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Ascension Vision- The Levels of Ascension Box Set

Page 59

by Amy Proebstel

  WHILE AMANDA ENJOYED having her daughters back home for the weekend, she could not get her sister’s revelation off of her mind. How could she have gone her entire life not knowing that the twin she had been in the womb with had not survived their birth? She felt terrible because her sister’s grave had never been visited, and she had never given her flowers. As soon as her daughters went back to Tuala, she planned on going to the cemetery to rectify the situation.

  After their bizarre homecoming, it was nice to have a quiet Saturday with the girls. They would be able to talk about everything which had been going on, which seemed to be more chaotic than normal. She was going to have to tell Jena and Juila about their cousins coming to live with their grandparents. This, of course, would lead to having to tell them the reason for the sudden change in guardianship: her sister was in prison on drug charges.

  Then there was the change in Jena’s situation where she was no longer betrothed to Willian. Amanda had been told the basics of the story, yet there seemed to be quite a bit more to be learned than time had permitted. She still had a hard time understanding how Valentina had been caught up in all of the drama, even though Jena insisted it was okay.

  “You might as well get up. I can hear you thinking from over here,” Riccan said as he rolled over in the bed to face his wife.

  “I’m sorry, Riccan. I was just trying to make sense of everything which has been going on. Why does it seem like things are happening so fast? Should we be scared?” Amanda scooted up to the headboard and rested her back against it as she looked down at her husband.

  “Things are going to be changing; that’s the nature of life. Besides, everything has worked out so well, and we should be grateful.”

  “Oh, I’m grateful, all right. I just keep wondering when it’s going to start falling apart.”

  “That doesn’t sound like you, Amanda. You’re usually so optimistic.”

  “Don’t listen to me; I’m just having an off day. Maybe after breakfast and talking with the girls, I’ll be more like my old self.”

  “That’s a great idea. Let me grab a quick shower, and then I’ll fix us some breakfast. I’ll make your favorite.” He winked at her and slipped out of the other side of the bed.

  Amanda grinned at his nakedness and wondered if it would ever grow old seeing him prance around in the buff. She doubted it and then sighed as she heard the shower water sputter. She was going to have to face the day and deal with all of its challenges. It would be easier with a full stomach, and she was glad her husband liked to cook as her own culinary skills were sadly lacking.

  She had just touched her feet to the floor to get moving when the phone on her nightstand began ringing. Looking at the clock, Amanda wondered if there were some sort of emergency which would cause someone to call so early on the weekend. Grabbing the receiver, she used her thumb to hit the call button even as she slid it up to her ear and spoke, “Hello?”

  “I’m sorry to call so early, Amanda. Do you mind if I came over this morning? I’ve had a breakthrough of sorts, and I’m starting to feel as though I’m going nuts.”

  “Neal, I’m sorry…,” Amanda started to object but stopped when Nealand began to protest.

  “Amanda, I wouldn’t ask unless it were important. Please!”

  She could hear the desperation in his voice even as she glanced back toward where she could hear Riccan splashing around in the shower. Maybe it would be better if she went to his house. She drew in a breath to offer her alternative when Nealand once again started speaking.

  “I need to see you, and we can’t talk here…I think you know why. My parents are already so concerned about my mental state, and if they heard what I had to say, then I’d probably have to start worrying about being sent back to Creedmoor.”

  “Jeez, Neal, don’t even joke about that! You can’t ever see Dr. Gascon again, that man is deranged and dangerous.”

  “Who’s joking? Unless I can talk this over with you, then I think I might have to admit myself!”

  “I think you’re being a little bit melodramatic. Fine! What time do you want to come over? Do you need me to pick you up?” She was hoping to have enough time to get a shower and eat before he arrived since it seemed as though he had quite a bit to talk about before she could have her house back to herself for the day.

  “I can be there in about half an hour. Is that okay? I really want to get out of here before my parents are awake and start asking me more questions I can’t answer honestly.”

  “Is it really that bad?”


  Amanda sighed in resignation and answered, “I’ll see you when you get here.”

  “Thank you! You’re a life-saver, Amanda! See you in a little bit. Bye.”

  “Bye,” Amanda replied even though she had already heard him disconnect the call. She stared at the receiver still in her hand as she lowered it slowly from her head. “The chaos continues,” she whispered out loud to herself as she stretched forward and put the cordless phone back on the charger.

  “Did I hear the phone ring?” Riccan asked as he stood naked in the doorway rubbing the towel over his hair.


  “Who was it? Is everything okay, Amanda? Did you hear something about Carrie?” He became concerned about what could have gone wrong, assuming it had to be about Amanda’s sister.

  “What? No. That was Neal. Apparently, he’s recovered his memory, and he wants to come over here this morning to talk it through. I’m sorry; I should have asked you what you wanted before I agreed to the meeting.”

  “It’s no problem. We knew this was bound to happen sometime. What time is he getting here?”

  “Hmph,” Amanda snorted and said, “In thirty minutes, probably less. I’m going to take a fast shower.” She pushed herself from the bed and stripped her panties off in one fluid motion. “Don’t get any ideas, mister,” she admonished as she heard him making approving noises from the other side of the room. “We don’t have time for any shenanigans.” She danced just out of his reach and squealed as he tried to catch her anyway as she moved into the shower and shut the door just in time to keep him from getting her.

  “I’ll see you downstairs,” he spoke loudly over the sound of the running water.

  “Thanks, love!” Amanda replied as she tried to hurry through her routine. She realized she had been extremely fortunate because her parents had so readily believed the adventure she had told them about over a year before. It sounded as though Neal were not going to have as easy a time with it as she had. Now she felt bad for trying to put Neal off knowing the ordeal he had endured first in Tuala and then at the hands of Dr. Gascon at Creedmoor Psychiatric Hospital when she returned him to Earth.

  Chapter Two

  NEAL BUZZED THE intercom at the front gate just as Amanda was finishing her breakfast of scrambled eggs and fried foxl. Amanda hastily swallowed the last bite as she scurried off of the barstool to hit the button to allow access to the property. “Come on in, Neal,” she said as she leaned toward the microphone and verified it was he on the video screen.

  By the time Amanda turned away from the wall, Riccan had already used his special crystal powers to clean up the dishes, so the only remnant of breakfast was the wonderful aroma in the room. Amanda took the three steps separating her from her husband and then put her arms around his middle and pulled herself close to him. “Thank you for breakfast. I love you.”

  “I love you, too. I’m glad you liked it.” He looked over her head toward the foyer and asked, “Do you think the girls will still be asleep when Neal leaves?”

  “I sure hope so. I think it would save a lot of explanations.”

  “I agree. I’ll get the door.” He moved out of her grasp as he heard the car door slam. He wanted to prevent Neal from having to knock, possibly waking the girls upstairs. Almost jogging, Riccan rushed through the foyer and grabbed open the door just as Neal was lifting his fist to knock.

  “Hey! Hi. You startled me,” Nea
l sputtered in surprise.

  “Sorry, I didn’t want to wake the girls. Come on inside.” Riccan moved back and held the door open wide for Neal to step up into the foyer. He followed their guest through the grand entrance and into the living room where Amanda was already seated on the large leather couch.

  Amanda watched as Neal took the seat directly across from her. She could tell he was uncomfortable with his memories and she wanted to get this interview over as painlessly as possible. “Have you been writing in your journal, Neal?”

  “Some. Not every day. I should have brought it over with me.” He clasped his hands between his knees, and he tipped his head forward as he tried to figure out where to start. After several tense, silent seconds which felt more like minutes, he blurted, “What or where is Tuala?”

  Amanda looked over to Riccan who had taken a seat on her left and lifted her eyebrow to inquire if he wanted to take the lead on this question.

  Riccan cleared his throat and said, “It’s an alternate dimension of Earth.”

  “I was afraid you were going to say something along those lines. In a way, I’m glad, because then it doesn’t seem like I’m the only crazy person in the room. How do you know about it?”

  “I was born there.”

  Neal’s head snapped up and his eyes locked onto Riccan’s as he re-evaluated the man who had married his ex-fiancé. Finally, he nodded as though confirming something else he had tried to come to terms with from his memories. “Are there such things as Elders there? Are they the leaders of the Districts? Are they all bad people?”

  “I’ll answer in the same order as your questions. Yes, there are Elders in charge of the different Districts. No, only some of them are bad. They’re supposed to be representatives of Jehoban, but some of them have forgotten their promises to Him and have allowed the power of the position to alter their purpose to selfish means. My father’s an Elder, and he’s the best man I know.”

  With eyes widening at Riccan’s revelation, Neal swallowed and asked, “And Jehoban is God, right? Like God, God?” He pointed his finger heavenward as he tried to clarify his point.

  Riccan smiled and nodded confirmation. “Yes, He is one and the same.”

  “I seem to recall working for a man known as Elder Vargen at a place called the Old Soul Engineering Facility. Is that a real person and place?”

  “Yes. Elder Vargen set up the facility to reverse-engineer Earth’s technology to use for his own purposes. He’s been under investigation for some time as to what happens to the individuals who are turned over to him for questioning. You were one of those people who was kept against your will.”

  “I see. How was he able to keep me? I can’t imagine I would willingly stay.”

  Riccan took a deep breath and sighed as he tried to come up with an easy explanation for the two parts to his question. “First, you were already at a disadvantage when Elder Vargen got you. You see, there is a protection set in Tuala against people from Earth. When you were transferred into Tuala through the electrical storm, your memory was blocked, so you had no idea about your origins. It’s this very confusion which marks people as being old souls and gets them turned over to the Elders in the first place.

  “Second, when Elder Vargen used his powers to read your mind, he knew you were from Earth, and he had you drugged with resh. You see, resh is highly addictive and eventually kills the people who are hooked on it.”

  Neal shook his head in disbelief even as he knew Riccan was telling him the truth. He remembered getting his special teas every morning and feeling rejuvenated after drinking them. Of course, he never put it together about it being drugged, but now it made sense. “So you said Elder Vargen read my mind. Were you being literal when you said it? He really could read the thoughts in my head?”

  “Yes. That is only one of the things the people can do in Tuala. Basically, there are no limits to what a person from Tuala can do. We access the elemental energy from the earth and we can accomplish whatever we decide upon. Of course, some people are more skilled at its use than others, with the Elders being the most accomplished.”

  “Wow! Just…wow!” Neal leaned back in the chair and tipped his head back to rest on the headrest. Hearing Riccan talk about the things he had only imagined validated his dreams and ideas, yet they still sounded crazy. If he had not already lived through it, he never would have accepted it as the truth. Also, he had traveled through the Ascension Gate in New York City which gave him another point to follow up on. “Where does Vinia fit into all of this?”

  “She’s someone you met while you were working for Elder Vargen. She was your girlfriend.” Amanda spoke up for the first time and only stumbled a little at the idea of Neal being with someone else.

  “We lived together, didn’t we?” Neal asked Amanda pointedly. He could see she still had feelings for him and wondered if it were causing a problem with her new husband. He shifted his gaze to Riccan’s face and could see nothing but concern for the situation in his expression.

  “Yes. She was instrumental in getting you back to Earth. We’d never have been able to get you home in time had she not helped.”

  “Where is she now? She told me she still wanted to be with me the last time I saw her. She wanted me to get my memories back, and she said we could talk about it again.”

  Riccan cleared his throat as he realized neither Amanda nor Neal knew Vinia was no longer going to be interested in pursuing a relationship with Neal. His father had filled him in on Vinia’s request to marry Ozias, which was also an unconventional relationship. “Vinia has other obligations right now, Neal. She won’t be coming to see you.”

  “You mean for a little while, right, Riccan?” Amanda asked, slightly confused.

  “No, I mean, ever.”

  Amanda’s brows pulled down, and she cocked her head sideways as she tried to figure out what had happened to change Vinia’s mind. She knew the woman was being kept busy trying to lead the Roanoke Colony, but surely she could spare some time for the man she had professed to love. Wishing she had learned more about mind-reading herself, she had to be content with waiting to hear the story later when Riccan’s silence let her know he was not going to be forthcoming with his answer.

  “I guess that’s one less complication,” Neal mused as he thought about the woman who had been a part of his life in Tuala. “How come Vinia looks so much like you, Amanda? I mean she’s quite a bit older than you, but it’s kind of strange how alike you two are, don’t you think?”

  “It’s got to be a coincidence,” Amanda said even as she started to feel the hairs rise on the back of her neck. She had wondered about their similarities as had the Wilson triplets when they had first come over to the house to meet her. Thinking of the three time-traveled children who were friends of her own daughters made her wonder if it really were a coincidence. Maybe they shared a distant relative, but who it could be, she could not imagine.

  Neal rubbed his temples as he felt his head pulsing with the rhythm of his heartbeat. “You had said ‘before it was too late,’ when you talked about Vinia helping you. What did you mean? Too late for what?”

  Amanda and Riccan exchanged a quick look before Riccan turned back to Neal and answered, “Resh is both highly addictive as well as deadly. The toxins build up in your system until it eventually kills the user. You would have died within a couple of months had we not brought you back to Earth. Vinia knew this was true, so she agreed to help us.”

  “Oh,” Neal replied stupidly, not knowing how to reply to such a revelation. “Does this mean I’m dying, then?”

  “No,” Amanda responded hastily. “The resh was instantly removed from your system just by the journey through the veil back to Earth. You also didn’t have to endure the withdrawals because of the protection of the transfer.”

  “Whew, that’s a relief.” He continued rubbing his temples as yet another piece of his puzzle was put into place. He felt vindicated by the confirmations he had received from Riccan and Amanda, ye
t he still wondered how it was all possible.

  There was no way he could explain this to his parents, but at least he no longer felt like he was going crazy. “I think I’ve learned enough for today. Thank you for taking the time to talk with me.” He stood up and extended his hand out to Riccan.

  Riccan also rose from the couch and took Neal’s hand firmly in his own and pumped it two times. “Any time. I’m glad we could help out. Give it some more time; don’t overthink it too much.”

  “That’s good advice considering this is making my head feel like it’s going to pop off of my neck! Hey, that’s weird; my headache just vanished.” He looked over to Riccan suspiciously and asked, “Did you do that?”

  “Yes, it’s one of the many talents we Tualans possess, the ability to heal. I hope you don’t mind my taking the liberty without asking your permission first. I find it’s more effective to demonstrate than to try to explain.”

  “Very effective! Thanks.” He pulled his hand away a little faster than was polite, but he grinned to try to make up for any slight which could be taken.

  Amanda stood up next to Riccan and announced, “I’ll walk you out, Neal.” She moved between the two men and led the way to the door, expecting Neal to follow her. She was pretty certain she had heard the girls starting to move around upstairs, and she would rather have Neal gone before they made their entrance.

  Neal nodded once more to Riccan and walked behind Amanda. When they stood in the open doorway, he leaned close to her and asked, “How long did it take you to really believe all of this?” He stepped down onto the stoop and looked up at her while he waited for her reply.

  “I think it’s different for everyone. There’s no set timeline. Keep writing in your journal; I found documenting everything to be the most therapeutic for myself. Besides, I’d like to read it when you’re finished. I have no idea what your life was like before I found you and I am curious. Drive careful on your way home, Neal.” Amanda reached out and touched his forearm in sympathy before she stepped back and softly closed the door.


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