Stolen Flame

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Stolen Flame Page 23

by D W Marshall

  “Then I want to help you.”

  “Too dangerous. As it is, I have to be very careful he doesn’t get wind of my plans because that will put you in immediate danger.”

  “So, you are leaving?”

  Dominic’s expression softens. He leans forward, and for the first time since our reunion, his lips find mine. Our kiss is desperate. I haven’t been touched by him in seven weeks. Desire ignites within me. There is nothing I can do but fan the flames. I climb onto his lap and greedily take more. I crush my mouth to his. Our tongues dance. All I want right now is him.

  “I love you,” I say.

  “I love you more.” His arms engulf me.

  I feel his love emanate from his every pore. He is the first to break contact, leaving my lips burning.

  “We have to stop,” he says.

  “Why? I don’t want to. I want you to walk me back to my house, sneak into my room, and make love to me,” I whisper in his ear.

  “You know I can’t do that, Vivian. I want to more than I want anything else in this world. I want to live inside of you. You are my heart, Vivian, but you have an important decision to make. It wouldn’t be fair of me to cloud your mind right now. You had a life before The Chamber that was interrupted. You had a man who loved you before you were taken. He still loves you. I want you to decide with a clear mind. I am not a fool.”

  Okay. My head is spinning.

  “I have something for you.” He takes out a familiar lavender envelope and hands it to me.

  I note that it is bumpy. I immediately begin to open it, Dominic stops me before I can make any real progress.

  “Not now. It’ll be too much all at once. Open it when I’m not with you.”

  I can’t imagine living in a world where he is not with me.

  “Let’s get you back home.” He climbs down from the bench and extends his hand out to me.

  I shove the lavender envelope inside my back pocket, take his hand, and we walk back.

  We avoid our impending separation and talk about trivial things like the weather. I wish I could just tell him right now that I choose him, but he’s right. I owe myself this time because of the nature of our relationship. Will I find out that it wasn’t real love, or that is it the truest of all? Only time will tell.

  He stops at my front porch. I know he’s not going to come inside. This is goodbye, for now.

  “Know that no matter what you decide, I will not stop until The Chamber is no more,” he says.

  I nod.

  “Also.” He takes my hand. “If I sense any danger headed your way, I will take you away from here, no questions asked. Mason paid me well for my services, and I will use that money to bring him down and keep you safe.”

  I nod again.

  There is no way words can compete with the lump in my throat. I can only imagine what would happen to me if Mason ever gets his hands on me again. I can’t argue with the plan. Dominic pulls me into his arms and squeezes me tight.

  “I love you, Vivian.” He kisses me on my lips in sweet farewell. Then, he’s gone.

  I can’t retrieve the lavender envelope from my pocket fast enough. I flop onto my bed. The first thing I check for is the source of the bumpiness. A gasp escapes me when I pour the contents out and find a diamond ring inside. It’s hanging on a silver chain. The band is delicate white gold. The diamond is at least a full carat and princess cut with two smaller diamonds adorning each side.

  I unclasp the necklace, and carefully pull the ring from the chain, making sure not to kink it. My fingers shake as I work to free the ring from the necklace. The ring fits perfectly. I clasp the chain around my neck for safekeeping and unfold the letter.

  My Vivian,

  This is a whole new chapter, an unwritten book for both of us. I haven’t been in the real world for five years. I never realized how isolating The Chamber can be. Of course, I had more freedom to leave. You, on the other hand, must be looking at the world with a new pair of eyes and experiencing the simple pleasures. Fresh air! The sun!

  I know that you had a whole other life before you came to The Chamber. Friends, a possible new boyfriend, a loving family, and college. My point is, Dominic Xander Luke was not part of your past, but he damn sure wants to be part of your future.

  I do not want to stress you out, Vivian. My intentions in writing you this letter are to tell you mine. I plan to take a step back, let you work things out, and choose for yourself, but before you do, you need all the facts.

  I love you and I will lay the world at your feet.

  I love you and I will protect you always.

  All of me misses you…and I do mean ALL of me.

  I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

  Will you marry me? There, I asked the magic question. I don’t expect an answer now. Is tomorrow too soon? I’m just kidding. That’s what the necklace is for.

  On a sadder note, with everything that we have been through, I won’t be stopping by, visiting, or wooing you as much as I want to. I don’t want to influence your decision. I’m staying at the Aria Hotel, room 832. I don’t know how long I’ll be in town. I guess until I feel like I know what your answer is.

  Remember, you are a very strong woman.

  I love you.


  Tears pour down my cheeks, and I read the letter over and over. Finally, it’s one I don’t have to destroy.

  I fight every desire in my body to pick up the phone and call his room, or get in my car and drive to him.

  He’s right.

  I need distance from them both to ease my confusion. Both of them have told me that they are mine for the taking. This is so strange, considering the fact that Liam was once the only candidate.

  I fall asleep with the necklace around my neck, the ring on my finger, and the letter in my hand.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  Over the next few days, I get used to being home. My mother isn’t hovering over me quite as much. My father is allowing me to drive on my own instead of chauffeuring me around. He signed me up for self-defense and shooting lessons.

  I haven’t talked to Dominic in three days. He didn’t lie when he said he would give me space. Whenever I think of him—which is most of the time—I bite my lip and grab hold of my ring that dangles from my necklace, hidden from sight.

  Liam and Maddie, on the other hand, I have seen daily. With Maddie, I fall easily back into step. She doesn’t ask me much about the events that happened at The Chamber. She told me on my first night home that I can tell her whatever I want, whenever I want, or never.

  She is cool like that.

  I catch her watching me sometimes. It’s like she wants to tell me something, or ask me something, but she never does. When my gaze meets hers, she gives me a brittle smile. I don’t pry, though. Like any best friend would do, I figure she’ll ask or tell when she is ready. I’m sure my entire family has much more to ask me, and they don’t know how much I appreciate them giving me some time.

  Things with Liam haven’t been as smooth.

  I guess he thinks that we should begin where we left off before I was taken, and I wish it were that easy. I’m trying to decide if my old, normal life is what I want.

  The other issue is, he wants to talk about what happened to me. I don’t. It’s like he’s trying to convince himself that he’s okay with what I went through during my capture.

  I also don’t miss the undercurrent of anger in him. Not at me, per se. Maybe it’s the circumstances or his lack of control over the things that I went through.

  He is trying, though. So I will, too.

  At lunch yesterday, the four of us went to our favorite spot—Wahoo’s—for tacos. Stevyn and Maddie were all over each other, as usual. Liam and I were more discreet. He held my hand and kissed me a couple of times. I kissed him back. I really am trying.

  If I could let Dominic fall into the background, like the rest of The Chamber, maybe I could be happy with Liam. Dominic i
s all I think about.

  It’s the phone call that sets my future in motion. On my ninth day home, I get an early morning international call. I only know a few people from other countries and they are all my sisters. This call is from Sunshine… Whitney.

  We talked for an hour about our return home. She explained that her boyfriend is having a hard time with her disappearance, the circumstances, and the lack of details. She told me he’s dealing with some unresolved anger. I told her that I’m experiencing the same thing with Liam.

  We ended our call promising to keep in touch and to perhaps visit each other soon. With four million sitting in a bank earning interest, we can visit anytime we want. I love my sister.

  It was later, after our phone call, that something she said hit me.

  He was dealing with some unresolved anger. Hmmm.

  Why are they so angry? They weren’t the ones being paraded around for a host of sex-starved men. They weren’t the ones who were violated. It was us. I’m sure they missed us and feared the worst, but what about unconditional love and understanding?

  That’s just it. They’ll never understand. We were forever altered in that Chamber. Liam will always feel angry about the things he could’ve done to save me.

  What happens when I want to spend time with one of my sisters or Zion…Hailey? Will I have to lie and tell him they are friends from school or work just to save his ego?

  After that phone call, I realize a life with Liam is not what I want or need. He’s a part of the old me. It’s a wonderful past, but he doesn’t know me anymore. It’s not his fault or mine that the world shifted on its axis in this way—it just did. Now I can’t help but wonder if the reason that Liam and I never were is because we weren’t supposed to be.

  I don’t know how much time I have, so I dress quickly, grab my car keys and head to the Aria Hotel, the location of my love, and I hope I’m not too late. It’s ten-thirty a.m. when I leave my car at the valet. I rush inside and grab the first elevator, which moves too slowly. I pace as it ascends.

  When you know what you want without a doubt, you want it immediately, like your very life depends on it.

  I want Dominic. With Dominic, I can breathe.

  He knows me, and he knows everything I have been through. He was there, and still he wants me without judgment. I’ll never have to lie about anything or hold back.

  When the elevator dings, I exit on the eighth floor. My heart speeds up, and my arms pimple with gooseflesh. Nine days.

  What if I waited too long? I stop in my tracks, unclasp my necklace and quickly place the ring on my left ring finger. I don’t want there to be any question in his mind about my visit. I place the naked chain back around my neck, so that it stays pristine.

  Breathing heavily, and with a hammering heart, I make my way to room 832. I drag my moist hands along my jeans.

  The Chamber has indeed changed me. Before, I would never be caught dead in anything but casual wear unless it was a special occasion. This morning, I’m in four-inch heels, skinny jeans, and a low-cut purple blouse. I feel sexy now. I never did before, and the man on the other side of this door is responsible for that. My knuckles sting when I knock. There’s no immediate answer. He might be sleeping.

  I knock again.

  I wait.

  And wait.

  And wait.

  I realize that he’s not inside. I’m too late. No! I knock harder. I beat on the door.

  Stinging pain shoots through the sides of my fists. I lay my head against the door of the hotel room. This can’t be.

  He gave up on me. He fucking left me.

  I don’t know how long I’m leaning against his door when I’m startled by a person with a deep voice clearing his throat. A hotel guest probably called security on the batshit-crazy lady, crying and beating on a door so early in the morning.

  Batshit. That was Sunshine’s favorite word.

  I don’t look his way. What’s the point?

  “Is everything okay, miss?”

  My heart skips. I spin around to see Dominic, shirtless and sweaty, and shirtless, sweaty Dominic is something to see. I have an overwhelming desire to lick every inch of him dry. He has a workout towel draped around his glistening, chiseled shoulders. Mmm.

  “I thought you left,” I wipe at my eyes.


  Neither of us move.

  “You looked pretty sad a minute ago,” he says. Our eyes are deadlocked.

  “I was pretty sad. I mean, I had something important to show you,” I say, overcome by coyness and a foreign, girly feeling that only Dominic has ever brought out of me.

  I flash my left hand in front of my face, and squeeze my eyes shut. I squeal in delight when I’m lifted off the ground. Dominic spins me around.

  “Are you kidding me? Your answer is yes?” His voice booms in the hall. I nod my head quickly. “Say it, baby! Say it!”

  “Yes! I will marry you, Dominic!”

  His lips crush into mine.

  My whole world goes in and out of focus. This is home.

  After being back for nine days, I realized he was the only thing that was missing. We don’t have to do anything but sit near each other in complete silence, and I feel like the luckiest girl on earth.

  He just does it for me.

  The only reason it took nine days for me to admit that to myself is that The Chamber made me question all the choices I’ve made. The sheer fact I never tried to escape, makes my judgment questionable. I’m glad I came to my senses, though, because right now I’m in heaven.

  I try to devour him in the middle of the hallway, I can’t get enough of the taste of him.

  His suite door opens and shuts behind us. I start coming out of my clothes before he sets me down. Dominic kisses my body, while I work at disrobing. When I unbutton my blouse and it falls past my shoulders, he adores my bare skin with his tongue and lips. He’s so fucking sexy.

  He kisses my naked stomach. His fingers unclasp my bra and he peppers my breasts with kisses. His increased breathing is killing me. I glance down and see that The Captain is awake. I lick my lips in anticipation. I’ve missed him, too.

  Dominic helps me step out of my black heels and peels my jeans off of my body, kissing every newly exposed area of skin as if they are his gifts that he is unwrapping. It’s fitting, since tomorrow is our shared birthday.

  He uses his teeth to remove my panties. Shivers rip through my body. I’m dripping wet with want. My chest rises and falls in haste.

  Dominic doesn’t touch me. He stands back and gazes into my eyes.

  “I love you so much. Thank you for this gift of love. I’m the luckiest human alive to get to spend the rest of my life with you in my arms.”

  I say nothing. My eyes don’t leave his.

  What he doesn’t realize is that I’m the lucky one.

  Dominic stalks around me. I’m his prey.

  He stops in front of me. He removes his shoes and socks.

  A thrill surges through my body.

  He slides off his workout shorts and boxers. The Captain springs free, fully awake and alert. I bite the corner of my lip, and my eyes widen. I still can’t believe that beast was ever inside me, and will soon be again.

  The two of us stand in awe of one another. Feasting.

  “Vivian, you have agreed to be my wife.”

  I nod like a schoolgirl. Every moment with him tells me that I’ve made the right decision.

  “This is sudden. Are you sure it’s want you want?”

  “You’re all that I want, need, and desire,” I say. “I know it took me some time. I wanted to be sure that the feelings I have for you were born out of love, and not just our unique circumstances. I owed us both that, but I can’t quite breathe without you. I rushed over as soon as I realized that. For me, there’s only you.”

  My eyes never leave his. Pure joy covers his face, and he drops down on one knee. He takes my left hand into his.

  “Then I promise to spend the rest
of our lives together loving, honoring, cherishing, and protecting you. Our lives together will never be dull because you are my light.” He kisses my left hand and admires the ring on my finger.

  While my hand is in his, he trails sweet kisses along my arm. Heat follows close behind.

  Still on his knees, he kisses me just above my sex. I squirm and fidget. This is salacious torture.

  Before I pass out from over-excitement, Dominic scoops me up into his arms and walks me toward the bedroom, his lips never leaving mine. Who would have ever thought that after all I’ve been through, love would come from it?

  I love this man.

  He lays me onto the bed. I pant, wanting, waiting. My favorite appendage appears to be doing the same. Dominic climbs onto the bed with me. Hovering. His eyes are hooded with desire.

  I tilt my hips up in want, and like an answered prayer he sinks himself deep inside of me.

  Eights weeks without him and it’s like the first time. My walls resist stretching to fit all of him, and the pain is delicious. He watches me. Analyzing my expressions, he pulls out of me partially before plunging deeper into my sex.

  I’m so full of him. It’s the most welcome and amazing feeling I’ll ever have. Nothing can ever compare to him inside of me.

  The next time he pushes deep, I grab hold of his ass and grip him to me. I raise my hips off the bed and grind myself around him until I can’t see straight. The building pressure makes me so dizzy, I come apart in a mass of sensations. I shake and shudder and scream out his name. He follows behind me with a final thrust deep within my walls, causing me to convulse again.

  We repeat our lovemaking until we are starving and exhausted.


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