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The Checkpoint, Berlin Detective Series Box Set

Page 12

by Michele E. Gwynn

  Sarah was back to indignant and self-righteous anger. She got up, heading to the bathroom to shower and get ready for another adventurous day. She texted Elsa.


  Ping. Sarah saw a quick reply from her new friend.

  I’m starving! I’ll pick you up in thirty minutes so be ready. Bringing Anno. He says he’s starving too.

  And with that, any feelings of awkwardness over the previous night’s activities disappeared. It was easier with women. They understood each other’s needs. It took Sarah all of twenty-five minutes to quickly shower, dress, and brush out her hair. A little mascara and lip gloss were her only makeup, and jeans, boots, and a T-shirt seemed perfect for a casual lunch outing. She grabbed her purse and room key and headed down to the lobby to meet her friend and her friend’s little brother.

  Although wearing her glasses instead of contacts today, Sarah glowed. With her hair down, new wardrobe, and emerging sexual confidence, men noticed the once nearly invisible young woman. Gone were the calf-length pencil skirts in dull, drab colors. Gone was the schoolmarm bun she used to twist her hair into. Gone were the neck-high button-down shirts and Catholic novice white underwear her mother used to buy for her. Now, figure hugging tops, bottom-hugging jeans, sassy lingerie, and free-flowing hair metamorphosed her into a strikingly lovely woman. There were hints of secrets about her eyes, and a playful upturn to her lips. The butterfly emerging from its chrysalis.

  Out on the curb, a beat-up red Peugeot waited. Inside, Elsa seemed to be dancing in her seat while her brother, Anno, leaned over the passenger seat trying to change the radio station. As she approached the car, Elsa noticed and reached over her brother to pop open the door. Anno came up complaining and Elsa swatted him good-naturedly on the back of his head.

  "Hallo, my friend! Sexy specs.”

  “Hello, Elsa. Hi, Anno. Nice to see you again.” Sarah climbed into the seat and was quickly engulfed in a hug from Elsa accompanied by the standard kiss on each cheek Europeans are famous for. She pushed her glasses back up on her nose.

  “Hey,” Anno replied as he sat back, giving Sarah room.

  “So, how are you feeling?” Elsa gave her a knowing look with laughter on her lips.

  “Hungry! I could eat a horse.” Sarah tried not to blush, and then she laughed out loud.

  “A horse? Americans eat horse?” Anno looked disgusted.

  “It’s only an expression,” said Sarah. “We don’t actually eat horse. It just means I’m so hungry, I could consume a lot of food right now.”

  “Oh. You don’t look like you eat a lot. You’re so tiny, well, in all the right places.” Anno said this with the candor of a soon-to-be fifteen-year-old boy, one just now caught eyeing her boobs.

  She laughed and turned to Elsa. “A real smooth talker he is.”

  “Ja, a real horny boy is more like it.” Elsa looked at her brother in the rearview mirror as they drove away from the hotel. She chuckled as she saw the embarrassment creep into her little brother’s face.

  Sarah turned and looked at Anno, noting his discomfort. “Thanks for the compliment, Anno.” He half-smiled, mollified.

  “So what kind of horse are you in the mood for?” Elsa asked.

  “Hmmn, I don’t know. What do you recommend?”

  “Oh, let’s go to Oma’s.” Anno sat forward with his arms resting on each of their seat backs.

  “You always want to go to Oma’s. I swear, you could live there.” Elsa turned to Sarah. “It’s a very good German restaurant, though. The food is homestyle, and they have very good house beer.”

  “Sounds good. I’m up for anything.”

  “I know this!” Elsa winked at her friend, and they headed off to Oma’s as Anno filled Sarah in on the dishes they offered, listing Rouladen, Bratkartoffeln, and Sauerbraten as his favorites.

  By the time they reached the restaurant, Sarah’s stomach was growling like a bear. As Elsa parked in between two other vehicles on the street, her mobile rang.

  She looked at the screen not recognizing the number but answered anyway. “Hallo?” Sarah and Anno climbed out of the car as Elsa continued talking on the phone.

  “Ja. No, I’m just getting ready to have lunch with a friend. Sure, sure. Well, if you’re close by, you can join us. I think that would be okay...” Elsa eyed Sarah and her brother, who was shuffling back and forth on his feet with his hands in his pockets irritated at the delay.

  Sarah had no idea who she was talking to, but if she wanted to invite a friend to join them, it was okay with her, so she gave Elsa the thumbs-up.

  “Okay, sure. We’re at Oma’s on...” Elsa proceeded to give the address and directions. “See you soon.” She hung up and closed and locked the car door.

  “Who was that?” Anno asked as he led the way inside. “Do we have to wait until someone else arrives before we can eat? I’m starving, Elsa!” Sounding every bit like the ever-hungry teen, Anno waited for her answer.

  “He won’t take long, so I think it’s safe for you to order before you wither away and die.” She made a serious face as if that might be a real possibility.

  Sarah laughed and patted Anno on the shoulder. He sidled up closer to her, laying his head on her shoulder as he wrapped one arm around her waist. “See? Sarah understands. She loves me more than you do.” Both women laughed at his antics.

  “That was Paul Christiansen, the scout from last night. Can’t take no for an answer, I guess. Still, he seems nice, so if he wants to try and pitch me again, I’ll let him. Especially since he offered to buy us all lunch!” They followed the hostess to their table and let her know one more would be joining them.

  “You mean the man who was on the other side of the...?” Sarah stopped short of finishing her sentence, remembering that Elsa’s brother was right there.

  “Yes. No worries, though. He’s quite charming, and very handsome.” Elsa checked out the drinks menu and decided on a cherry beer, then asked Sarah what she would like.

  “I’ll take one,” Anno said, expectant.

  “You’re not old enough yet, young man. Not until you’re eighteen.”

  “I’m not versed in beer, so I’ll try whatever you’re having.” Sarah looked at the menu, which was written in German.

  “What does this man want, sis?” Anno asked as he reached for the rolls the waitress brought to their table.

  “He is trying to convince me to come work for his uncle in Amsterdam.” Elsa leaned over to help Sarah decipher the dishes on the menu.

  “What? We can’t move to Amsterdam. All my friends are here,” Anno said, alarmed.

  “I know this, little brother, and that is why I already turned him down. Nadia will be going, though,” she said to Sarah.

  “Oh, really? She decided to take him up on the offer?” Sarah asked.

  “Ja, she doesn’t have anything tying her down here.” Elsa reached for a roll and slathered butter on it before taking a bite.

  “So, I’m just tying you down, huh?” Anno said this over a mouthful of bread.

  Elsa laughed. “Brother, you are my anchor, not my tether. I don’t have any desire to move, and although I wouldn’t want to uproot you, it has more to do with me.”

  “So why did you invite him to lunch?”

  “Because, darling, free food!” Elsa laughed. “And he’s easy on the eyes. Sarah might enjoy meeting him.”

  Anno looked put out, not caring for any competition for Sarah’s attention. “He’s probably bald and fat.”

  The waitress came back and took their order for drinks. “Two cherry beers and one Coke.”

  The ambience of Oma’s was quintessential old Bavaria with gabled ceilings, wood beams, and quaint curtains on the windows which all had flower boxes filled with blooms on the outside. A jukebox played a polka and everyone within seemed to be having a good time. The waitresses all wore peasant blouses and kirtles. It was the Germany tourists expected when visiting. Their waitress, a blonde woman with an overflowing bosom spilling out of h
er top, brought their beer. Anno blushed when she leaned over to hand him his Coke. She smiled, knowing the effect she had on the boy. Elsa laughed.

  “That’s why Anno loves coming here. He’s a breast man.”

  “Shut it, Elsa,” he said, glancing at Sarah.

  “It’s okay, Anno. I get it. You know, girls go through the same thing at your age. I remember noticing the boys for the first time, and how embarrassed I used to get when one noticed me back.” She reached over and placed her hand on his, causing twin red spots to blossom on his fair cheeks. “You are a handsome young man and the girls will be flocking to you, I promise. Just remember to be kind and treat them with respect.”

  Feeling brave, he turned his hand over and clasped Sarah’s fingers. “You think so?”

  “I know so.” She spoke sincerely. Anno, seizing the moment, lifted Sarah’s hand and kissed her fingers.

  “Anno!” Elsa said as she burst out laughing. “Stop trying to seduce my friend.”

  “What? I was being chivalrous.” He gave his sister a look that said, ‘don’t ruin this moment.’

  “I think you’re very charming, Anno. No worries.” Sarah winked at him and then let go of his hand.

  He looked at her with puppy-dog eyes.

  They were interrupted.

  “Hallo, Elsa.” Sarah looked up and into the face of a male model. He was gorgeous. Jet black hair and crystal blue eyes in a face chiseled by an artist of the Renaissance stared back at her. Full lips smiled and dimples enticed as he stood casually wearing a dark gray suit and white T-shirt.

  “Who are your charming guests?” he asked, feeling like lady luck was on his side when he noticed that Elsa’s friend just happened to be the very American woman he hoped to find with her help.

  “Oh, Paul, you made it. This is my little brother, Anno, and my friend, Sarah. Guys, this is Paul Christiansen.” Elsa stood and shook Paul’s hand. Sarah offered her hand when he reached out. He leaned over and kissed her fingers, whisper-soft, while maintaining eye contact. She blushed and Anno interjected, shoving his hand between them to shake.

  “Anno.” Paul gave the boy a hearty handshake. He noticed the warning look the boy gave him and glanced over at Sarah knowingly.

  “Paul,” said Anno, effecting a much deeper voice than his normal speaking range. Elsa smothered a giggle.

  “Have a seat, Paul. We’ve only just ordered drinks.” Everyone sat back down as Paul waited for the ladies to seat themselves first. Anno sat, then stood up again following Paul’s lead.

  “I believe we’ve met already,” Paul said as he looked at Sarah. She blushed, knowing he was the man from the night before behind the two-way mirror.

  “You have? When was this?” Elsa asked as she sipped her beer.

  “At the airport. You are the charming American, Sarah Brown.”

  Sarah laughed as the memory emerged. “That’s right! We were both trying to get into the same cab.”

  “Exactly. I would have preferred sharing it, but alas, she thought I might be some kind of pervert.” Paul laughed.

  “Well, aren’t you,” asked Elsa, grinning.

  “As often as I can get away with it, my dear.” He perused the menu and when the buxom waitress came over to take his order, asked for a Jopenkerk. The blonde made a point of flirting with Paul, leaning over and offering him a full-frontal view of her breasts as she wrote down his order—something she didn’t do when taking the orders from the table earlier.

  “Poor Anno may never forgive you for coming to lunch, Paul. You’ve captured the attention of both his women!” Elsa joked, not caring about embarrassing her little brother as she deemed it her right as big sister.

  “What’s this? Oh, Anno, I apologize. Which one is yours?” Paul’s eyes twinkled. “Is it the luscious waitress or our lovely Sarah?” Sarah blushed and felt Anno’s discomfort.

  “Neither, of course,” he mumbled. Paul looked at the boy, knowing exactly how he must feel having been there a time or two as a young man. He was a good-looking kid on the very edge of manhood, but not quite yet. Then something clicked. Something sinister. Anno was exactly the type of young man his uncle went for. Perfect male beauty, as yet, pre-pubescent. His smile faltered a little. So that’s why he wanted Elsa. Shit. The specifics of his uncle’s demand, the slip about being banned from flying into Germany could not be a coincidence. He knew now that by failing to employ her, he had denied his uncle of what he was truly after. The boy. That sick fuck! Good. Paul was suddenly angry, and yet he felt joy at depriving Peter of the child, and joy at inadvertently saving the boy by fucking up. He knew there would be hell to pay for this. He only hoped Nadia would not be the one to pay that price, or himself, but he knew that the last hope would be asking too much.

  He pasted a smile on his face and continued. “Take heart, young man. Soon I will be old, ugly, and wrinkled eating Muesli with a straw while you’ll be strong and handsome and having your way with the ladies.”

  Sarah snorted. “Ha! As if you’ll ever be ugly.”

  Anno huffed. Paul beamed his most devastating smile at her causing a red flush to run up her neck into her cheeks.

  “So, Elsa, let’s just get the business portion out of the way so this luncheon can be written off for taxes, and then we can all simply enjoy. We would like to offer you a job in Amsterdam.” He left out what type of job considering that her younger brother was sitting there.

  “Thank you, Paul, but as I’ve said before, I’m not interested in moving. I have my life here, and my little brother to care for.” They shook hands, and Paul felt relieved that she hadn’t changed her mind. He’d hate to be the reason her brother was put in harm’s way. He wouldn’t wish that on any child, not ever.

  “Very good. Now, let’s order some food, more drinks, and Sarah can tell me all about her visit here in Deutschland.”

  Lunch was ordered, and the afternoon proceeded with good conversation. Sarah listened to Paul tell tales of his travels, and she occasionally gently kicked Anno under the table when she noted the boy feeling left out. It made him smile.

  Paul watched Sarah closely when she spoke of life in Texas. Despite all of his charming tactics, she seemed unfazed. It wasn’t that she didn’t have the look of a woman noticing a handsome man. She did. But she wasn’t gushing and falling all over herself vying for his attention, like their waitress who kept returning and asking if he needed anything else. He was intrigued. This, combined with memories of her submissive performance last night, had him aching to blow past her barriers. He would have to work for this one, something he was not used to doing. But he enjoyed a challenge. In his head he decided, challenge accepted!

  Chapter Sixteen

  ANTHONY COMPLETED THE first of five canal cruises. He’d taken about eighty pictures of the scenery from the boat, passengers enjoying themselves, the crew at work, and more. It was a good start. As he stepped off the ramp onto the dock, he saw a man walking by carrying a cane. He stepped out of his way quickly so as to avoid forcing him to stop and walk around him. The gentleman was older, wearing a tweed jacket and hat. His white goatee stood out on a rugged face topped by thick, dark eyebrows. He had powerful-looking shoulders for a man of his age. As Anthony side-stepped, his eyes were drawn to the wooden cane with the metal handle. It was a lion’s head. Something about it seemed familiar. The man gave a perfunctory nod of acknowledgement in his direction without looking his way.

  He passed and headed toward a bench near a stand of trees planted alongside the canal. As Anthony looked on, the gentleman pulled his mobile out of his pocket and looked at the screen. His face pinched in anger. He appeared to be muttering to himself. Two boys on bicycles rode past the older man toward the food kiosk on the far side of the dock. The man looked up at the boys and the lines of anger in his aged face smoothed out. A smile replaced the frown. He put his phone back in his jacket pocket leaving his hand there and continued to watch the two boys jump off their bikes and eagerly purchase snacks.

omething about the way the man watched the boys struck Anthony wrong. His eyes never left them. The boys picked up their bikes again and headed off with their purchases in hand. Still, the man watched them.

  Cursing silently, Anthony knew. He knew in that moment that this man was a pedophile. He stayed put, keeping an eye on the boys until they were out of sight. The man also watched until he could no longer see them. He was smiling a small half smile when he turned his head and caught Anthony’s eye. The old man knew that he’d been caught ogling the boys. His happy expression morphed to a fierce scowl, but Anthony didn’t blink. His own eyes narrowed, the message in them, ‘I know what you are, asshole! And I’m watching you!’

  The man stood, and grabbing his cane, walked quickly away. He glanced behind at Anthony once, and then turned a corner. Right then, Anthony knew why the cane seemed familiar, why the man caught his eye. It was him, the old man from Berlin that he’d photographed beating a male hustler. But what is he doing here?

  He knew the man wouldn’t recognize him since the incident in Germany took place at night and he was a fair distance away from the scene of the crime. He’d run off anyway. Anthony had the advantage in that his camera provided clarity through the telescopic lens. The pictures seemed up close and personal but had really been shot from a goodly distance. As far as the old man was concerned, Anthony was just someone who happened to catch him in the act of fantasizing about the two boys. But for Anthony, it felt far more personal since he had the images of the Berlin incident in a file on his laptop.

  If he’d still been in Germany, Anthony knew he would’ve gone ahead and notified the police about the old man. Anything to protect kids from people like that. Violence rose up inside him and all he could think about was beating the man within in an inch of his miserable life. As a child, Anthony had spent time as an altar boy and he clearly remembered one Sunday after mass when Father Flaherty had invited him and Nick, his neighbor and friend, to his office. There, Flaherty had offered both boys some of the sacramental wine to try. “But don’t tell your mothers,” he’d said. The priest stood between them and kept his hands on their backs, rubbing up and down in a soothing manner while they drank. When he and Nick finished the small amount, Father Flaherty offered more. Anthony remembered thinking this odd, and thinking if his mother found out, if she smelled it on him like she did his dad on Friday nights, she’d be as pissed at him as she often was with his pops. He declined, but Nick held out his cup. That was when Flaherty told Anthony that he should go join his parents who “were surely looking for him by now.” Nick stayed behind thinking only about having more wine. He was like that, often getting into trouble doing stuff that his parents wouldn’t approve of. As Anthony walked out the door, the last thing he saw was Flaherty sitting down in his desk chair and pulling Nick onto his lap. After that day, Nick wasn’t the same. He became withdrawn and did everything he could to avoid going to church. His grandmother said he was just a ‘bad seed,’ but Anthony now knew the real truth. Nick had fallen prey to someone exactly like the old man. He was a kid then and could do nothing, but he was a man now and wouldn’t let that bastard near those boys. The problem was, what could he do now that the old guy had left? He had no idea where to find him, and he couldn’t report a crime more than half a year old perpetrated in Berlin to authorities in Amsterdam; especially without a name or a complainant. He felt the familiar frustration of being powerless all over again.


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