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Falling For You

Page 25

by Nicole Taylor

“Well, your gamble paid off. The new album is simply magical. I especially love how you’ve got a mix of songs, some with Nia alone, others with you alone, and those with the two of you, like that love song you two sing. That song is amazing. I keep playing it over and over. Are you going to sing for grand-mum tomorrow?”

  “Yes, definitely. We gave Dad the task of getting a list of her favorite songs so we can sing them.”

  At that moment, Leiliana’s phone rang. She reached for it and realized it was her lawyer, Elizabeth Jennings.

  “Hello, Elizabeth.”

  “Hello, Leiliana. Sorry to disturb you. I know you’re under the weather, but I had to call. Gabriel Walsh just railroaded me. I told him you’re not well, but he’s insisting that if he doesn’t hear from you, the deal’s off. Leiliana, I think he’s dead serious.”


  Gabriel snatched up the phone before the first ring had even completed.

  “Hello?” he answered breathlessly.

  “Gabriel, I understand you were trying to get hold of me.”

  The song of her voice almost made him collapse with relief.

  “Leiliana…where are you? I’ve been trying to get you since Tuesday. You haven’t been returning my calls. What’s going on?”

  “I’m at home.”

  “Are you okay? I’ve been so worried about you. What’s the matter? What are you ill from?”

  “I’m feeling better. Every day I’m feeling a little better.”

  “What’s wrong with you? What are you ill from? How did you get ill in the first place?”

  “I was just tired. That’s all.”


  “Yes. So Elizabeth—”

  “Tired. That’s all?”

  “I’m…I’m under the weather.”

  “Where did you say you are?”

  “At home.”

  “In London?”

  “At Belfield Manor.”

  “Why did you run off?”

  “I told you I wasn’t well.”

  “You just told me you were tired. Too tired to return any of my calls? I’ve been trying to get hold of you for days. What’s really going?” He tried to keep the desperation from his voice, but he didn’t think it was working.

  “Nothing is going on. I’m tired. Furthermore, my lawyer is really the best one to complete this merger. I think I was a little in over my head. I have come to see that now.”

  “What? What are you talking about? Have you gone crazy? Why are you acting like this?”

  “Mr. Walsh, I find that I am inundated with several things and no longer have time to play around with—”

  “So, I’m Mr. Walsh now, huh? And we’ve been playing around, have we? Well, it suited you just fine before. What is it? Are you afraid of the feelings you have for me? Is that it? Are you afraid of letting your guard down and being human? You agree to meet with me and work on this deal, and now you renege on your word and think I’m going to sit by and allow it to happen?”

  “I think that things got out of hand, and you had the wrong impression. Certainly I had the wrong impression about you.”

  “Enough of your cryptic comments! You will return here and finish this out as agreed, or the deal is off!”

  “Elizabeth will complete negotiations. She’s great—”

  “She’s not great! She’s not you! I’m not working with her. We had a deal. I’m not letting you renege on it. When you’ve gotten over your dizzy spell, I’ll come over to England, and we’ll finish our negotiations. Until then, everything will be on pause. That’s all I’ve got to say on this matter.”

  “Mr. Walsh—”

  The line went dead.

  Chapter 22

  L eiliana sat curled up in a nervous ball on a sofa in Belfield manor’s expansive library. As she stared, unseeing, out of the window, she gnawed at a thumbnail. This was an old habit that Leiliana rarely indulged in these days unless she was really stressed, and she was really stressed right now. She couldn’t believe Gabriel Walsh. She’d never met anyone so intransigent in her life. Why couldn’t he just accept her explanation like a normal person? Why didn’t he just leave her alone? She had felt like letting him have it during that conversation yesterday. Telling him that she knew all about him and Dot, but she hadn’t because she didn’t want him to think she cared about his cheating ways. She wanted to just end things with him and leave him wondering what happened. But he wouldn’t let her. And the nerve of him to say the deal was off if she didn’t meet with him solely. He had no right to call the shots after his betrayal.


  Leiliana startled. She hadn’t realized her mother had entered the room.

  “Yes?” she answered.

  “There’s someone here to see you.”


  “Gabriel Walsh.”

  Leia sprang to her feet. “What is he doing here!”

  Barbara Lamport shrugged helplessly. “I thought you had invited him.”

  “Of course not! I don’t want him here.” Leiliana looked around frantically, wondering where she could hide. “Don’t let him in!”

  “Of course, I let him in,” Barbara said indignantly. “Did you expect me to leave the man waiting on the doorstep. He’s in the parlor. Did something happen between the two of you?”

  “I don’t want to talk about it, Mum. Not right now. Just tell him I’m not here.”

  “I will do no such thing! I’m not lying for you.”

  Leiliana covered her face with her hands and took deep breaths.

  “What’s the matter, baby?” Barbara asked, quickly closing the distance between her and Leiliana and resting her hand on her arm.

  “I’ll be okay,” Leiliana said.

  “What’s going on?” Barbara repeated. Her face reflected such concern that Leiliana confided in her mother the feelings she had for Gabriel.

  “I think he may be having an affair with his ex-fiancée.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “I saw them kissing. How else can I interpret that? I saw them with my own two eyes.”

  “Sometimes things are not really as they appear, baby. You need to have a frank discussion with him. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you if he is lying. You can trust God. You don’t need to be afraid. Let me pray for you right now.”

  Barbara’s strong, reassuring voice flowed over Leiliana as she prayed, “Dear Heavenly Father, you know what is going on with Leia right now. You know what’s ailing her and making her heartsick and anxious. Please help her. Please comfort her with your Holy Spirit. Please grant her your peace and the assurance that you are with her, that you will never leave her or forsake her.”

  Leiliana wiped her eyes and hugged her mother tightly. Then she took a deep breath. “Let him come, Mum. I’m fine now.”

  With a final searching look at her and a kiss on her forehead, Barbara left the room.

  Leiliana spent the intervening time asking God to help her to be calm and collected and professional. She would be very formal with this man. She would not waver. She would confront him about her suspicions and explain to him that while things were over between them personally, it didn’t mean the merger couldn’t take place. She needed to toughen up. She couldn’t be so unprofessional that she wouldn’t do business with the man because of her feelings for him. She needed to shut those feelings down and act like a professional.

  Leiliana heard the door open and didn’t turn around, but she knew Gabriel had entered. She could smell his cologne, but it was more than that. It was the change in the atmosphere of the room. He had an almost magnetic aura.

  She should probably turn around but felt that she wasn’t composed enough at this point.

  If she spoke, could she keep her voice steady?

  She thought that maybe if she kept her eyes from meeting his, it would be okay.

  She slowly turned around, and before she could remember what she was supposed to do, he was right there in front of her. She hadn’t expected
him to be so close. She forgot her plan and looked up and straight into his eyes. It seemed to Leiliana that at that moment, she ceased to become a rational woman. Instead, she simply became an emotional one.

  “Gabriel,” she whispered because the missing him hit her in the chest with such force she gasped.

  What he did next snatched the remaining breath from her lungs.

  Without a word, he dipped his head and captured her lips. And oh, how sweet was that kiss! Sweeter than ever. It felt like the warmest piece of apple pie with a scoop of French vanilla ice cream on top. All sweet and gooey and amazing!

  Eventually, they came up for air. Gabriel ran his hands along Leiliana’s arms, his eyes searching hers. “Darling, I missed you so much I couldn’t think straight. Tell me why you left. And don’t tell me this nonsense about being sick. Tell me the truth.”

  Now she remembered. It all came rushing back. Him and Dot Judd.

  She broke away from him and went to stand against the wall. Folding her arms across her chest, she said, “That night in New York, after I left your apartment building, I returned unexpectedly and saw you and Dot kissing outside of your building.”

  He turned away from her, and her anxiety returned. She had a sinking feeling in her stomach. Taking a trembling breath, she admonished herself to be strong.

  He was quiet for a long time, and in those minutes, she tried to resign herself to the news he would no doubt soon deliver, that he was indeed seeing Dot.

  “Why did you return to my building?” he asked.

  “To drop off a painting.”

  “Painting? What painting? Why would you be dropping off a painting in the middle of the night?”

  “When I left you, I attended a gallery opening reception a friend of mine was hosting. I bought a painting for your house while there.”


  The Holy Spirit convicted her that she was demanding honestly from Gabriel right now, but she wasn’t exactly being honest herself.

  “Look, that’s not the real reason why I returned.”

  He watched her.

  “When I was leaving, I saw Dot arrive. I kept thinking she was with you. I probably would have bought the painting anyway, but I brought it over to have an excuse to see if she, in fact, was there.”

  He nodded slowly as he mulled this over.

  She couldn't understand why he had not yet come clean with her. “But this isn’t about me. It’s about you, Gabriel. You and Dot Judd. If you’re not going tell me what’s going on between the two of you, then I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”

  He walked over to the window on the opposite side of the room. He looked through it briefly, then turned to watch Leiliana. He spoke softly.

  “During the show, Dot called and asked me to meet her because she had some information to share with me urgently. She told me that I was to tell no one, not even you. I felt terrible about withholding that from you, but I was really anxious to hear her news. I see now that I did the wrong thing. I should have trusted you enough to tell you I was meeting with her. As to the kiss, she initiated it, Leiliana. I admit that I allowed it to go on for a few seconds too long because it took me by surprise but also because there was a part of me that wanted to be sure I was truly over her. I ended the kiss soon after it had begun, but perhaps you didn’t see that part. I’m so sorry, darling. For keeping my meeting with Dot from you and for allowing her to kiss me. Can you forgive me?”

  Leiliana searched his face and prayed for discernment. She didn’t want to compare him to Michael Chappelle. That was what she had done over the last few days. But he wasn’t Michael. As she looked into his eyes, she knew he was telling her the truth.

  “Yes. I forgive you,” Leiliana said softly.

  Gabriel crushed her to him and spoke into her hair. “You really scared me, woman. I was so afraid you had walked out of my life for good. I kept wondering what it was that I’d done wrong.”

  “Is that why you came here?”

  He nodded. “After I hung up the phone yesterday, I made arrangements to fly here. I figured, ‘well if she’s not coming back, I’m going to get her.’ I did a google map search. My only concern was that you might refuse to see me. I was so relieved when your mother came and told me I could go in. I thought ‘at least that’s a major hurdle I’ve jumped over.’” He drew her in for another hug.

  “What was it Dot wanted to tell you?” Leiliana asked after several minutes of simply being wrapped in his arms.

  “Let’s sit.”

  She went over to a couch, and he joined her, turning his body to face her.

  “She told me that Patrick had borrowed money from a Russian Mafia boss to finance our purchase of JJ Inc.”

  Leiliana’s jaw dropped open. “What! But why would he do that after what your father went through?”

  “I’m as perplexed as you are. He claims it was because he felt he had no choice. I personally believe that it was because he knew I was opposed to Lebedev. I think he did it for spite.”

  “Spite! Why would he want to spite you?”

  Gabriel then shared all that his brother had said.

  “That’s terrible,” Leiliana exclaimed. “What will you do now?”

  He sighed deeply. “I’ve asked Lebedev to meet with me. My aim is to get out of this thing. I’ll repay him if I have to sell my right lung to do it, but I can’t be in business with that criminal. He’s due back in New York in a few days. He’s to contact me about a meeting.”

  “How did Dot know all this?”

  “She and Patrick are romantically involved. It seems that he shared certain things with her. Added to that, she is the former daughter-in-law of this guy Lebedev,”

  “You mean your former friend Dmitri is this man’s son?”

  Gabriel nodded. “It’s crazy, right? It’s almost like I’m in some kind of labyrinth of intrigue. There’s something else I need to tell you.”

  She watched him warily, wondering what other devastating news he had to share.

  He stared into her eyes. “I love you, Leiliana Lamport.”

  She gasped, not expecting those words, and tears sprang to her eyes.

  “I’ve wanted to tell you for a while now, but I kept thinking it might scare you away and you’d think it was too soon or something but I—”

  “I love you too, Gabriel. So much.”

  Then she threw her hands around his neck and pressed her lips to his. Gabriel needed no further encouragement, he wrapped his arms around his woman and deepened the kiss.


  “Are you going to spend a few days here with me?” Leiliana asked Gabriel, gazing up at him from where they sat on the couch.

  “When you say here…?”

  “I mean here at Belfield Manor.”

  “I was planning on staying at a nearby hotel, but if you’re extending an invitation to me, I certainly won’t refuse.”

  “I’ll just let my parents know. They won’t mind. This house has many guest rooms and a couple additional cottages. Even with the expected crowd, you can be accommodated.”

  “I like how you call this a house. This place is like a palace.”

  “At times when we’re hosting people like this, we’re glad for the space.” She looked at him. “Have you met my father?”

  “Not yet. I only met your butler and your mother. There were a few other people around, but I wasn’t introduced to them.”

  “Come then. Let me introduce you to the rest of the family.”

  “Who’s here?”

  “My brother, Liam, his wife, Nia, and their twin girls. My brother Benjamin and dozens of cousins. My dad’s an only child, but my grandmother has many siblings. They and their children and grandchildren have already arrived for the big celebration tomorrow so you will meet all of them. The majority are here with a few stragglers expected throughout the day.”

  She rose and held out a hand to him. “But first, you must officially meet dad.”

  Placing his han
d in hers, he pushed to his feet.

  “Are you nervous about meeting my father?” she asked.

  “No. Should I be?”

  “Mmm…well, dad is known to carefully scrutinize any potential suitor of mine. He didn’t like my last boyfriend, and he told me so.”

  “You mean the moron who dishonored you by sleeping with other women? Clearly, your father has good judgment, so I have nothing to worry about.”

  “You are quite self-confident! Most chaps would be quaking in their boots.”

  “I prefer the term God-confident.”

  They walked through the foyer and kept going until they reached a massive living room. There were two people seated there, chatting, and when they saw them, they stood.

  “Hello,” Lady Lamport said. Gabriel again noted that Leiliana got her sparkling amber eyes from her beautiful mother.

  “Mum and Dad, this is Gabriel Walsh,” Leiliana announced proudly.

  Lord Lamport was a very handsome man with blond hair and deep blue eyes. “Mr. Walsh, we meet at last,” he said, appraising Gabriel with a stern expression as they shook hands. Gabriel wasn’t easily intimidated, but he did feel a mite uncomfortable under the man’s scrutiny, particularly since the recent revelation that he was indebted to the Russian mafia.

  “I’m sorry for intruding on your celebration,” Gabriel said, matching the man’s firm grip with his own.

  Lord Lamport quirked a brow. “Are you?”

  With effort, Gabriel met his challenging blue eyes with his green ones and didn’t back down. “Yes.” He glanced at Leiliana. “It’s just that, sir, I’m in love with your daughter and I came all the way from New York to tell her that.”

  Gabriel had never really been one to beat around the bush, and he wanted to be upfront with these people about the way he felt about their daughter. He wondered in the next moment, though, if he had done the right thing.

  There was shocked silence for a short while. Then Lady Lamport broke out in laughter.

  “Leia?” she looked at Leiliana for confirmation.

  Leiliana snuggled up to Gabriel’s side and nodded. “We had a misunderstanding, that’s why I came home. But everything is fine now.”


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