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A Rising Tide

Page 16

by Ross Buzzell

  “You two are getting better. You almost had me there for a second.”

  With a laugh Konner offers the weapon to one of the downed guards who grasp the edge. With a swift pull Konner aids the guard to his feet before releasing the weapon back to its original owner. The second guard pulls himself off the ground using his weapon to help him return his footing.

  “My family has been guarding yours for generations. I must admit sir; no one ever spoke of a Lorian allowing guards to attack him.”

  Konner smiles at his guards.

  “That is because I believe a healthy, unconventional, interaction with one’sguards helps build trust. You know I won’t turn on you and I know you won’t do the same.”

  Both guards immediately stand at attention, their eyes locked forward and a fist on their chest in salute.

  “Sir we would never…”

  Konner interrupts with a laugh.

  “I know, at ease you two. Have a good evening and say hello to your families for me.”

  Both soldiers nod and speak in unison.


  Konner turns and begins to walk down the hallway. He calls back allowing the acoustics of the grand hall to echo back to them.

  “It’s Konner to you!”

  People calling him ‘sir’ or majesty never made the young prince feel comfortable. Most of the time when people did they were far older and more accomplished than he and as unconventional as it was, he did not feel he had yet ‘earned’ the title of prince. It is something he was looking forward to accomplishing. The young prince walks throughout the grand white hallways accented in gold, crystalline chandeliers hang overhead illuminating all that is around him. The soft ‘clank’ of Konner’s new armored boots echo with each step the young soldier takes as each step brings him closer to the dining hall and his family. Konner rounds a corner to see a massive pair of wooden doors with two guards on either side. They are dressed in the same uniforms as the previous guards with the only difference that they are armed with long slender swords similar to Ti’Zellors. The guards stand at attention as Konner rounds the corner. They extend their arms and with a powerful push the doors creak open revealing a large banquet hall with a single table in the center. Mirrors on all sides reflect the light to a luminous golden glow which gives the hall an aura few other rooms have. At the table sits Konner’s family. They had begun their meal without him which was acceptable to him as they had no idea when he would be home. As Konner passes the guards he chuckles to himself some and whispers soft enough for them to hear and not his family.

  “Loosen up a little guy. No need to be iridium soldiers.”

  The doors shut behind him. He gets the attention of his mother, father and sister all of which look up at Konner. Upon seeing his armor Konner studies their faces, a pleased look fills his father’s face but now surprise is visible amongst his aged features. His mother brims with excitement as she sees her son in his first suit of armor; Lei, on the other hand, rolls her eyes as she places a piece of Sol 3 food in her mouth. This catches his attention, Sol 3 food had always been his favorite. His eyes go directly to the plate which has a piece of white meat poultry cooked to perfection, long green pods glisten with seasoned oil and small round red skinned nightshade vegetable peppered in spices. Konner’s mouth begins to water almost immediately when his mother’s voice brings him back to reality.

  “Congratulations my son, this is truly a great achievement for you.”

  Konner looks up and begins to walk toward the table of forged glass. Konner sets down the Energynium and pulls out his chair with a mild ‘screech’ as his sister speaks in words saturated with sarcasm.

  “Yes, so massive and what wonderful armor you have there.”

  “All the better with which to defend myself from you.”

  Konner retorts, as he picks up a two pronged silver eating utensil and impales one of the green pods before he thrusts it into his mouth. The soft crunch mixed with the oil sooths Konner’s hungry pallet as he savors every bite of the pod.

  “Your armor does look like it was forged quite well and a frugal forger at that, you take after your mother.”

  The High King’s complement causes Konner to almost drop his utensil for he was renowned for his forging capabilities long before he was the High King of the planet.

  “Thank you father.”

  Konner’s words are staggered and sincere. Never before had such a complement been paid to the young prince. His parents always had encouraged him and cheered for him growing up but this is different. This complement was not meant for a son. The way it was spoken makes it eerily clear to Konner that it is meant for and equal.

  “After dinner I will help you with your bracer.”

  A smile forms on Konner’s lips. He is speechless and strangely enough, happy to be so. His mind swirls with excitement while his only physical give away is the smile on his lips. Konner looks over at his mother, then to his sister who is visibly unpleased with the attention he is receiving from his parents in comparison to her. Konner looks over at his mother.

  “So I heard Lei had quite the test today, I know the results are supposed to wait for three days just to be sure but any news?”

  A soft smile forms on Shey’s lips, Konner can see she understands what he is doing. She looks over at the High King as Lei speaks up.

  “They can’t tell me. Part of being a politician is patience. That’s why the three day wait.”

  Out of the corner of his eye Konner sees his father nod; Shey looks over at Lei with a smile on her face beaming with pride for both her children.

  “You passed. Irrefutably you passed. You are now able to partake in politics and diplomacy.”

  Konner notes how his sister’s jaw nearly hits the table; she drops her utensils and throws her hands up in the air in victory.


  she bursts in excitement. Konner smiles for his sister as he continues to eat.

  “What will I get to do first?”

  she asks her father euphorically. The High King pauses for a moment before he responds.

  “There are reports that need to be debriefed from the Dead Lands from Do’Zellor and his battalion. You will be starting there.”

  As his father said ‘Dead Lands,’ Konner’s head whips up as he swallows a bite of the poultry.

  “But father what about the mutation recurrence?”

  The High King shakes his head.

  “There has not been one in thirteen cycles. I believe that it is safe enough for her to go.”

  “Thirteen cycles father, even more reason for her not to. The recurrence is three cycles overdue. It could happen any day now!”

  The High King smiles as he wipes his face with a cloth and places it on the table.

  “Son, there is none of the usual evidences to show that a recurrence is imminent. For all we know, the mutations could be growing in intelligence. If that is the case, we need a politician to ease the transition from the Dead Lands into our society.”

  Lei intervenes.

  “Konner I can handle the Dead Lands.”

  Konner looks over at his sister. He has no doubt in his heart that she can handle herself but the Dead Lands were aptly named. Few untrained soldiers who entered ever returned.

  “Of that I have no doubt sister, but why can we not ease her into it and send one of the more senior politicians for the debriefing?”

  Konner’s mother places her hand gently on the table, her voice is soft and caring which always draws Konner’s full attention.

  “Because all of our senior politicians are on diplomatic missions throughout the galaxy Konner, to aid our colonies, allies and hopefully bring more planets into the United Galactic Front.”

  This intrigues the young prince. He leans forward as questions begin to plague him.

  “Why are all of our senior politicians off on diplomatic missions?”

  “Because our military is withdrawing from any systems in which we are requested
to Konner.”

  The High King’s voice hits Konner like a hammer to the chest. Never before had the Boronian military been called back and away from colonies or allied worlds. Konner looks at his father, astounded.

  “Why are we calling back our military? Does that not leave our allies open to attack against enemies of the U.G.F.?”

  The High King wipes his mouth with a cloth and sets it down. He remains quiet for a moment as he searches for the right words to help his son understand the politics of their actions.

  “Son, our people are feared, what we are capable of, what we have done. It makes other cultures weary to join us.”

  Konner can feel frustration grow within him once more as he looks at his father. He feels the cold silvery metal delve into his skin as he tightly grips the utensil.

  “We have never attacked first. All we have ever done is protect our people and our allies!”

  The High King nods to his son.

  “That is true Konner, but a single soldier has the power within him or her to destroy a planet. Although we never will use such a power unless we have no other choice; imagine being on the other side of that, it can be pretty scary.”

  Quietly his mother chimes in.

  “And that is why we are starting to rely on diplomacy. If we stay in systems that do not wish us to be there they can leave the U.G.F. We do not want our allies to see us as tyrants. We cannot lord over them. If they wish our forces to leave, we withdraw them. If requested to stay, they stay. It’s a show of good faith that we truly desire peace.”

  Konner shifts his look from his mother back to his father. Tension begins to build in the air. Lei sits back silent not wanting to interject in the matter.

  “And what if the Titans return, a race like that cannot fully be wiped out; they will destroy half of our allies before a proper response team can be put into place.”

  Konner’s father goes silent. Something in his eyes changes as his demeanor grows dark. Instantly Konner regrets speaking the words he just said. Konner hears his sister slip away from the table silently and swiftly.

  “Never mention those creatures in my presence again Konner Lorian!”

  His father’s voice shifts to that of a growl which strikes fear into Konner’s heart but he does not show it externally. The young prince stands from his chair, lifting the Energynium with him.

  “I believe I shall retire.”

  He speaks sternly. Turning to his mother he bows slightly before turning and leaving without a word. He slides through the opening in the doors left by his sister and stops on the far side, Konner trains his ear inside the room and listens to his parents speak.

  “You cannot take your rage about what the Titans did to you on your children. They do not know what occurred all those years ago.”

  His mother’s voice is soft and full of love but what happens next throws even Konner off balance. For as his father speaks he hears something he had never even sensed before from his father, pain.

  “I know my love, they do not deserve that. But they cannot know of the evil that transpired on this planet so long ago.”

  The sound of a chair sliding across the floor causes Konner to turn and begin to sprint down the hallway toward his room. With each step Konner breaths heavily, his heart pounding within his chest. The young prince rounds a corner to see two large wooden doors at the far end of the corridor, the doors that separate his room from the rest of the palace. Konner gradually slows his speed from a sprint to a walk as he approaches the doors. Gently he puts a hand on the firm, smooth wooden separators and gives them a push to which it creeks open slightly. Konner opens the door only half way before he enters into his chambers; he closes the door behind him before he turns around and allows his eyes to wander the room. A large bed sits in the center against the far wall with large coiling wooden spires winding toward the ceiling from each of the four corners. The silken sheets are a dark blue and are spread taught over the mattress. Konner makes his way over to the bed. He passes a large dresser comprised of the same material as the doors. A small stand with floating orbs of softly glowing light sit on either side of the bed. Konner sits on the foot of his bed and places the Energynium next to him.


  The young prince speaks softly as a warm fire erupts in the stone fire place near the bed. Konner looks over at the entrancing flames before scanning up to a marble mantle over the fire with holograms of his family and friends fluttering to life for the entire world to see. The young prince sits in silence for a moment as his eyes scan his bedroom. It had been quite some time since he’d been in his own room. Considering how busy the Academy had kept him he had spent little time at home or with his family.

  A soft whistling hum catches Konner’s ear, it was not an annoying hum/whistle, but it stood at the perfect pitch that Konner could not only hear the sound, but feel it deep within his ears. Konner stands up. He tilts his head as he listens intently before making his way across the room to a chest tucked away in the corner. Konner throws the lid to the smooth wooden chest up and peers inside to see a number of toys he had played with when he was younger accompanied with old clothing that no longer fit. Quickly the young prince delves into his chest of memories as he searches for the source of the mildly agitating noise. Nothing, not a single object inside the chest was the source of the sound. Konner closes the trunk and walks over to the mantle place. The young prince picks up each holographic projector one at a time. He holds them to his ear, they hum, but not in the manner in which he was searching. He shakes a few to be sure, still nothing. Konner slides over to his bed and drops to the floor; he lifts up the bed skirt and searches underneath to find nothing, not even a ball of dust resides beneath his bed. “The sound is louder here than elsewhere in the room,” Konner thinks to himself. Then it strikes him. Konner pushes off the floor and looks at the lump of metal that sits on his bed. He then realizes the origin, the Energynium. Konner climbs to his feet, he picks up the lump of metal and looks at it intently. He rotates it as his eyes and fingers probe, every valley, every crevice of the element only to see nothing. Konner sets the rectangle piece of unrefined ore down on its end and closes his eyes. The humming starts up again.

  The young prince places a hand on his head. At this point the humming was beginning to cause it to hurt. His fingers run through his soft wavy hair as he looks down to see the Energynium glowing with a white cylinder down the center of the rectangle as it did when he forged his armor. Konner reaches out and takes the warm element into his hands. He lifts it before him. Inexplicably Konner’s gut tells him to extract the core of the Energynium. To his own surprise the young prince hesitates. He gently raises his hand and places three fingers in a triangular position onto the core and begins to push. Initially nothing happens. The element does not give way so the prince pushes harder. His finger tips and knuckle joints begin to turn white from the pressure exerted on the element, still nothing. Konner pushes even harder. His fingers begin to ache and his arms begin to shake as he fights his own strength to core this element. Konner feels a blinding pain shoot up his middle finger like a lightning bolt through the bone of his hand and up into his arm; he draws his hand away and shakes off the pain. “Just what I need, a broken finger.” Konner growls to himself in frustration. He then examines his fingers only to see they are straight and unbroken. Konner pans his vision to the Energynium to see that the circle he had seen as white had given way and was pushed into the rectangle. Quickly Konner rotates the element to see a slight piece of a cylinder protruding from the far end.

  Konner grasps the cylinder and begins to pull. Like before it does not wish to give way to the prince’s strength. Konner sets it on the ground. He pins the element down with one hand as he coaxes the core out with the other. It gives way slightly. Konner is able to now grasp the cylinder with three fingers. He takes advantages of the leverage and with all his might yanks the core from the Energynium. The young prince falls back and slams into the ground with a ‘thud.�
� Excitement dulls the ache that would crawl into his back from the crash. He holds up the half meter length core. Konner feels a familiar burn cascade throughout his body. It is the same that coursed through him into his armor using Windfall as a conduit. This time, with no conduit to control the flow of energy, Konner feels every ounce of power within him begin to drain into the Energynium core. His muscles begin to burn as they tighten. Konner’s vision blurs as azure light begins to flow freely from his body into the Energynium rod. Everything begins to grow dark. Konner continues, aware of every flaring pain and is unable to see what his body is doing, or what the Energynium is doing to him. Konner’s ridged muscles begin to convulse under the strain caused by his body being drained. The heat within him reaches a white hot level of agony before his body, in its cruel mercy, allows him to pass out from a mix of the exhaustion and physical trauma brought on by the Energynium core. The last thing Konner hears before completely losing consciousness is the muffled ‘clank’ of the Energynium core as his arms relax and fall to the side only to be followed by the faint footsteps and soft knocking of his father at his door. Konner registers his father’s presence but is far too weak to call out as he slips into the black void of unconsciousness.


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