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Christmas Up in Flames

Page 7

by Lisa Harris

  She plopped some ice cream on a piece of pie. She could do it. Force a smile and pretend everything was okay. Pretend that it wasn’t true that someone potentially wanted her dead.


  A hand squeezed her shoulder and she jumped. Reid stood behind her.

  “Sorry... Is everything okay?”

  “Yeah... I’m fine. Sorry. I’ve been assigned to the ice cream scoop.”

  “Are you having any of the symptoms the doctor told you to watch out for?”

  “No, though... I guess I am a little overwhelmed and a bit tired.”

  “I promise not to keep you out too long, but you don’t mind staying for dessert, do you?”

  “Of course not. I remember how much you love anything sweet.”

  “It’s the way to a man’s heart. In the meantime, Mom wants me to go get some more logs for the fire. Why don’t you come outside and get some fresh air for a moment?”

  She hesitated, then nodded. Maybe that was exactly what she needed. Some fresh air would help clear her mind. And she could tell him about the penny.

  She followed him outside, grateful for the quiet. The last time she’d had a panic attack had been years ago. When Owen was six months old, he’d come down with a serious respiratory virus that had kept her up for nights and escalated her anxiety. Eventually, he’d gotten over it, and she’d learned to worry less, but today had brought it all up again. One of the reasons she’d quit fighting fires was because she wanted a job that was less risky. She didn’t want to ever leave Owen in a situation where his mother didn’t come home. And now those fears were back.

  * * *

  “It’s starting to snow,” Reid said. “You can sit and enjoy a bit of winter in the moonlight while I gather wood. As I recall, this always was your favorite season.”

  “It’s beautiful here no matter what season, though I think this is definitely my favorite. Snow on the mountains, skiing, Christmas lights, hot chocolate in front of the fire.”

  “Mine too, though watch out, I wouldn’t be surprised if my mom talks us all into singing Christmas carols before the night is over.”

  “I wouldn’t mind.”

  “Claire...what happened in there? It was like you froze. I was afraid having all the family here might be overwhelming. If you’d rather go back into town, we can check you into the hotel and you can get a good night’s sleep. You don’t have to feel bad at all. Everyone knows how much you’ve been through.”

  “I’m okay. Some fresh air is exactly what I needed.”

  She was avoiding telling him something. Something in there had upset her.

  He started filling up the wheelbarrow with wood from the pile he’d helped chop over the summer and fall. Memories of the two of them refused to stay buried no matter how hard he tried. Some of his favorites were when they’d bundled up and gone out on the snowmobile, or settled in front of the fire drinking hot chocolate and watching movies. He’d made a mistake pushing her out of his life, but it was too late to change the past.

  “I saw the look on your face when Caden was telling the story about the pennies and the locked door,” he said.

  “Does that really work?” she asked.

  He paused in front of her. “With certain doors, yes.”

  “The door at the B&B?”

  “Yes, actually, I think so, but what are you thinking? That someone jammed your door shut with pennies?”

  She stood and pulled something out of her pocket, then handed it to him. “This was not an accident. Just like someone trying to run us off the road. Like the drone that attacked you... I don’t know what’s going on, but I found this outside the doorway on the floor, under the edge of the carpet.”

  Reid stared at the penny and felt an eerie sensation spread through him.

  “I think someone used pennies to jam the door to make sure I couldn’t get out of the room, then returned and took the evidence and accidently left one behind.”

  “I agree none of this can be a coincidence, but who? And why? We mentioned before that whoever is behind the arson fires would know that even if you were taken off the case for whatever reason, someone else would take your place. That can’t be their motivation.”

  “I know. That’s why I can’t shake the feeling that this is personal somehow.”

  He sat down next to her, forgetting about the wood for the moment. He hadn’t wanted to believe someone was trying to hurt her, but while this wasn’t solid evidence, it wasn’t something they could simply ignore either.

  “Have you received any threats before coming here?” he asked. “Or maybe it’s possible someone has a grudge against you and might want to get back at you for something.”

  “No. I mean, it’s possible because I’ve had people put behind bars for starting fires, but in reality I only gather the evidence and make my conclusions. I’m not the one who prosecutes and decides what happens to the person. And I’m not sure I’m the only one they’re after. We were both in the car, and that drone went after you.”

  “I’m going to talk to Griffin again—”

  “I know we have to tell the authorities, but I don’t want to be taken off the case.” She rested her hand on his arm for a moment, then pulled it away. “I’ve been tracking down this arsonist for six months and I will find him. They already have the sheriff’s department on alert and you watching over my shoulder.”

  Flakes of snow lay scattered across her hair and the moonlight lit her up from behind. He wished he could forget everything that had happened between them, that he could convince himself he’d moved on and that seeing her standing in front of him didn’t affect him.

  Except it did.

  And now he was worried someone wanted to hurt her...

  “If someone did lock you in that room and then set the house on fire, we’re talking about attempted murder, Claire. And if it is the arsonist behind the fire, then you know more than anyone what he is capable of doing. He’s responsible for millions of dollars of damages, but on top of that two men are dead because of those fires.”

  “I know.”

  “I want you to stay here at my parents’ place while you’re in town, but don’t tell anyone where you are. I’ll stay here, as well. Caden has a house just down the road, and Griffin will be on call.”

  “You don’t think that’s taking things a bit over the top?”

  He frowned at her stubbornness. “Not at all. It seems like a practical solution to me.”

  “I don’t know. I’ve been talking to your sisters-in-law. You O’Callaghan brothers tend to like to play the hero.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with that, especially when there’s a beautiful woman in danger involved.”


  “I didn’t mean...not that you aren’t beautiful, because you are, but I meant—”

  She shifted toward him and smiled. “I know what you meant and I’m just teasing you. But you have to admit it is a bit... I don’t know...romantic.”


  “No?” she asked.

  Reid took in a deep breath, wishing she didn’t affect him the way she did. “That’s just not the word I thought you were going to use.”

  “From what I’ve heard, playing hero has also been pretty personal. Gabby found evidence that her husband might have been murdered and then someone came after her and Liam saved her life. Then Griffin ended up playing bodyguard for Tory who was almost killed because she was a key witness in a crime.”

  “And don’t forget that Caden and Gwen were mixed up in a hostage situation.”

  “Yep. There is definitely something about your family that seems to attract trouble.”

  “Or maybe we’re just good at getting people out of trouble.”

  Reid resisted the urge to pull her against him. His brothers might have found happily ever af
ter, but he wasn’t going to this time. Not with Claire. Even if he tried to play the hero. And that was something he couldn’t forget.


  At nine the next morning, Claire was sitting in the passenger seat of Reid’s pickup truck while he drove her to the scene of the fire she’d originally come to investigate. Thirty-six hours ago, she never would have imagined Reid O’Callaghan playing the role of her personal bodyguard. But he was. On top of that, while yesterday’s dinner with his entire family had left her feeling vulnerable, even that didn’t compare to the fact that someone seemed determined to hurt her and Reid. Which was why she’d agreed to stay at the ranch until they were able to dig up the truth.

  “I was afraid my bodyguard might have overslept,” Claire said, grasping the travel mug of coffee his mother had handed her as they headed out the door.

  “Hardly,” he said. “How late did you stay up?”

  “Not late, though I was awake before the sun.” She studied the scenery on either side of the narrow dirt road they were headed down, with its patches of snow on the ground and mountain views in the background. “I don’t remember ever coming out to this farm.”

  “Hazel and Bill Reynolds have lived here...I don’t long as I can remember. They have two sons who have both moved to Texas. One of them was able to return after the fire and help out some, but last I heard they were thinking about moving to be closer to their boys.”

  “That has to be a tough decision.”

  “I’m sure it is. While living near their boys would be a blessing for them, leaving everything they know can’t be easy.” Reid made another turn down a long driveway, then parked his truck near the charred structure on the east side of the property. “I called and told them we were going to come and look at the damage to their barn and equipment. They’re at the doctor right now, but said that would be fine.”

  “Is one of them sick?” Claire asked.

  “I know she’s been struggling with anxiety since the fire, but I don’t have any details.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that, though I would like to talk to them. They have to be grateful their house wasn’t damaged.”

  “Definitely, and they said they would be back as soon as they could. Captain Ryder should be here any minute too. I think he just wants to touch base with you.”

  Claire stepped out of the truck with the case file in hand and started around the perimeter of the charred building. While she’d already looked at photos of the evidence from the fire, seeing the scene for herself was essential.

  Reid kept a few steps behind her as she slowly made her way around the outside. Grass had started growing back in a few places, but for the most part, nothing had changed from the photos in the file she’d been given.

  “If you don’t mind me asking,” Reid said, “why an arson investigator?”

  She mulled over the question while continuing to take in the scene and debated how to answer it without bringing up their son. “I loved working as a firefighter, but the whole investigation behind the fire has always fascinated me. And I guess when you consider that arson accounts for billions of dollars of lost or damaged property every year and only a small percentage of the arsonists are actually arrested, I like the fact that I’m helping people who are impacted.”

  “It almost sounds...personal.”

  “I have a friend back in Denver whose house burned down and it was suspected as being an arson fire. Thankfully, she and her family were okay, but they never caught who started the fire. More than likely it was a couple kids in the neighborhood, but we’ll probably never know. And while the majority of fires are set in order to try and scam insurance policies, I was struck by how, in a short instant, the devastation it leaves behind can change everything.”

  “That is true.”

  “And the complexity of most investigations makes it a challenge. Unfortunately, with the majority of arson cases the perpetrator is never caught.”

  “You always did love a challenge,” he said.

  “Funny.” She stopped and caught his gaze, wishing those blue eyes of his didn’t seem just as mesmerizing as they had all those years ago. She cleared her throat. “Think about it. You’re looking at a crime where most of the evidence can be destroyed, either from the fire or from the foam used to put out the fire. So in the end, we have to rely on people like you, the firefighters, along with anyone else who might have witnessed something.”


  Claire pulled out the photos from the investigation she’d printed out. “Can you walk me through the fire?”

  “Of course. It started in the northwest corner of the barn.”

  She followed him to the spot that had been marked on one of her photos. “An accelerant was found here.”

  “Yes,” he said. “Traces of acetone and gasoline were found.”

  “And the antique lighter? Where was it discovered?”

  Reid walked another six feet to the left. “Here.”

  She held up the photo. The fire had spread quickly, destroying the integrity of the structure, as well as the majority of the equipment, before it was put out. Thankfully, according to her notes, there had been little wind that night, so the flames didn’t spread to the main house or any other outlying buildings.

  “What do you know about the couple?” Claire asked, continuing to walk around the damaged structure.

  “Are you asking if they might have started the fire themselves for an insurance payoff?”

  Her jaw tensed at the question. “You know I have to look at that. There was no evidence of a forced entry, for starters.”

  “I just can’t imagine they were involved. They go to our church, and I’ve known them for years.”

  “Going to church doesn’t make someone innocent.”

  “That’s true.”

  She caught his gaze and studied his expression, trying to figure out what was niggling at her. “You surprise me.”

  “Because I go to church?”

  “It’s not just that. There’s just something... I don’t know...something different about you.”

  She couldn’t put a finger on what it was. He was still just as good-looking and charming as the first day they’d met, but it wasn’t his appearance she was referring to.

  “I’ve changed a lot since you saw me last,” he said.

  “I guess you’re not the only person who’s changed.”

  While she’d gone to church with Reid’s family occasionally while they’d dated, she’d never had a faith of her own until after Owen was born. Back then she’d been focused on her career and her relationship with Reid, not trying to understand what it meant to serve God.

  Reid stepped in front of her. “What are you thinking?”

  She turned away from him, not ready to share her real thoughts. “I was thinking that the actual fire definitely fits the pattern. There’s both the combination of accelerants that was found at other fires as well as the antique lighter.”


  She shook her head. “So far the arsonist has never struck more than one time in any town.”

  “So twice in one town doesn’t fit the profile.”

  “Not so far, but it might be insignificant. The MOs and patterns can change. That’s typical. And the antique lighters. That’s the key as far as I’m concerned. We’ve managed to keep that detail out of the news so far.”

  “We’ve looked at photos from the scene. What about comments left on news sites or social media? Have you looked at those?”

  “Yes, and so far there hasn’t been any obvious person who stands out.”

  The sound of vehicles pulled her attention to the driveway and away from the charred remains. Captain Ryder arrived right behind the Reynoldses. Reid quickly made introductions as soon as they’d stepped out of the vehicles.

  “Mr. and Mrs. Reyno
lds, it’s nice to meet you, though I’m so sorry for the loss of your property. I know the fire did a lot of damage and the cleanup and dealing with insurance can’t be easy.”

  “’s Bill and Hazel,” Bill said, “and thank you. You’re right, it has been hard. We lost most of our winter food supply, so in a way we feel like we’re starting over again.”

  Claire clutched the folder under her arm. “I know you’ve already talked to the authorities. I’m just following up on a few questions so we can officially close the case.”

  Bill glanced at his wife. “We were told this could have been started by an arsonist.”

  “Unfortunately, we don’t have an answer for that right now,” Captain Ryder said. “Which is why we asked for help from Denver.”

  Claire chose her words carefully. “What I can tell you is that there were several things in the final report that were flagged. I’m here to sign off on them. It’s all a part of the process.”

  “Like we told Reid, you’re welcome to look around,” Bill said. “We’re ready for the investigation to be over so we can start cleaning up.”

  “Reid said he’d heard you might be selling the property?” Claire asked.

  “We’re not sure we have a choice. Insurance will give us a payout...eventually...but in the meantime we’re struggling to keep things up. And it’s looking like even with a payout it’s not going to cover replacement costs for everything that was lost.” Bill laid his hand on his wife’s arm and frowned. “We’ve lived here our entire lives, but I have to say, in the back of our minds we’ve been looking at moving closer to our kids anyway. And while they love coming up here and visiting, maybe it’s time.”

  “I know that decision can’t be easy,” Captain Ryder said.

  “Starting over at our age seems like climbing a mountain.”

  “I understand,” Claire said. “Is there anything else that you think I should know? Anything odd that might have happened since the fire that you haven’t told anyone about?”


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