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To Belive A Buccaneer

Page 10

by Heather C. Myers

  “Mr. and Mrs. Daniels!” Bex exclaimed, clearly avoiding her best friend’s question. “So glad you could make it.”

  “Yes, well,” Helena Daniels said, her dark blue eyes flitting over the stadium in obvious distaste. Her hand cupped the side of her back while her other was holding on to her husband’s arm. Her dyed, bleach-blonde hair was pulled up into a clip, and her pale face was lathered in makeup without going over the top. She had a petite frame that seemed to drown in her new Chanel suit but seemed rather comfortable in her matching heels. “Our daughter is graduating college and all.”

  “We are so proud of you,” Damon Daniels said, reaching out and squeezing his daughter’s shoulder warmly. His hazel eyes reflected his statement as he regarded his only daughter, and he pulled her into a tight hug.

  “Oh, Damon!” Helena exclaimed, her eyes immediately looking over her husband’s crisp, Armani suit. “Your suit! We still have to see Luke after this, you know, and it wouldn’t be fair for you to show up looking less than spectacular.”

  “Where is Luke?” Izzy asked, trying to keep the contempt out of her voice. Despite her usual happy-go-lucky nature, her mother managed to bring out the cynic in the young woman.

  “He’s sorry he couldn’t come,” Damon said, trying to reassure his daughter.

  “Who is this man?” Helena said, turning her face to finally regard Johnny, who happened to be studying the scene that was unfolding before him quietly. “Oh Isabelle, did you hire this man to accompany you here because he looks like Johnny Depp? That’s pretty low, even for your addiction to that actor.”

  “Mom,” Izzy said, narrowing her eyes at her mother. Helena regarded her daughter almost lazily. She met eyes with Johnny for a moment, before swallowing. “This is my friend, Johnny Clover.”

  “His name is even Johnny,” Helena said in a dry voice, rolling her blue eyes up to the sky. “Imagine that.” Her hand moved dismissively around as though she had her usual dry martini in her French-manicured hand. “Whatever happened to Zach? I liked him very much, you know.”

  “I told you this, Mom,” Izzy said through gritted teeth, trying to contain her patience along with her temper. “Zach and I broke up.”

  “Well, can’t you just apologize for whatever it is you did wrong and get back together with him?” Helena asked breezily, almost as though it was the most obvious decision in the world for her daughter to do.

  Damon immediately recognized the fire that sparked in his daughter’s eyes, and intervened before Izzy had the chance. “Congratulations again, darling,” he told his daughter. “Now, your mother and I really should get going. We have to meet Luke in about forty-five minutes.”

  “You mean she’s not coming with us?” Helena asked, appalled at the notion her daughter wouldn’t accompany her parents to meet with the golden child.

  “I can’t,” Izzy said. “I told you, I have my graduation ball tonight.”

  “Oh, of course,” Helena said as her husband proceeded to lead her away. “As long as your priorities are in check.”

  Bex stepped in front of her friend, her hands gripping the sides of her shoulders to keep Izzy from going after her mother. Bex wasn’t sure if Izzy would do anything in public, especially at her graduation, but she also knew that no one could get to Izzy as her mother could, and because of that, she wanted to take all the necessary precautions.

  Izzy felt her body slowly start to relax, especially when her parents disappeared into the large crowd of graduates and their families. Her eyes finally found Johnny’s, and she felt her face blush under his enquiring gaze. “I’m sorry,” she murmured softly. “I’m sorry for my parents’ behavior, especially my mother’s.”

  “Are you all right, love?” Johnny asked, leaning towards her, much closer than what was necessary.

  Izzy found it hard to think of a response when Johnny looked so breathtakingly handsome. He wasn’t wearing anything over the top, just a simple white, long-sleeved collared shirt tucked into navy blue slacks. A couple of buttons were left undone, revealing the beginnings of a nicely toned torso. She was supposed to be mad at him, wasn’t she? How could she be, when he looked like that? And his dark eyes seemed genuinely concerned about her well-being.

  “I’m fine,” she told him before running her fingers through her hair. She found it much easier to do now that it was straight. “I’m just…I’m sorry if my parents offended you in any way.”

  “They’re your parents,” Bex said flatly. “They offend everyone.”

  “What happened to your hair?” Johnny asked, reaching out and taking a few strands of hair between his fingertips, staring at it and feeling the silkiness. “What happened to the waves?”

  “Oh,” Izzy said, feeling another flush mask her cheeks. “I straightened it.”

  “Is it going to be this way forever?” Johnny asked, clearly worried at the thought.

  “No, of course not,” Izzy replied, shaking her head. She found this somewhat difficult to do since Johnny still had some of her hair in his hand. “Once I shower or come in contact with water, it’ll go back to the way it normally is.”

  “Are you keeping it this way tonight?” he asked her, his brow perking.

  “I don’t know,” she said. “Why?”

  “I just like it better the way you normally wear it,” Johnny told her honestly. Izzy was about to retort something along the lines of how it didn’t matter seeing as how he wasn’t taking her to the ball, but Johnny seemed to sense this, and cut in. “Now, tell me, why did everyone throw their caps up at the end of the ceremony? In fact, why have a ceremony in the first place?”


  When Johnny first laid eyes on Izzy as she headed down her apartment stairs, he couldn’t take his eyes off of her. She was wearing a royal blue strapless dress with a ruched cross bodice that added texture to a classic shape. The sweetheart cut revealed a bit of her cleavage in a classy way and the empire waistline highlighted her slim frame while the skirt itself billowed around her loosely. Her blonde hair was completely pulled back into a lovely bun, some strands threaded with small pearls. Her makeup was light and natural, but the necessities were highlighted; her brown eyes stood out, her already full lips looked even fuller, and her sharp cheekbones looked higher than they already were. Johnny was glad to see her freckles were still shown; she looked absolutely beautiful. On her feet there were simple black high heels.

  She looked absolutely…

  Johnny had been thinking about his feelings for the past twelve hours. Actually, he had been thinking of her from the moment he first laid eyes upon her, and when he realized she had stirred unfamiliar feelings inside of him, he thought on them whenever he wasn’t distracted with something else. But as he looked at her descending the stairs, he realized that he wanted her all to himself. Though he may never be able to offer her love, he could offer everything that went along with the emotion. Hell, he may even be able to be monogamous to her. He had already started, what with not having any sort of sexual relations since coming to this new world, although he was tempted.

  But that wasn’t because of Izzy, now was it? He just didn’t desire to, which was quite odd, now that he thought of it.

  “What are you doing here?” Izzy asked once she finally reached the bottom. She arched her brow suspiciously and began to look at the man in front of her.

  Johnny looked painstakingly handsome in the suit he was wearing. It was different from the one they had bought at South Coast Plaza, but it fit his frame in such a way that Izzy could swear it was made with him in mind. It was a black suit, with white pinstripes running down both the blazer and the slacks. A white, long-sleeved collared shirt sat underneath his blazer, and a dark navy blue tie with dull green stripes hung from around his neck. A maroon satin handkerchief was placed expertly in his breast pocket, the top of it sticking out in a triangular shape. If there was ever to be a photo of what perfection looked like, Johnny would surely be it. His dark, shaggy hair was pushed back from his face so n
ot one stray strand fell into it. She also noticed that he shaved, now completely free of any and all facial hair, revealing a well-defined jaw line. This only brought out more of his angular face, highlighting his cheekbones, his perfect, low brow, his dark, dangerous eyes. Her lips drifted to his lips, and she wanted to badly to push on her toes and claim his lips with hers.

  Sensing this, she took a step back, hoping the distance would stop her from engaging in such an act of foolishness.

  “Izzy!” a female voice exclaimed, running up to her friend. Izzy’s eyes narrowed when she saw Bex; of course her friend would be behind this. Izzy was perfectly fine going to the graduation ball by herself! She didn’t need a man to escort her!

  Although…Johnny did look exceedingly handsome….

  “I enlisted Johnny to accompany you to the ball,” Bex told her friend, as though it was the best idea she had ever had. “I figured after everything today, hell, the whole month, really, you deserve a night for fun. And I thought that you and Johnny get along well enough, so why not?”

  “I would be honored,” Johnny began as he reached out and took her hand in his, before leaning forward slightly as he brought her fingers to his lips, “to accompany you to your ball.” His lips brushed her knuckles, causing every hair on her body to stand while warmth spread throughout her body. There were times Izzy forgot that Johnny was a pirate back in the eighteenth century, but little acts of chivalry such as this one reminded her.

  “All right,” Izzy finally said, turning her head in hopes he wouldn’t see her blush. She slipped her fingers from his and headed to the passenger seat of Bex’s car, trying to calm her steady heart.

  Even after the car ride pulled up to UCI’s huge library, Izzy still had a fluttery feeling in her chest. Before she could turn and slip outside, Johnny was at the door, and proceeded to open it for her. He offered her his hand, and for a moment, all Izzy could do was look at him. His eyes, whether he meant them to or not, gave her a smoldering look, causing a sensual shiver to run down her back. She swallowed before taking it, and Johnny helped her out of the vehicle. She was so close to him he could smell the vanilla and strawberry scent radiating off her exposed skin. She smelled delicious, and he wondered for a moment what she would taste like. After shutting the door behind her, he offered her his arm, and Izzy took it before Johnny began to lead her inside.

  The library was cleared out, and in its stead, there were tables of refreshments, tables and chairs for people to sit down and converse, a deejay and a dance floor. The lights were dim, making the atmosphere more romantic, and upon entering the large building, there was a large banner that congratulated Izzy’s class. Many people acknowledged the couple with a look of curiosity. Some even looked both Izzy and Johnny up and down, their eyes filled with interest depending on their gender and who they were looking at.

  “What would you like to do?” Izzy asked, tilting her chin up and bringing it closer to him in hopes he could hear her better.

  Would “kiss you” be a bad answer? a voice inside of his mind asked quite curiously.

  “Whatever you would like to do,” he instead responded, and curled his lips up to indicate that he was being sincere in his response.

  For the next few hours, Izzy introduced Johnny to her friends and professors. She noticed many women gave her glares, while some looked at him oddly. A few people actually went up to him and asked if he was Johnny Depp. Instead of getting mad, Izzy was glad to see that Johnny was taking it all in stride. They drank water, ate some of the snacks that were offered, and danced.

  Though many women were giving the man insinuating stares, Johnny only had eyes for Izzy. He didn’t even have to pretend to be completely consumed with her; he was soon realizing it was starting to become natural. Of course, that didn’t mean he loved her, but he was beginning to grow accustomed to the feeling of caring for her. The two danced as well, with Izzy teaching him the way people did it here rather than where Johnny was from. Johnny seemed to particularly like the close proximity of dancing, as well as the more provocative moves. As he had assumed, Izzy was quite talented at moving her hips along to the loud beat of any song, but really, there was never any doubt in Johnny’s mind.

  At around midnight, Izzy led Johnny out the backdoors where there was a small patch of greenery set up for those that wanted privacy. Surprisingly, the two could make out the stars in the sky. Though they were not big, the sky was clear, the moon was full, and the darkness only illuminated their light. Johnny’s hand was tucked securely in the small of Izzy’s back, and though neither said anything of it, both felt comfortable in the other’s presence.

  “Thank you,” Izzy murmured, turning to look up at him, “for coming with me tonight. Before Zach and I broke up, we were supposed to go together, but…” Her eyes searched his eyes, but she wasn’t sure what she was looking for. “…I am sure I had more fun with you than I would have ever had with him.”

  “Zach is a fool,” Johnny told her, his tone slightly on edge at the thought of Zach harming her. He lifted his hand up and placed his fingertip on her cheekbone, tracing the hollow of it. Tilting his head down so his forehead rested on hers gently, he tightened his grip on her waist and pulled her closer to him. He absolutely adored the way her petite, feminine frame fit perfectly against his hard body. “But I should thank him for not being able to be with you tonight….” His tone had turn into a low, husky murmur, as though he was casting a spell on her. Whatever he was doing, it was working.

  “Johnny,” Izzy said in a breathless tone. Subconsciously, she tilted her head, her eyes going to his lips and she dabbed her lips with her tongue.

  Johnny’s brow rose at the sight, and his desire to claim her lips became a necessity for him. His eyes slowly closed, and he leaned down even further, but before either could fulfill their desire, the world around them faded into black and the two started to fall.


  The first thing Johnny did when he felt the odd sensation was wrap his firm arms around Izzy’s waist and pull her close against him. He wasn’t sure if this was some New World technology or whatnot, and he would be damned if he was going to let her get hurt in any way. As blackness surrounded them, he felt Izzy go limp in his arms and he pushed his brow together, his deep chocolate eyes pooling with concern. What had happen? Why had she slipped into unconsciousness? The falling only lasted a moment until the two hit something soft. Johnny managed to shift his body so she landed on top of him, and he caught most of the brute force. Luckily for him, what he landed on appeared to be some sort of queen-sized bed, with rich, wine-colored covers.

  Johnny’s grip on the sleeping woman never wavered, but he cocked his head to the side, trying to take in everything he could without shifting around too much. The first thing he caught sight of was a large, wooden desk that appeared to be nailed into the wooden floor. A few papers sat on top of the flat surface, along with a globe of some sort. When he cast his eyes downward, there were four different trunks, also nailed into the wooden floor, that contained various articles of clothing. And finally, he caught sight of a window on the side of a wooden wall, a squared window with sunlight spilling into the room, painted against a clear, blue sky.

  Johnny concentrated for a long moment, staring up at the wooden ceiling. Instead of looking for anything, he finally closed his eyes and simply listened and smelled. He could hear the soft lulling of familiar waves ocean meshed with far-off calls that resembled sea gulls. He smelled…freshness, salt. He was on a boat of some kind. He had to be. On the ocean. But where was he? Somewhere in the new world, or…?

  A soft whimper came out of Izzy’s slightly parted mouth, but when Johnny looked down to capture her face within his gaze, she looked nothing past peaceful. Without conferring with Johnny’s control, a soft smile touched his lips. He realized she was capable of making him happy without doing anything, really. Just her being alive caused his heart to swell, and he didn’t understand why, but he didn’t feel that he needed to. Speaking of whic
h, he took his index and middle fingers and pressed them gently on the column of her throat so he could make sure she was alive and her breathing was steady.

  It was.

  A swell of relief surged through his body and he felt a sigh slip past his lips. He shifted her body slightly so it wasn’t on him anymore. However, her head was tucked just underneath his arm, and seemed to fit there almost perfectly. Though Johnny was never one for cuddling, he felt a warm, comfortable sensation with her next to him like this. Now what he needed to find out was where the bloody hell was he?

  “The Caribbean,” a familiar, silky voice told him.

  Now that Johnny could move more easily, his head snapped up and he caught sight of Willow standing in front of the dark oak doors. Her lithe form leaned against the hard wood, and her blue eyes were staring into Johnny’s, studying him, as though trying to figure out if she had made the right decision. “In the year seventeen eighteen.”

  Johnny’s brow pushed up so high that if his hair wasn’t securely pushed back from his sharp face, they would have become lost behind his shaggy locks. His mouth opened slightly, only enhancing the sharpness of his cheekbones, and his eyes widened slightly. “Oh,” he finally managed to say. “And she…?” He wasn’t sure what he wanted to ask, but nodded at the sleeping woman before refocusing his gaze back on Willow.

  “Though you are not sure what you I want to say, I am,” Willow said in her musical voice, her lips curling up in that knowing grin. Johnny refrained from frowning at her words; he was left slightly disgruntled that she seemed to know him better than he knew himself. As though she could read his mind, Willow’s smile deepened. “I do not know you better than yourself, Johnny Clover. But to answer your unspoken question, she will remain with you, just as you remained with her.”

  “She will not…leave me?” he asked her, trying not to sound desperate, but wanting to know the answer nonetheless. “She will not vanish before my eyes?”


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