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Rage of the Phoenix

Page 21

by Elizabeth N Harris

  At last my eyesight adjusted, I was in a dark room with a dingy window with faint moonlight filtering through it. I couldn’t figure out shapes or where the door was, everything was so dark. The room stank of damp and urine. I was gagged and tightly bound as I struggled against my bonds.

  “Keep struggling bitch.” Martin said from the shadows.

  “Let me go.” I screamed against the gag. It didn’t matter Martin couldn’t understand me, he knew precisely what I meant.

  “Pardon?” Martin mocked and then stepped forward into the moonlight. Forced to stare up at the monster, I was terrified at being helpless again. Martin’s face looked different, and I realised he’d a broken nose and the left eye was lower than his right. There was a terrible scar on his cheek that cut across his mouth.

  “Yeah bitch, look at what those cunts did. Take a good look, Marie.” Martin yelled and rammed his scarred face into mine.

  To piss him off, I closed my eyes and tried to block the raging maniac out. Martin shook my head, and I gasped in pain as suddenly, a knife cut into my cheek. Martin laughed as the knife sliced downwards. Fear hit another level, Martin wasn’t just going to beat me this time.

  “Deserved it.” I mumbled. Fuck this, Martin planned to beat and humiliate me, I wasn’t going to cower this time. Chance had taught me to be strong. Martin slapped my face, snapping it to one side.

  “What’s with your stupid new name? What idiotic name is Phoenix, what’s wrong with Marie Page? My name not good enough for you?” He snarled, spittle forming at the corners of his mouth.

  “We never married. I wanted nothing to do with an abusive asshole, so I changed my name.”

  “Bitch. Guess what? I’m divorced now.” I blinked trying to work out what he meant. Martin couldn’t seriously think I’d marry him. “Yeah Marie, we’re getting married. And then I’m gonna kill you and take your fucking money and then fuck those kids over. Little shits.” Gobsmacked, I shook my head. Martin was freaking deranged, no way was I marrying him.

  “Got a will. You’ll never get that money.” I told him and Martin punched me in the mouth this time. Blood dripped from my lip. Another punch and he laid my cheek open, hitting the knife cut.

  “Marie’s going to fucking marry me.” Martin screamed spit flying from his mouth and hitting me in the face.

  “Fuck you!” I screamed back. “You’re fucking insane. I’m never going to marry you. You’ll never get my money, it goes to the kids and the Trusts.”

  “Marie’s going to fucking marry me.” Martin screamed insanity in his eyes, who the hell was this madman talking to? “Tonight. I have a friend who’s willing to marry us and do so for a nice donation. Meet Miguel Santos, he’s been ordained over the internet.”

  Martin was warped, I’d always known he was sadistic but now Martin was living in la la land. A second man stepped forward. He was Mexican and around sixty and watched me with dispassionate eyes. A sudden sinking feeling hit my stomach, shit was going to hit the fan faster than I thought. I had to hang on, Chance would be looking for me.

  “Screw marrying him.” I snarled spitting blood. Santos laughed.

  “Bitch you’ll do everything Page wants. And for what Page is paying, going to be my pleasure to marry you. Twenty percent of your fortune, yeah, definitely up for that lady. Can write wills too.” Santos said with a grin and suddenly I knew this man was going to help kill me.

  “I’ll match whatever Martin’s paying you.” I whispered. Santos threw back his head and laughed with Martin.

  “Lady, I don’t break my word, poor for business.” Santos’s hand reached down and grabbed my breast. I cringed away from him. Santos laughed again cruelly. The knife reappeared and Martin sliced my shoulder. I screamed in pain as Santos grabbed my breast again squeezing harder. If I survived, I’d have bruises of his fingers.

  “Take your filthy hands off of me.”

  “I’ll drop five hundred thousand off the price for a few hours with her.” Santos offered with a sick grin and bile rose in my throat.

  “After we’re married.” Martin said without interest. He was fingering the tip of the knife and Martin looked at me and grinned. Launching forward Martin stabbed the knife hard in my thigh and I screamed myself hoarse. The pain was awful. Hellfire better hurry the fuck up because Martin had that look in his eye. The one I knew only too well.

  “Damage the goods too much, the arrangement is cancelled.” Santos said. Martin shrugged.

  “Get this into your head, I’m not marrying you. You can beat me, hurt me, but I’m not marrying you.” Martin glowed, because in his eyes, I gave him permission to carry out his punishment. Martin took that permission up at once.


  “Where Phoe?” Drake snarled his face in Chance’s. Chance was just as pissed as Drake.

  “Tell me why Phoe was avoiding you?” Chance snarled. Guilt crossed Drake’s face and then Chance slammed him against the wall. “What did you do?”

  Rage moved across the forecourt and gathered close by and Hellfire did the same taking Chance’s back. Jett disappeared, but no one paid attention.

  “Had a fight, Phoe was tellin’ me shit about pussy I’d fucked. No pussy tells me who I fuck and when I fuck.” Drake ranted and Chance let him go stunned. He stepped back and looked at his cousin. Chance’s mouth worked for a few seconds as Drake watched him, furious.

  “Tellin’ me, you’re gonna fuck around behind Phoe’s back?” Chance finally asked incredulously.

  “Tellin’ you, no cunt leads me by the balls.”

  “Phoe’s a cunt? Just a cunt?” Chance asked quietly. Drake missed the warning.

  “Every woman’s a cunt, just different levels of them.” Chance took a second step back, not in shock but in anger. His body tensed as he tried to control it.

  “Treatin’ Phoe as a skank, a whore. Warned ya brother. Don’t shit on Phoe and you just did. Clubs are done.” Drake looked shocked at Chance’s words and then wiped any expression from his face.

  “What the fuck you on about? Clubs are done?” Drake asked anger rising in his voice.

  “Warned ya not to fuck with Phoe. Treated Phoe worse than you treat the easy pussy that hangs around the club. Phoe is no fuckin’ whore for you. Our clubs are done, as in done cousin.” There were soft sounds of harsh breath’s being sharply drawn as Chance spoke.

  “We’re blood.” Drake snarled. Chance pointed a finger at him.

  “Not anymore. Hellfire mount up, got a sister to find.” Chance turned his back on Drake and began walking. Drake launched himself at Chance’s back and took him to the ground. The cousins rolled around on the floor, trading punches and beating hell out of each other.

  Chance got the upper hand and sitting on top of Drake he dragged him up by his tee and began single handed punching Drake’s face. Drake shifted his hips and jerked upwards knocking Chance off balance and rolled on top of him and began pummelling Chance.

  Apache appeared and dragged the snarling and spitting Drake off Chance. Chance scrambled to his feet and launched himself at Drake. He took both Drake and Apache down together and got his hands round his cousin’s throat. Bear and Rooster dragged him off Drake and the clubs surrounded the two men.

  “What’s your fuckin’ problem?” Chance yelled at Drake spitting blood.

  “Fuckin’ love Phoe and I couldn’t save her.” Drake screamed back. Silence fell.

  “First fuckin’ honest thing you said asshole.” Chance growled. He spat blood at Drake’s feet. “Hellfire mount up.”

  “Not without me.” Drake snarled.

  “Phoe’s just pussy to you Drake, remember. Nothing more.” Chance spat his disgust at Drake.

  “I love her.”

  “Don’t treat someone you love like that, you fuckin’ prick.” Chance yelled into the silence.

  “Know I don’t. I lost it, okay? I lost it, destroyed the woman I love. What Phoe’s been through, tonight with that episode. Then finding her in the rec room taking out t
wo skanks.” Drake let the fight drain from his body. The Rage President looked defeated. “Where the fuck did my old lady learn to fight like that? Phoe shouldn’t have to fight.”

  “We taught her.” Chance replied.

  “Lost Phoe, lost her tonight, I knew I was losing her, and my mouth kept engaging. Couldn’t shut up. Woman’s too fuckin’ good for me and I won’t survive it when Phoe sorts that shit out and leaves.”

  “Fuckin’ idiot. Woman loves you, Phoe won’t leave.” Chance thundered struggling, to get free and get his hands back around his stupid cousin’s throat. Bear and Big Rooster tightened their arms around him.

  “She’s too good for me.” Drake whispered and his pain hit Chance in his heart. It was what Chance feared for himself. Loving a woman way out of his league.

  “Yeah, Phoe is, so what you do is value her, give her everythin’. So Phoe knows she safe and loved. Don’t drive Phoe away to protect your heart from her. Christ you’re as thick as fuckin’ shit. Raised you better than that” Chance yelled. Drake’s head shot up and anger fired in his eyes.

  “Not protectin’ me, protectin’ her. Makin’ sure Phoe finds somethin’ better.”

  “Woman found what she wants and tonight you broke Phoe’s heart.” Chance said taking a visible rein on his temper and calming down. “Every brother got your fear. Every single one of us, ate shit, lived shit and slept in shit for years, until we could make our move. We think we ain’t worth a decent woman, but we fuckin’ are. Hellfire and Rage both insecure fuckers. Can’t let that insecurity destroy our shots at havin’ a little something worthwhile in our lives.”

  “She loves me?” Drake whispered.

  “Yeah, you prick.”

  “What did I do?”

  “Got a problem. Phoenix’s car is still on the forecourt. Checked HQ, Phoe’s keys were on the street and there’s blood on the ground. Ace is missing, his bikes not here and brother’s not answering his phone.” Jett said appearing from nowhere and holding out Phoe’s keys to Drake.

  “Ace? Ace hurt Phoe?” Bear asked confused.

  “No, but I think one of them is hurt.” Jett said.

  “Get feelers out, find them.” Drake thundered. Chance looked at him.

  “Head straight or I need to pound it more?”

  “Straight.” Drake said and began moving.

  “One more thing, my girl doesn’t come back, my girl walks away from you, Hellfire walk. On my cut, I warned ya.” Chance snarled and everyone knew Chance meant it. Hellfire would go to war with Rage if their sister said so.


  Regaining consciousness hurt, my entire world was awash with pain. I’d no idea how many minutes had passed. Blood dripped from open wounds on my body and I looked at my ankle which had been hit with a piece of wood. I swear Martin had broken it. Pain embraced my entire body, I didn’t know what hurt more. Where Martin had broken bones, or where he’d used the knife.

  Martin had untied my hand, and he’d broken every finger one at a time in my left hand. Damn maniac then smashed the piece of wood down shattering bones. My left hand was a ruin and my throat ached from screaming so much. Martin had then retied me to the chair and carried on the beating. I thought my ribs might be broken as breathing was hard.

  My face was swollen, I could feel the tightness of my skin. I lifted my right hand and touched my forehead. The skin was split open where he’d punched me wearing a ring. Martin had sliced that knife into my body again and again. My right eye refused to open, my lips were split and my jaw was swollen.

  Animalistic panting came from a dark corner and I remained still. Unable to defend myself, I was in serious shit. Martin had been extremely thorough. Even breathing freaking hurt.

  Martin was still here. The lunatic muttered to himself and I did a quick recheck of my body. He’d hit and kicked me so hard, Martin had knocked the chair over and broken it. Tentatively, I wriggled my working hand and found I could get free. I froze as a door banged and realised Martin had left.

  Desperately, I peered into the dim light trying to see if Santos was there. The asshole that planned to forge my signature or something equally devious. The man who wanted to rape me. Not happening I decided there and then, I’d die before that.

  Stiffly and painfully I rubbed my wrist on my leg trying to get sensation back. I refused to check the ruin of my left hand. Every slightest jolt of it, sent pain shooting through me. After a few minutes I’d enough mobility to untie my legs. That was a struggle as my fingers didn’t want to fully co-operate. I finally untied them and began rubbing my legs to get feeling back.

  More than sure my ankle was broken, I growled inwardly, knowing it would hamper any escape. I scanned for a weapon and picked up a piece of the broken chair. One end was sharp and it would do in a pinch. I dragged myself over to a wall and began hauling myself to my knees when low laughter echoed.

  Damn, Martin hadn’t left the room, asshole had just pretended too. I heard footsteps and looked around frantically. My vision was poor and blurred, and I couldn’t see him. I twisted my head, as footsteps came near to me and I lashed out with the stick, I missed and laughter sounded. I wasn’t sure if it was Martin or Santos, although it was more than likely Martin.

  Martin pushed on one shoulder and I lashed out behind me hitting nothing again. He began humming and terror began building. It was similar to starring in a horror film. I wanted to scream but swallowed. Well aware I wouldn’t be able to hear Martin approaching if I began screaming. Once I started, I wouldn’t stop screaming, for now I had to be quiet.

  The footsteps ran at me and I lashed out again and yet again missed. I was knocked onto my back and kicked in the ribs and then Martin stamped on me. I cried out in agony and shifted backwards. There was a noise at the door and we both stopped, him hunting and me running. The door kicked open and a tall figure filled the doorway. A torch flashed on me and then lit Martin up and the figure lifted a gun towards him.

  Martin gave an animal’s scream of anger and pulled his own gun. Idiot was shooting manically before he even had the gun aimed. The figure took a step backwards and then fired his own. Martin stopped shooting and then fell towards my body. I couldn’t roll out of the way and he fell over me looking into my face.

  “Stupid bitch.” Martin muttered blood dripping from his mouth. Murderous, Martin began lifting the gun intent on shooting me when my arm snapped up. Hatefully, I drove the stake into his back. Martin’s eyes looked at me disbelieving as the life in them faded. I began gagging to breathe, as dead weight began crushing me and Martin was dragged away.

  A man slammed next to my body. He laid down and dragged me close leaning on his left side and holding me tight. His right arm came up and over me holding the gun. He laid his wrist over my waist so he could shoot anyone coming through the door. Blood dripped onto my body and I looked up into the stunning green eyes of Ace.

  “Fancy seeing you here.” I muttered and his body shook with a laugh. Damn, we were both in a state.

  “Yeah cool place.” Ace muttered back.

  “How hurt are you?” I asked scared for Ace. I’d seen him go down outside HQ. Ace was shot at least twice.

  “Two in the shoulder, one in leg, torso shot and one shot to my fuckin’ phone.” He growled. I got the impression Ace was more pissed about his phone, than he was about his wounds.

  “Need to get help.” Not sure how I’d do that, I’d have to crawl.

  “Help’s here, Ramirez is here, gave chase to a second man. Ramirez will’ve heard the shots and called it in.” Ace muttered again. A noise sounded, and the gun snapped upwards towards the door. I waited with bated breath and after a minute Ace relaxed his arm.

  “Ramirez?” I asked trying to keep Ace talking, he appeared to be slurring.

  “Ramirez received info about your ex being alive and havin’ escaped jail and was coming to warn us. Instead he saw me climbing on my bike, killin’ my lights and gave chase. Arrived together, a man ran into the trees, Ramirez chas
ed him. I came here, thought your dickhead ex ran into trees. Didn’t know there’s two fuckers.”

  “Ramirez isn’t here. I need to get help.” I insisted as Ace closed his eyes.

  “Need to fuckin’ stay here where I can protect you. Brothers are on their way.” Ace re-opened his eyes and looked at me. I jumped as gun shots echoed in the distance and I hoped beyond hope that Ramirez was okay. The detective appeared to be a nice guy.

  “Ace we’re both messed up here.” I choked on blood in my mouth and twisted my head and spat it out.

  “Rage will come.” Ace insisted.


  “Dickhead left your phone, screen smashed but the on light still flashed. I took it. Couldn’t call for help, both phones smashed. Someone will track it. Saw asshole drive off, and chased after him, staying back and keeping lights off. Didn’t get here in time to stop him beating you. Sorry.” Ace mumbled not happy at having to apologise to me or so I assumed.

  “You saved my life. Ace, never say sorry to me.”

  “Wish I’d seen you first.” Ace told me and I looked up alarmed at his pallor.

  “Ace?” I asked, fearing the man was passing out. I wriggled against him trying to turn and get his gun. But Ace stopped me and held me tight against his body. Ace’s eyes opened and Ace looked at me. Where the hell was Ramirez?

  “Would’ve taken a risk on you Phoe. Only you had Drake hooked before my brother could do anything. Good to see my brother happy.” Ace said and tightened his arm around me and then relaxed it a trace.

  “Ace, I need to get help.” I needed to get us both help. Neither of us were going to survive this if I didn’t move. In pain I drew in a deep ragged breath.

  “Don’t leave my side. Rage will be comin’, wait with you until they do.” Ace whispered.


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