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Ascension Vision- The Levels of Ascension Box Set

Page 4

by Amy Proebstel

  She walked out to the other garage and opened the door to the 4-Runner for Vinia. She showed her the seatbelt and how it worked, and then she went around to the driver’s side and started the engine. As the garage door was opening, she said, “Remember to act as if everything around you is normal. I can’t have you staring at everything or asking too many questions. I’ll answer everything for you once we return home so just keep a catalog of questions for then, okay?”

  Vinia swallowed her nerves and said, “I’m ready.” She had decided she was going to need this education sooner or later if she were going to be a part of her children’s lives. After all, they had been living and experiencing life on Earth for the past eight anons; years she corrected herself.

  This led her to another thought; she was going to have to remember two sets of vocabulary which could not be confused when she changed dimensions. She would have to pay more attention to how Amanda and Riccan handled the language differences and try to emulate them as much as possible.

  They pulled out of the driveway, onto the main road, and into the life of Richmond Heights, Florida. Just as Amanda had planned, they ate breakfast at one of her favorite restaurants where the servers all knew her name. They spent a leisurely time eating, including having dessert for Vinia’s benefit.

  They went to the bank where Amanda asked about setting up accounts for her two girls, even though she had no intention of actually going through with it. She knew the banks had security camera systems which would be irrefutable evidence of her being in town during the time of day where Neal had been taken from the hospital.

  As their last stop, Amanda pulled into the shopping mall along the way home. She really hated shopping, but she thought it might be fun for Vinia to see the fashions of the people of Earth. To make the trip out worthwhile, she decided she would buy Vinia a few outfits to keep at her house for when she came to visit her children.

  Chapter Six

  AMANDA GLANCED AT her watch as she was turning into her driveway. They had spent almost two hours out on the town, and she suspected there would be some action happening pretty soon. She pulled the truck into the garage and shut the garage door. Vinia helped her gather all of their bags of clothes and take them into the house where they put it all down on the living room floor.

  Vinia had been anxious about taking so long since Barla was watching Danika for her. She spotted her daughter out in the pool with Barla. Diane sat on the edge of the pool with her pants rolled up and her feet splashing in the water playfully. Clearly, Danika had not missed her mother’s presence.

  As if on cue, the gate intercom buzzed. Amanda took a calming breath and went to answer it. “Hello,” she said into the box on the wall.

  “Kendall District Police, we’d like to ask you a few questions,” the man’s voice replied.

  “Sure, come on up,” Amanda said as she pressed the button to open the gate. She turned to Vinia and said, “The questions will begin. Do you want to stay in here with me or go out by the pool to say hello to Danika?”

  “I’m sorry, Amanda, would you be too upset if I went outside?” Vinia felt as though she were abandoning a friend in her time of need.

  “Oh, Vinia, I love you. Don’t feel bad. I’ve got this handled. Go outside and enjoy yourself. Hopefully, I can get this squared away.”

  Vinia smiled sheepishly and practically ran out the back door.

  Amanda watched as Danika’s smile lit up her face, and she started to babble nonsensical things to her mother. She wished she could join them as she went to answer the knock on the front door. She did have everything covered. She just had to remain calm and unconcerned; it was all going to depend on her acting skills.

  Two officers stood facing her, both looking uncomfortable with their assignment. “Amanda Stel?”

  “That’s me.”

  “We’re sorry to disturb you, Mrs. Stel. Would you mind letting us come in and ask you a few questions?”

  “Not at all, come on in. Can I get you anything? Water? Coffee? Tea?”

  “No, ma’am, we’re fine,” the one officer replied for them both as they stepped into the foyer and looked around in amazement at the sheer size of the house.

  Amanda led the way into the living room and, pushing aside a few of the bags of clothes, said, “Please sit down, we may as well be comfortable. What can I help you with, officers?” She hoped they would not see her hands trembling as she folded them in her lap as she sat down across from them.

  “We’ve been informed of a patient escaping from Creedmoor Psychiatric Center in Queens, New York. The patient’s name is…,” he looked down at his notepad and continued, “Nealand Taivas, Jr.”

  “Oh my goodness, is Neal okay?” Amanda said in a surprised tone.

  “We haven’t found him yet. Do you have any knowledge of his whereabouts?”

  “If he’s not at the center, then I’d assume he’d be with his parents. Have you contacted them yet?”

  “No, ma’am, we were given to believe you participated in Mr. Taivas’ escape from the center. Given what time it is and the fact that he went missing only about an hour ago, then it would be impossible for you to have been personally involved since it would take at least three hours to fly here.”

  “Wait, let me give Jessica a call, and we can see if she knows where her son is,” Amanda said as she stood up to get her phone from the kitchen island. She flipped open the cell and punched in Jessica’s phone number. She heard several rings before she heard Jessica’s voice. Amanda turned to face the police as she spoke, “Hey, Jessica, it’s me, Amanda. Hi. Yes, the police are here at my house, and they’re looking for Neal. Have you seen him? Oh, he’s with you right now? Oh, that’s wonderful. Just a sec.”

  Amanda loosely held her hand over the receiver and asked the two officers, “Would either of you like to speak with Neal’s mother? She says Neal’s with her right now.”

  One of the officers nodded his head and went over to stand beside Amanda. He held out his hand for the phone and put it up to his ear, “Hello, is this Jessica Taivas?”

  “Yes, what’s going on? Is there a problem?”

  “We had a report that your son escaped from Creedmoor in New York.”

  “I think there’s been a grave mistake, Officer. I’m sorry someone has wasted your time and caused such a fuss. Neal contacted me last night and said he was leaving Creedmoor because he didn’t feel he was being treated properly. I made arrangements for him to fly home last night. He and I are out eating breakfast right now.”

  “Mrs. Taivas, we’re going to have to speak to both you and Neal. Can we come over to your house in twenty minutes?”

  “Yes, we were just finishing right now. I believe we can be home by then.”

  “Okay, thank you for your cooperation. We’ll be over shortly.” He flipped the phone shut and spoke to Amanda, “Thank you for your assistance, Mrs. Stel. I’m sorry to have bothered you.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I’m just glad I could help you out. Let me walk you to the door,” she smiled up at the officer.

  When the two uniformed men finally got back into their car and drove away, Amanda shut the front door and leaned her back against the door to hold herself up. Her knees were shaking along with the rest of her body. Never in her life had she been so scared. Her only hope now was that Jessica and Neal could both remain calm and able to keep up the story they had fabricated.

  Diane found her daughter slumped down on the floor by the front door. Instantly she screamed, “Amanda? Amanda, are you okay?” She ran across the living room and into the foyer. She slowed her run as Amanda lifted her head from her knees and looked up at her.

  “I’m fine, Mom. I only had a slight panic attack after the police left. Help me up,” she said as she held up her hand for her mom to support her while she stood back up.

  “I’m sorry you’re going through all of this, Amanda. I only wanted you to have a happy life once you woke up from your coma.” Diane pulled her daughter t
o her and wrapped her arms around her to give her as much love as she could show. She rubbed her daughter’s back until she no longer felt the quiver’s of fear pulsing through Amanda’s body. She pulled away and asked, “Are you better now?”

  “Yes, much better. Thank you for being here today, Mom. I’m so glad you were able to get to see and talk to your sister again. At least one thing has gone right today.”

  “What do you mean ‘one thing’? Did something go wrong?”

  “Not yet. The police are on their way to the Taivas house to question Jessica and Neal. As long as neither of them cave, then we are all going to be fine. If either one of them says the wrong thing, then we are all going to have a lot of explaining to do.”

  Diane listened carefully to her daughter and then smiled.

  “What could you possibly have to smile about, Mom?”

  “You!” Diane laughed out loud at her daughter’s expression. “Don’t you see, Amanda? How can they come back to say it was you when you were clearly here in town shopping? It would be impossible for you or even Vinia to have been in New York and here at the same time.”

  “All true, Mom, except for the fact I was there. They probably have security footage of Rasa and me. I don’t know why I didn’t think about that when I was walking through the halls of Creedmoor. How could I have been so careless?” Amanda slapped her thigh as she left the foyer and her mother behind.

  “At least you won’t have to worry about them ever finding Rasa. She’s from Tuala, and she won’t be visiting Earth anytime soon.” Diane sped up to stand beside her daughter. She touched her arm and spoke softly, “Don’t ever berate yourself for being a good friend and doing the right thing. I’ve always loved you for your loyalty. Everything will be just fine. Besides, if it came right down to it, you could always move to Tuala until the statute of limitation ran out.”

  Amanda simply stared at her mother. Suddenly she burst out laughing at the absurdity of her last statement. Her giggles resumed as soon as she said, “Until the statute of limitations runs out!” She collapsed on the couch and brushed the tears away from her eyes as her chuckles finally stopped. “Thanks, Mom. I needed to hear a voice of reason.”

  Barla held the door open for Vinia who was carrying Danika. They stopped at the door when they saw Amanda and Diane seemingly in deep discussion and asked, “Is now a bad time?”

  “No, no, you’re fine. Mom was just making me laugh. Come inside and cool off. I’ll get everyone something to drink.” Amanda went to the kitchen and stood staring at the contents of the refrigerator. She really hoped it would not come to them having to leave town for several years.

  Chapter Seven

  JON FINALLY CORNERED Sofia at school the day after his phone call complaining about his siblings’ trick on him regarding their mother. “What did you mean on the phone last night? It almost sounded as though you believed Behn and Val’s story about us being aliens!”

  Sofia’s eyes got huge as she rapidly looked around them. She grabbed his arm hard and whispered, “Hey, keep your voice down! Do you want everyone to know?”

  “Know what, that my brother and sister have gone off the deep end? You’re right; I probably should try to keep that in the family!” he whispered back to her even though he felt like yelling.

  “And just so you know, I do believe them. I want you to think about everything you and I have talked about since I got hit by the car. Really think about it with what Behn and Val told you as well. I know you will come to the same conclusion.” She kept her hand on his arm and began moving him out of the flow of students so they could speak more privately in the alcove next to the girls’ bathroom.

  “I can’t believe they got to you, too. I’m really starting to think I’m the one going crazy!” He shook his head and closed his eyes in frustration.

  “Listen to me, Jon! You are not going crazy, but you are in a very unique situation. We all are, for that matter. The easiest way to resolve this whole thing is for you to go along with what you’ve been told. Tell them you have reconsidered and you’re willing to meet with your mother. Have them take you home. Have them show you the, what did you call it…oh yeah, the telepod in the garage. If they can do all of that, then will you believe?”

  Jon stared at Sofia in horror at her suggestion to go along with the plot. Suddenly he realized what he could do. “I like it. I can go along with it until I can prove that they’ve all been duped. Good idea, Sofia. Have you seen Behn or Val? I want to tell them right now. Let’s get this thing over with once and for all!” He pulled away from Sofia and began scanning the faces in the crowds trying to find his brother or sister.

  “Jon, we’ve got to head to class right now. Sit through this next class, and then you can tell them at lunch. You know where they’ll be then.”

  Jon nodded even as he was thinking about his new plan. “Good idea. Okay, I’ll see you at lunch!” He continued to nod even as he stalked off in the opposite direction.

  Sofia watched him go and wondered what his reaction was going to be when he found out everything he had been told was actually true. She shook her head and walked slowly to her typing class. She was going to have to pay more attention to her lessons after her last conversation with her teacher, Mrs. Shoreham.

  Soon enough the bell rang to end class and Sofia shot out of her seat and rushed out the door to get to her locker. She definitely did not want to be late for lunch and the conversation which was bound to be interesting. Sofia tossed her book and binders carelessly into the locker and slammed the door shut as she turned and entered the flow of students into the cafeteria.

  Sofia spotted Jon first and shoved her way through the crowd to get beside him. She tugged on his sleeve, and he looked down from his active search to smile at her.

  “Good,” he said absentmindedly, “You can help me find everyone.”

  “Jon, seriously, there’s no need to be so obvious. Grab a tray and get your lunch. We always sit at the same table together. Good grief, you can be so…so focused!” She tugged on his arm to get him to follow her directions. She stumbled slightly as he actually came along easily. Sofia looked up at him to see if he were planning something else, yet all she saw was him acting nearly normal again.

  “I’m sorry, Sofia. You’re right about this, too. Besides I’m really hungry anyway since I was too upset last night to eat dinner with Behn and Val sitting across the table glaring at me to believe their crazy story. Of course, Mom and Dad asked what was going on, but nobody gave them a real answer.” Jon picked up a tray and began filling it with several different dishes of food.

  Sofia followed along behind him and only grabbed a salad and a bowl of fruit. Her mind was working through what could possibly go wrong at the table once they were all seated. She hoped they would at least keep their voices lowered so it would not draw too much attention.

  They sat down and waited for everyone else to join them. Juila and Jena were the first to arrive. Both of the girls were smiling and on their best behavior as though the night before had not even happened.

  Juila sat down next to Sofia and asked, “How are you feeling today? Did I see your car out in the parking lot?”

  “I’m feeling much better than I was! Yes, my mom finally agreed I was well enough to drive myself to school again. Of course, the only parking spot I could find was out in the back forty! I’m not sure I ever really thanked you for helping me right after the accident.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You know, you…” Sofia looked up as there was a shifting of positions at the table.

  “Hey, Jena, scoot over so I can sit down beside Juila,” Behn said as he tried to fit in between Juila and Jena.

  Sofia saw the look on Jon’s face and decided to let the conversation with Juila drop. There were certainly more important matters which would be discussed. They only had one more person to wait for, and she was nowhere to be seen. She leaned around Juila and asked, “Where’s Val?”

  “She’ll b
e here shortly. She said she wanted to go to the bathroom first,” Behn replied. He picked up his fork and began eating as though nothing were wrong.

  Sofia poked Jon in the ribs with her elbow and whispered, “Eat while you can.” She looked down at his full tray meaningfully.

  Jon scowled at her even as he picked up his fork and stabbed the meatloaf harder than was absolutely necessary.

  Sofia valiantly contained her grin as she turned to concentrate on her own salad. She had her mouth full when Valentina and Luke came over to sit down. Instead of taking her customary seat next to Jon she set her tray next to Luke’s when he sat down beside Jena and hopped over the bench. It appeared as though the teams were formed, the four of them were sticking together, and she and Jon were on the opposing team. Sofia almost felt bad for Luke since he was actually clueless while secretly she was rooting for team Tuala to win this upcoming battle.

  Jon set down his fork and leaned forward as he spoke quietly, yet distinctly, “I want you to make arrangements for me to meet our mom.”

  All eyes shifted from Jon to Sofia. She took in their gazes and tried to act innocent as she picked through her salad for another bite to stab.

  Behn broke the silence and asked, “So you believe us now?”

  “I don’t know what to believe just yet, but I want to meet our mother. I’ll decide what to think after I talk to her. Will you do it?”

  “Sure,” Behn said and then turned to Juila and asked, “Do you think your mom can arrange it?”

  “I don’t see why not since she’s the one who did it before. I’ll ask her after school.”

  Jon rudely interrupted and demanded, “Call her now on your cell phone. Tell her I’d like to see her today.”

  Juila frowned slightly and then shrugged her shoulders as she dug her phone out of her coat pocket. “Okay, okay, don’t get so testy, Jon. I’ll see if my mom has time today.”


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