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Betrayed by Truths: Truth or Lies Book 2

Page 17

by Ella Miles

  I ignore her question, knowing we need to focus on other things to get her to relax.

  I kiss down her back, and I feel her body start to relax allowing more. So close.

  “I can’t. You’re too fucking much,” she groans.

  “I didn’t think you were a quitter, baby.”

  “I’m not.”

  “You got this. We are so close.”

  I’m failing. I don’t want her feeling pain. I feel her body tensing and beginning to close up to me. If I were to look into her eyes, I’m sure they would be glossing over, preparing to protect herself as she has done for years before. Then she would never get to feel the pleasure.

  Then I get an idea.

  I slap her ass.

  She yelps.

  “And I fucking love this ass.”

  I rub gently over the redness from when I punished her last night.

  “You didn’t act like it last night,” she pants.

  I smile as she soaks my cock from thinking about last night.

  I squeeze the reddened cheeks, and she cries out.

  “You sadistic ass.”

  I hear the tiny tears.


  “Look at me, baby.”

  She turns her head, and I see the tears. I kiss her cheeks, removing them from her eyes.

  Then I suck two of my fingers. Her mouth parts as she stares at me. “But do you know what I love most of all?”

  “My pussy.”

  “Yes. But I want something else more.”


  “Your ass.”

  “What? No! I can’t.”

  I press my fingers at the entrance to her ass, putting just enough of my fingers inside to get her to focus on a different sensation. I kiss her lips with everything I have, and then I grind into her body, sinking all of my cock inside.

  The moan she cries into my mouth is beautiful. I love the pain, but most of all I love her pleasure.

  Tears stain her cheeks, but I can already see the pain easing.

  “I can do this. I want to. Jesus, Enzo. Fuck me.”

  I smile. “You’ve already taken me. All of me, baby.”

  Her eyes widen in surprise.

  “Hang on,” I say motioning to the counter.

  She grabs on, and then I fuck her like I’ve wanted to since I came into the kitchen.

  Her pussy welcomes me in more and more with each thrust, as I grip her ass and kiss every part of her bare neck.

  “I love hearing you cry, baby.”

  “Because you are a sadist.”

  “No, because I love every fucking sound you make. Most of all when you scream my name.”

  I hit particularly deep inside, and I get exactly the reward I want. “Enzo!”

  Her muscles start tightening, her body coming alive.

  I reach around, find her clit, and start strumming her. I want her to come so many times that even if she had the highest powered vibrator, she would have nothing left to make herself come.

  She arches her back, her ass pushing into my cock more. Someday, I will have your ass.

  We build ourselves higher and higher in our little bubble. I cling on for dear life as I struggle to hold back my own orgasm until she comes. Fucking her, with how tight she is, brings me back to when I was fifteen and would shoot my load far too fast. Now, I never come before a woman. I may be heartless, but I’m not a bad lover.

  I plead with my cock to hold on. Wait until she comes.

  And then it happens. Her pussy contracts around me, her cries bounce through the house, and her body turns icy from the chill she sends through my body. The look on her face is glorious as she comes on my dick.

  I pump one more time, and I lose it with her. I growl at the explosion I wish could last forever.

  More, more, more.

  The orgasm rolls through us both again. My heat shoots through her, and her ice through me. Only when I return to my usual warm, and she returns to her usual chill, do the orgasms stop.

  “That was—Jesus, I never thought it could be like that,” she says, repeating her same sentiment from before.

  I pull out of her sharply, giving her no warning this time.

  She doesn’t wince this time though. She’s too lost in her orgasm to feel the loss. I turn her to me and kiss her lips.

  “No wonder you fuck so many women all the time if it’s like that.”

  “It’s not like that every time.”

  Her eyebrows raise, and she lights up.

  Fuck, this woman. One sentence makes her happy.

  “Now what?” she asks, innocently.

  I stare down between her legs, happy to only see the tiniest drop of blood this time instead of the volcano of blood I caused last time.

  She’s getting used to my size, and I want to spend most of the night fucking her until we fall asleep completely exhausted. We should spend the night getting the best sleep, but there is no harm if we both get the same amount of sleep.

  I’ll make sure she gets at least six or seven hours, even though we both function pretty well without sleep.

  “I could spend the night fucking you, if you aren’t too sore?”

  She gives me the slowest smile on the planet, but thank fuck I can read her well enough to answer.

  “I’ll happily hate-fuck you all night,” she says.



  We fucked most of the night.

  Maybe that was his plan to have an unfair advantage: fucking me so much I could barely walk. It worked. But I don’t care, even if that was his plan. I wouldn’t have traded the sex for anything.

  I never knew how amazing sex could be—not until Enzo.

  I thought it must be horrible—at least that’s how my fucked up brain processed how the woman feels during sex. Because of Jarod and his goons. The screams the other women made will live in my head forever.

  The torture of countless men pretending to go for my pussy then stop in disgust will live with me forever.

  The pain at Enzo’s size is a lot—but it’s nothing compared to the moments after. The moments he tried to distract me from the pain. The moments he’s sweet instead of the devil. The moments when it starts to feel good. Really good.

  I’m sure sex with a different, smaller man would be less painful, but I doubt any man has the talents of making me wet with solely a syllable like Enzo does.

  We slept in the bed all night side by side, but not touching. As usual. I like Enzo’s touch, but I’m still not completely calm every time he does it. It can still cause me panic or freak me out if I’m not ready for it. So at night, it’s probably best if we don’t snuggle.

  And Enzo is used to sleeping alone. He has no need for a snuggle buddy.

  We don’t talk about it. It just happens. We just share his bedroom like an old married couple.

  I stare down at Enzo’s mother’s ring on my hand as the alarm goes off. It’s eight-thirty. Only a half hour until we have to be ready.

  I don’t want to be Enzo’s friend today. It will make it harder to hurt him. And it will destroy me if he hurts me. Especially after our night of lovemaking.

  He reaches across the bed and tucks my hair behind my ear.

  I freeze.

  That’s too much—too caring. He shouldn’t do things like that.

  He’s just trying to throw you off guard. Make you want him so you won’t hurt him when it comes down to it.

  Don’t fall for his tricks.

  I smile. “Morning.”

  “Morning,” he sighs. “Sleep well?” the cocky grin on his face tells me he already knows I did.

  I nod, continuing to play with the ring.

  “When we get out of this bed, we are enemies again,” he says.


  “Until then…” he reaches over and kisses me tenderly. I wonder how it would be to fuck him gently and tenderly. I always thought it would be too mushy and slow to keep my demons away. But after having him hard and rough, I wa
nt to find out what sex is like with Enzo in every way possible.

  “Here,” I say, taking the ring off and holding him out to him.

  “Do you want a divorce already? I thought I was doing a good job satisfying you in my bed.”

  I smile. “No, I just don’t want to have any loyalty to you once we get out of this bed. I’m not your fake wife today. I’m your enemy. And I don’t want to accidentally lose it or something.”

  He takes the ring, but instead of putting it somewhere safe, he grabs my hand again and slips the ring back on.

  “We can be enemies and fuck buddies. We can hate each other and still want each other. We can be adversaries and still care. I gave it to you to keep no matter what happens. It’s yours—not mine. It’s your leverage to protect you when the time comes for you to start your life over. I don’t want you to forget I want you safe during the game. Because I do. I will do what I can to protect you.”

  “I don’t want your protection.”

  “But you have it. I won’t let anyone hurt you.” He kisses the ring on my finger. “This is my promise. I will always keep you safe. No matter how we feel about each other. Our hate won’t stop how I protect you.”

  I look at the clock. Five minutes have passed. We need to shower and eat something before the game starts.

  “Good luck,” I say.

  “Good luck.”

  We both exit the bed at the same time. We don’t talk. We don’t acknowledge the other as we get ready for the day. It’s like a flip has been switched. Like we didn’t just fuck each other’s brains out all night. We have no connection anymore.

  My stomach is in knots, so I don’t eat much. I drink an iced coffee and pick at some eggs. I take as long as I can in the shower, letting the water wash away any remnants of Enzo. I can’t think about him.

  I get dressed in dark jeans, a tight fitting black shirt, and comfortable running shoes. I don’t know what the task is, but I’d rather be ready for a fight than dressed for a ball.

  I put my hair up in a high ponytail and decide on a no-makeup look.

  I stare down at the ring, deciding to keep it on. Enzo’s right, I might need to sell it for money at some point. And if today goes badly and I’m left abandoned in Mexico or something, then I might need to sell it sooner than later.

  Then I head downstairs.

  We are supposed to meet Archard at Surrender.

  I assume Enzo will give me a ride since I don’t have a car, money, or any other means of transportation.

  “Miss Miller, Enzo is waiting for you in the car out front,” Westcott says when I reach the main floor.


  “Good luck to you, Miss Miller,” Westcott says as I approach the door.

  I nod and step outside. His good luck didn’t actually sound like a well-wishing of words. It sounded like a warning.

  I step outside expecting to see one of Enzo’s shiny race cars. Instead, I see a large blacked out SUV.

  I approach the passenger side and see Zeke sitting there. Langston is in the driver’s seat.

  I smile at them and then walk to the second door and open it. Enzo is already seated on the far side. I climb in and shut the door.

  None of the men speak to me, but Langston starts driving.

  I can normally tolerate silence, but the silence is suffocating.

  I stare at the men, all dressed similarly to my own look: dark jeans, dark T-shirts, and jackets. The only difference is I’m sure they are all caring guns, knives, and any other weapon they can hide beneath their clothing.

  I try to forget about what’s happening and stare out the window. I let the sun warm my face as I lean it closer to the glass.

  Langston stops the car at the back entrance of Surrender. We all climb out one by one and file into the building, walking toward Enzo’s office.

  No, not his office. Black’s office. This could as easily be my office as it is Enzo’s.

  I notice a large table has been brought in, and Archard is already sitting at one end.

  Enzo walks around to one side of the table and takes a seat. Langston and Zeke follow. Zeke looks weak, his steps are careful, and I’m sure he’s still feeling a lot of pain.

  I take a seat opposite them and watch as the three men stare at me like I’m truly their enemy. I no longer feel welcome here. I knew Enzo would be staring at me with determination in his eyes, but Zeke and Langston’s looks surprise me. I thought I had made headway in making them think better of me. But they are both glaring at me like they want to kill me and they are just waiting for their boss’ word.

  Archard nods to both of us and pulls out a piece of paper.

  “I will read the rules, ask for any questions you may have, and then the game will start. Remember, outside of the rules I read; there are no rules. As long as you don’t break the specific rules written here, you are free to win in any way possible.”

  Any way possible. His words read dark, and I know he means we can kill each other if that is how we’d like to win. I wouldn’t be able to kill Enzo. For one, I don’t even have a gun. I already know Enzo won’t kill me. But could he order one of his men to do it?

  “You are free to use any resources, people, etc. you can persuade to your side.”

  I stare across at Zeke and Langston. Enzo has the loyalty of two great men. They will do whatever they can to help him win. And he has a whole organization of people at his disposal that would help him.

  As his fake wife, I might be able to convince a few of them to help me out. But I don’t want help. I want to do this on my own.

  I stare at the empty chairs next to me. I’m alone. I’m always alone.

  “Now to the rules. The objective is easy: steal the high school class ring of Mr. Milo Wallace.”

  He opens the folder in front of him and pulls out two identical images and hands one to Enzo, the other to me.

  I stare at the picture of a man’s hand with a high school ring on his pinky.

  What grown ass man still wears a high school ring?

  “The ring has no value other than sentimentality to this man. The rules are simple. You can’t take it by force or kill anyone in the process. You have to steal it in a way where he doesn’t realize you were the one to steal it. If you get caught taking it, you lose automatically. The winner is the first person to steal it without being caught and without breaking the rules.”

  Steal, don’t get caught, don’t kill anyone.

  I exhale a long breath. It’s like this game was designed for me. I’ve spent my entire life stealing to survive. I’m a very good pickpocket. I’ve never been caught taking an item from someone. I’ve stolen watches, wallets, purses, jewelry; the list goes on. This will be the easiest task I’ve ever had.

  I stare across at Enzo—my opponent. He’s grown up in a life filled with criminals. But as far as I know, Enzo doesn’t have any experience with thievery. He’s never had to. He has limitless money, and men with fancy weapons to take whatever he wants.

  I might actually have an advantage to this game. Thank you, Dad. He does love me. He did try to prepare me; he just never told me the truth.

  I sigh in relief.

  “One more thing,” Archard says.

  I freeze. I don’t like the tone in which he said it.

  “Enzo has already broken the rules by parading around as Black for years now, when it’s clear he knew Kai was still alive.”

  Enzo’s lips tighten.

  “So you will have to face a penalty for that. I’ve thought long and hard about the appropriate penalty, and I've come up with a solution. Kai will have to agree to the terms, since your fathers never came up with a plan for such a situation.

  “Enzo and any men he uses to complete this task will not be allowed to use weapons. No guns, no knives, nothing. You can carry nothing. You can not steal a weapon. If you get caught holding a weapon, you automatically lose this round.” Archard looks to me for a response.

  But I’m staring at Enzo. I�
�ve never known the man not to carry a gun. This would be a lot to ask of him, to not carry a weapon. For no other reason than he wouldn’t want to put Zeke or Langston or any of his other men at risk.

  But I won’t be completing this task with a gun, so they might as well not either. It can’t be that dangerous. We are just stealing a high school ring from some guy. It can’t be that hard.

  “I agree to the penalty,” I say.

  Enzo’s vein in his head pops with frustration, but he just nods at Archard.

  “Do you two have any questions about the rules or tasks?”

  “Who is Milo Wallace?” I ask.

  Archard shakes his head. “I’m sorry, but you will have to find out any information about this man yourselves. It’s part of the task.”

  I stare across at Enzo who is tight-lipped. I’m sure he’s heard of this man, if not Zeke or Langston will find out everything about him in a matter of minutes. That is where I will have a disadvantage. I have no access to men, computers, security. I don’t have any money, nor a car, a cell phone, nothing.

  Enzo will be able to get to Milo in a matter of minutes with ease. Giving him plenty of time to steal the ring before I even find out the man’s address.

  But once I find this man, I can steal it with ease.

  “Any other questions?” Archard asks.

  I shake my head. Enzo continues to sit silently.

  “Good, then I’ll be needing your weapons, Enzo,” Archard says.

  Enzo stares at me like he’s going to kill me for this as he unloads his gun and knife. Langston does the same. Zeke hesitates for a minute. Maybe he’s not carrying a gun because he’s headed back to his bed after this.

  “Zeke?” Archard asks.

  Zeke pulls his gun from his pocket, but instead of laying it on the table, he gets up and walks to me.

  He hands it to me. I take it hesitantly. He doesn’t speak, but I can read his eyes easily. Take it, stay safe; this is my forgiveness. This is all I’ll do to help you.

  Then the men start filing out. Leaving me seated at the table by myself.

  I stare at the ring one more time, memorizing it as I try to formulate a plan in my head. I’ve lived my life with nothing. No money, no car, nothing.


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