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Leather and Chrome Boxed Set

Page 13

by Sky McCoy

  “What?” He’d said.

  “I don’t ever remember seeing a look like that on your face well not out in public and not out of the bedroom.”

  “Can’t a man show his partner how he feels about him without his partner thinking he’s dying or having a stroke?” Lou opened the door for me and there was Hayden in the back seat laughing.

  “You two look so good together. You look as if you’re so in love. I’m jealous.”

  “Don’t be,” I said as I buckled up.”

  “So when is the big day?”

  “We haven’t set a date for the wedding,” I said as Lou started the car and pulled out. We had a few more hours to go before we reached the hotel.”

  “I’m not talking about the wedding.”

  “Then what are you talking about?”

  “Lou didn’t tell you?”

  “Tell me what, Lou?”

  “I’d plan on telling you after Thanksgiving. Well it wasn’t as if I would tell you, as much as, I wanted to ask you something.” Ethan glanced in the rear mirror looking at Hayden. When I looked at Hayden in the mirror to see what Ethan had seen, Hayden had his head lowered.

  “Will someone tell me what the fuck is going on?” Ethan barked then turning his attention to me.

  “I thought we could have a Collaring Ceremony,” I admitted with a shaky voice unable to control it because of my nerves.

  “What the fuck is that?”

  “Let me tell him, Lou,” Hayden pleaded as if it was his time to shine.

  “It’s Mr. Summers to you, Hayden,” Ethan hissed his voice full and annoyed. I knew he was angry with me for waiting until we had an audience before announcing this. Ethan’s anger fell on Hayden. He’d wanted to confront me, but he didn’t like scenes and I can attest to that from what occurred at Leather Bound.

  Hayden sat back in his seat and brought his fist to his mouth like a child who had done something wrong.

  “Don’t take it out on Hayden. He didn’t know any better. He was just excited to hear that I had planned a ceremony where I would hand you a collar and you would hand me cuffs and a leash. I invited friends to witness the ceremony and that would happen before we’d wed. I thought you’d preferred that instead of a bachelor party.”

  “Shouldn’t I have had something to say about this? Even Hayden knew before me?” Ethan appeared to be hurt. I heard it in his voice.

  “No, baby it wasn’t like that. I’d asked Daniel to arrange the ceremony at Leather Bound when you were ready. When you agreed to everything.”

  I heard Ethan inhale and then exhale. Then he reached across for my hand and our fingers laced. He leaned into me, kissed my cheek, reached for my leg, and palmed my cock. Around Ethan I’d always been hard even when we had arguments and disagreements, and this time it was no different. I wanted to place my large cock in his stubborn mouth and then in his tight eager little hole.

  To my surprise, Ethan smiled at me then whispered in my ear. “I need punishment, Daddy. I should never have talked to you that way. Whatever punishment you deem necessary I’m willing to accept.”

  I’d never been this hard in my life and so aroused by the way he called me Daddy.

  The sound of Ethan’s voice, sexy and submissive sent waves of energy and heat traveling through my spine before settling in my groin. My balls tightened and I could feel the leakage of pre-cum at the head of my cock. I became breathless, my eyes closed for a second, and I let out a loud moan. I trembled as if I’d had a hard orgasm.

  I drove the SUV to a park, stopped the car and turned off the motor. “Hayden, don’t you have to use the restroom. We need a few minutes.”

  Hayden smiled and shook his head yes. Then he opened the car door, stepped out of the car with a smile and his hands in his pockets, and headed for the bathroom signs.

  I turned to Ethan, unbuckled my seat belt and he did the same. I reached, placed my palm behind his head and rewarded him with my tongue sliding through the slit of his plump lips, and bringing him close with a soft kiss.

  Breathless, I teased, “What if we forgo the punishment in lieu of the ceremony? Like that you can take your time deciding when we will marry, and whether you want a large or small wedding. You’ll have enough time to make preparations for it if it’s large. Would you prefer that instead? I know if you pledge yourself to me in the collaring ceremony, I won’t have anything to worry about, and no one can come between us.”

  “No one can come between us, Lou. You have nothing to worry about. I’m yours,” he whispered. His words comforting, but I’m a natural worrier, and he hadn’t met my family yet.

  Ethan listened to me and had agreed with everything I proposed, however, there was one thing I didn’t tell him, and that was he had to be completely naked in front of friends and mostly strangers.

  I know it was wrong, not telling Ethan about the nude part, but it wasn’t as if I had lied to him. I just kept the information to myself for now. I needed more time to ease him into this important ceremony I thought we needed to make our lives together perfect.

  No use in ruining a beautiful holiday with the facts, I thought

  However, since friends were few and strangers were many, maybe being naked in front of strangers wouldn’t bother him. I’d tell him a little at a time, give it to him like sweet medicine, in doses, the way my mother would do when I didn’t want to take my medicine.

  To give it to him all at once, I’d risk losing him, and when it came to Ethan I’d rather lose every material thing in the world than to lose this man. I know if I had Ethan at my side, I could bare anything that life handed me.

  I’d covered the pros and cons of having that ceremony and I came to a quick conclusion. “We don’t have to have the ceremony,” I stated glancing over at Ethan for a second.

  “When I’d accepted the ring you gave me, I’d agreed to try your world. I love you enough, Lou to meet your family, marry you, and anything else you plan. I trust you with my heart because I know you will never hurt or disappoint me, Lou.”

  I heard the car door open, and when we looked around, Hayden was climbing into the backseat of my SUV. “Was that enough time?” he asked. “Should I go for a long walk on that trail?” He questioned, pointing at a dog trail where a cute guy with a small dog had stopped, and men and women came by to pet his dog. It looked as if he was trying to pick up women, but because it appeared Hayden had been eager to go over there, maybe Hayden spotted what I did not.

  I couldn’t see anyone, but Ethan. I was blind to every man around me.

  Chapter 8


  When the Range Rover pulled into the drive way of a sprawling ranch style home, I glanced at Lou. “This is where I grew up,” he said proudly displaying a bright smile.

  “There is more than enough room for us to stay here, Lou. How many bedrooms are there?”

  “Five bedrooms and six baths. Maybe more.”

  “Why did you want to get a hotel?” I asked unbuckling my seatbelt.

  “Trust me, you don’t want to know.” Lou chuckled but it was a nervous laugh and then he shook his head.

  “Do I look okay? And shouldn’t you have prepped me first?”

  “This isn’t a trial, Ethan. Be yourself. Even if everything goes badly, we don’t have to stay here, we have our hotel room and thank god we don’t live in the same state. Now go in there and compliment the cook on the dinner, try to eat that green bean casserole, and pumpkin pie.”

  “I love pumpkin pie,” Hayden said. I’d almost forgotten he was in the backseat.

  “What if we just turn around and head back to the hotel?” I questioned.

  “Well we could have done that, but look who’s parked behind us preventing us from moving?”

  “Daniel,” Hayden shouted. When I positioned my body where I could see, I caught a glimpsed of Hayden’s face. His cheeks were red from blushing, his pupils dilated. I knew that look.

  “I didn’t expect him to show, especially since he knew I was
going to be there,” Hayden exclaimed.

  “I knew he was going to be there, mainly since he found out you were coming,” I murmured. I don’t think Hayden heard me. He’d jumped out of the car leaving me and Lou glaring at each other. Lou raised an eyebrow and chuckled.

  “This is going to be interesting,” Lou joked.

  When Daniel stepped out of his car, he wore a pair of tight dark jeans, a white shirt, and a dark blue sports coat. He and Lou must have had the same idea. Hayden and I wore sweaters over our jeans and leather jackets for the chill. Well, we knew where the power rested—with those two extremely handsome men.

  One was my man, and Hayden was left to decide if it was worth it to go after Daniel.

  They stood looking at each other, Hayden shorter than Daniel, with wide shoulders. Then

  Hayden reached up and straightened Daniel’s collar. “Good move,” I mumbled.

  Then I watched Daniel smile and offer his hand to Hayden—palms up. Hayden placed his hand inside Daniel’s, and I knew by the look on Daniel’s face and his body language that he was into Hayden figuratively if not physically. However, by Hayden’s behavior it wouldn’t be long before Daniel would be inside and out of Hayden’s young fresh body.

  WHEN LOU OPENED THE car door and I stepped out, I was shaking. “Calm down, baby. It’s just my family.” I tightened my jaw and smiled.

  “Daniel and Hayden are already at the door, and we’re still standing here. Your family probably thinks we’re being rude. We’ve been hanging around the car too long. I don’t want them to feel I’m nervous about meeting them even if I am.”

  “They’ll probably think you’re arrogant,” Lou said with a chuckle. “Good for you.”

  “I don’t want them to think that either. If I do something like talk too much that means I’m nervous, come and rescue me, Lou.”

  We started walking and Lou placed his hand behind my waist. I wanted him to hold my hand but he knew his family better than I did. I wanted him to hold my hand just in case I would pass out from over thinking and oxygen not getting to my brain.

  When we stood at the door Daniel and Hayden were inside and the door was held open by one of Lou’s sisters. By the look of her long hair with blond and streaks of grey, she looked like a throwaway from her days as a Valley Girl.

  “Claire this is my fiancé, Ethan. Ethan this is Claire the oldest of my sisters.”

  “It’s nice to meet you. You have beautiful blue eyes just like my Lou.” She smiled at me and brought me in for a quick hug.

  Turning to Lou she mused, “You don’t have to introduce me like that. We wouldn’t want Ethan to think I was an old...never mind.” Claire grabbed Lou and held him as I watched the two. Then Claire turned and looked at me.

  “Come in Ethan and introduce yourself while I take Lou with me to help with the dinner.” Lou glanced over at me then directed his statement to Claire. “I thought Erik was the chef around the house.”

  Claire grabbed Lou’s hand before he could rescue me and led us into a large room where all eyes were on me. I completely missed the deer in the headlights look, instead, I looked like a deer after being struck by a truck.

  When I glanced behind me waiting for Claire or Lou to introduce me, they were gone and I was on my own. The least likely person came to my rescue. Daniel rose from his seat on a large L sofa, and Hayden had been preoccupied with filming on his phone and uploading it to Facebook and Instagram.

  Everyone, this is Ethan. He’s Lou’s fiancé. He grabbed my tense hand brought me over to Erik, Claire’s husband, Abigale and Luke, the younger sister Sophia and Andrew. As I smiled my way through this awkward introduction, and said hello, four children, three girls and a boy ran screaming pass us heading to the back where I could see a garden. Through the patio doors and into a rose garden they tramped and played.

  I sat facing another large sofa where Abigale and Luke sat as far away as possible from each other to call themselves a couple. Then Luke glanced over at me after looking at my feet and then my attire and said, “Take off your leather jacket and get comfortable. It is leather isn’t it? Not pleather?”

  “It’s real leather.”

  “The misses won’t let me buy one. Too expensive she says. We’ve got children. Do you have any children?”

  I wanted to run screaming, jump into the car, and head back to San Francisco. “No I don’t,” I said dryly offering him a smile.

  I was still wearing my leather jacket, so I shrugged through the arms and Daniel grabbed my coat and carried it into the hall. “How much did you pay for that jacket?” I pretended that I didn’t hear Luke.

  Daniel saved me that round and he appeared to be familiar with everyone and no one was judging him or maybe I felt as if everyone had judged me, and where the fuck was Lou?

  “So Ethan, what do you do?” Andrew asked. I remembered vaguely that he was Sophia’s husband. I assumed Andrew was talking about what I did for a living.

  “I’m a lawyer.”

  “Good,” Sophia chimed in. “You know Lou is rich and he controls the money in this family. My father left him in charge because he was his only son. I don’t think he liked girls. You won’t have rights to his estate you know.”

  “What?” I couldn’t believe my ears. “I’m not looking to get anything from Lou or his estate. I make a good living,” I boasted.

  “Then maybe Lou would give us more money from our inheritance. You could talk to him about that. He said that he was going to ask you to marry him the last time he was here. Did he ask you?” Sophia asked as Abigale leaned forward to listen attentively.

  “Yes, he did.”

  “And did you accept?” Andrew questioned. I was just about to tell him to go fuck himself when Lou peeked his head in with Claire.

  “I hope you didn’t pepper Ethan with your questions and try to run him away. Because he’s not going anywhere. He’s here to stay with this family and no you’re not getting any more money if that’s what all of you are asking,” Lou barked. Lou’s presence and baritone voice blared throughout the room. The room suddenly became quiet where I heard the birds screaming because I assumed a squirrel or an errant bird had crossed their threshold, perhaps to steal from their nest.

  Claire interrupted Lou’s speech to say, “It’s time to eat. The turkey and stuffing is getting cold.”

  Daniel rose from the sofa, as Hayden filmed his every movement, and he headed over to Claire, kissed her on the cheek, and gushed, “I haven’t had your macaroni and cheese in a year, and I can’t forget the mash potatoes. I’ve been dreaming of them since last Thanksgiving.” Claire’s smile beamed throughout the room after that compliment.

  I rolled my eyes. I hoped Hayden didn’t film that.

  Daniel probably had been dreaming of all that cum in his mouth and thought it was mash potatoes he’d been dreaming about, I thought. Daniel turned and took Hayden’s phone, brought an end to the filming after he’d videoed the table with all that wonderful looking food on a beautiful table cloth, and plates and silverware that looked expensive and were possibly heirlooms.

  “Everything is so beautiful,” I complemented Claire.

  I was afraid to touch anything. “My wife would put Martha Steward to shame,” Erik announced aiming a delighted smile at everyone and shifting his shoulders back with pride.

  Where I looked there were place cards with our names on them indicating where we could sit. When Lou directed me to my chair, it was across from him. I was disappointed especially when I learned that Luke was on one side of me, and Andrew on the other.

  I needed a drink like yesterday, but I didn’t want anyone to think the worse of me, but after a short conversation with Luke and Andrew who were already drunk, I guessed I wouldn’t have much to worry about when they got around to passing out the hard stuff. After dinner, I hoped. Until then, I had to endure these two obnoxious men who watched me from the time I opened my mouth to the way I cut my meat.

  They took pride in looking pass me at
each other and snickering as if I wasn’t sitting there. Finally, Lou saw them after they started passing around the green bean casserole and when they locked eyes with Lou, he narrowed his eyes, and just like that they shut down. No more snide remarks when I said I’d never been fishing or hunting.

  They seemed to take offence at that and I think Luke asked after drinking a glass of wine, “Well what the fuck do you gay guys like to do?”

  “Everyone is different. Just because I’m gay doesn’t mean I don’t like to hunt or fish. I know plenty of straight men who don’t like to hunt or fish,” I scolded.

  “Then they must be gay,” Luke chuckled and slapped me on the back.

  As we ate I heard Hayden telling Lou’s sisters about his singing career and his hopes for the future. They looked at him as if he was a rock star, and Lou’s family glared at me as if I’d killed the golden goose and ran away with the eggs.

  It was unnerving to say the least, and I was happy when that ended, and especially the green beans casserole that I was being forced fed.

  Walking to the living room, the children came tearing into the dining area where they had a table to themselves and the room empty of grownups. They timed it right. I wished I had.

  We sat and the drinks were passed around. I noticed someone missing. “Where is your mother, Lou?”

  “We’re going to see here tomorrow. She’s too sick to travel. She’s in a senior citizen home where she can get better care than Claire can give her. There she gets a chance to see her friends and socialize and she’s having dinner with them now.”

  Lou glanced down at his watch. “I wouldn’t bring you here and not let you meet my mother. She will love you, baby.” Lou placed his arm around me and gave me a drink of his Scotch. He knew I needed it more than him because he was driving. We didn’t see Sophia behind us.

  “That’s because my mother can’t stand her daughters’ husbands. Nothing they would do was good enough for her,” Sophia complained coming in from the dining room after the sisters served the children.


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