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Irresistible Omegas Volume One

Page 51

by Nora Phoenix

  “I don’t know,” he said, then sighed. “Yeah, I do blame myself.”

  “And you think it was because you asked too much of him in bed,” Palani understood. “That’s why you didn’t do casual sex anymore after him, because you were afraid to make that mistake again.”

  He was so damn perceptive. “That’s why he cheated on me because I pressured him. Don’t you agree?”

  “No, I don’t. People cheat because they get something out of that they don’t get at home. I don’t know what Rodrick was looking for with you, but he wasn’t getting it. Maybe it was because you were slow to marry him, maybe because he wanted you to move to the city…maybe it was because he wanted you to love him and you didn’t.”

  Lidon frowned. “I did love him.”

  “No, you didn’t. You may have thought you did, but you didn’t. Baby, you’re not someone who falls in love easily, and you’re not that easy to love ‘cause even though you’re honorable and kind and sexy as fuck, you’re so damn serious and tough and aloof. It took Vieno to break through your defenses with his sweet and sexy nature. Once you loved him, you opened your heart for me and Enar.”

  The words hit him deep. They were sharp as shards of glass, and yet they healed. How was that even possible?

  “I thought I loved him.”

  “I know you did. You wouldn’t have agreed to marry him if you didn’t. But you can’t tell me you felt the same way for him as you feel about Vieno or Enar.”

  “And you,” Lidon added.

  Palani smiled the sweetest smile. “And me,” he echoed.

  “No,” Lidon agreed. “It’s not the same. How could it be when I’ve never felt like this? So complete and whole, like I’ve found my place in the universe.”

  “Damn, alpha, you say the sweetest things…”

  Palani hugged him, and Lidon buried his nose in Palani’s neck, breathing him in deeply. It felt good holding him, even if his cock still hadn’t calmed down.

  “So, high libido, huh?” Palani said after a while, his breath tickling Lidon’s skin.

  “You have no idea.”

  “You hard?”

  “All the fucking time ever since the alpha claiming.”

  Lidon felt him grin. “Dude, you have three men to take care of you…”


  Palani’s body shook with laughter. “Alpha dude?” he tried.

  Lidon growled in laughter. “I’ll show you who’s the alpha here.”

  It took only a minute or two to get naked, slick himself up, and stretch Palani with rough moves that made the beta moan up a storm. God, he needed to be inside him. It thundered through his veins, this need to take, to possess, to claim. His alpha demanded, and he surrendered, snapping his hips and sliding inside that tight heat in one deep stroke, making Palani clench around his cock. He didn’t wait but slammed in again, then again, his hands holding him in place on his lap. He fucked him deeper than he ever had, but Palani took it, opening wide for him.

  Lidon nuzzled his neck as he surged in again, his balls slapping against Palani’s flesh. God, he loved fucking him like this. It was hard, dirty, and he should feel bad about being selfish about his needs, but he really didn’t, not after how Palani had responded to his confession. He needed this, needed him…and Palani was here for him.

  He held him for a long time after, content to stay inside him and gently thrust while Palani melted against him, fucked into complete submission.


  Enar waited till it was just the four of them. They had retreated into the bedroom, and Enar’s stress abated for a moment when he saw Lidon and Palani share a kiss. They were so much closer since the alpha claiming. It has resulted in an easy intimacy between all four of them that hadn’t been present before.

  He sighed. “We have a challenge,” he said.

  Lidon turned around to face him, still holding Palani, who seemed content to snuggle up to the alpha. “Talk to me. What’s up?”

  “Sven’s heat is coming soon, and Vieno’s heat tomorrow may trigger it sooner with all the pheromones we’ll be throwing off. He’s gonna need an alpha. Who do we ask? God, it feels like I’m pimping out my brother, but he needs one. Not that I want anything to do with it, since they both hate me, but I can’t let it go.”

  Lidon frowned. “Right. Okay, what are the options?” He kissed Palani on his head and sent him to Vieno, who had already crawled into bed.

  “Adar,” Enar said. “Ori. Isam. Bray and most of his men.”

  “Does he have a connection with any of them?” Lidon asked.

  “No, not as far as I can tell, but we’re not exactly close…or even on speaking terms right now.” Enar wasn’t sure what Grayson had told Lars and Sven after the incident in the gym, but Lars was doing his best to avoid Enar, and it worked for him.

  “You freaking out over him and Lars may have something to do with that,” Vieno pointed out helpfully, and Enar shot him a dark look.

  “They’re my brothers. Can you blame me for being shocked?”

  “Adopted brother, in Sven’s case, which makes a big difference, Doc,” Palani said. “That in no way makes it okay what Lars said to you, but you didn’t react with much understanding. They’re not related by blood.”

  Enar gave a dismissive gesture. “Semantics. Point is that they’re family.”

  “We’ll have to agree to disagree on this one, Doc. I know you’re shocked, but it’s not helping. They’re not gonna break up because you said so, especially not after you ignored them for years.”

  “Jeez, rub it in, would ya?” Enar snapped.

  Palani got up from the bed and sauntered over to Enar, all brassy and confident in his tight red boxers. He met him eye to eye, not backing down despite their difference in size. “I understand it hurts, Doc, but pretending it doesn't gets you nowhere. I’ve never lied to you, and I won’t start now.”

  “You don’t get it, okay? It’s easy for you to judge me when you have no idea what it was like with my father…”

  His breath hurt in his lungs, even thinking about it. The constant scowl of condemnation and disappointment on his father’s face. The below-the-belt snide remarks.

  Palani stepped closer and put his hands on Enar’s shoulders. “No, I don’t understand…because you don’t talk about it. But I’m not judging you. I’m not. I wish you would talk to me, to us.”

  He surrendered, stepping in the embrace he knew was there for him. He put his head on Palani’s shoulders, and the beta’s arms hugged him tight. “I know. I can’t…I just can’t.”

  “Okay, Doc. Talk when you’re ready, okay? We’ll be here.”

  He nodded, then pulled him tighter, needing to feel the safety of his arms. Palani held him, and Enar’s stress eased, his heart rate and breathing coming down.

  “One more thing, Doc, and I want you to think about this, okay?”

  Enar hmmed in consent.

  “You’ve asked all of us and the whole pack to treat you like a beta, and I’ve seen everyone try their best. There have been some slipups but not intentional. We all see the difference in you. But, Doc, when you’re with Sven and Lars, you’re acting all alpha again. Maybe the first step is to allow them to see the real you as well.”

  He closed his eyes, forcing himself to stay where he was. It hurt, but Palani was right. “They’re my brothers,” he whispered. “They’re my responsibility.”

  “No, they’re not,” Lidon spoke from the bed, where he’d apparently moved to without Enar noticing.

  Enar let go of Palani a little so he could look at him. The alpha was propped up against the headboard, Vieno between his legs…maybe even on his cock? They did that lately, Vieno and Lidon, needing that connection more than Enar and Palani. Enar would wake up in the middle of the night, and Lidon would be inside Vieno, half-asleep, the two of them in perfect harmony and bliss and rocking slowly. Enar wasn’t even sure if they realized it or if they came. Hell, it didn’t always feel sexual, weird as that might sou

  “What do you mean, they’re not?” he asked Lidon.

  “They’re my responsibility, not yours. And I agree with Palani that I have no issue with their relationship. They’re not blood-related, they’re of age, and it’s consenting. That means Lars has a say in this, aside from Sven himself, and Palani will talk to them about this, as we agreed in the meeting. This is not your problem, Enar. It’s mine.”

  It shouldn’t feel this good to have the weight of the responsibility lifted off him, but it did. He hadn’t realized how stressed he was about it until he let go. “Yes, alpha,” he said, feeling the words resonate deep inside him.

  “Okay,” Palani said. “Does anyone else have a suggestion about who to ask? I’ll let Sven have the final say but any ideas?”

  It was quiet for a bit until Vieno spoke up. “You’re forgetting one alpha.”

  Enar frowned, mentally checking off his list. “Who?” he asked. “I thought I had them all.”

  “Grayson,” Vieno said.

  “Grayson?” Enar let go of Palani. “But he’s…old.”

  Vieno grinned. “Old? Dude, he’s eleven years older than you. That’s not old. That’s mature. Plus, he’s fucking hot.”

  “He is,” Palani confirmed. “God, his voice alone gives me…” He shot a quick look at Enar, whose mouth had dropped open. “Yeah. Anyway. Vieno’s right. And he’s stepped in twice already to set Lars straight, so there’s definitely a connection there.”

  “But he’s way too old for Sven. God, Sven is younger than Lucan! That’s not normal,” Enar protested.

  “You know, for someone who falls outside of what society defines as normal, you sure have an opinion on what falls inside the lines,” Palani said, his eyebrows raised.

  Enar blushed. Dammit, he was right. It was just that…Sven was his brother. Adopted or not, he was a kid, and Grayson was…not.

  “Why did you mention him specifically?” Lidon asked Vieno, curiosity lacing his voice. “Has he mentioned anything?”

  Vieno shook his head. “No. He wouldn’t do that. Not as a guest in this house. But there’s tension there, between him and Lars and Sven. I think the other alphas are too young, too inexperienced. I think those two could use someone more mature. And as Palani said, Grayson has volunteered twice already to correct Lars, so there’s something going on.”

  “Hmm,” Lidon said. “Let's take that into consideration, Palani. Thank you, sweetheart.”

  He kissed Vieno, a quick kiss that developed into a deeper one. Then his strong hands lifted Vieno up. He had been sitting on Lidon’s cock that whole time, Enar realized, and was now settling down on it again, only with his face toward the alpha.

  Enar’s semi grew hard, and Palani chuckled. “You appreciating the view?”

  Enar sighed. “I will never get bored with watching that luscious ass swallow that big alpha cock… Most beautiful sight in the world.”

  Palani reached for his hand, then jerked hard so Enar stumbled against him. “Oh, I dunno, Doc, I’m kinda partial to the sight of my cock disappearing in your ass.”

  Enar laughed, then allowed Palani to kiss him till they ran out of breath. A few minutes later, he had to agree that sight was pretty damn good too. And so was the feeling as Palani ravished his ass until Enar had come twice.

  Vieno had been slightly nervous the whole week, but on the day his heat started a strange peace descended on him. When he woke up, his head was buzzing, the warning that he had a few hours at most before the feverish, frantic haze would overtake him. Despite that buzz, his heart was calm, secure in the knowledge he was safe with his men.

  Safe, wanted, and loved. So very loved.

  He opened his eyes and met Lidon’s brown eyes, which were studying him with such love it made Vieno’s stomach dance.

  “Good morning, sweetheart,” Lidon whispered.

  Vieno smiled. How could he not when this wonderful man loved him? “Hi.”

  He let that smile warm his heart a bit longer before he moved in for a kiss, a sweet, lingering kiss that left him tingling.

  “How are you feeling?” Lidon asked.

  Vieno felt movement behind him, two bodies moving in to surround him. He grinned. “Good. I hope you guys are well rested ‘cause it’s gonna be quite the ride this time.”

  Palani circled his waist from behind, then caressed his flat belly. “Are you excited, baby?” he asked.

  Vieno didn’t need to ask what Palani referred to. They all knew. “I can’t wait,” he answered honestly.

  Despite the discomfort pregnancy would bring and the risks it would entail, he wanted nothing more than to carry Lidon’s son. Because it would be a son, an alpha heir. He couldn’t explain how he knew, but he did with a quiet certainty that left no room for doubt.

  “If we wanna make sure it’s Lidon’s, should Enar and I not be here for the first twenty-four hours, maybe?” Palani asked. “I know betas can’t father a child with omegas now, but they used to, and we’ve seen so many things change because of the gene that maybe we shouldn’t take the risk?”

  Vieno sat up against the headboard, his brows furrowed. It made sense, Palani’s concern and proposal, and yet. The idea of not being with all his men during his heat was disconcerting, to say the least, if not downright alarming. He needed all of them, not just Lidon. But Palani did raise a valid point. How could he be sure it would be Lidon who impregnated him and not Enar?

  Lidon raised himself up, his face showing his thinking frown, as Vieno called it. “I hadn’t thought of that,” he said slowly.

  “What, you thought that your alpha sperm would be automatically dominant compared to mine or Palani’s?” Enar joked.

  Palani grinned. “He’s gonna alpha compel his sperm.”

  At first Vieno wanted to laugh or maybe stick his tongue out, but then the deep truth behind that statement hit him. Enar was right. If Lidon was the alpha of the pack—and after everything that had happened, Vieno had not even a sliver of doubt that he was—he would come first, even in this. Nature would make sure Lidon would father his child, his heir, before it would allow Enar or maybe even Palani to sire offspring with Vieno.

  Vieno looked at Lidon, who met his eyes, his mouth pulling up in a soft smile. “He’s right, isn’t he?” Lidon said softly.

  Vieno nodded. “Yeah. My body won’t accept anyone else right now but you. Nature will take care of itself.”

  “You’re gonna trust in something as intangible as that?” Enar asked.

  Vieno turned his head. “Yes. They didn’t have our level of medical care a hundred years ago, did they? And yet alpha heirs were produced first consistently, even in poly relationships. Don’t you remember all of Grayson’s stories? They couldn’t manipulate it, and neither should we. Nature will find a way. It always has.”

  Lidon kissed the top of his head, then pulled Vieno onto his lap. “I agree. And if by chance it will by Enar’s child or by some miracle Palani’s, then that’s what nature intended. The child will be just as loved. It will always be ours, with four dads, not just Vieno and whoever donated sperm.”

  Lidon held out a hand to Enar and Vieno to Palani, and both scrambled over so they sat on the bed together, legs entwined, touching each other everywhere.

  Enar’s hand found Vieno’s belly. “You’re gonna be so beautiful,” he said, the awe ringing clear in his voice. “Your belly all swollen and round…”

  “We’ll take such good care of you,” Palani promised. “Everything you need.”

  Vieno smiled. “I’m gonna hold you to that when I want pickles at three in the morning,” he teased, knowing how much Palani hated pickles.

  Palani shivered, then looked sideways at Enar. “If you want pickles, you’ll get them. I may have to bribe Enar with a blow job to bring them to you, but I promise you’ll get them.”

  Enar shot him a big grin. “I have a feeling Vieno is not gonna be the only one whose needs will be taken care of. Now that I know how to extort you for blow jobs…”

  The good-natured teasing warmed Vieno’s heart. “I love you guys so much,” he said with a happy sigh.

  The “I love you too” statements echoed through the room.

  “We have one more thing to do,” Enar said.

  “Yes, a hearty breakfast,” Lidon said, and Vieno smiled. The alpha never had enough to eat lately, it seemed. He craved protein especially, finishing off big plates of eggs, fish, steaks, or whatever meat Vieno prepared for him.

  “That too, but we need to let an alpha smell Vieno. Not Grayson, since he’s been around him a lot and may be somewhat used to his smell by now. One of Bray’s men would be best, I think. We need to make sure his alluring smell isn’t detectable before his heat starts.”

  Lidon nodded. “Good point.” He looked at Palani.

  “I’ll ask Bray to send someone,” Palani said in answer to the unspoken question.

  Vieno marveled again at how automatic the communication between Lidon and Palani was. The decision to make Palani his beta had surprised some people, but a few weeks in, no one had expressed any doubt it had been the right one. Palani could read Lidon’s mind, it seemed, anticipating his needs and always ready with the answers Lidon sought.

  Ten minutes later, Vieno was in the kitchen, preparing hearty omelets when Palani walked in with Adar. Lidon and Enar got up to flank Vieno, a gesture that helped calm his nerves.

  Adar nodded toward Lidon, bowing his head in a manner that had become custom as a greeting to Lidon. “Alpha, do I have your permission to smell your omega?”

  Lidon nodded. “Yes, please. Thank you.”

  Adar’s kind eyes sought Vieno’s, and he released his breath. It would be okay. Nothing would happen to him with his mates right here with him. Adar stepped close and took a deep sniff, then another one.

  He stepped back and turned toward Lidon. “I can detect all your scents on him, and I can smell he’s about to start his heat. It has the usual effect on me of making me horny, but other than that, there’s nothing extraordinary. He smells like a claimed omega.”


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