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This Piece of Our Being-Tampa Suns Hockey (Clearing the Ice #3)

Page 4

by Robyn M Ryan

  “Of course,” Caryn replied with a smile, and then sat on one of the leather chairs. She declined the offer of a drink or a snack and then pulled the bound proposal from her bag. She quickly summarized her company’s accomplishments and their desire to diversify and serve other non-sports-related companies.

  “Tired of dealing with the inflated egos of overpaid athletes?” Wesley interrupted, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

  “No, not at all. We’re now expanding to serve the various teams’ front offices through seminars emphasizing social media best practices.” Caryn handed the proposal to him. “This is what we hope to offer McRainey. We’ve researched your social media presence, recognizing that the company has an international reach. We believe we can help educate your marketing/PR departments and either make suggestions to improve existing social media programs, or in some cases, assist in launching new initiatives.” Caryn paused a moment as Wesley flipped through the proposal. She began to highlight key points in the document, but Wesley waved his hand to stop her.

  “I’ve a good idea of the scope of your services. Whether your success in the sports industry can translate to a worldwide business consulting corporation is not clear.” A smile crossed his face. “Are you prepared to present a proposed timeline for rolling out these seminars and conduct a sample seminar for members of our marketing team tomorrow?”

  Caryn hoped she hid her surprise. “Yes, of course. It would be our pleasure.”

  Wesley reached for the phone on the table beside him and asked Delia to schedule the meeting for the following day. He looked toward Caryn. “Do you mind if she calls you later with the time? Are there any conflicts for your schedule tomorrow?”

  “No, actually my partner is arriving today. Tomorrow will be fine, at your convenience.”

  Wesley stood and held his hand out to help Caryn stand. “Do you have time for a quick cup of coffee? Starbucks right next door.”

  Caryn hesitated. His high-voltage smile and the way he looked at her suggested this was an invitation to something other than business.

  “I’d enjoy learning why you chose the professional sports arena to launch this company. I’m sure you’ve dealt with quite a few, shall we say, public gaffes by some of those jocks.” His smile morphed into a smirk.

  “Not at all,” she said quietly. “I need to take a rain check on the Starbucks invitation. I’m heading to the airport from here.” She looked at her watch. “With luck and no traffic, I won’t leave my business partner waiting by the curb.”


  Lauren arrived with her usual flurry of activity and high-level energy. “Caryn, I can’t believe you actually live here! This house is just beautiful…I’ve never seen anything like this. I am so in love with Tampa!”

  “Maybe you’ll consider moving here?” Caryn hugged her friend.

  “Twist my arm. I assume there are smaller apartments or condos here?”

  Caryn nodded. “Compared to your place in Vancouver, you’ll like the prices. But, it’s a bit more than St. Louis. Come on, let’s sit by the pool and relax.”

  “When did you have time to cook?” Lauren asked as she reached for a chocolate chip cookie.

  “Your favorite, right? The least I can do for my incredible partner.” Caryn smiled as she motioned Lauren toward a chaise lounge.

  “But, doesn’t chocolate make you nauseous?” Lauren smiled as she bit into the cookie.

  “Only if I taste it.” Caryn swept her hand across the platter. “All yours.”

  After a while, their conversation turned toward the upcoming meetings, and Caryn recapped her appointment with Jim Wesley that morning.

  Lauren held her palm up for a high five. “Congrats! That’s quite a coup, Caryn.”

  “I hate it’s so sudden. I don’t feel like we have time to prepare. I just got the call before you arrived. Can we have a seminar and roll-out schedule prepared by ten o’clock tomorrow?”

  “Of course we can,” Lauren scoffed. “We’ve got everything prepared and under control. Just need to tailor the language to McRainey.”

  Caryn picked up a folder and held it out to her friend. “Here’s a first draft. I worked from what you created and just tweaked sports-related terms to corporate-speak.”

  Lauren scoffed as she took the folder. “You never create a first draft. I don’t even need to look at this.”

  “You’d better. My brain’s rather scattered these days.”

  “A certain tall, dark, and definitely hot hunk of a man distracting you?

  Caryn shrugged, even as her pulse quickened at the thought of Andrew as she’d seen him in Toronto. “Somewhat. When I was with him in Toronto, I really started to believe we could work through everything…”

  “And now?” Lauren prompted.

  “Where do we even start? How do we undo the damage? How can I believe he’s sincere or even capable of putting our marriage first? And then there’s the whole situation with Kristen…how do we get beyond that?”

  “Maybe start by talking, taking it slowly.”

  Caryn nodded. “But not too slowly,” she said with a slight smile, placing her hand over her abdomen.

  “Just because Andrew learns about the baby doesn’t give him a free pass home. Let him convince you he’s sincere. That’s your call, Caryn.”

  Caryn met Lauren’s eyes as she replied. “The easy thing to do is just take Andrew at his word and trust him. Just put this whole nightmare behind us.” She shook her head. “But, I’m not sure I can.”

  Lauren glanced at Caryn as Jim Wesley carefully read each page of their deliverables timeline. He stopped from time-to-time to ask questions, but otherwise his face remained neutral.

  “That’s an aggressive time frame. Do you anticipate any problems keeping to this schedule?” He locked eyes with Caryn.

  “We wouldn’t put it in writing if we weren’t confident we’d meet the deadlines. Of course, the availability of staff in the branches could cause rescheduling issues.”

  Wesley nodded, then turned to Lauren. “Are you prepared to present the preliminary seminar now?”

  Lauren didn’t flinch or hesitate. “Of course. Do you have a projector we can use?”

  Wesley nodded. “I have the group assembled in our large meeting area. We can get started whenever you are ready.”

  “Just give us a few minutes to divide the sections between us,” Caryn spoke up. She hated the thought of making a presentation before a large group, but Lauren’s calm and relaxed demeanor would help. If she didn’t have to rush out because of this morning sickness right in the middle of her sections.

  “Caryn, why don’t you let me go solo on this?” How does Lauren read my mind? “That okay with you, Jim?” Lauren smiled at the client.

  “Perfect. I’ve already seen Caryn’s presentation skills. I look forward to seeing yours.” He stood and nodded toward the door. “Ready?”

  Caryn hung back as they started down the hallway. “Are you sure, Lauren?”

  “Of course.” Lauren dropped her voice to a whisper. “Maybe he’ll actually look at me now.”

  Caryn felt her cheeks flush even as she shook her head. “You are nuts, you know.”

  “And you love me for it.”

  Caryn helped Lauren set up her laptop and connect it to the projector. Lauren glanced at the sea of eyes trained toward the viewing screen.

  “Can you hear me okay?” she asked the group. “How about in the back?”

  “I can hear you,” one person answered while the others nodded.

  “Great. If at any time you can’t hear me, I’ll use the mic. But most people think I’m loud enough as it is.” She turned to Caryn and spoke softly. “Please sit back there and make sure I’m loud and clear. Stand by the wall if I’m not.”

  “Gotcha. You’ll do great, as always.”

  Jim Wesley nodded toward a seat beside him as Caryn walked to the back of the room. “I’ll introduce Lauren and the reason for this seminar. Be right back

  Caryn took a deep breath. Nervous...even though I’m not the one on the stage. She so wanted Lauren to demonstrate what a superstar she is. How can Lauren act so relaxed? Caryn knew she’d be a mess upon the stage. The idea of Lauren moving to Tampa flashed through her mind. She wondered about that possibility as Wesley introduced Lauren. But, if Lauren were hoping she and Dave could get together, she shouldn’t count on her leaving St. Louis.

  She glanced at Wesley as he slid into the seat beside her. “Your partner looks quite comfortable in front of the group.”

  “She’s a pro.” Caryn felt Wesley’s eyes linger on her while she focused her attention on Lauren. In less than five minutes, Lauren captured the interest of everyone in the room. Her delivery was spot on, humorous, and insightful. The slides depicting horrendous examples of poor social media decisions were a perfect lead-in to the presentation.

  Wesley leaned toward Caryn, his shoulder pressing against hers. “Free for dinner tonight?”

  Caryn frowned as she concentrated on Lauren’s delivery. “We have plans tonight. Thank you for the invitation, though.”

  “Well, perhaps another time,” Wesley persisted. “I’d like to get to know the person behind the business.”

  “It’s a partnership. I’m sure Lauren would enjoy that.” Caryn shifted in her seat so his shoulder no longer pressed against her. This presentation cannot end too soon—although Lauren’s captivated the audience.

  Wesley leaned toward her again. “I meant invite you to dinner.”

  Caryn met his eyes. “I’d have to check my husband’s schedule. Your wife would be there also?”

  Wesley held up his hand. “Divorced.”

  Caryn nodded and turned away without responding. When Lauren completed her presentation, she excused herself and walked toward the front of the room. She stood to the side as Lauren found herself surrounded by people asking questions. Good for her! She’s such a natural… and the audience loves her.

  “I think it’s safe to say your presentation was well-received. Excellent preparation.” Jim Wesley materialized at her side again.

  “That’s all Lauren. I’m sure she’d appreciate hearing that from you.” Caryn didn’t look at Wesley. “I’m not sure if she has dinner plans, if you want to discuss it further. Excuse me a moment, Jim. I’ll help Lauren get our materials together.”

  Caryn caught Lauren’s eyes and gave her a “thumbs up” only she could see. While Lauren wrapped up the questions from those employees remaining, Caryn packed the laptop and slipped the presentation folder into the lightweight briefcase. She stopped for a deep, calming breath, and then greeted Lauren with a warm smile.

  “You knocked it right out of the park! Congratulations, partner.”

  “See, you do speak baseball…you really think I did okay?” Lauren asked softly.

  “You did better than okay. You’re a natural. Look at all the people who waited to talk to you after your presentation.” Caryn lowered her voice. “Jim Wesley said something about dinner. I said I had plans but wasn’t sure what if you did. If you want to go for it, here’s a chance. By the way, he’s divorced.”

  Lauren glanced at Wesley, who was speaking with an associate as he waited for them several yards away. “Nah, I’m not the one he wants to take to dinner. Besides, I’d rather enjoy time with you and take a swim in your pool.”


  Over a light lunch poolside, Lauren outlined her ideas and strategies for each meeting scheduled the following week on the West Coast. She frowned when Caryn returned from her third rush to the bathroom in less than ninety minutes. She shook her head. “Caryn, you still look green. Why don’t you lie down for a while?”

  Caryn opened her mouth to protest, but Lauren shook her head. “No negotiations on this. I’m just fine out here—might take a nap myself. In fact, I think you should stay here in Tampa and let me handle the trip out west.”

  “Lauren.” Caryn locked eyes with her friend. “I’m pregnant, not sick. I’m fine.”

  “Why put yourself through two cross-country flights? I know how much you enjoy flying. You’ll spend most of the time in one of those nasty airplane bathrooms.”

  Caryn shook her head, but Lauren held up her hand. “You don’t think I can handle this on my own?”

  “No, of course not, Lauren. You have done all the work for too long. It’s time I do my share.”

  “By puking your way across the country? Bailing in the middle of meetings? Is that what you call doing your share?” Lauren reached to hug her friend. “I love you, Caryn, but I can tell you’re stressed and battling horrible ‘morning’ sickness—in your case, we’ll call it ‘all-day’ sickness. Take this week to relax. Keep up with the social media accounts if you must, and I can Skype you into the meetings if you want. I know I can close these deals.”

  “I have complete faith in you, Lauren. You know that.” Caryn blinked back tears as she gazed toward the pool. “Let me think about it. It just doesn’t feel fair to you.”

  “First class airfare and accommodations? Shopping on Rodeo Drive. Please keep mistreating me.” Lauren squeezed Caryn’s hand. “You know I’m right. The last thing you need is to take this trip.”

  Caryn was quiet as she mulled Lauren’s suggestion. She hadn’t carried her share of the workload since she’d begged Lauren to work with her, back when Drew was in the hospital. Could she bail on this trip and send Lauren with no back up?

  “Umm, earth to Caryn. Why are you frowning?”

  “You already handle too much.”

  “Don’t you understand you’ve had extenuating circumstances?” Lauren asked softly. “I haven’t been here for you…I hate being so far away. It’s really hard to give someone a hug over the phone.”

  Caryn closed her eyes tightly, determined not to get all emotional. “You’re the best friend anyone could have, Lauren. I mean that with all my heart.”

  “Then, let me take care of this trip. There will be others, I promise you. Vancouver, San Francisco, Dallas, maybe even London…Please, Caryn, trust me. I can do this.”

  “Oh, I do trust you, absolutely—you know that. I’m not pulling my share.” Caryn looked at her friend directly. “I’ll agree, but only on one condition—you accept a full partnership.”

  “No! Maybe twenty-five percent, but nothing more.”

  “Forty percent. I insist.” Caryn said.

  “Thirty, and not a bit more until I have some funds to invest in the company. Deal?”

  “Forty,” Caryn repeated firmly. “No investment necessary. You’re our rainmaker, you know.”

  “My new title? I like it.” Lauren laughed as Caryn hugged her. “So…I’m prepped for the West Coast. Go take a nap.”

  Kelly invited Terri, Caryn and Lauren for an informal light dinner, since John, Steve, and Cliff Camden decided to get in a late afternoon skate.

  “I think John and Steve have him worried about training camp,” Kelly said as they sat around a table in her dining area.

  “Should he be?” Caryn asked.

  “Steve is very positive on his offensive skills. Also likes that he doesn’t mind playing a little defense,” Terri said. “Though Cam does have a very high opinion of himself.”

  “Hell Week should put an end to that,” Caryn predicted.

  “John said there are a few other new ‘kids,’ as he calls them, invited to camp.” Kelly nodded toward the food. “Help yourselves, please. I can guarantee the guys won’t want salad when they get back.”

  “Where do the new players stay?” Lauren asked.

  “The team puts them up in a hotel before training camp, but John invited Cliff to stay in our guest apartment until after training camp. He and Steve have shown him several neighborhoods if he makes the team.”

  “That’s really generous,” Caryn said.

  “He can leave a lot of his things here while he’s at camp. We have the room, so it’s not a big deal.” Kelly shrugged as she set pitchers of ice tea and lemonade on the
table. “Now, fill us in on what’s going on with your business?”

  They were enjoying a light dessert poolside when the men returned from the skate. Kelly walked to greet John. “Hard workout?” She rose on her toes to kiss him. “Hungry?”

  “Nah, we stopped on the way back.” John looked at the men. “Maybe just a beer. Guys?” When they nodded, he said, “I’ll get them. Kelly, why don’t you introduce everyone?”

  Caryn watched as Lauren tried not to be obvious as she checked out Cliff. She could imagine the thoughts running through her friend’s mind as she struck up a conversation. Lauren never changes. She’s already flirting. Terri caught her eyes and winked as she tipped her beer bottle slightly toward Caryn.

  Caryn didn’t know how long Lauren planned to sit by the pool chatting with Cliff, but she excused herself at nine. Lauren’s energy left her exhausted. But after she changed for bed, and Andrew sent a text asking if they could talk, she stacked pillows behind her before pressing his name on her iPhone.

  “Hoping you’d FaceTime,” Andrew said.

  “I’m not exactly presentable. It’s been a long day.” She briefly described the meeting with McRainey and their preparation for the West Coast presentations. “I just came home from Kelly’s. We had a wonderful dinner poolside. Just the girls since the guys were skating…Oh, remember the new player I met at the airport?”

  “Camden?” She heard his quiet chuckle. “Does Kelly know John invited the kid to stay with them?”

  “She mentioned it. In fact, I left Lauren chatting with him over at the Peterson's.”

  She heard his quiet laugh. “Lauren? Why am I not surprised? She does know how young he is?”

  “Yep. Doesn’t faze her at all. You know Lauren… well, not her dating habits since you imposed a ‘No Need to Know’ edict when she dated Dave. I guess that’s still in effect?”


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