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The Checkpoint, Berlin Detective Series Box Set

Page 19

by Michele E. Gwynn

  Sarah was both worried for Anno, praying they would get to him in time, and excited to be seeing Anthony again. She’d messaged him to explain the change in plans. She told him what had happened to her friend’s brother, and that the man who took him was right there in Amsterdam. Anthony was fully supportive and ready to offer whatever help they needed. His thoughts strayed to the older man he’d witnessed on his second day in the city, and the coincidence didn’t escape his notice. As he waited at the airport for Sarah, he pulled up the images on his laptop and looked them over again. Maybe he would get that chance to turn the man in after all. The thought brought a satisfied smile to his lips.

  Upon landing, the three of them were escorted off first by airport security police and taken to their headquarters where Agent Maurice Touchard, liaison to Interpol headquarters in Lyon, and Chief Niels Limmer and Officer Timon Oleson of the Koninklijke Marechaussee, or KMar greeted them. Touchard took the lead.

  “KriminalKommissar Heinz, pleasure to meet you.” He reached out to shake hands with the detective. “And you must be Mr. Christiansen?” Touchard addressed Paul, shaking his hand as well. He then turned to Sarah, offering a smile. “And you are the American, Sarah Brown. Charmed, I’m sure.” His French accent sounded musical to her ears, but he had a hard look around his eyes, something all the officers in the room seemed to share. Touchard was fine-boned, almost delicate, and refined in his dove-gray suit and striped tie. Limmer had a receding hairline with white, wispy tendrils curling near his ears. He had a bit of padding around the middle that seemed to confirm he spent more time at a desk than on the move. Oleson was tall, blond, and muscular with a ruddy complexion. He had a kind smile.

  “Gentlemen and lady, I’m Agent Maurice Touchard from Interpol. This is KMar Chief Niels Limmer, and his deputy, Timon Oleson. We have much to go over and very little time to prepare.” To Paul and Heinz, he said, “We already have an undercover unit in place at the address you provided. They are keeping watch, and our task force stands ready two blocks away out of sight. You, Christiansen, will go directly to Knudson. You will act naturally, and when you can confirm he is present, you will give us a signal, a code word which we will monitor from the unmarked unit. We’re going to wire you here so kindly remove your jacket and shirt. Oleson will do the honors.”

  “What’s the code word?” Paul began undressing, hanging his jacket on the back of one of the chairs pushed under the table. He unbuttoned his shirt and shrugged out of it, revealing lean muscles and tanned chest. He caught Sarah glancing at him, and a smile tugged the corner of his lips.

  “It’s a phrase, actually. You will simply say, I need some water.” Touchard looked at Limmer, nodding that he should pick up the conversation.

  Limmer stepped forward and paced around Paul as Oleson placed a very small wire in the center of his chest, taped it down, then wound the thin cord around his side to the back where the small powerpack clipped onto the waistband of his jeans. “You’ll have to leave your shirt untucked. It will help hide the bulge, small though it is. Better safe than sorry, eh?”

  Oleson stepped back and turned on the receiver sitting on the table. “Give us a sound check,” he told Paul.

  “What should I say?” His voice echoed from the receiver.

  “Again,” said Oleson. “Say your code words.”

  “I need some water.” Paul’s eyes rolled as his face showed he felt a little foolish saying it. It seemed too simple. “What happens after I say it and confirm Uncle Peter is there?”

  “You leave that to us. Just go about your usual business, leave and go home.” Limmer explained it as if it were elementary.

  “But aren’t you going to arrest him?” Paul was becoming alarmed.

  “Calm down, Christiansen.” Touchard placed a hand on his arm. “We have a plan to place a tracer on your uncle. We’ll follow him from the office to where he’s holding the boy. We can’t arrest him before we know the victim’s location. Even you told us you weren’t sure where he might keep him.”

  “It’s going to be all right, Paul,” said Heinz. “We’ll get him. Count on it.” The determination in his brown eyes reassured Paul, who looked over at Sarah standing out of the way.

  “And what about Sarah? What is she supposed to do while all this goes down?”

  Sarah looked at her watch, wondering if Anthony had left the airport since she hadn’t disembarked along with the other passengers. Her phone pinged. She looked down, noticing it was from Anthony.

  Where are you?

  She looked at Touchard. “It’s my friend, Anthony. He’s wondering where I am.”

  “Well, tell him you’ll be escorted to arrivals shortly.” Touchard alerted one of the security officers that had brought them to the office.

  Sarah sent off the short text and waited. Limmer turned to her. “Be sure we have the address where you’ll be staying.”

  “I don’t get to come with you? But I should be there for Anno.” She was not happy with being sidelined. She turned to Paul. “You can’t go in there by yourself. It’s too dangerous. You need someone with you.” Paul smiled at her concern. “Wait, what about Nadia?” Excitement showed in her voice.

  Paul blinked. “Nadia? What about her?” He put his shirt on over the wire and buttoned it up.

  “I could be Nadia!” She nearly jumped up and down as a plan began to formulate. “Your uncle doesn’t know what she looks like, does he? You never told him, did you?”

  Paul began to see where she was going with this. His hands came up, gesturing she should stop. “No, Sarah. It’s far too dangerous for you. And you hardly fit the description of an Italian dominatrix.”

  Touchard and Limmer exchanged glances. Limmer spoke up. “It might be an easier way to place the trace on your uncle. Our own plan involved the subterfuge of sending in an undercover female officer into his office seeking employment, but Miss Brown would have the advantage. She’d be in a prime position to get close enough to slip the tracer onto his person.” Limmer turned to look at her. Touchard spoke. “Could you do it, Miss Brown? Could you act well enough to fool an old whore-mongering pedo?”

  “I could do it for Anno. That’s all that matters. I’m sure Paul will help me.” She looked at him beseechingly.

  “I don’t like this, Sarah.” He closed the distance between them and stood looking down at her determined face. “Peter is a wily old bastard, and you are completely innocent. He would sense this, believe me.” Paul ran a hand through his hair, working through all the possible scenarios in which Sarah was found out, and they were exposed. He also couldn’t see any other viable option because a stranger wandering in looking for work was weak at best. Peter wouldn’t even see that person. Greta would handle it. She took care of all applicants or anyone who came into the office. He reluctantly gave in. “All right. If it will help Anno, then we have to try. I’ll keep you safe. I swear it.”

  “What should I do, then,” she asked.

  “Be Nadia. You’ve met her. You know how she is, very sexual, very straightforward.” He looked her up and down. “And we’ll have to do something about what you’re wearing. What did you bring? Any high heels?” He looked down at her Sketchers. “Something sexier? Not that you’re not sexy, but to be Nadia, you really have to put it out there.” He indicated she should open her suitcase. She did, and Paul began helping her pick out something appropriate for an Italian dominatrix. In the end, he went with black heels, the jeans she was already wearing, and a black button-down shirt that he tied above her waist rather than buttoning it. Her cleavage showed, deep and perky, in her purple bra. At his suggestion, she darkened her makeup with black eyeliner and a smoky gray shadow. Then, she applied a red lipstick generally reserved for evening.

  “Let your hair down,” he told her. Sarah unclamped the butterfly clip and let her hair fall. Paul stepped closer and sank his hands in, mussing it a bit and bringing it forward. He smiled, enjoying the tactile experience of her silken tresses slipping through his fingers.

  Touchard, Limmer, and Oleson stood back watching the transformation of the young woman from girl next door to whip-wielding vixen. The entire process was rather intimate and made them feel as if they shouldn’t be in the room.

  Heinz stood with his arms crossed over his chest. He raised one hand to rub his jaw, considering Sarah’s new look. “It could work. I almost don’t recognize you, Miss Brown.” Heinz smiled. It was the first time they’d seen this facial contortion on the detective and both Sarah and Paul were shocked. They looked at each other, sharing a moment where they struggled not to laugh.

  “Someone should bring my friend in here. He’ll be wondering where I am.”

  Touchard nodded to one of the two security officers standing on the far side of the room. “Bring him here.” He looked at Sarah. “Send him a text to report to the nearest security station. They’ll pick him up and bring him in.”

  Sarah did, then she sat and waited. Paul was suddenly aware he was about to meet this man that Sarah obviously had feelings for. He didn’t like it. He paced a few steps away, wiping his hand over his face. The scent of her shampoo wafted off his fingers that had only moments ago been sifting through her hair. He didn’t want it to be the last time.

  Five minutes passed before the door opened, and in walked Anthony. He immediately located Sarah in the room, and then the huge smile on his face fell. Sarah, however, was so excited to see him that she ran straight into his arms and held him tight.

  “Hi!” She leaned back and stared into his handsome face. Anthony’s eyes were wide, taking in her attire.

  “Hi.” He was afraid to ask what the hell she was wearing, but he wondered just what the hell she was wearing in this room full of men. His arms went protectively and possessively around her as he looked at them one by one, dismissing them all until he got to Paul.

  Sarah noted the expression on his face and tried hard not to laugh. She placed her hands on his cheeks and directed his eyes back to her. “I’m going undercover.” She said it like it was something she did every day.

  Anthony was confused. “As what? A streetwalker?” Sarah did laugh this time.

  “Close. As a dominatrix. An Italian dominatrix at that.” She seemed rather pleased with herself to see him so speechless. “Ciao!” She grinned up at him, happier than she cared to admit at being in his arms again.

  Heinz stepped forward and introduced himself. “Sarah has volunteered to accompany Mr. Christiansen to his uncle’s place of business. It seems Knudson is expecting a new hire for one of his clubs, but she’s not coming. However, since the bastard doesn’t know that, Sarah has offered to step in. In fact, it was her idea.”

  “Offered to do what, exactly? I’ll be damned if I let yous all put her in danger!” Anthony’s temper began to rise, and his New York dialect grew stronger.

  “She will simply slip a trace, a very small GPS tracker, into Knudson’s pocket or attach it to his collar. Depends on how close she can get and be able to deliver the device without his notice.” Touchard filled him in. “I’m Agent Maurice Touchard, by the by. Interpol liaison.” He extended his hand to Anthony.

  Things just got crazier as far as Anthony was concerned. “Interpol? Are you fucking serious? Look, Sarah explained what happened, and this guy sounds damn dangerous. There’s no fucking way I’m letting her go in there on her own.”

  “She won’t be alone. She’ll be with me.” Paul stepped forward, asserting himself. The two men took each other’s measure.

  “This sick fuck is your uncle! How does that relation make you safe for her to be with?” Anthony stared Paul down.

  Paul refused to break eye contact. The other men watched these two square off, sending sideways glances at one another. Limmer and Oleson prepared to pull them apart in the event one went for the jugular since they were obviously having one hell of a pissing contest over the woman.

  Sarah was no longer amused. For this to work, everyone had to get along. “That’s enough, guys. We’re here to save Anno, a boy taken by a sick-minded pedophile. Remember?”

  She continued, looking at Anthony and speaking softly. “Paul isn’t like his uncle, sweetie. In fact, he’s one of his victims, back when he was just a child himself.”

  Upon hearing this, Anthony instantly felt like a dick. All he could think of upon hearing that was his friend Nick.

  Paul, on the other hand, did not want this man’s sympathy and would’ve preferred Sarah not reveal so much. It was still painfully shameful to admit out loud, and he didn’t like the stigma making him appear weak, as less than a man in his own right.

  “I’m sorry, man. I didn’t know.” Anthony offered the apology. Paul acknowledged Anthony with a tight nod.

  “Still, I’m not letting her go in there without me. The uncle doesn’t know everything about this dominatrix chick, does he?” He addressed Paul.

  “No. He knows very little, actually. Only that I hired her.”

  “Good. Then it’s settled.” Anthony tightened his hold on Sarah.

  “What’s settled, Mr. de Luca,” Heinz asked.

  “I’m the boyfriend of the dominatrix. I’ll be coming in with you both, just to make sure she doesn’t get hurt. She’s safer with the two of us.” Anthony stated the logic, looking from Heinz to Paul.

  Sarah was caught between feeling angry that Anthony didn’t think she could handle herself, and glad he would be there. She decided to go with being glad because in the end, it was about getting this done quickly and safely. Anno’s life depended on everyone working together. Plus, he just said he was her ‘boyfriend.’ Even if he only meant it as a cover, it still sounded nice to her ears.

  “I’m fine with it. What about you guys?” Sarah looked around the room. Touchard’s lips twitched. Limmer and Oleson agreed. Paul grudgingly acquiesced.

  “Good. Because we need to get a move on, don’t we?” Sarah pointed out the obvious, and Touchard and Limmer filled Anthony in on a few details.

  Heinz stood by Paul, knowing the man was going to suffer some heartache when it was all said and done. He’d been watching Christiansen’s treatment of Miss Brown, and knew a man smitten when he saw it. But after witnessing the gravitational pull between Sarah and De Luca, he knew it was a lost cause. He patted Paul’s shoulder in a fatherly manner.

  “If we’re all ready now, then please follow me.” Oleson led the way. Touchard and Limmer followed. Anthony and Sarah were next and bringing up the rear were Paul and Heinz.

  “Detective, you’ll ride with me,” said Touchard. Heinz fell in with the agent.

  “Oleson and I will join up with our unit. Christiansen, Miss Brown, and Mr. De Luca, a car has been provided for you. It’s a rental so as not to raise any alarm bells with your uncle should he happen to see you drive up. We’ll be about two blocks down until you’re inside, then we’ll move into position.” Limmer rattled off the logistics.

  Everyone had their orders. All got into their assigned vehicles parked outside in the security parking lot on Schiphol Airport property. The sun began to set, and the wind whipped up. The scent of rain grew stronger as clouds thickened overhead. In the distance, windmills spun furiously in fields as they passed on their way into the heart of Amsterdam, and further into the Red Light District where Peter Knudson kept his office from which he ran his various illicit businesses.

  Paul drove them expertly through the traffic while Sarah and Anthony sat in the back together. He kept his arm around her and occasionally brought her hand up to kiss her fingers. He was worried. He didn’t like this new development; didn’t understand why the hell the police couldn’t just use a female undercover officer to play the role of dominatrix. He didn’t like Sarah being in danger. And he really didn’t like the way Christiansen kept sneaking peeks at her through the rearview mirror. How the hell did she know this character, anyway? When this little operation was over, he intended to grill her for details. She had some explaining to do as far as he was concerned. He reached over and tugged her shirt toge
ther over her cleavage. Sarah swatted at his hands even as she gazed at him adoringly.

  They pulled up to the large, gray three-story building on Oudezijds Voorburgwal. Paul parked the Audi rental, and came around to open the door for Sarah. He offered his hand as Anthony jumped out the other side and rushed around the car only to find that Paul already helped his lady exit the backseat. His hand lingered a little too long on her arm, and Anthony began seeing red. Sarah automatically reached out to take Anthony’s hand and he instantly cooled down. She stood at his side, waiting. Anthony gave Paul a look that said ‘Mine!’

  Paul was frustrated, but now wasn’t the time. “Shall we?” He indicated the door which opened to steep stairs inside. He led the way. The building smelled old and moldy to Sarah’s nose. The crumbling plaster inside was chipping off the walls. She could hear sounds from the first floor as they ascended letting anyone passing through know that the prostitutes were hard at work. Ignoring the moans and shouts, she hurried up the stairs. Anno needed her.

  They reached the third-floor landing and Paul headed for the first door. He opened it and stepped through. Sarah and Anthony followed. Inside were three desks sticking along the far, exposed-brick wall with a wide window overlooking the street below. One was empty, but a young man sat at the second, and an older woman sat typing at the third. She looked up and a smile broke out across her stern face. “Paul! Hallo, darling!” She got up and greeted Paul warmly, hugging him like the prodigal son returned home.

  “Greta, my only love. How are you?” Paul lifted the older woman off the ground and swung her around. She giggled like a young girl, and then swatted his arm.

  “Put me down, you fool.” He gently lowered her, kissing her powdered cheek. He looked over at the other desk.

  “Hallo, Daniel.” Daniel smiled, blushing.

  “Hallo, Paul. Long time, yes?”

  Paul ignored the question and turned back to Greta. “This is Nadia, a new hire for Club Tiberius, and her...boyfriend, Antonio.” Paul sneered slightly over the word, but he maintained the ruse. “So, where’s the old man?” He waited to find out if Peter was in.


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