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Fate & Fire: Mystic Harem Trilogy Book Two

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by Anna LaVerne

  “I had a dream while I was in the healing coma. At least, I think it was a dream. He needed me and was calling to me. I found him and touched his spiral with my own. He transformed into a very healthy handsome man taller than Trey and even Manu. He asked where I was, and I told him Lorcan. I heard them comment they can make a portal into Lorcan . . . . Gabal said he is coming for me.” My heart takes flight with a flurry of flutters that are stronger than anything I have ever felt before. I want to fight this bond with an unknown man, but I also know deep down this is a bond forged in fire and fate. Something I can’t fight.

  My mother seems to not care at all that I have another man; instead, she is only interested in the one thing I missed. “If they can make a portal into Lorcan, then so can Celeste!”

  She springs to her feet barking orders. “Someone find Bee in the library, we need to know how they make portals as soon as possible, so we can stop them.” My mother has returned to her queen self and is back to protecting Aster. Everything's happening so fast again, and I am hungry, like always.

  Chapter Three

  I grab two apples on my way out the door, following Rhett and Trey. They dart down the hallway, and I'm assuming we are on our way to find Bee in the library. Much like in Cargil, I have no idea where I am in Lorcan. I grew up in Yardel.

  We turn down another hall, and there are mystics everywhere carrying books and talking. I squeeze myself close to Trey, “Who are these people?”

  “Students. We are in the education hall,” Trey replies.

  Of course, the education hall that I never got to be a part of. A tinge of jealousy ripples through me. I missed out on so much of being a mystic. I am not sure I even feel like one anymore.

  We approach two large doors that are open, welcoming us in. I take a bite of one of my apples as we near the librarian’s desk near the door.

  “There is no food allowed in the library,” a tall skinny man with a beak-like nose and small glasses says.

  “You can’t tell me what to do,” I retort.

  “Dina, just put the apple in the trash bin,” Trey instructs.

  “No, I just woke up from a healing coma, and I am hungry, and the world is crumbling around me. I will take this big, red apple into the library and find my friend.” I turn and stare down the skinny man with little eyes. “Have you seen Bee?”

  “She is in the restricted area, but you can not take the apple in,” he replies dryly.

  “And how are you going to stop me?” I walk past him heading towards some wrought iron stairs along the wall with a chain across the front that reads ‘restricted’.

  Trey and Rhett are doing damage control as they explain who I am to the nit-wit librarian wanna-be. I have no patience for random people today.

  The stairs wind around a lone tower in the corner of the library. Each level I make it to has a platform with a table and floor to ceiling books. On the third level up, I spot Bee leaning over a table reading some ancient text.

  “Hey, you!” I say to get her attention.

  Bee startles in her seat, like she wasn’t expecting anyone, let alone me. Her eyes get big as she realizes it is me standing before her.

  “Dina! Oh my! I can’t believe you are already awake and came to find me!”

  “My mother told me where you were. We were sent here to let you know a new revelation in the Celeste saga. I woke this morning.”

  “Ah, that explains the apple. I am surprised Tim let you past with it. He hates food in the library.”

  “Like he could stop me,” I say as I take another bite.

  Bee laughs, “It is good to see you back to your old self. So, what is the big news?”

  “Well, other than I am a half mystic half mage, we found out that no matter the precautions taken, Celeste can still open portals within Lorcan, and we need to learn how.” Judging by the look on Bee’s face, I am guessing she already knew about my heritage. Great, everyone knows everything before me.

  “That’s right, Dina had a dream while in her coma that the Queen takes seriously. Dina believes a man will open a portal into Lorcan to join her. If that man can open a portal into Lorcan, then so can Celeste.”

  I turn around and punch Trey in the arm. “You don’t have to make it sound like I’m crazy,” I reply.

  Rhett laughs at the interaction. It is nice to hear Rhett trying to get back to his old self, regardless of the trials he has faced recently.

  “So, we need to look for mage books that talk of portals?” Bee interjects.

  “Exactly,” Trey replies. I move to sit on the bench to look at the books Bee has been sorting through.

  “Do you think Celeste has read all of these?” I ask.

  “I am certain. Most have her name as the last person to check them out. I am more worried about how many she has stolen,” Bee responds.

  “Have you found any books that talk about portals?” Trey asks.

  “Yes, a few. I have one I was planning on taking to the Queen later today.” Bee opens a large leather book, “This is a book of Alchemy. There are many basic alchemy recipes within it. To make a portal, you have to have several simple ingredients. Since alchemy seems to be the science of transmuting regular items into things. In this case, it would be a portal. The only way it can work is by using this trident symbol. It has to be located in both the areas of travel. Then she would need a spear inscribed with more symbols. It isn’t easy, but if she memorized the symbols, I don’t think it would be too hard to do either. It requires little magical ability. Alchemy seems to be a shortcut of sorts for a mage to conserve energy.”

  “That makes sense. I know a mage can pull from a node, but I don’t think they can use intimacy to regenerate energy. So, they have to control how much they put out at any one moment.” I am reaching here, but it seems right.

  “We’d better take this book to the Queen then,” Bee responds, grabbing the book. I look at the table and pick up a few of the extra books to go through in my room that night.

  Bee walks up to the librarian’s desk, “We would like the check out these books for a week please?”

  “We no longer allow restricted books to be checked out,” the hawkish librarian, Tim, responds.

  “What? Why? Queen Maris gave me access to all of Lorcan’s Mystic Library!” Bee retorts.

  “It has always been that way,” Tim responds with a smirk.

  I don’t like this guy at all. I slam my books down on his counter, “That is funny because it says Celeste has checked out many of these books.”

  “She is a princess,” Tim replies. I stare him down, he must not have believed Rhett and Trey. I will just have to make him believe. I reach my hand over the precious books and pick up his quill.

  “So, Celeste is a princess, but I am not?” I ask him as I tickle his nose with the end of the feather. He bats it away with his hand and sneezes.

  “I don’t know who you are,” he sneers.

  Trey can’t resist himself. Walking around the side of the counter, he leans into Tim’s ear. “She is Queen Maris’ youngest daughter and rightful chosen heir to Aster’s throne, and you will speak to her with respect.”

  Tim looks like he could pee himself, but somehow he pulls himself together and squares his shoulders ignoring Trey. “Anyone could say that,” he responds.

  Before Trey can get any angrier, I act, lighting the quill on fire with nothing but my breath. I watch as Tim’s mouth hangs open in surprise.

  “H-H-How did you do that?” he asks in a voice that betrays his astonishment.

  “You haven’t heard of the mystic princess who can breathe fire yet?” I ask as beads of sweat drip over his brow. The quill has burned completely and is now just a ball of fire in my hand.

  “Please extinguish your f-f-flame, you may burn the library down,” Tim sputters.

  “You’re right; I may just do that, and I can do just that, if I wanted. Do I get to take the books?”


  “Good.” I close my
hand, making the flame disappear for the time being.

  Trey and Rhett pick up the books, and I turn to follow them before a thought comes. I turn back around to see that Tim has fallen into his chair. When he sees me staring at him, he startles so much, his glasses fall off the bridge of his nose. He bends over to pick them up as I lean onto the counter again.

  “Hey Tim, how long have you been a librarian here?”

  “I-I-I g-g-guess t-t-ten years,” he stutters. Something is off here, my empathy alarm bells are sounding like crazy.

  “Did you know my sister, Celeste?”

  He nods in response to my question, so I continue. “Did you allow her to check out restricted books for her keeping?”

  Once again, Tim nods in response not saying a word. I question him more, “Did you help Celeste find the books she was looking for?”


  “Okay, last question, and don’t lie. I am now exceptionally good at sniffing out liars when they are strangers, and I have no emotional tie to them. Did you know she planned to rule Aster?”

  Tim turns as white as the whitest paper in the library, and then he nods yes. His entire body is visibly shaking. I nod to Rhett who hands his stack of books to Bee and takes hold of Tim by the shoulders.

  “I think we should bring you with us. Why did you do it?” I ask.

  “B-because she added me to her harem,” he responds.

  I shake my head because that isn’t right; there are laws to how many men a mystic can take into their harem, and Celeste had the max. “Were you treated like a husband?”

  Tim shakes his head no, “She said she will once she is Queen.”

  “And you believed her?” Rhett has to stifle down a laugh, and I suddenly feel sorry for poor Tim.

  “What else do I have to believe in?” he asks. “I am at the highest position I can attain. I can’t be a professor even though I have gone against all protocol and have read every book in this library. Lorcan is my only home. This library is all I have ever had until Celeste came along.” He brushes Rhett off his shoulders, signifying he will come with us without a fight.

  “I am sorry she did that to you, and I am sorry that Aster follows outdated laws. I want to change that, and I will have the ability to change that, but you have to help me stop Celeste. People in Aster are dying because of her need for power. I am sure you saw how ruthless she can be in the time that you knew her.”

  Tim looks to the ground but says nothing. We need to keep him with us. There is always the possibility he will have a way to contact Celeste and let her know our plans. Tim turns and picks up a satchel that he puts on himself cross shoulder style.

  “Okay, then let’s go. Trey, darling, can you please lead the way to my mother, the queen?” I give him a wink.

  I will have to give Rhett some more consideration. Now that we share a mark, the pull to him is increasing. I am aware of his presence when he is around me like I am with Trey. The mark on my hand tingles a little when both are near. This new mark has me unsure of my emotions and confused in their meaning. I pray I am gifted the time needed to explore it and what it all means before the war is at our doorstep again.

  I shake my head to rid myself of the dark musings encroaching on my normal ‘I don’t care’ attitude. I now recognize the hall we are in and realize we are headed towards one of the council rooms.

  “Is it wise we go to a council room? They may be in session,” I ask Trey.

  “Queen Maris instructed us to find her as soon as we found something. We have found someone who knows something, so I am taking him to the queen.” Trey responds with reason.

  “I-I don’t want to-to go to the queen,” Tim stutters from behind me.

  “Maybe you should have thought of that before you helped my lovely sister.”

  Council is in session as there are two warriors guarding the giant door. Trey and Rhett step forward to talk to the warriors they appear to know.

  “Sorry, I know you want in, kid, but I have orders no one is to disturb them.” The tall blonde who reminds me of Tig puts her hand on Rhett’s shoulder as she explained.

  “Well, I am not just anyone,” I respond even though my confidence is wavering. I brush between them and open the door as Trey and Rhett unintentionally distract the two guard warriors.

  When I barge in, the entire room goes silent, and everyone stares at me. The tension in the room is palatable. I can taste the dislike some of these council members have towards me. When I begin to buckle under the attention, I start to slowly walk backwards out of the room, but my mother's voice echoes through the room.

  “I present to you, my daughter, Princess Dina, my heir.”

  A slow round of applause follows her announcement. For the first time in my life, I now realize how everything is way over my head. I am not prepared for politics. Not a single face in here even looks familiar. Not knowing what else to do, I do a little curtsy, and the moment I dip down, Rhett pinches my ass. I pop back up and sense the warmth of a blush spread across my face. I'm an idiot because I have no idea what to do here.

  The room spins when I hear my mother try to bring my attention to the matter at hand. “I am assuming you have a good reason for bursting into a council session. Did you find what I asked you to look for?”

  “Yes, Mother, well, we kind of found what we were looking for.” I gesture to Rhett and Tim to step forward. “This is one of Lorcan’s librarians, Tim. He openly admits to helping Celeste with books in the restricted area that he claims he also read over the years, regardless of Aster laws. He has agreed to help us.” I turn and gesture for Bee to step forward.

  “Bee has found several books that discuss the science of alchemy. Alchemy was utilized by the magi to work in conjunction with their magic. I am assuming it was a way to prevent them from burning out.” I give a small bow when I finish speaking.

  “Tim, is what my daughter says true?” the queen asks once again using my relationship to her.

  “Y-yes, my Queen.” Tim bows low.

  “Do you have knowledge of the portals used by the magi?”


  “He speaks the truth. As the council can see, we need to listen to my daughter and trust her instincts. She may be new to the politics of Aster, but she is my daughter, and she is the best one to take Claire’s place as heir. If it were not for Celeste, Dina would have trained to be High Mystic who is always third in line for the throne.”

  Queen Maris stands confidently from her raised desk at the end of the room. The rest of the council sit at raised desks similar to bleachers around the room, so, everyone is looking down upon me and my friends. In the center of the room, is a large scrying bowl full of water. I am nervous and wring my hands together, waiting for instructions on what is next and how I should proceed.

  “Dina, please tell us what you know. I was just explaining your experience with the council. They know of Vex, and they are now also aware of you and Lumbai.” I nod to Queen Maris.

  “Yes, Mother; in the library, Bee stated she found some books on portals. While we were there, this librarian,” I motion for Tim to come forward. “Was being very unhelpful. When we were done, I had some suspicions that he may have helped Celeste, given how long he has worked within the library. He admitted to helping Celeste and reading every book within the restricted area. He may be the most knowledgeable person in Lorcan on the ways of the magi, alchemy, and how they use their magic.” With that, I bow and, step back into the comforting proximity of my friends.

  “Tim is it?” my mother asks him to which he responds, “Yes.”

  “Is what my daughter Princess Dina, Heir to Aster, telling us true?” Queen Maris is using my title to make the council understand I will be going nowhere.

  “Yes, my queen,” Tim answers without his stutter.

  “Do you realize your actions are treasonous?” she asks him.

  “Y-yes, I-I d-do,” Tim is back to stuttering. Beads of sweat are dripping off his oily brow, and
he pushes his glasses back up his nose.

  “Good, now what can you do to save your hide?” Queen Maris doesn’t mince words. He can help us, or he can be sentenced, and sentencing will be to death with extreme treason.

  “I-I . . .” He takes a deep breath and looks at the floor a moment before gathering what little courage he has. “I can show you what Celeste needs to open portals and the text to backup the information. I can also show you how she is communicating with those who support her in Lorcan.”

  “Impressive. Have you communicated with Celeste since she took Cargil?” a councilwoman sitting near my mother asks.

  “Yes, ma’am, she mirrored me to ask for me to limit access to the restricted area and to remove certain books.” He has valuable information, and Tim realizes it. He takes a handkerchief, wipes his brow and is no longer stuttering.

  “Did you remove the books from the library?” Queen Maris questions.

  “No, I don’t believe in removing history from the library. It is where I draw the line. I will not be a part in any destruction of knowledge. I agreed to prevent people from accessing it.” Tim is being honest, and every Empath in this room can feel that from him.

  “What is Celeste using to talk to her supporters in Lorcan?” The Queen is back to leading the questioning.

  “Mirrors. In the alchemy text it is called mirroring, and it requires little magic or effort. Almost anyone can do it.” Tim reaches into a pouch at his side and pulls out a mirror the size of his palm and holds it up for the council to see. “This is how Celeste has contacted me. It has these symbols etched in the back.” He flips the mirror around to show everyone the symbols. “If you are a mage or mystic, you only need some rose oil and draw a circle onto the mirror calling to the symbols on the back. I have no magic, so I can’t connect with Celeste, but she has the symbols to connect to this mirror. Each mirror has to have a unique symbol on it, so she can call the right mirror,” he finishes.

  It is fascinating. “Tell me about portals,” the Queen demands. “And give the mirror to Dina. If Celeste calls, she should be the one to answer.”


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