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Betrayed by Truths: Truth or Lies Book 2

Page 14

by Ella Miles

  I see the crushing pain on his face, and I know I fulfilled my promise. Enzo punished me, but I got my own revenge.



  That was her first time.

  She’s never been fucked before.

  Never been raped.

  Jarod never touched her in that way.

  Langston sure as hell didn’t.

  That’s what she’s saying. And I can’t think of any reason that she’d lie.

  Plus, now that I’ve regained some of my self-control I can see the evidence for myself.

  Blood is stained between her legs from where my cock tore away her innocence, her pussy was far too tight, and the tears that rolled down her face as she cursed and writhed in pain is enough to convince me.

  She was a virgin—until I ruined her.

  I punished her harder than I ever realized because she never told me the truth of what happened to her on that yacht with Jarod.

  I assumed he and the other men aboard raped her, but now I know it’s not true. What the hell happened on that boat? Whatever it was, it hurt her so badly she may never recover.

  And I just made it so much worse.

  I feel a torrent of guilt for my actions—instant regret.

  This should have been the opposite of her first time. This was far too violent for anyone’s first time. Far too brutal for most people’s ever times.

  I shouldn’t have used sex to punish her. But I also knew I would struggle whipping her, beating her, scarring her. Not when I could see the physical scars all over her body the entire time I was doing it.

  And then she goaded me. She wanted this.


  So I would feel the same pain she does now.

  I feel like a monster.

  This is something my father would do—ruin a woman’s first time.

  There is no way Kai will ever let me fuck her again. I doubt she will let any man touch her for years, possibly ever.

  And it’s my fault.

  I hurt her—when I promised her I never would.

  At least, not in this way.

  I’m a monster.

  I brought the torture she must have only dreamed about to life.

  Did she even come?

  I was so consumed by my own feelings—revenge, punishment, and euphoria, that it all went by in a blur.

  From the tears streaming down her rosy red cheeks, I’m not sure any of it was enjoyable for her.

  “Baby—” I start, but she immediately cuts me off.

  “I don’t want to hear your apology any more than you want to hear mine. There is nothing to apologize for anyway. I wanted this. I planned this. I wanted you to ruin me; it was the price I was willing to pay. I was already broken anyway.”

  “Kai,” I try again.

  By now she’s sniffling hard, trying to suck the tears back into her body.

  Did she tell me to stop?

  I try to think back; I don’t remember her telling me to stop. This wasn’t rape, but it wasn’t good. Even if she wasn’t a virgin, it wasn’t good.

  I hurt her, and I didn’t care.

  But I won’t apologize for what I did.

  She needed to be punished, and this was the punishment she chose.

  My cock still rests inside her. And I can feel her muscles tightening gently around me. Her pussy is so tight; I don’t know how she’s tolerating me still buried between her muscles.

  I try a different route. “You win.”

  She blinks rapidly, trying to expel the tears from her eyes, since she can’t use her hands currently tied above her head.

  “You win. I surrender. You were right; I feel disgusting. I shouldn’t, but I do. This was two consensual adults having sex, but I still feel gross, wrong, sick. It’s too easy to compare myself to what my father did.”

  “What did your father do?”

  I hesitate, “Zeke didn’t tell you?”

  “No, I just guessed. If the myths were true about Black, your father must have been one evil guy. I’m sure he tried to pass that along to you. And I see your daily struggle to manage both sides of yourself. The good and the bad.”

  “There is no good.”

  She doesn’t respond, but I know that was part of her gaining power here, to make me feel like I’m only evil. Only the bad part of myself controls my actions. It gives her more power if she can predict if she’s dealing with the good or bad version of me.

  “What happened?” she asks.

  I shake my head. She hasn’t earned that story. She doesn’t get to know why my father was the evilest bastard ever to walk this earth.

  She sighs, and her eyes glance down to my cock still inside her. I’m not as hard as I was before, but fucking her once wasn’t enough. Her tightness keeps me hard the entire time; I just need to persuade her to try another round. One where I ensure she comes and it feels good.

  Because now that I’ve had her, I don’t ever want to stop. She’s the most responsive woman I’ve ever been with. I’ve never felt a cunt grab hold of me like hers did. And the screams that leave her throat make me possessive and mad. I want her—all of her. The spitfire, the beauty, the fearlessness. Not once was she afraid, no matter the pain I put her through. She took everything.

  And as much as she can try to convince me that I’ve ruined her, other than the tears, she doesn’t look hurt. She has a glow about her, which again, might be the tears, but I don’t think so. She’s radiant, her cheeks have pinked, and her eyes read more confidence and determination in them than I’ve ever seen.

  This changed her.

  For worse.

  For better.

  And I want to know why. Only then will I decide what to do next. Make amends by fucking her, or release her and return to being enemies.

  “Tell me what happened on that yacht,” I command.

  She frowns. “Untie me and get your cock out of me first.”


  She glares. “Enzo, untie me. My story is too vulnerable for me to tell when I have no control.”

  “I think this is the exact position you need to tell me in.”

  We return stares, neither of us giving in. We are both stubborn, but she forgets that right now, I have all the power. Because she’s the one tied to my bed.

  “You hurt me; the least you could do is untie me.”

  “We both hurt each other. I might be the latest person to start the war, but I’m offering an olive branch as soon as I find out the truth.”

  She takes a deep breath, her back arching and her wrists pulling as if trying one more time to break free. And when it doesn’t work, she starts her story.

  “When I was first sold, I thought that was all they wanted. I knew the high price they paid for me. I was branded a virgin on that stand when I was sold. It got them a higher price because of it. I knew what my purpose would be when I was taken aboard that yacht.

  “But then, the first night, it didn’t happen. I was attacked. Men ripped my clothes from my body. They beat me. Whipped me. Forced their cocks down my throat. Did their best to wrench tears from my eyes. But they never came.”

  She closes her eyes, and I know she’s back on that boat.

  I rock into her pussy as gently as I can, trying to bring her back to me and away from that horrible place. I watch her nipples peak, and her pussy lips tighten around my cock the tiniest bit, confirming she’s still with me. She opens her eyes again.

  “That became their game. Their favorite way to torture me. With promises of what tomorrow would bring. Tomorrow they would rape me. That promise came every day for a month, until slowly I stopped believing the threats. I thought I was safe, at least for the moment. I thought they were saving me for another man who had yet to board the yacht. At one point, I thought you had directed them not to touch me.”

  I shake my head no.

  “But then, they started taking other women on board.” She winces as she relives it.

  “Kai, come back to me.”

  Her eyes flutter back to mine immediately. “They would rape those women as soon as their feet touched the deck—always in front of me. They would torture me while I watched them violate other women, while I was hopeless to save them.

  “The men made me feel like I was disgusting, unworthy, less than. That I wasn’t pretty enough for any man to rape or touch.”

  Her eyes are completely filled with tears, but she doesn’t let them fall—not now. She’s too strong to let them out.

  “But then, my body took over. I had to cope, and in my sick mind, I started wishing they would rape me. I wanted off that boat, and the women who were raped got to leave, usually in body bags, but it didn’t matter, it was an end. But it wasn’t just that. The thought of being raped seemed easier than the torture I went through.

  “Eventually, my brain filled in the dots with other women’s rapes. I pretended their rapes were mine until I couldn’t even tell I was lying to myself. That was their plan: to torture my brain. Make me believe things were worse than they were. My imagination was worse than anything they could have actually done to me.”

  “Kai,” I say, my heart breaking for her.

  “They say there are worse things in life than death. I believe that. What they did to me messed with my head. It’s why I can’t tolerate anyone’s touch. Because the only time they touched me was to beat me. I never got comfort—nothing that could be misperceived as caring. I didn’t even get a sexual release. I got nothing. I was nothing but a punching bag that they tormented until my mind broke and I could no longer determine what was real and what was fake.”

  “I’m sor—”

  “Don’t. You don’t get to be sorry for what I went through. You don’t get to be sorry for anything you did. You were the catalyst. You started this. If we went back to that yacht that day with your hands around my throat, I would have chosen death knowing what came next.”

  “You said no one could touch you, but I touched you.”

  She stares at me, lips parted, with no explanation as to why.

  “You hugged Langston and comforted Zeke even though you were in pain. In time, you will be able to touch anyone you want without the spark of pain. But for now, you have me.”

  She chuckles. “You just tortured me into submission. You punished me. My body will no longer respond to you the same way.”

  “That may have been your intention. You may have hoped to make us permanent enemies with this stunt. You may have thought this would ensure we would never forgive each other and squash any connection we had. That from now on, we would be nothing but enemies ready to fight. But that didn’t happen, did it?”

  She gasps. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, if you really wanted my cock out, you would have pushed me out long ago. That if you were really so hurt, you would be flinching in pain any time I touch you.”

  I grab her hips and rock forward.

  Her eyes glaze over, part from the pain, but also from something else.

  “Did you come?” I ask.

  She freezes.

  “Did. You. Come?”

  “That question isn’t relevant. Lots of women come from sexual experiences they don’t enjoy.”

  I flare my nostrils and growl low and heavy. “That means yes, you came.”

  She looks at me like she’s going to kill me for telling the honest truth.

  I smirk, damn I’m good. Even when I punish a woman, I’m still the best she ever had. I guess in Kai’s case I’m also the worst. Because I’m the only man she’s ever had.

  “Don’t get cocky. It had nothing to do with you,” she says.

  “Sure it didn’t. But just to prove you wrong, how about I make you come again?”

  “Enzo,” Kai warns.

  I rock my hardening cock, and her juices instantly soak me.

  I move slow, letting her decide what she wants.

  “You want me—don’t deny it. You’ve had it rough, punishing because deep down that’s what Jarod made you think you deserve. It’s what your body convinced you was all you could handle. But it’s not the truth. The truth is, everything about sex can be magical with the right partner,” I say.

  Her lips part, and her tongue licks her bottom lip in anticipation.

  I have her. Now just close the deal.

  “For instance,” I jerk my hips forward until I rub against her sensitive clit, and the angle of my cock presses deep within her most likely hitting her G-spot. “When a man knows how to read your body, it can be the most explosive thing you’ve ever experienced.”

  I gyrate my hips, making small circles over her clit and within her cunt. Her legs spread wider for me, and a small whimper escapes her lips.

  She has to be sore and in pain, but that’s not what I want her thinking about when his ends.

  I want her to remember the explosive feeling when she comes around my cock. How I was the only man to ever make her feel that way. And how she only wants me to be the one to give it to her again.

  She’s mine.

  And I don’t want her to forget that—ever.

  Even when we have long finished our time together, I want her to think back to her first and know that no man will ever bring her the same amount of pleasure as me.

  “Let me show you how good it can feel.”

  She throws her head back as I thrust harder and grip her hips, forcing all of my length inside her.

  “Is that a yes?”

  She moans as I lean down and take a nipple into my mouth, sucking viciously.

  “Kai? If I don’t get a yes, then I’ll stop. What will it be?”

  I’ve teased her, given her every opportunity to know what it will be like now if she lets me fuck her. Now, it’s up to her.


  Thank God!

  Last time was about punishment. This time, it will be nothing but pleasure.

  But it doesn’t mean I will fuck her gently. Our connection is too passionate for anything gentle. The crash of sparks at a simple touch will ensure anytime we fuck it will be epic.

  I lean down and remove the blindfold that had already started falling from her face as I thrust in and out of her slickness.

  I lean down and kiss her, like she’s the only woman I ever want to kiss. And from the taste of her, it might be true.

  Her tongue pushes back, driving into me with a dance showing that even though she wants this, she won’t give up power completely to me.

  I push her legs back toward her head as I pump into her, allowing a deeper angle to hit all of her depths.

  “Fuck…” she moans, and water burns her eyes again.

  “Too much?” I ask. Please don’t let it be too much. I can barely stand to go as carefully as I’m going.

  “No, don’t you dare stop. It shouldn’t feel good, but it does.”

  I halt, grabbing her chin and looking deep into her sea green eyes. “Don’t ever say sex shouldn’t feel good. You were turned on when you sucked my cock. You were wet when I spanked your ass. Drenched from being tied up. You wanted this. You enjoyed this, and there is nothing wrong with you. Plenty of women like the unordinary—the dark, the dangerous. You can like this. You can like plain missionary. You can like getting fucked in the ass. Or tied up. Or on top. Or in any position you want with any person you want, male or female. Don’t let Jarod take that from you. This—this is right. If it feels good; it’s right.”

  “This feels good,” she says with a tiny smile.

  “Now, what do you want, baby? Tell me what you want, and it’s yours.”

  She blushes.

  “Fuck me hard, fast, and painful—like before. I don’t care about the pain; it just made the release all the sweeter when I finally came.”

  She came. Even though it hurt at first, her first time was still pleasurable. That makes the sinking feeling inside shrink just a little. I’m not completely like my father.

  I smile.

  “My pleasure.”

  I push her legs back again as I
drive into her with all my force.

  She cries out, but this time I listen closely. It hurts her, but it also releases her from the pain of before.

  But I want more pleasure than pain for her this time. So I let my thumb find her nub and press against it in tiny circles while I fuck her deeper and deeper.

  Her arms pull at the rope, and her body writhes beneath me.

  “God, it’s all so much. I never knew…”

  “You never knew what?”

  “It could feel like this.” She cries out again as I hit the deeper depths still.

  I cradle her head in my hands as I kiss her in rhythm with my thrusts.

  I’ve already come twice, and I’m about to come a third time, far quicker than I want to. But I’m determined not to come until Kai has.

  “Come, baby. Let go.”

  I’m not sure she’ll listen to me. She rarely does. But her pretty eyelashes flutter in my direction, her lips part, and her body contracts.

  “Damn you, Enzo!” she screams out as her pussy convulses around me, releasing her orgasm in an explosion. Her cry loud enough that I’m sure any visitors outside could hear her.

  Her cries are my cue, and I pump one more time, releasing my load into her core before collapsing on top of her body.

  For the first time in forever, I feel whole lying on top of her with my cock still buried inside her.

  “Enzo?” comes Kai’s sweet voice.


  “As much as I enjoy coming, I don’t think my pussy can handle any more stretching for today. And my arms would love blood circulation to return to them,” she snarks.

  I smile.

  “Ready?” I ask.

  She narrows her eyes, clearly not understanding my meaning. So I go with the ripping the bandaid off method.

  I pull out in one stroke, my cock still thick from being inside her.

  She winces, blowing out a hiss as I pull myself from her body.

  Only then do I see how much she bled and the damage I truly did to her.


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