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Forsaken Fates

Page 20

by S J Doran

  Rasputin was still in the room with Levistus, adding different vials of liquid into one smoking mug, his hair tangled and clothing askew — Cass had never seen him any other way, though he knew he had a reputation with women, he likely did clean himself up sometimes.

  “If it isn’t the Mad Monk himself,” he said as he walked in and settled on the chair beside Levistus’s bed.

  Rasputin spared him a glance and a nod. “If it isn’t the Demon King. Last I saw you, you were bleeding from the ears.”

  “My priestess mixes up a mean concoction,” he smirked. All learned at the hands of this warlock, her poison master, head of the needlers and one of the most feared assassins in all the realms.

  Levistus still didn’t look great.

  Rasputin nodded, a malicious smile playing about his mouth, shrugging and handing a mug to Cass. “You’ll want to give this to him,” he gestured towards Levistus with his chin, “when he regains consciousness.”

  He gave the cup a careful sniff, gagging at the stench. He drank a lot of poison… whatever this mixture contained was infinitely worse. He set the mug on the bedside table, pushing it away with his fingertips before lounging back in the chair, stretching out his legs and crossing his feet at the ankles. His eyes wandered to the shelves of poisons, pondering taking something to knock himself out, just for a while, until the worst of this unrelenting hunger let up. The only thing that stayed his thoughts was knowing how much worse it would be when he woke.

  “Dominus Berith trounced through here with his usual sullen and pissy attitude,” Rasputin said as he recapped bottles and placed them on shelves. “What have you and my Sarratum been up to now? Finding new ways to end life as we know it?”

  Cass snorted lightly, something between a smile and a sneer curling up his mouth. “We’re after the Lich; Berith was sulking because Mara left her sisters in the underworld.”

  Rasputin fully turned to him. “How will you get to the Lich? They’re guarded by primordial energy.”

  Cass’s brows rose before he could school his expression. “They’re in a rift of my Hells. They answer to me.” Though, a primordial god or even demon wouldn’t.

  “And my queen is aware of the risks?”

  “She’s aware of the possible rewards.”

  Rasputin’s eyes narrowed, glittering. With a curt nod, he pointed to Levistus. “Wake him and get him to drink. The sooner the potion starts working, the better it can undo the damage.” He walked out of the room, clearly focused on his thoughts.

  Cass gave Levistus a rough shake, a groan escaping the demon before Levistus started stirring.

  “Where…” Levistus croaked from the bed, then quickly shifted to the side, retching. Cass barely moved his feet in time.

  He helped Levistus sit up then grabbed the mug and shoved it into his hands.

  “We’re back in Asurim.” He sat back down, Levistus watching him over the rim of his mug as he drank. “We got separated soon as we crossed the threshold into Kur, you found the river.”

  “I blacked out,” Levistus whispered between sips and sour faces. “The memories were too much, I… lost too much. Cassius, I made some bad choices, but…”

  Cass scowled and waved his hand to silence his advisor before he said something that would make Cass say something he’d regret.

  “Mara found her sisters. Well, Ereshkigal permitted them to visit.”

  “Then… no Benzosia?” Levistus lowered the cup slowly, his entire demeanor slumping with defeat. “I had my chance and fucked it up. Again.”

  He pondered his next words carefully. Hells and to give Levistus some time to stew in his regret. He deserved that much.

  “You knew she was Glasya’s daughter,” he measured his words, watching Levistus for a reaction. Any reaction. “You knew. Her sisters knew she was in the dungeons. For HUNDREDS OF YEARS,” he roared out and jumped to his feet, pacing, his lovely silk robe billowing around him. He stopped and spun on Levistus, his rage building, he was trying, dammit, the memory of her as a tiny little thing smiling at him… yes, fucking smiling at him, despite being shut away in that five by five cell…

  “Or was it because she belonged to Glasya that you left her there to rot? Another slight against my father?” He kept his voice as even as he could.

  Levistus averted his eyes. “You’d better,” he pointed and made a motion with his finger, “do up your… robe?”

  Cass bared his teeth but tightened the belt. “Why? She was just a child.”

  “As were you,” Levistus said with a grave nod. “I needed the two of you…”

  “Another person to use us in some convoluted game.”

  “To take down your father. Stop interrupting.” Levistus scowled. “I’ve suspected for sometime… actually, Azadiel first alerted me to… I was already frozen in the Stygia…”

  Cass raised his brows. “Go on then.”

  “That Glasya wasn’t Asmodeus’s child, but mine. That’s why I was determined to find my Benzosia, I need answers.”

  A Family reunion

  Benzosia awoke the moment their transfer was completed. And while not fully in control of her new body yet, she’d immediately demanded to be taken to Levistus. Rather than irk, Benzosia’s demeanor amused, at least now Amara could claim her tendency toward bossiness to be a family trait.

  It wasn’t compassion for the dowager queen’s plight that led Mara to assist the wobbly legged demon queen to the medical wing, but a sense of curiosity. After millennia of separation, how would the two estranged lovers react to their sudden reunion?

  And more importantly, if indeed Levistus and Benzosia had managed to evade the touch of prophecy and change their fate, then perhaps there was hope for her and Cassius yet.

  “... Glasya wasn’t Asmodeus’s child, but mine...”

  Though she couldn’t recall having made a sound, she must have, for two pairs of eyes turned on her just as she and Benzosia crowded through the door.

  Puzzle pieces fell into place, strange and unusual behavior of the Prince of Secrets suddenly turning logical. From his bizarre interest in her actions to his ransacking of her rooms, it all made sense now. He’d not been looking for information on Cassius but on her.

  Her head spun with the implications of this revelation, the good, the bad, and the surreal. For centuries she’d cursed the blood of Asmodeus running through her veins — when there had been none. Not a drop. She wasn’t his granddaughter, held no claim to the throne of the Hells. The discovery was too large to fully comprehend.

  “Yellow tones flatter you demon, I should have you dressed in my silks more often.”

  “Mara…” He looked as shocked as she felt, yet somehow he still managed a cocky grin while securing the belt more firmly around his waist. Then he moved for her.

  “This was your plan all along, you never intended to take me to my Zosia…” Levistus’s angry voice was shaky, his complexion a sickly pale, yet his condition didn’t deter any of the rage consuming him as he turned on her.

  “Our agreement prevents you from killing me outright, so you thought to be rid of me by trapping me in Kur instead, I dare you to deny it!”

  Seeing the demon prince off-kilter gave her an odd sense of satisfaction. Her back leaning against Cassius’s firm chest, giving his irate advisor a saccharine smile while his king pulled her into a protective embrace.


  “The possibility crossed my mind a few times old goat, Cassius, however, wouldn’t hear of it.”

  “A lapse in judgment it would seem.” Cassius didn’t sound nearly as entertained by his Advisor’s outburst as she felt. Most likely because unlike her, he actually cared for the old goat. Even after all he’d put them through. “Levistus you have no idea what Amara did for...”


  Whatever he’d been about to say was interrupted by the echoing sound of a fist striking Levistus square in the jaw, leaving all in attendance to staring in silence at the outraged and somewhat unste
ady succubus standing before a dumbfounded Levistus.


  “I beg your pardon?”

  Dark brows drew together in a deep scowl, his hand moving over the absurd goatee to cradle his cheek. “I trusted you. You were supposed to protect our daughter from him!” The demoness unclenched her fist to wave in the direction of both her and Cassius. “You were supposed to keep them safe!”

  Cassius whispered softly in her ear, amusement replacing some of the earlier anger, “I assume this means the transfer was a success?”

  “Haven’t lost one yet....” She grinned. Perhaps retrieving Benzosia from the underworld would prove more beneficial than priorly imagined. The unfamiliar expression of shock plastered on Levistus’s face already vastly improving her foul mood.

  Tension built within the chamber like a rising tempest, Levistus’s rage not having lessened now manifesting into energy. Power capable of great harm.

  “Stand down Levistus, I promise that you’ll regret hurting her,” Cass said, going still at the threat that was his friend and advisor.

  “Doubtful, who the blazing hells is she to address me so?”

  “Are you that far gone that you can’t even recognize my essence, you foolish man?” The form of the female succubus began to shift and blur even as she spoke. Shape-shifting was a natural ability to their kind, enabling them to take on the characteristics most desired by their victims. And in the time it took to draw a full breath, the exotic beauty had faded, replaced by the regal incarnation of the former consort Queen of the Nine Hells. Benzosia, as radiant and imposing as her portraits had hinted her to be, was standing before them in the flesh.

  Her posture one of pride and born pedigree, her platinum curls cascading in soft waves down a narrow back. But it was her penetrating gaze which fascinated Amara most, for they were a mirror to her own.


  “You let him win. After everything we fought for,” her tone was one of accusation and heartbreak. Filled with disappointment. “You let Asmodeus destroy my family. Our family...”

  Levistus’s knees hit the stone floor at the exact moment Mara’s own stomach plummeted to her toes. In that moment, she almost felt sorry for the egocentric Prince of Secrets. She did, however, feel for the proud queen who’d found herself robbed of life and family. Her love and legacy squandered by the man she’d trusted

  “You heard her Levistus, apologize.”

  “It’s okay, Cass.” She bristled against him. She didn’t want an apology, wouldn’t be able to accept it anyway. Unlike Cassius’s sweet soul, hers was lacking the ability for forgiveness or mercy.

  “Levistus, it was Amara who rescued you from the waters of Kur.”

  “A case of mistaken identity, nothing more.” A firm hand closed over her mouth, staying firmly in place even as she bit down into his palm. He scowled at her in warning. Vexing demon.

  “She could have traded her spirit crystal for her sisters, instead she bargained for Benzosia, and received backlash for it from her own council. You have your life and that of your mistress to thank her for. So one more word of disrespect towards my wife and future queen, and I’ll send you to Kur myself. Am I understood?”

  Beneath his palm, her jaw had grown slack. Not only had Cassius just threatened his own Advisor for her sake, but he’d also declared her his wife before the woman who was likely the third most powerful being within the Hells after himself and Jez’Piel. The pressure against her mouth eased as Cassius removed his hand, closing his fingers around her own before lifting her hand up to his lips, then teasingly biting into her palm.

  “I’m going to need a rabies shot with this kind of foreplay,” he teased, but his exhaustion was so visible it wiped any trace of amusement from her face.

  “Amara, it seems I owe you a...” Levistus started, distracting her away from Cassius’s teasing, but she couldn’t bear to hear it.

  “Spare us both, Levistus. I don’t want your apology or your gratitude. Instead, I require three things from each of you. First, an oath of fealty to Cassius, including a vow to place his safety and wellbeing before your own.” She pegged Levistus with a glare. “Despite our prior agreement, it’s no secret you hold to your own agenda. No more. You serve Cassius.”

  “Agreed.” There was no hesitation in his voice.

  “I have vowed my fealty to you, granddaughter. I believe that should suffice,” Benzosia said, her gaze lingering on Levistus.

  A glance up revealed Cassius nodding in agreement, appearing not at all offended at Benzosia’s offered compromise. Then she blinked in confusion when suddenly seeing two of him staring down at her. Which could prove problematic when she could barely able to keep up with one sin-eater.

  “Secondly,” Cass continued, his arm circling her waist, supporting her weight. “When the time is right, you will both make an official statement declaring Glasya your daughter. Since she has none of my father’s blood, it will eliminate her claim to the throne.”

  “This will also eradicate any claim Amara has to it,” Levistus replied, his tone cautious.

  “I… don’t want it. It’s ugly...”

  “Hush, wench. That’s our throne your talking about.”

  Damn, but she was tired. And stinky. But mostly tired. And hungry. She knew he was hungry too. Of everything they had been through in less than twenty-four hours, the worst was yet to come.

  Fingers brushed along her cheek, pulling her back for darkening thoughts. From the laced bourbon and wanton witch who awaited their return.

  “She’ll need no further claim on the throne once our marriage is made public knowledge.”

  “I agree to these terms but ask that Glasya is offered the protection of the Nessus against any potential retaliation from his allies. Where is my daughter?”

  “With all due respect Lady Benzosia, I think we best have my Advisor fill you in on the details regarding the former Archduchess. I’m tired and Mara is practically swaying on her feet with exhaustion. So if you’ll excuse us...”

  “Will you pardon her?” It wasn’t a request, Levistus was imploring Cassius, “Glasya, if she is no longer a threat to you, will you show mercy?” There was no hiding the note of desperation in his gravelly voice. Of course, he would beg for her. Glasya was his daughter, and Benzosia would likely not be pleased with discovering their daughter imprisoned within the bowels of Hell. Condemned to burn in Hellfire.

  “The trespasses against me I can perhaps forgive, but not those made against Amara, or Asurim. That is her choice to make. Once the announcement is made, and your granddaughter has taken her place at my side upon the throne, then we will speak of possible arrangements for my mother-in-law.”

  That statement caused a hiss to escape from between her clenched teeth as Cassius began to escort her towards the door. “Call her that ever again, and I’ll be forced to wash out your mouth with soap.”

  He laughed. She tried to smile, but found the task impossible as they headed towards her… their… chambers. Her stomach turning in revolt, her chest aching at every step with the knowledge of what needed to be done next.


  She left him sitting alone in the Temple while she took her turn bathing, the hallowed halls deserted as her acolytes made preparations for the upcoming full moon. He looked forward to that harvest — something to take the edge off this relentless hunger. When she rejoined him, it was with purpose in her stride and a crystal decanter and two glasses filling her hands. She wasn’t going to invite him back to her rooms?

  She set the bottle and glasses down on an occasional table and rose, straightening her shoulders, expression grim. Uneasiness grew in his chest, she was plotting something; he knew the look well.

  “You’re going to feed, demon,” she said, pressing him against the temple wall. “I can feel you trembling and I need you strong right now.”

  If this was what she was planning, he was fully on board.

  His hands sought the folds of her robes
, fingers searching for bare skin. Yes, feed. “Feed me then. Let me feel your lust, Mara. Come apart all over me,” he whispered fervently against her neck, his mouth trailing down as his fingers finally found skin.

  “Stop.” Her eyes flashed.

  His hands faltered, his thoughts spun. He was starving, physically weak with hunger… not anyone but her… she shoved a glass toward him and he took it with a hollow smile. Sadness lurked in her eyes, a look that said she’d witnessed tragedy and she was not okay. And here he was, making this about him.

  “I just want to make you feel better.” He cleared his throat, trying to rid himself of the hoarseness, settling on tossing back the drink of liquid fire she’d made him, abandoning the glass with a grimace. “Make it so you don’t have to think for a while. They shouldn’t have told you like that.”

  She laughed, once. It sounded more like a sob to him. He was starving, but she needed him now.

  “I should feel better knowing that Asmodeus isn’t my grandfather. It should make some things a little less… wrong.” She sipped at her drink, her eyes staring at nothing. “But I can’t help feeling my life was a lie. That maybe that’s why he did what he did… that I was just another tool to further his revenge against Levistus.” She tossed the rest of her drink into her mouth, her cheeks momentarily bulging before she swallowed it down.

  She poured them each another, her eyes narrowed when he sat his glass down untouched, raising suspicion. He didn’t drink, she knew that.

  “Do you think my father even knows?” He settled himself on to a chaise. “He and Glasya have been more as parent and child than he and I ever have.”

  She snorted delicately and trailed her fingers across his forehead, brushing stray hairs aside.

  “Do you honestly think it possible that your father would be unaware of something that happened under his rule?”

  Cass nodded. As a matter of fact, it seemed very likely to him. Asmodeus was always focused on political maneuvering, grand scale schemes that took minute attention to detail. For his own consort to hide an affair under his nose, while he himself toiled away with a harem—seemed entirely plausible.


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