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Awakening Page 16

by Evelyn Montgomery

  “Curious choice of name,” I hear the doctor say. “What does it mean?”

  I look at her and smile. “Resurrection. Rebirth.”

  The doctor smiles and looks at where Justin stands, towering over the life we just brought into this world and making sure nothing will ever harm her. “It’s perfect,” I hear her say and I smile to myself as I soak it all in. Awaken to our new life and a salvation neither one of us ever expected.

  “It sure is,” I whisper as I watch the nurse pick up my daughter and place her in Justin’s arms.


  6 months later

  The sound of pure peace fills the room as I rock back and forth in darkness and hold Ana close to my chest. I can feel the steady rhythm of her heartbeat and smile as her soft baby snore fills the room. We’ve been sitting like this for over an hour now, me and my daughter, and I just can’t bring myself to lay her down. Not yet.

  I kiss the top of her head and breath in the smell of new life. The way all babies always smell. Perfect. Blameless. A gift and promise that there are some things in life that are pure even when everything else in the world tries to tell you different.

  “You know, she’ll sleep better in her crib and so will you if you let her,” my wife’s voice quietly calls to me from the doorway and I look up, smiling as I meet her beautiful eyes. The ones that stole my breath away the first time I looked into them almost two years ago now and I know always will.

  “I just need to hold her, a little while longer,” I whisper back as she makes her way further into the room and I bring my sleeping daughter in closer and rest my lips against her strawberry blonde hair. “She is perfect, isn’t she?” I ask, looking up once Rose has reached my side.

  “She is.” Her hand reaches out and gently runs down the side of Ana’s cheek and I realize life couldn’t get any sweeter if I tried to force it.

  Standing up, I walk the few steps needed to set her down and once I do, I make sure the blanket she was in is swaddled around her good and tight. “I never knew life could be this beautiful,” I whisper, as I stand back and release the worry inside. The burden I carried all these years wondering if I was worthy to feel as happy as I have finally allowed myself to over the past couple years.

  They say 90% of all SIDS death happen before 6 months, at least that is what science and the doctors tell me. I won’t say it’s taken every concern away since she’s been born, and even now jumping the hurdle we have half a year later. But it’s helped. And even more, the woman at my side, the one who is my partner, my better half, she’s helped me more than she’ll ever know and I’ll fight the rest of my life giving back to her what she’s given to me. Light. Truth. And every damn reason I will ever need in life to fight.

  Turning, we both make our way out of the nursery and walk quietly down the hall. Liam and Oliva are asleep and one thing that has been on my mind all damn day is just how much I want to show my wife my appreciation for everything we have. Everything she has given me. And all we thankfully have to look forward to in life together.

  My hands grab out to her hips as we make our way into the master bedroom. The smallest hint of light from the setting sun shadows the room as I inch the door closed behind us.

  No distractions. No reasons for interference.

  Right now it is just her, and me, a luxury that doesn’t come often in a house with three small children.

  She rolls her shoulders as we make our way into the room. “You tired, Sunshine?” I whisper, as I move her strap to her nightgown off her shoulder and gently press my lips against her skin.

  Her small hum of arousal mixes with her answer as my desire grows and I grab her around the waist and pull her back towards my hardening length. She moans as she feels the thickness between us and all it does is make myself grow harder. Walking with her in my arms towards the bed, my hands peel the nightgown off her shoulders until it pools around her hips and my hands quickly reach up to heaven and mold her ample breasts in my palms.

  She spins around out of my embrace and quickly begins to rid me of any barriers between us. Just as eager as I am to enjoy this small amount of alone time we suddenly find ourselves in together. Capturing her lips with my own, I allow myself the pleasure of savoring every caress of her tongue as I kiss her in a haze of lust, wanting only one thing, to take my time and enjoy this moment between us to its fullest.

  “I’ve missed this,” she whispers against my lips, as her hands find my hard length and she strokes it in her palm. My head falls back and breaks our connection as her strong grasp pulls me, pushes me, makes me strain towards her and need only what she can give me.

  Heaven. Our own heaven right here on earth.

  Lifting her in my arms, her hands break free from my waist and wrap around my neck. Taking a few steps towards the middle of the room, I lay her on the bed and back away, staring down at the best fucking thing to ever happen to me in life.

  “What is it?” She questions playfully, as she shimmies out of her nightgown and I am met with a view of the most beautiful offering I’ve ever had the pleasure of owning. Enjoying. Claiming for the rest of my damn life.

  “How’d I get so lucky,” I whisper, as my head lowers and my lips hover above her own.

  “One day, I looked up and you were there,” she whispers back, and I smile. I will always be there. Always be drawn to her, just like the way I was the first day we met.

  She smiles against my kiss and before she can say another word, I give into the urge to push deep inside her and capture her scream as my world turns black and all I can see, all I can feel is her light. Her beauty. Our truth, that no matter what life threw at us we were lucky enough to find each other in the darkness and be granted the gift of love, of a damn resurrection, awakening, salvation, and I’ll forever be thankful to God for that.

  Her kiss deepens and I match it, greedy, hungry. My lips bruising hers as I push in and out of her sex. Her legs wrap around me and force me deeper inside her. I feel myself quickly become too drunk with the desire to claim her to hold out much longer. But hell, we are just getting started and the night is fucking young. I’ll love her as many times as her body and mine will allow tonight, and even more, if she’ll let me. Grabbing her hands, I hold them above her head as I pull back and stare in her eyes.

  My light. My world. My fucking everything.

  My sunshine.

  And I realize life really is a gift, to enjoy with the ones you love as long as you push through the darkness and realize you always had the power to find happiness. You just have to believe it for yourself.

  “Never stop,” I hear her whisper, as my thrusts increase, both our breathing quickens and I know we are both chasing towards forever. A future we will spend the rest of our lives enjoying together.

  “I never could,” I growl. “I love you, Rose. Always have. Always will. Forever.”




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