highly educated.You see, I took the full college course."

  She drew her sharply pencilled brows together and pursed her lips inmeditation, regarding him meanwhile with a look that was not alldisapproval.

  "Am I hopeless?" he inquired at length.

  "Dear, no! Experience is a good thing, of course, and ability is evenbetter, but neither is absolutely necessary in government work."




  "--You have influence. I was merely trying to think of the niche intowhich you would best fit."

  "When a fellow hasn't any of those qualifications, then what? Take me,for instance."

  "You have at least one."

  "Which one?"


  He shook his head. "My father wouldn't help."

  "We'll have no difficulty in finding you a position."

  "Jove! That's good news." He beamed at her with gratified surprise. "Ihad an idea I'd be going from door to door."

  "How ridiculous! This is a government job; therefore it is saturatedwith politics. There are a great many good men on it, but there arealso a large number of 'somebody's relatives.' Do you understand?Anything is possible here for a man with influence. If he has abilitywith it, he can go to the top. If he lacks ability--well, even then hecan go to the top--it depends entirely upon the influence."

  "But I haven't any--" Kirk began. Then, catching her look, heexclaimed: "Oh, say! WILL you help me? Really? That's too good to betrue."

  He shook her hand warmly, that being the natural outlet for hisgratitude, and she smiled at him. "I wonder where I'd better start in,"he said.

  "There's not the slightest choice. All paths lead up the mountain, andif you go far enough you will reach the top. It would be quite easy ifyou knew something about the railroad business, for instance."

  "Oh, I do. I've had that drilled into me ever since I was a child. Igrew up with it--was soaked in it. My father made me learn telegraphybefore he gave me a motor-boat."

  "Why in the world didn't you say so?"

  "Well, I have forgotten most of it," he confessed. "I had a railroad ofmy own, too, when I was twelve years old. I was president."


  "I suppose it was in my blood. We kids stole the lumber for a track,and I got a hand-car from dad. We formed a close corporation, and, whenanother boy wanted to join, we made him go forth and steal enoughboards to extend the line. We finally had nearly two miles, altogether,with switches, sidings, yards, and everything; then the fences in thatneighborhood gave out. It was a gravity road--yes, there was extremegravity in every department--we'd push the car up and ride down. We hada telephone system and semaphores, and ran on orders just like a realtrain. Grown people heard about it, and paid us five cents a ride, sowe began to declare dividends every Saturday. Oh, it was a greatsuccess. We had a complete organization, too; president, directors,conductors, section-hands--the section-hands did all the work and rodebetween times."

  "What happened to it?"

  "One day we ran into a cow and broke the vice-president's leg. Theboard of directors also had his ear cut, and the indignant neighborsbegan to reclaim their fences. We lost a mile of track in oneafternoon, and father decided it would be better for me to go toboarding-school. It was safer."

  "I'll warrant you learned the rudiments of railroading, just the same."

  "I learned everything," Kirk announced, decisively.

  "Unfortunately, the P.R.R. has a president, so we can't start you inwhere you left off."

  "He might need an assistant."

  Mrs. Cortlandt laughed lightly. "While we are finding that out," shesaid, "I think you had better go over the line in daylight and reallysee what this work is like. That glimpse you had at Gatun is only asmall part. N
ow, will you trust me to manage this for you, Mr. Anthony?"

  "I should say I would, and I can't begin to tell you--"

  "Oh, it's nothing." She rose to put her plans promptly into operation,this time extending her hands with the words: "Let me congratulate you.I really believe you are waking up, and without the woman's aid."

  "But the woman is aiding me," he replied, warmly. "She's doing it all.You have started me moving, and I'll never be able to thank you." Then,as her eyes flashed to his with a look he had never seen before, headded: "Understand, though, I am going to work only because I must. Idetest it."


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