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Hard Bargain: a Billionaire Suspense Romance (City Sinners Book 3)

Page 17

by Kenna Shaw Reed


  One more stop and then I could go home to my woman.

  My woman.

  Not that I’d made it official but fuck it. Katie was mine. And as soon as I introduced her to my family, I could announce it to the world. Then, she’d be off-limits to Garrison and any of his punks. Unfortunately, I couldn’t do Jack shit until Chelle could also be safe.

  Step one had been mildly successful. Luther hadn’t kicked me to the curb and seemed to think me picking sides between Kingsmen and Redbacks would work.

  Step two had more risk and I couldn’t put it off any longer. Brand new phone in hand, fully charged out of the box and already set up with my old sim card. No more excuses.

  “Karnal, got a few minutes for me to stop by?”

  “For you, any time. I was just about to open a beer.”

  Crap. The riskiest play had to be turning up to the club house with a dozen or so half plastered bikers. For this to work, I needed Karnal at his most amenable and understanding.

  Hopefully, before Karnal did his worse, he’d remember to take my turning up onto what was about to become enemy territory as a genuine sign of my respect. Unarmed and without any security.

  Respect. I’d be prepared to give it in bucketloads. Hopefully, I’d get a little in return.

  From any way I looked at it, turning up alone was an idiotic decision. But, hopefully, it would be the last stupid bloody decision I’d be forced to make.

  With the girls on the line, I didn’t have a choice.

  “Ibrahim!” Half tanked, Karnal greeted me with animated hand waving and smiles. Yes, I was a nightclub king. Yes, the Redbacks wanted to court me to ply their business in my real estate. But it was Karnal’s use of my full name I always found grating. Ronan once joked Karnal wanted to prove he could pronounce all three syllables.

  “Karnal, thanks for seeing me.”

  “I’ve even opened you a beer, and my boys have some pizzas on order. You do eat Italian, don’t you?”

  I allowed the obligatory laugh. “Pide, pizza, sliders, whatever. I’m an easy man to please.”

  “Then welcome to our clubhouse.”

  Counting patched bodies, I plastered a confident smile and strode out to the yard, following Karnal.

  Respect. I was here to show respect.

  Really, the yard was like any family gathering. Half an old metal drum was in a stand, filled with burning coals. Families mingled around and over in the shed, a man older than Medusa was showing half a dozen tween boys how to change tyres and use a wrench.

  There were more that the Kingsmen and Redbacks had in common, only business interests divided.


  “So, to what do I owe this pleasant surprise.”

  “Garrison knows that Katie is staying with me.”

  Karnal didn’t react. Not a tell that he knew, or surprise because he didn’t. A cool customer.

  “He made threats against the girls.”

  “This is my problem, how?” Karnal’s words came with no expression.

  “He also made threats against all my nightclubs, and The Club. There’s already been sabotage at The Venue.”

  “Extra security will cost you.”

  Even before approaching Luther, I’d rehearsed a hundred different ways to talk and walk out of here without medical intervention. It came down to two options; soften the blow, or to rip off the band aid. Each came with a different set of risks, and in most scenarios, my broken body would end up thrown onto the footpath either outside my home, or if lucky, outside an ambulance bay.

  “Loyalty is important,” I started slowly. Watching for the first sign of understanding.

  “As it is to me. Incredibly important.”

  “I need to protect all my staff and customers.”

  “And the girl, I mean, girls.” Karnal showed the first sign of disgust. Or perhaps disrespect because of the lengths I’d go for a woman who wasn’t officially mine? Would it have made a difference if I’d told anyone my brain was trying to catch up with my heart? Probably not.

  “I appreciate the lengths you and your boys went to find Katie, and since then to protect Chelle.”

  “Lovely girls, but you already know that.”

  We sat in silence while kids played around us. Stopping only to cheer as an old motorbike was wheeled out of the shop, starting first go. Smoke and spluttering, but still, it had obviously been a labor of love to restore.

  “A lot to celebrate, Ibrahim.”

  “You are a lucky man. Good crew, friends and family.”

  “I make my own luck. I reward friendship and loyalty.”

  “Karnal,” I started again, biting my lip.

  “Spit it out. You walk into a place you’ve never been before, but instead of checking out the women or enjoying your beer, you look like you don’t expect to be walking out.”

  “Well, that’ll be up to you.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “I needed protection.”

  “Needed? As in past tense?”

  “As in the decision was past tense.”

  “You and Luther?”

  “We go back to high school.”

  “Ahhh,” Karnal scoffed. “There is that loyalty word. Loyalty to an old school friend. Am I supposed to think that makes all the difference?”

  “Like you said, loyalty is important.”

  “And what was the price of your loyalty? I’m sure Mr. Luther didn’t come free.”

  “He provides the visible security for all the clubs, and personal security for any of my staff who need it.”

  “Visible? That is one hell of a statement to make.”

  “Loyalty,” I reminded before hurriedly continuing, “I made it clear that I owe you and the Redbacks loyalty, too. You are always welcome at my clubs. Always.”

  “I’m sure Luther and his friends may define welcoming a little differently to how my friends would like to be greeted.”

  “I don’t want any trouble now, or ever. You were there for me.”

  “And you’ve fucked me over.”

  “I know it must seem like that.”

  Without excusing himself, Karnal made a quick call, “Abort—yep, things have changed—see you back at the club house.”

  Would I have time to warn Luther to get his guys in place? Hopefully, they were close by and waiting for the Redbacks to leave.

  My immediate problem was being allowed to leave this place in one piece. I waited for Karnal to react, knowing nothing I could say right now would make a difference. Karnal needed to make his move. It would be face-saving, and I would pay, hopefully only financially.

  “So, that’s it. The end of peace as we know it,” Karnal mused.

  With controlled breathing and open palms, I waited while Karnal studied me. How the fuck could I convince my eyes to say respectfully humble.

  “Well, Ibrahim, let’s have one final drink together.”

  Karnal motioned to one of the women to get two more beers even though I’d barely touched the first.

  “What do you say we drink to?” Karnal’s eyes hadn’t changed from when we’d sat down. Fucking cool customer. Too cool for me. No wonder I tried to go into legit businesses, I didn’t have the balls or stomach for this shit.

  “Is it too soon to say, to continued friendship?”

  The kids stopped playing when Karnal’s laughter filled the yard. “Oh, Ibrahim, I’ve always admired a man who’s willing to put his balls on the table. What am I gonna do with you?”

  “Thank you for the beer.” We’d both downed our drinks in one go before I stood and extended my hand.

  “Consider it a parting gift,” Karnal said as I dropped my hand. “Until I have time to go through, what do they call it—a grieving process—I don’t think we have any reason to be in the same place.”

  As Karnal personally escorted me through the club house and back to the door, a show of respect, I chanced to stop and try once more. “Remember that loyalty is important to
me. I have a loyalty to Luther, but I also have a loyalty to you. That goes deeper than any business arrangement you and I might have in the future.”

  “Too soon for sentimental bullshit, Ibrahim, too soon.”

  “Fucking hell, two raids in two nights?” Darius raged throwing a stapler at my head even before I had time to take a seat our shared office at The Club. “Who the hell did you piss off this time?”

  “Did they find anything?”

  “That’s not the point!” Darius yelled and the telephone bounced off the wall behind me.

  “Boss?” Janet knocked.

  “Not now,” I tried to caution and escort her back out. Darius’ aim was shocking, but with two targets, one of us was bound to get hit.

  “We don’t have many customers out there, but the ones that do would prefer to hear the music, not the two of you.”

  “Point taken. Darius needed to make his point but it’s all good. He’s gotten it off his chest and I’m listening.” I closed and locked the door. No need for further interruptions. “Come on, these things will blow over.”

  “One raid, and customers are fifty per cent the next night. Any bets on if we have staff outnumbering customers tonight after the second raid?”

  “What do you want from me? I can see if Katie can use her social influencer status?”

  “I heard the biker wars are back on, anything to do with you?”

  “Luther and the Kingsmen have been providing additional security for the past couple of weeks. The Redbacks are pissed.”

  “Way to fucking go. And Garrison?”

  “He’s the reason for the additional security. He threatened the girls, and the clubs. I couldn’t take the risk, so I did a deal with Luther.”

  “Best buds from school?”

  “A business decision, but it means I took sides.”

  “So are the raids a gift from Garrison or the Redbacks?”

  “Garrison is putting pressure on me all around.”

  “How much do you owe him?”

  “It’s under control, which is why he’s upping the ante.”

  “How much?” Darius refused to leave it alone.

  “Enough, but I’ve got it under control.”

  “Sell me your share of The Club. I’m sick of you bringing in your lowlife scum.”

  “Really?” I sneered. “Not so long ago, the police were here because you decided to assault a customer.”

  “A customer who was with my woman.”

  “At least when I have a woman, she aint sleeping with my colleagues.”

  Darius didn’t even have to look at me before I knew I’d gone too far.

  “Sell me The Club. Get your shit packed and consider yourself on the banned list.”

  “Katie works here.” As if it was a reason not to sell.

  “Yeah, other than Tara, she’s the best hostess The Club has ever had. Hopefully once you’re not around she can come back to work and Garrison will forget she or Chelle exist.”

  “I can’t sell.”

  “Can’t or won’t.”

  “Remember when you wanted to sell, why was that?”

  Darius couldn’t stop the slight smile, “I didn’t think Tara would want us to hold onto the place after motherhood.”

  “And instead?”

  “It’s the place that brought us together. I’ll never sell.”

  “Then you know why I can’t. Give it some time. The police can’t keep raiding a place if they don’t find anything. I’ll get rid of Garrison and the Redbacks will get over themselves.”

  “Take my cash and give me The Club.”

  “Darius, refusal often offends, so don’t ask me again.”

  Ibby: Tell me you’ve got it sorted?

  Lachlan: These things take time.

  Ibby: Running out of time and cash.

  Lachlan: Don’t need that sort of pressure.

  Ibby: Neither.

  My only solace and peace was waking with Katie’s naked body spooned in my arms. Still safe, despite my nightmares and Garrison’s thinly veiled threats. Next time, the bastard wasn’t going to let her go untouched. Whatever cash not being funneled towards paying off my debt was being ploughed into her security.

  “Mama.” I left my sleeping princess to make an overdue call. This whole making a big deal about introducing Katie to the family had worn thin. Mama still hadn’t settled on a date when my brothers wouldn’t be watching their offspring playing sport. To hell with them. We’d turn up for lunch, stay through to the evening. My family could come and go at will.

  The two most important women in my life needed to meet.

  Chelle needed to be safe.

  Then, I’d be free to announce to the world, hell, I’d even sky-write it, Katie Elias was my woman.

  “Ibrahim! Are you alright?” Trust in mama to panic at an unscheduled call. I needed to be a better son; I would be a better son. Once all this shit got sorted.

  “Mama, don’t worry. I’m fine.”

  “Why you ring? It’s not Sunday?”

  “About Sunday, are you having the family over for lunch?”

  “Are you going away again?”

  “I thought I might bring someone.”

  “This weekend? I told you, we need to wait until the whole family can meet her.”

  “Katie’s a very special girl and you’re gonna meet her this weekend. I don’t care if the rest of the family is there or not. If they want to meet her, they’ll find time.”

  “Oh, Ibrahim!”

  With a tray laden with coffee and breakfast, I thought the day couldn’t get any more perfect when my phone beeped with a message better than Christmas.

  Lachlan: Deal done. Your signature then cash.

  Not that I could celebrate with Katie. If she didn’t know how dangerous the shit had gotten, I couldn’t quite come out and tell her it was over. Garrison’s broken pride and ego might still be a problem, but at least the debt could get cleared away.

  “Babe, Habibti qalbi.” I woke Katie with kisses. Loving the sleepy way she stretched and smiled before opening her eyes to the world.


  “What would you say if I suggested its time you met my family?”

  “So, you’ve said. I thought we were waiting for the right time?”

  “This weekend’s the right time. Sunday lunch. The others can turn up, or not.”

  “Really?” Startled, Katie sat up. “You shouldn’t dump that on a girl who hasn’t had her first coffee of the day.”

  “I thought you’d be pleased.” I offered her the coffee cup with an exaggerated bow. “After all, I aim to please.”

  “Does this mean you’re going to update your relationship status?”

  “I think it means you should update yours.” I knew this was a bigger step. Her sister and cousins still kept in touch online. If Katie suddenly announced a relationship, it couldn’t be passed off as just a status update.

  I knew how important it would be for Katie to be accepted back into her family. Her father might not accept our current living arrangement, but he might at least take time to consider my question.

  “How about you meet my family first, and unless you run away screaming to the hills, I’ll call your father.”

  Price of Honesty


  I didn’t know what excited me the most.

  Leaving the home I shared with Ibby to go to work, having finally convinced him that I’d be careful. What with Steve and Grizz, of course I’d be safe.

  Or that despite weeks of not going to the gym, or running up the spiral staircase at work a thousand times each night, my uniform still fit.

  Well, almost. To both.

  Steve and Grizz could try and protect me, but it was a waste of money having two security for one hostess. Especially when my job meant working closely with customers, making sure they enjoyed their night.

  As for my uniform, well that was an almost, too.

  One more time, I sucked in my sto
mach enough to zip up on the booty shorts. With two bachelor parties to look after tonight, I could be confident none of them would complain about how tightly my shorts hug my ass. More importantly, Ibby didn’t seem to mind.

  It had taken us two attempts for me to finish dressing.

  Ibby. My perfect distraction.

  Sometimes we made love.

  Not tonight. This had been sex. Pure, unadulterated sex. Even now, my pussy was still glowing from where his tongue had lashed until I came. Screaming out his name. Begging for his cock to take its rightful place.

  Pleasuring him became almost impossible when Ibby wanted to be in control. When he insisted on taking over my body, bringing me to the edge over again until I wanted to believe in forever.

  To believe in love.

  Yes, I wanted to believe he loved me.

  The signs definitely said yes. He had to, otherwise, why would I be meeting his family tomorrow.

  “You don’t have to go into work,” he said, his arms wrapping me from behind. Cupping my breasts and making it almost impossible to concentrate on drawing straight lines with my black eyeliner. “I’ll put a good word in with your boss.”

  “I like being good at my job, and my online fans are dropping away without constant updates. They want me to show them an exciting lifestyle. I can only do that from work.”

  “It’s too soon,” he pleaded. “Rest a little longer.”

  “Rest!” I laughed, dropping my mascara wand to press his chin into my neck. Damn, I loved this man. Going into work was a way of showing him how much I loved him, by making his club a success. “You call what we’ve been doing, rest?”

  “I want to keep you safe.”

  “I will be. Steve looks after all the girls and Janet has promised that I get Steve plus Grizz or whoever else Luther has assigned.”

  “It’s not enough. I’ve seen the way men look at you. Treat you.”

  Insecure? Ibby? Watching the two of us in the mirror, surely he could see how perfectly we fit together. But instead of the confident arrogance he used to wear, tonight his eyes crinkled with uncertainty.

  “I’m not interested in anyone else.” Turning until our hips rejoined and my lips covered his cheek in nude matt lipstick to kiss away his jealousy, any crazy thoughts of insecurity. “I know I smile and flirt a lot at work, but that’s my job. The customers need to feel at ease and—”


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