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Stolen Flame

Page 9

by D W Marshall

  Maddie’s hips rise up, telling me she wants more. She meets my thrusts with her own, grinding around my dick like it’s her lifeline. We both cry out in pleasure when we reach our climax together. I flood her with adoring kisses. She cries even harder, so I wrap my arms around her and hold on. We fuck each other several more times throughout the night. I can’t seem to bury my dick deep enough inside of her, and she can’t seem to open her legs wide enough to get more.

  For one night, we helped each other to ease our pain. We fall asleep with our arms laced around each other. We’re comforted, not guilty, about what we have done. I’m sure tomorrow it will be a different story.

  Chapter Eleven


  I rise early in the morning. Sky and Sapphire are still asleep. I decide to take a personal tour of my new home. I cross my room, grab the thin, red, thigh-length robe from its hook. When this is all over, the color red is going to elicit a PTSD reaction from me.

  The door doesn’t make a sound when I slowly pull it open, and it closes just as quietly. The clock in the family room—social room would be more appropriate—says it is six-thirty. Wow. I’m amazed that I’m up so early.

  I make it out of the sleeping Chamber and pad barefoot down the stone hall to the elevator. The doors slide open with a soft ding, and I step in. Tension closes in on me like a vise, as if I’m doing something forbidden by roaming around alone. According to Zion, certain areas are all-access. Perhaps the uneasy feeling is coming from the fact that I’m walking around alone for the first time since being brought here. I’m not usually one who likes to be left alone. Growing up, I always had a steady crop of family and friends to keep me entertained. In here, since I have no friends or family, I prefer my own company. More and more, I look forward to spending time with Tyson.

  Tyson. I recall how he was there to comfort me last night. He didn’t judge me or ask me why I tried to kill myself, not that he should have to, given my current predicament. He also didn’t try to pacify me with bullshit about my inner strength. Maybe the fact that I tried to off myself helps him see me for the weak person that I really am.

  I depress the button for the second floor. Key access is needed for floors four and five. My mind drifts back to the time I spent on the fourth floor last night. Shivers run down my spine. When I step off of the elevator, I learn quickly that I’m not the only early riser. There’s an attendant at the desk who greets me. She is also stunning. What is it with this place? Only the drop-dead gorgeous need apply? Her long, naturally blonde hair falls down her back to her waist in cascading waves. She’s tanner than she should be, with pale-green eyes. Her body is perfect.

  “Good morning, Flame. How may I assist you?” The moniker slices through the air and my skin. By now I have a ton of wounds invisible to the naked eye—some deeper than others.

  The woman seems sweeter than she looks, which is judgmental on my part. She smiles like a schoolgirl, waiting for my response.

  “Um, I thought I’d come check out the spa, or jacuzzi maybe…” I’m not really sure what I want. I was hoping to be alone with my thoughts without having to make any decisions. I wanted to feel free, if only for a moment.

  “Certainly, Ms. Flame. Would you like a swimsuit or would you rather go au natural?” she asks without the hint of a blush.

  I want to ask her how long she has worked here, but I think better of it. “Um, I think a swimsuit would be great.” I guess I hadn’t thought about it. The attendant disappears and returns quickly with a deep-red two-piece. Of course, it’s fucking blood red. I take it from her, grateful for any form of cover. “Thank you…” I pause for her name and incline my head toward her in question.

  “Roxy. My name is Roxy.” She smiles.

  I know that isn’t her real name. No one uses their real names in The Chamber. “Nice to meet you, Roxy. I’m...” Nobody. “Well…I mean, you already know my…what they call me here,” I stumble over my words and feel my cheeks warm at my inability to engage in a simple conversation. “But…um, it’s nice to meet you.” Dork much? “I’d better go change.” I smile in embarrassment and start walking away in the wrong direction. Roxy quickly points me in the opposite direction.

  The changing room, like everything else I’ve seen here, is lavish and rich. The room sparkles from the large chandelier that twinkles from the ceiling. Deep-purple chaise lounges are spread out around the sitting area. The floor is stone. Whenever I see the flooring I think of moats and drawbridges. The rest of the room is standard—bathroom, toilet and shower stalls. The shower wall in the back is exceptional. It’s a wall-to-wall steam shower with beautiful green plant life climbing along the walls. I step inside, curious. Amazing. You could forget you’re even indoors in a shower like this.

  I leave the steam shower with intention of trying it out very soon. I pop into a stall and shimmy out of my red robe, boy shorts, and tank top. The red swimsuit is one of those barely-there numbers that I would never, ever wear in real life. I don’t know what to do with the clothes I just changed out of, so I leave them on the bench in the stall.

  The jacuzzi is easy to find. I just follow the sound of the water jets. Sunshine had the same idea as me, because she is reclined back in the jacuzzi with her eyes closed. I clear my throat when I enter, taking the steps slowly so that I don’t scare the crap out of her.

  “Hi, Sunshine.” I wave when her eyes pop open.

  She smiles at me and sits up straighter. I make my way to a seat next to her.

  “Hey there, Flame,” she says with a thick accent.

  I remember Mason calling her his Caribbean beauty. She is gorgeous. Her skin is soft, dewy, and lightly tanned. Light brown eyes with a hint of green regard me. I know why she was chosen. She also has heart-shaped, pouty lips and beautiful eyebrows.

  “So, you like red, huh?” she jokes.

  “And your favorite color is yellow?” I point to her yellow suit. We both laugh. “I hate red now!” I proclaim.

  “I used to love yellow before. Now, I’m developing allergies to it,” she confesses.

  We both giggle a bit more before we fall into companionable silence. My heart warms at the normalcy of our conversation as if these were everyday circumstances we were meeting under.

  The water is glorious against my skin. The warmth is my weakness. We are silent for a long time before either of us dares to break into the precious quiet. With my eyes closed, I slice into the calm. “I love your accent,” I say.

  “Thanks,” her voice sings.

  We fall back into our quiet. All I can do is think of home—my family, my friends, Liam. Will I be enough for him when I finally return? Will he want me? Would I want me?

  I miss him. I miss his stupid jokes that were only funny to him. It endeared him to all of us. We laughed so hard at the fact that he thought he was so funny. He and I would be a couple by now, if things had gone according to plan. He was the best person I knew. Maddie comes in a close second, but even she was no Liam. He was the perfect combination of sexy and nice. Most guys that hot are usually assholes. Liam was one of a kind in that department, until I met Tyson.


  “This is a lotta crazy shit we got ourselves into, huh?” Sunshine interrupts the quiet.

  “Never in a million years…” I say.

  “My mum and dad and my sisters have got to be going batshit crazy by now. I was shopping when they grabbed me. I was with my girlfriends. Of course, I didn’t park with them that day.” She sighs in memory of the dreadful day. “I bought the sickest red dress…” She pauses. “Sorry,” she says.

  A laugh escapes me. “I liked red just fine the day you were taken. I promise.” I smile at her.

  “This dress was the sexiest thing I’d ever put on, you know? It was tighter and skimpier than anything I’d ever worn before. See, we had a party to go to later that night. I wasn’t paying attention. I was only thinking about my dress, and I never made it to my car. All I saw was the white cloth coming to my face,
and lights out for me.” She says it like she still doesn’t believe it happened to her. Tears flow freely down her face, as if she’s mourning all over again. “When I woke up, I was on an airplane.”

  I offer her a tight smile and squeeze her hand in understanding. We don’t say anything for a while. We sit and consider our unusual circumstances.

  “I practically jumped into the fucking kidnappers’ van when they took me!” I attempt to make light of my stupidity. “I couldn’t get to the van fast enough!”

  “What do you mean? Are you a crackpot or something?” she asks with a startled look on her face.

  All I can do is laugh at her expression because I probably am a crackpot. I calm myself so that I can explain. “You see, the night I was taken, I thought it was my friends kidnapping me. It was my birthday the next day, and they had this elaborate surprise set up. When the hood went over my head, I went along with it.” I still feel like the hugest idiot.

  “Some surprise.” She shakes her head and bursts into uncontrolled laughter. I join her, because it really is an insane story. We both laugh until we are crying.

  “Never thought I’d lose my virginity in a sex club,” I add.

  “Do you have a beau back home?” she asks me.

  “Sort of. I was hoping that at the end of my birthday weekend he’d be my beau.” I try the unfamiliar word. “You?”

  “Yes, ma’am. I was hoping to be engaged really soon, too. One of my girlfriends told me they saw my Thomas going into the jewelry store recently.” She plays with the suds forming on the top of the water. “I’m sure Thomas won’t want me after they use me up here.”

  I know Liam won’t either.

  “Sure he will, and Liam will want me, too.” Liar! “We didn’t choose this, Sunshine. We were taken from our beds, parking garages, and wherever else. We were stolen away from our lives and forced to play nice to save the people we love. The least they can do after our sacrifice is take us back with open arms. If they can’t do that, then they didn’t deserve us to begin with.” If Liam doesn’t want me I may just die.

  We go back to silence. She probably thinks I’m nuts. If she only knew I’m trying to convince myself as much as I am her. I close my eyes and think of Liam. I can’t help but wonder what he’s going through and how he is suffering without me. He always felt a strong desire to protect me even though we were just friends. He can’t save me here. I’m a prisoner for at least another three-hundred-and-fifty days. I’ve definitely been counting.

  Of course, that’s if I’m lucky and Mason stays true to his word. Who knows? All of this could be a ruse to keep us compliant. The promise of freedom, money, the threats to our loved ones, the success stories of past Chambermaids, and the kind treatment could just be to get our maximum cooperation. He may really plan to kill us and dump our bodies in the ocean after he’s done with us.

  Fuck all of us.

  “My name is Whitney, by the way.”

  “Nice to meet you, Whitney. I’m Vivian.”

  We don’t shake hands. We hug each other. We’re in this together. There’s strength in the seven of us, even in a place like this. I really believe that. I know this year would be unbearable if I had to endure this alone.

  Sunshine and I are prunes by the time we leave the jacuzzi. We wave to Roxy as we pass the reception desk. She waves and smiles generously. When we get to the dressing room, we find new yellow and red clothes waiting us.

  Chapter Twelve

  Blossoming Sisterhood

  We walk back to our living quarters in amiable silence. When we enter the social area, we find all of the girls camped out and dressed in their signature colors. I can almost envision them as my sorority sisters, sitting around the family room before a meeting about an upcoming fundraiser or a big challenge against a rival sorority. Somehow, my imagination is not up to the task.

  Once Sunshine and I step deeper into the family room, we see Ivory sitting at the head of our group. All eyes are trained on her as if she holds the answer to the enigma that is the universe.

  “Girls, welcome,” Ivory says with Mason-like excitement. “You made it just in time. Please sit!”

  Sunshine and I do as we are asked and sit side by side on an oversized chair for two. Ivory is even more beautiful up close. Her blonde hair falls in dramatic curls down her back. Her skin is porcelain and perfect. I would guess that she’s almost twenty-five. She’s wearing a striking white dress that hugs her curves and stops just above her knees. Her blue-green eyes meet mine as she greets us with a gentle smile. She seems relaxed. She’s even kicked off her sky-high white stiletto heels. Her bare feet are French pedicured to perfection. “Ivory” fits her.

  “Flame, Sunshine, I know we met your first day here, but just in case you were too overwhelmed, I’m Ivory.” She rises and pads across the small distance between us to hug us both. “Welcome to this year’s Chamber. I asked Mason if I could come down and speak candidly with you. I’m not sure if you’re aware of this, but I started out as a Chambermaid here,” she says.

  I had no idea. We all exchange glances. The name Ivory should have clued us in.

  “Yep. Three years ago, to be exact. I sat in the same place as you all, and I was scared to death. I thought I would die for sure. I didn’t believe a word Mason said about setting me free, but as you can already tell from your treatment here, Mason isn’t in the business of killing. This is his livelihood. Chambermaids are his bread and butter. You will all be pampered with only the best for a solid year, and when it’s over you will all be very wealthy young ladies.”

  She pauses to give her words a chance to sink in. She is right about the treatment. We have not been physically harmed. We’re not locked up in dark, cold cells. We are free to roam about. We are free to make friends with each other. There’s no isolation.

  “Some of you may have heard that I’m Mason’s wife. It’s rare in The Chamber for love to blossom. In some cases, lottery winners have been known to fall in love with Chambermaids. In rare cases, it does happen.”

  I don’t miss that she glances at me.

  “I, too, was taken from my family and my home. I was promised the moon, and Mason delivered. When my year was up, I was paid and sent home. What I didn’t expect was how much I would miss Mason. I went back to my life, friends, and family. It was hard for me. What I mean to say is that I also fell in love with this lifestyle. The problem was that The Chamber moved around and was, and still is, always shrouded in secrecy. I would have never found him again. Lucky for me, Mason felt the same way and found me. We were married immediately and it has been my very own fairy tale.”

  I want to ask her if it bothers her that he has sex with so many different women, but that isn’t my business, so I keep my thoughts to myself.

  “Enough about me. I’m here to ease your transition into this life. Do you have any questions for me?” she asks.

  “If you say Mason is so kind, why does he threaten to kill our loved ones?” Sky asks in her beautiful tongue.

  “The way Mason sees it, he spends time and money handpicking his Chambermaids,” Ivory replies. “This is a very lucrative business for him. I’m sure no one has actually ever been killed. Financially destroyed, beaten, or broken, perhaps—just enough to ruin their lives without completely destroying them. Then again, I am just speculating.” She has a soft smile that doesn’t fit the sentences she just strung together.

  “How did you survive so many nights with so many men?” I ask.

  “Oh, and what about our safety?” Sapphire interrupts before my question can be answered. “Who makes sure these guys don’t knock us around?”

  “One at a time, ladies. Sapphire, I will answer your question first. Flame, your question is a little harder to answer. Safety is easy. Each of you have become acquainted with your personal guards, correct?”

  Some nod. Confusion clouds the faces of others. I certainly have become well acquainted with my personal guard.

  “If you are unsure of who yo
ur personal guard is, he is the man that fucked you senseless last night after the introduction party,” Ivory says. Realization floods the confused faces. “Each of them is given the task of protecting you. They will sit in front of a monitor the entire evening, five nights a week, watching to make sure you are treated properly. Now you know why they love it when you fall asleep,” she adds. “After hours of watching you, they get horny as hell.” Her expression is smug. We all understand her.

  Knowing that Tyson will be there with me the entire time makes me feel more at ease. I plan to fall asleep frequently. My body, my choice. This makes inviting Tyson into my Chamber even more exciting.

  “If there is even a hint of danger, they will be in your Chambers at once. The guards take protecting you very seriously. In even rarer cases, relationships form between Chambermaids and the guards who serve them. This is highly frowned upon because a smitten guard cannot do his job properly.” I don’t miss that she is looking at me in warning as she says the words. “Proceed in all things with caution,” she says and breaks contact with me.

  “Now, in regards to surviving The Chamber…” She stands. “Ladies, you must become your colors and your characters—embody them. That is how you survive. Be whoever the fuck you want to be outside of The Chamber. If your name is Brooke or Alyssa or Megan in your real life, be her when you’re outside of that Chamber, but the second you hit those steps, be fierce! This is all an act. If your color is demure—then be the most demure lady who ever walked the earth. If your color is the embodiment of sex—be a sex-crazed nympho. If dark and edgy is your role, then sell the mystery. It helps to read up on colors and their meaning. Since you have no access to the internet or television, I can only offer you books. Our libraries are stocked.”

  She sighs as if her work is done, flops into her seat, and speaks as she slides her feet into her heels. “I promise you all, if you walk up those stairs as yourselves, the guilt and shame will eat away at you. It’s not going to happen overnight, but if you practice, you will get it.” She stands up. “Any more questions?”


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