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Ascension Vision- The Levels of Ascension Box Set

Page 81

by Amy Proebstel

  “What are you doing here, Riccan?” Rasa suddenly asked.

  “I’ve discovered some troubling news of my own; although, not on the scale of your news. Dr. Gascon is threatening my family, and I came to ask if I could be sent to Central Park to confront him. I can see now is a bad time, though.”

  “No, no, Riccan. I’d be happy to help you out; you’ve earned it by helping me through this. I’m still waiting for the replies from the other Elders and, until then, I need something to do. Please, let me send you right now.”

  “As long as you don’t mind, Rasa. I am really sorry for your loss. Elder Wilken was a gentle soul, and he’s been an inspiration for me and many others over the anons.”

  “Thanks, I agree with you. I’d hoped to have many anons more to learn from him. My only solace is it appeared he passed peacefully in his sleep. He didn’t appear to have suffered at all.”

  “That’s good, a gentle end for a gentle man.” Riccan opened the door to the Gate room and let Rasa enter first. He promptly followed behind and shut the door firmly. Riccan could feel the power emanating from the Ascension Gate and, once again, realized just how powerful a location this place was. He did not envy Rasa the coveted position.

  Rasa moved over to the patil and scanned through the messages. There were still two confirmations to be received. She would have time to send Riccan before her skills were called into action. In a way, it was comforting to operate the Gate normally to get her nerves settled before she had to test the newly learned procedures.

  She tapped a few buttons on the control panel and looked up at Riccan. “I’m ready for your transfer as soon as you are.”

  “Are you sure? I don’t want to be a bother.” He felt guilty at his unfortunately timed arrival.

  “No bother at all, just step down into the Gate, and I’ll get you on your way.”

  Rasa’s confident manner went a long way toward easing Riccan’s reservations about letting her operate the transfer. She appeared to be back in control of herself. He nodded agreement and walked over to the far wall. He stepped down into the depression and turned to face her. He smiled and said, “I’m ready. Thanks, Rasa. The next time I’ll see you, I’ll have to call you Elder Rasa.”

  “Thanks for the vote of confidence, Riccan. Be safe with Dr. Gascon,” she replied as she hit the activation button. The Gate’s energy charged up, and Riccan disappeared before her eyes. She watched the controls and confirmed all was functioning perfectly, and he had arrived in Central Park unharmed.

  The patil next to her beeped two times in quick succession. She turned her attention to the screen and saw the remaining confirmations had been received. It was time for her to begin the complex transfers.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  WITH A SIGH of relief, Riccan stepped out of the twisted branches which shielded the Gate from casual view. He stepped through the ferns and underbrush until he came to the trail leading out of the wooded area and into the open, grassy fields of Central Park. The chill wind pushed against him as he left the sheltered area of the trees. There was a drastic temperature difference between Florida and New York City this time of year, and he wished he would have brought a jacket with him.

  Instead, he pulled more elemy around him to keep the chill away. He walked swiftly away from the tree line and followed the jogging path until he came to the edge of the park. He hailed a cab and instructed the driver to take him to Creedmoor Psychiatric Center, located in Queens. He recalled Amanda saying it was a fifteen to twenty-minute drive, so he sat back and looked out the window at the passing buildings and throngs of people.

  The cab drove unerringly to the requested location and parked outside of the front doors. Riccan paid with his credit card and left the warmth of the car. He entered the building and strode confidently up to the receptionist’s desk.

  “How may I help you,” she asked brightly.

  “I’d like to see Dr. Stephen Gascon.”

  “Do you have an appointment?”


  “One moment and I’ll see if he has any openings.” She turned and tapped several keys on her keyboard while staring at her computer screen. Her lips pursed and she began to shake her head sadly. Not wanting to disappoint the devastatingly handsome stranger, she turned back to Riccan and said, “I’m sorry; Dr. Gascon isn’t available right now. If you’d like to schedule an appointment, I can check his availability.”

  “So he’s in the building?” Riccan persisted.

  “Yes, he’s currently meeting with another patient.”

  “This is an urgent matter. Please have a message sent to him directly indicating Riccan Stel is here to see him. I’m certain he will make the time. Also, let him know if he doesn’t see me in five minutes; I’m leaving.”

  The woman’s eyebrows rose higher with each word Riccan said. She had never encountered anyone who was so confident in their presence. “I’ll message him right now,” she replied and instantly turned and began typing the note to the doctor. She was just turning to tell Riccan the message was delivered when she received a reply to let him come up to Dr. Gascon’s office. Apparently, this mysterious man had been right with his prediction. “Mr. Stel, Dr. Gascon has approved your request. Please take the elevator right there up to the thirteenth floor. His office is the third one on the right.”

  “Thank you, miss,” Riccan replied with a tilt of his head even as he moved away from the desk. He tapped the call button on the elevator and entered the car as soon as the doors opened. Riccan turned to face the doors and took several breaths to steady his anger. He must appear in complete control in front of the psychiatrist. His position of authority must be apparent even for the egocentric doctor.

  Riccan followed the receptionist’s instructions and came to the doctor’s official office. Without knocking or waiting for an invitation, Riccan entered the room as though it were his own personal space. He crossed the secretary’s room, which was absent of anybody anyway, and opened the second door into the doctor’s personal domain.

  Dr. Gascon looked excited as he stood abruptly from his chair and said, “To what do I owe this honor, Mr. Stel. Have you finally decided your wife needs my professional help?”

  Riccan took the momentary surprise of his arrival to link his mind with the other man’s. Instantly he was bombarded with convoluted scenarios of what the doctor would like to see done to himself. He compartmentalized the doctor’s thoughts so he could mentally record everything for later review. He stepped up to the desk and leaned forward until his knuckles rested on the mahogany surface.

  “This isn’t a social call, Gascon. I’m here to warn you.”

  Dr. Gascon sneered in derision as he casually sat in his oversized, leather chair. He knew this man’s secrets, and he had the upper hand. Riccan had no idea what he was stepping into by coming here today. “Please sit down. There’s no need to be hostile. Tell me what’s on your mind.”

  “I’ll remain standing. I know you’ve hired people to watch my house. I’ve discovered the bug you planted in my office. I even know the identity of the man who has been collecting the tapes for your review.”

  The expression on Dr. Gascon’s face remained bland and unconcerned. He was not about to let this pompous ass try to intimidate him. Besides, he had another angle covered with Jasmine Medin since his original plan had been exposed. “I’m sure I have no idea what you’re talking about. You sound more like a paranoid delusional man with your unwarranted accusations.”

  Riccan heard his thoughts and continued, “I’ve also disabled the bugs you have on Dr. Medin.”

  Stephen’s expression altered slightly. How could Riccan have discovered them so fast, it had just been done this afternoon? Surely he was bluffing, and he decided to call him out on it. “Why should I believe this any more than I believe your other accusation?”

  “Because Dr. Medin found the bug you put in her office and called me. I located and neutralized the devices in her office, kitchen, living room,
and her car. Does it sound like I’m bluffing to you? Listen, Gascon, listen well. I’m only going to give you this one warning. Call off your hounds. Do not have anyone follow us or try to record us or our movements in any way. Leave my family alone, or you’ll be sorry you ever messed with me!”

  “Oooh, I’m so scared. What are you going to do, kill me? You don’t seem the type. You’re way too civilized, Riccan. Besides, the information I have on your family is quite damaging. If you touch one hair on my head, I’ve left instructions for the documents to be released to the authorities. Would you care to find out how thorough I’ve been?”

  “I have no interest in your theories or your illegally gathered so-called evidence. Leave my family alone, or you’ll be getting one last visit from me.”

  “Hmm, I don’t think so. I rather think you’ll be staying here as my guest.” Dr. Gascon pressed a button on the underside of his desk and was pleased with the quick response of his orderlies. They barged into the room and waited for his command. “Please make sure Mr. Stel has a room near my office. I believe he and I are going to have quite a few conversations during his stay here.”

  Riccan shook his head in disbelief at Dr. Gascon’s actions. “Watch and learn, Gascon. We are not to be underestimated…ever!” He turned and walked calmly past the orderlies.

  “Don’t just stand there like imbeciles! Grab him and take him to a room!” Dr. Gascon jumped up from his chair and pointed at Riccan’s retreating back. His face grew purple with anger as the guards regarded him strangely.

  “Doctor, are you feeling well? There’s nobody in this room but you,” one of the burly men replied.

  Raging with fury, he said, “Of course, there is; he just walked past you! Oh!!! I’ll do it myself!” Dr. Gascon flew out of his office, shoving rudely against the two men until he caught up with Riccan in the outer office. He reached out and grabbed Riccan’s arm in a firm grasp and tried to turn him around. “You’re not going anywhere! I’m not done with you!”

  “If I were you, I’d release my arm,” Riccan spoke casually.

  Abruptly, Dr. Gascon complied, a startled expression on his face even as he did so against his wishes.

  Riccan used his momentary confusion to translate himself out of the office. He was watching Dr. Gascon’s face as he disappeared and could see the stark terror in his eyes. Riccan looked down and could swear he saw liquid pooling around the doctor’s feet. He smiled at his own theatrics and fervently hoped he had made his point clear to the doctor.

  He reappeared back in the woods of Central Park. His plan had not been fully formed and it had been a serious risk to perform the translation. However, he felt the ends had justified the means when he began to go over Dr. Gascon’s final thoughts as he left.

  Originally, Riccan had planned on going back home through the Gate in Manzanit, but now he wondered if he should leave Rasa alone. With another sigh of resignation, Riccan once again trekked through the park and hailed a cab. “Take me to JFK,” he instructed. His trip home would take hours longer, yet it would also give him time to go over all he had just learned from his visit.

  The cab pulled up to the terminal and Riccan got out. He made arrangements for a private charter jet and sat in the secluded waiting room designated for priority guests. Normally, he would have called ahead and had the plane waiting, but he did not mind the twenty-minute delay as the pilot filed the flight plan and prepared the airplane for immediate departure.

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  RASA USED HER memorization skills to good use as she reprogrammed her Gate. She set up a simple code so she could promptly recalibrate the coordinates as soon as each Elder stepped far enough away from the core to safely begin again. With a cautious breath of anticipation, she entered in Gamb’s location coordinates and punched the button to activate the transfer. Instantly Quentien appeared on the depressed platform with an impressed look on his face.

  “Very nicely done, Rasa,” he complimented as he stepped up and out of the way. He was surprised to find he was the first to arrive. As the initial witness of her power, he watched her carefully as she tapped the next coordinates into the control panel.

  Uvan of Secar arrived second. He went to stand next to Quentien. The two had never been close, but they were both invested in Rasa’s success or failure with the following transfers. Faster than either of them had ever seen, Yingun of Gaud appeared. His scowl of disapproval was ignored by both of them as they gestured for him to join them in watching the performance. He took his time in exiting the platform.

  The delay had given Rasa enough time to program the fourth command and she hit enter, possibly sooner than she should have since Yingun had just cleared the danger zone when Xylen of Noidad materialized in the chamber.

  “Don’t be too cocky, girl,” Yingun called out derisively.

  She deigned to ignore his snide comment as she entered the next set of coordinates. She did, however, wait until Xylen had joined the group before she activated the transfer.

  Vargen of Apio was next followed in rapid succession by Olguin of Genip, Zigern of Neum, Tarshen of Sambur, Senjin of Argot, Rylon of Menad, Daven of Pantano, Jedon of Neve, Emmin of Telae, and finally Debbon of Elder Isle.

  Debbon solemnly stepped up from the depression in the earth and turned to bow in congratulations to Rasa for a job well-done. “Thank you, Rasa, for demonstrating your skill in operating this Gate.”

  He turned to the two groups of men who had formed off to the side of the room. The division was no mystery to the First Elder, the ones on the left were those who disapproved of a woman becoming a formal member of their group, not so coincidentally they were also first to be brought to the assembly. Without telling Rasa, he had organized the transfers so even the dissenters would not have cause to accuse she had obtained any help from another Elder in bringing them all here.

  “We have gathered together because of the sorrowful news of the passing of one of our own. Rasa has demonstrated the first task of control by successfully bringing us all together.”

  “She was much too cocky with her speed. She was reckless!” Yingun objected vehemently.

  “Not so, Yingun. Your opinion has been duly noted on many occasions. We are all safely arrived, which was the task. Speed was never a factor for consideration.” He turned back to Rasa and asked, “Will you take us to where Wilken has been laid out?”

  “Certainly,” she replied humbly, but firmly. She stepped past the men and exited the room knowing they all followed her, yet she did not look back to verify it. Her confidence must not be questioned in this procession.

  They marched silently down the hallway until they reached Wilken’s private rooms. The staff had lined the walls, heads bowed with sorrow, as the esteemed group passed. Rasa opened the double doors and entered the room. Her eyes located her friend much where she had last seen him. The table and chairs had been removed, and the fire had been quenched. Wilken was lying on a table, dressed in his formal attire, with his hands once again resting across his stomach.

  Each Elder vividly recalled his own time when he had performed this same task with their father. Several men unsuccessfully tried to hide their tears or sniffles as they circled Wilken’s body. Rasa remained by Wilken’s head and she looked down at him through tear-filled eyes. This would be the last time she ever saw her dear friend. Trying not to see the straps crossing over his body, including across his forehead, she soaked in every detail down to the slight smile still on his lips. She imagined he was enjoying the show of making the dissenting Elder’s squirm at what would happen soon and hoped she would make him proud.

  Without a single word, each Elder reached out of one accord and grabbed the handles of the gurney on which Wilken had been placed. Only Rasa remained unburdened as she turned and led the group back the way they had come to return to the Gate room. She dreaded her final task, yet she knew it was necessary for her to be elevated to Elder status.

  The men crossed the room until they were at the Gate
itself. They shifted their burden until the gurney stood upright, resting against the back wall. It appeared as though Wilken were standing inside the Gate even though the straps were the only thing keeping him from slumping down.

  Rasa stepped forward then and said, “I commend you back to Jehoban. May your soul be guarded and protected. Your District has been served well with your wisdom, kindness, and knowledge. You will be missed, dear friend.” She touched her hand to Wilken’s birth-crystal and felt an odd tingling sensation flow through her body. She stepped up and backed away from Wilken’s body. She turned and walked to the control panel for one last transfer.

  Frustrated by her suddenly blurry vision, she hastily wiped her eyes and began programming the panel for the one-way trip between the dimensions. She glanced up one last time and smiled farewell to Wilken.

  “It is time, Rasa,” Debbon said quietly beside her.

  She nodded and pressed the button to send him on his journey home. The Gate activated, a bright light blinded them all as if Jehoban were welcoming Wilken back to Him. When the brightness dissipated, the platform was empty.

  While Debbon was consoling Rasa, the men began to gather into tight groups throughout the room. Their conversations were hushed as they all theorized about the meaning of the odd departure of one of their own.

  “I say it was a sign indicating this is not right,” Yingun accused as he leaned indolently against the wall. He received nods of approval from Quentien and Xylen.

  Quentien leaned forward and said, “Maybe Wilken took the Gate’s power with him. Haven’t any of you noticed how powerful Manzanit has always been?”

  “It’s true,” Xylen agreed. Not to be outdone, he added, “I’ve noticed all of the Gates have been losing power. More recently it’s become obvious to more than just us Elders. The people using my Gate have been complaining about how long the transfers have been taking. Have either of you noticed the same?”


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