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Irresistible Omegas Volume One

Page 28

by Nora Phoenix

  He had thrust four, five times when Lidon moved in behind him, and with blinding clarity, he realized what was about to happen. He fucked Vieno, but Lidon would fuck him. It was his way of showing he was, in fact, the alpha.

  Lidon waited behind him, holding still until Enar would signal his permission. Even as alpha, he would never do anything Enar didn’t want. Enar’s heart filled with peace as his alpha surrendered. He was exactly where he wanted to be, with whom he belonged.

  “Yes, alpha.”


  Vieno’s head buzzed with the all-too-familiar sensations of a fever combined with having a filter where every signal from the outside had to push through. He acted sluggish and slow, yet he saw everything so much clearer and sharper at the same time. He had this need inside him, this burning, raging want, which demanded to be quenched.

  That need was familiar too, but for the first time, he didn't fear it. He wasn’t scared of how he would act, of what anyone would think, of being out of his mind with desire, only to have fulfillment be just out of reach for agonizing hours. His heat had always been a source of endless stress, but this time was different.

  This time he was safe. Wanted. Cared for. And right now, as Enar fucked him hard and deep, he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt he would be sated when this had passed. Oh, they weren’t there by a long shot yet—in fact, they’d only gotten started—but Vieno sensed it, the heaviness of the desire in the air. All three of them would fuck him through it. They not only would allow him to be as slutty and guilty and needy as he wanted to be but also would welcome it, love it, even.

  Lidon was fucking Enar, and it was perfect in the most filthy way. Every time he rammed into Enar, the man’s cock would jam deep into Vieno. He positioned himself on his hands and knees, his legs spread wide, his ass shamelessly sticking back to receive anything Enar doled out. The slaps of balls against flesh, the low grunts, the slick sounds as Enar fucked Lidon’s cum out of Vieno, Enar’s moans as Lidon filled him—it made music more beautiful than any song Vieno had ever heard.

  He’d closed his eyes to focus on the sensations and jolted when another body pushed against him from the front. He blinked and found Palani positioning himself on his back, shifting downward until he’d placed his cock right under Vieno’s mouth. Vieno smiled. Palani knew him so well.

  “I love you,” Vieno said, his heart so full it felt like it would burst.

  “I love you too. Now suck.”

  Palani…sweet, caring Palani could read Vieno like a book and knew exactly what he needed. Gentle Palani, who could turn into a ruthless beast when Vieno needed him to, when he demanded it of him.

  Vieno opened his mouth, drawing in a last deep breath, and then Palani shoved his cock in. Vieno moaned as his mouth filled, the salty taste of Palani’s precum teasing his buds. He breathed in through his nose, Palani’s sweat making him moan around his cock. He relaxed his jaw and took him in as deep as he could.

  It was never deep enough, and Palani’s hands found his head to push him down harder, all the way until his mouth and throat were full of cock and his nose was buried in pubes. He gagged once, twice, but it was ignored, as it should be.

  “He’s gagging,” Enar spoke from behind him, worried.

  “I know,” Palani said calmly. Vieno would have smiled if he could at the pride in his voice. “He loves it.”

  He pulled back as Vieno got lightheaded. His lungs screamed as he took a desperate breath to replenish his oxygen. Palani gave him a few seconds, then surged right back in.

  “I used to spit-roast him like this all the time during his heat. Fuck his ass with this massive dildo, which could form a knot and then make him gag on my cock. He’d come without ever touching himself.”

  Vieno gagged again, his eyes tearing up with the sheer filthiness of it. His ass and his mouth full with cock…he fucking loved it. Who needed oxygen when you could have this? Right when little black spots danced in his vision, Palani pulled back again. Vieno choked on his greedy breath, his lungs painfully drawing in air. Palani allowed him a little longer recovery time. Vieno never had to tell him where his limits were. Palani knew.

  He opened his mouth again and was rewarded with Palani’s taste, the beta’s whole body tight with control as he fucked Vieno’s mouth. Vieno felt Enar speed up, breaking Lidon’s rhythm to create one of his own, fueled by the need to come. Palani pulled back and steadied Vieno, his cock still in Vieno’s mouth, but not so deep he couldn’t breathe.

  “Look at you, baby. This is what you dreamed of, isn’t it? Three men to satisfy you. You’re so beautiful, Vieno, so perfect and gorgeous like this,” Palani said.

  Enar shouted out and flooded Vieno’s insides with his cum. Vieno moaned at the sensation, the perfection of it all. Palani had been right. He had dreamed of this, even if he hadn’t known it. One day, he wouldn’t have to take birth control. One day, he’d carry his men’s babies and become a daddy, his belly all swollen and beautiful. It would be the perfect family.

  “Can I knot you?” Enar asked, still panting. He sounded unsure, and Vieno had no trouble understanding why.

  “God, yes, please. I need you.”

  He meant it, felt it deep inside him. He needed all of them. Not only Lidon or Palani. All three of them. And right now, all three of them at the same time.

  He whimpered impatiently as Enar’s knot wouldn’t come.

  “Knot him, Enar,” Lidon commanded. “He asked you to.”

  Vieno held his breath as Enar’s base swelled. It filled him completely, taking away that harrowing emptiness inside him that had tormented him during his heat. Where Lidon’s knot had been dominant and aggressive, Enar's soothed, comforted, as if Enar was sending some of his alpha powers with it. Maybe he was. However he did it, it was perfect.

  His knees buckled as his body got tired of kneeling for so long. “I’ve got you,” Enar said, his voice thick with emotion.

  He maneuvered them both into a sitting position, his knot still firmly embedded inside him. Vieno sat on him, his back leaning against Enar’s chest. Palani looked at them both with a look of pride and love. “You two are so beautiful together,” he said.

  “They really are,” Lidon agreed.

  Vieno realized he hadn’t heard Lidon come. Had he robbed him of his orgasm? At the same time, the craziness of that thought hit him. They would be fucking for hours, so Lidon would have ample opportunity to come. There was no reason for guilt. He would, however, let the need in that rushed through him again.

  He reached out for Lidon’s cock with his right hand, and the alpha scooted closer without a second hesitation. His small hand wrapped around it, and he squeezed, letting out a sigh of pleasure at the contact. Palani’s right hand found Vieno’s nipples again and twisted them with sharp moves that left him gasping.

  “Don’t think that we are done yet, baby. I’m gonna come down your throat until you choke on my cum,” Palani promised him.

  Vieno’s eyes crossed, and then Enar moved inside him, rocking his knot against a different needy place, and Palani pinched his nipple, and Lidon’s cock was silken steel in his hand, and the haze took over until Vieno was a big, gaping hole of need, sucking in whatever he craved. And he got it, every request, every filthy need, every desperate, wanton plea.

  Perfection. Absolute, fucking perfection.

  Palani knew the moment Vieno’s heat had passed. It was as if the frenzy that had kept them all captivated dissipated, like a tornado that ravaged the earth one second and got sucked back into the sky the next, leaving them tired but fulfilled. They’d done it. They had fucked Vieno through his heat, leaving him limp on the bed, his eyes fluttering closed.

  “Is he okay?” Lidon asked, sounding worried.

  “He’s fine,” Vieno murmured in a tired voice. “But fucking exhausted and sore, so can I please sleep now?”

  Palani and Enar smiled at each other. Behind him, Lidon moved as he crawled across the bed to Vieno’s other side. “You can sleep on me
, sweetheart. But we need to clean the bed first. And ourselves.”

  He walked into the bathroom with Vieno in his arms, and Palani slipped past him to turn on the shower. Wordlessly, he and Enar worked together to clean Lidon first, then Vieno, who fell asleep in Lidon’s arms, even in the shower. But his skin glowed, showing none of the symptoms he’d had before after a heat. He was sated, fully sated, and healthy. All he needed was sleep and recovery time.

  They all did. The pheromones and hormones had kept them going, but Palani’s body now protested the fuck-marathon he’d put himself through. His muscles hurt, and he was dead on his feet. Hell, even his dick hurt, oversensitive after so many rounds.

  Enar toweled Lidon and Vieno off as Palani stripped the bed of all the stained linens and remade it with fresh ones. Enar helped him as soon as he was done in the bathroom. It wasn’t an alpha’s job, and again the man showed how much he was willing to give up to be with them. Palani gave him a quick kiss when they were done, catching Lidon’s look of gratitude and pride as he stood, still holding Vieno in his strong arms.

  “All ready for you,” Palani said, pointing toward the bed.

  Lidon took position on his back, then lifted Vieno, still asleep, on his stomach on top of him.

  “Wanna grab a shower now?” he asked Enar.

  “Yeah,” Enar said, sighing with pleasure. Palani craved to get clean as well. His skin itched everywhere, and he could smell himself—never a pleasant thing, though Vieno totally got off on it. He loved licking armpits, which Palani never quite got, but whatever. To each his own, and if that turned Vieno on, it was all fine with Palani. The omega could lick every inch of his body as far as he was concerned.

  A minute later, he and Enar stood in the shower together. Palani kept his distance at first, not sure what Enar wanted since his face looked closed off until Enar simply pulled him close. He squeezed out some shampoo and reached for Palani’s hair, massaging his scalp in firm circles.

  “Dude, that’s way too much for how little hair I’ve got,” Palani protested with a smile, then moaned at the tension leaving his body as Enar's strong fingers kneaded his head.

  “You remember about gift horses, right?” Enar fired back, and Palani smiled.

  Palani loved that Lidon’s super deluxe shower had two detachable showerheads. Hell, they would even fit in there with all four of them if they wanted to. His mind conjured up an image of Vieno on his knees, pleasuring all of them…or Lidon fucking him, while Enar took Vieno. The options were endless and all arousing as fuck, even though his cock signaled it lacked the energy to get excited right now. No wonder.

  Enar took one of the showerheads to rinse Palani’s hair, and he closed his eyes and his mouth until the alpha was done. He still thought of Enar as alpha, he realized, even though Enar had demonstrated nothing but beta behavior. He’d wait for his signal, though, for his announcement he wanted to be called something else.

  “How was it for you?” he asked when Enar had rinsed out all the soap.

  “I don’t know if I can describe what I experienced,” Enar said, his voice thick with emotion. “I may need more time to process all of it.”

  “But you’re okay with it?” Palani asked.

  Enar cupped his cheeks with both hands and pressed a soft, wet kiss on his lips. “Very much so. It was without a doubt the best day of my life.”

  “Same here,” Palani said softly. “It was magical.”

  He’d fucked Vieno through countless heats, and despite the struggle of not being able to sate him, he’d always felt deeply connected to him at the same time. But this, this was on a completely different level. He’d never felt like this. Not this intimate, this connected, this sense of being a part of something bigger than the sum of its parts, more beautiful than he could describe.

  “I know what you mean about not being able to find the words,” he said. “Let’s sleep, hmm?”

  They dried each other off, the lingering intimacy between them almost tangible. When they walked back into the bedroom, Lidon was asleep as well, his stern face so much more vulnerable in his sleep. Vieno was sprawled on top of him, passed out, but his face peaceful. The alpha cradled him with a tenderness that made Palani’s heart skip a beat.

  “They’re beautiful,” Enar said with wistfulness.

  “So are you.”

  Enar turned his head, his eyes searching as if to see Palani wasn’t joking. His lips curved faintly. “Not as gorgeous as you. Thank you, Palani. I wouldn’t be here without you.”

  Palani put his finger on Enar’s lips. “No. No thanks. Remember what Lidon said. You belong. We’re together, all of us.”

  They crawled into bed, Palani’s body too tired to do more than find a comfortable position. He held open his arms, and Enar snuggled close, his head on Palani’s shoulder. Palani was asleep as soon as his eyes fell shut.

  He woke up a few hours later, disoriented as to where he was and what had woken him up. Then he felt Vieno crawling into his arms on his other side, and he smiled, deeply content to hold two men in his arms. He kissed Vieno’s head, but the omega had fallen asleep again already. He met Lidon’s eyes over Vieno’s head as the alpha turned onto his side and spooned Vieno from the back. His long arm reached over Vieno, searching until it found a spot on Palani’s stomach. Palani fell asleep again, connected to all his men, happier than he had ever been in his life.


  Vieno woke up in a tangle of arms and legs, naked skin brushing up against him everywhere, the scent of sex still in the air, even though the bed linen smelled fresh. He blinked a few times to clear his head.

  He was back. His heat had passed. He blushed as memories of the last forty-eight hours rushed back to him. Oh god. It had been perfect. Insane, but so wonderfully right. He couldn’t even guess how many times he’d been fucked, how many times he’d been taken, exactly the way he’d wanted to. His throat ached, swollen and raw, he noticed, no doubt from being skull-fucked and… Yeah. No need to rehash the details. They’d thoroughly used him, and it had been pure bliss.

  He lay cuddled up against Palani, with Lidon cradling him from behind. Enar’s head rested on Palani’s other shoulder, looking sexy, even in his sleep. Vieno smiled. They looked exhausted, his men. It had taken three of them to sate him, and he’d fucking worn them out.

  He bit back the giggle that threatened to escape from his lips. It wasn’t funny, he told himself, and yet it so was. Here he was, this itty-bitty omega compared to these big men—well, Lidon and Enar anyway—and he’d plain worn them out all by himself. How about that? He held back another snicker, then disentangled himself from Lidon and Palani, crawling out of bed at the foot end. He’d better make them some food because when they woke up, they’d be ravenous.

  He threw on a pair of shorts and a shirt, not bothering with underwear since his ass felt sensitive after all the… Yeah, not going there again. Barefoot, he walked into the kitchen, where he gulped down two glasses of water first. All right, he’d better get to work. They’d need protein and carbs, so he’d make a nice pasta, and Lidon could grill some of those big ass steaks he loved so much.

  He boiled pasta, meanwhile cutting little tomatoes in half. He’d sprinkle them with olive oil and herbs and grill them in the oven. Combined with the pasta, bacon, some mozzarella, and fresh spinach cut into little strips, it would make for a tasty dish. His thoughts wandered off in every direction as he prepared the food.

  A foursome.

  They were a foursome.

  Enar had been right with his theory about Vieno having mated with Palani. Vieno experienced this deep peace in his whole being now that Palani was close again. He’d suffered without him, and he hadn’t realized why until Enar had pointed it out. And Palani had experienced the same, being just as forlorn without Vieno. They belonged together.

  But Lidon was just as much a part of him, of them. When Lidon’s knot had swollen for the first time, the alpha power of his mate had barreled through him. The alpha mark on his
shoulder had burned for a second or two, affirming the bond they shared.

  Where did that leave Enar? In this reasoning, he constituted the odd man out because Vieno did not experience that same closeness with him as he did with Lidon and Palani. Vieno bit his lip at the realization, guilty for feeling that way. Enar belonged with them. Vieno knew it with every fiber of his being, but why did he not sense the connection with him the way he did with the other two?

  He sighed as he cut bacon into small pieces and put them in a skillet to get crispy. The tomatoes already sat in the oven, so all he needed to do was prepare the rest and wait till his men woke up so they could eat. Hmm, he could fire up the grill already?

  As he walked back inside, he almost ran into Enar, who looked amazingly awake for someone who’d been so out of it mere minutes ago.

  “Hi,” Enar said, shoving his hands into the pockets of his shorts and half avoiding Vieno’s eyes.

  Vieno smiled. He was insecure, this sexy, strong man. Vieno might not have all the answers to how he fit with this man, but this insecurity he could alleviate. He stepped in, offering his mouth to him. Enar’s face lit up with surprise before he leaned in and kissed Vieno gently.

  “Hi to you too,” Vieno said, dropping another quick kiss on the man’s lips. He tasted like more. Vieno’s omega reached out, wanting to connect with Enar, and Vieno gave in. This wasn’t about sex. He’d had enough of that for a while. No, this was about intimacy, about longing to connect with Enar.

  He reached out to pull Enar’s head closer, then latched onto his mouth. Their tongues twirled, dancing around each other, chasing each other until they met, licking and sucking and claiming. Enar’s taste was still the newest to Vieno, and he sighed a little into his mouth as he remembered how good the man could kiss. Where Lidon was aggressive and dominant, and Palani kissed with sweetness, Enar was sensual and could reduce you to a whimpering mess with a kiss.


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