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War of the Realms Box Set

Page 28

by Sarah J. Stone

  “A cottage?” she said, looking up at him with surprise. “But we cannot live in a cabin until we are married.”

  “I have struck a deal with King Osharus,” Pike whispered. “I will fight for him, and in return, he will make me human.”

  “What?” Shayla gasped. “You cannot fight in this war! What if I lose you?”

  “And if I do not, you will lose me to my father’s will,” Pike stated gruffly, unhappy with her reaction.

  “I did not mean to sound miserable,” Shayla said, leaning down toward Pike. “I just hate that this has to be so hard on you. When does all of this happen?”

  “Soon,” Pike responded, looking up at the sky to tell the time. “The King should be sending for me any day.”

  “You will alert me?” Shayla asked, realizing their meeting was short and Pike needed to get back to the castle.

  “Of course, my love. I will send word when I can get away again,” Pike responded, kissing Shayla quickly and beginning to swim out from the rock. “I love you.”

  “I love you,” Shayla shouted as he dove under the water.

  Pike swam quickly through the waters, not wanting his father to notice he had slipped away. However, before he could reach the gates, a guard stopped him and motioned for him to follow to an empty area of the square. Pike nodded and swam slowly, looking around for prying eyes.

  “The King waits for you on the east side of the pier,” the guard whispered.

  Pike nodded and shook his hand before swimming off toward the docks. Excitement ran through his stomach, and he thought about Shayla’s face as he walked toward her in his new human body. Pike swam toward the surface and looked around for Osharus. He spotted the King sitting on the edge of a floating dock, running his hands through the warm waves splashing ashore. Osharus looked up as Pike approached and smiled kindly.

  “Your Grace,” Pike said, bowing his head, “I came as soon as I was given the word.”

  “No worry, young Pike, I was enjoying the quiet time,” the King replied. “The time is drawing near. I need you to lead the army side by side with my current Commander.”

  “I am ready, Your Grace,” Pike said, taking in a deep breath.

  “Not here,” the King stated. “I shall meet you on the north shores first thing in the morning, just as the sun peaks over the horizon. It’s probably best you don’t tell your father. I will handle his wrath when he realizes.”

  “Yes, Your Grace,” Pike said, lowering his head once again.

  “Shall I call on this young Shayla and arrange a wedding, then?” the King asked with his eyebrows raised.

  “Your Grace, I would be in your debt,” Pike stated, surprised at the King’s willingness.

  “So, it shall be,” the King declared joyously. “A new place in our kingdom, and a new life with your beautiful bride. See you at dawn.”

  Pike waited as the King left the dock and climbed back up toward the castle before allowing a smile to crawl across his face. He turned and dove into the dark, cold sea, swimming as fast as he could toward the castle. The only place he wanted to be at that moment was the comfort of his chambers before leaving the undersea world forever. He sped through the gates and into the castle, down the hall, and straight to his room where he could be excited in peace.

  Back on land, as the King climbed the stairs to the castle walls, the smell of salt stung his nose. Though he had lived on water’s edge his entire life, the salty sea air was something he never quite got used to. Inside his chambers, he kept flowers, lavender oils, and candles in order to push the smell of the ocean from his room. Stained glass had been installed on his windows to keep the air from intruding.

  Thunder crashed in the distance, and the King paused to watch bolts of lightning shoot across the sky. The gods were angry about something, and the King knew it was only time until those storms hit the shores. Osiris, having Malaya and her army of the dead back in his grasp would surely have a renewed sense of authority and would be making plans to move out as soon as possible. King Ebin still had one merman out, having missed the rendezvous point last night. They were still sure in the idea that he had found out other information and was making his way back.

  Osharus entered the castle grounds and made his way across the artificial gardens they had magically created inside the walls. He glanced over and noticed his daughter sitting on a small bench, looking up at the sky. He was tempted to sit and talk with her, but before he could turn, her Hand was walking quickly across the grounds to retrieve her. There was still much work to do for the solstice celebration, and it was only a couple of days away. However, the King couldn’t help but notice that Aralea seemed distracted and more tired than usual. He shrugged his shoulders at the thought, realizing they all were more tired than usual with the current state of the east realms and the threat sitting at the other port.

  The rest of the day, the castle was bustling with people attempting to prepare for the party. On top of all of it, the King had ordered the servants to prepare for a small ceremony within the chapel of the gods for Pike and his bride. He had sent for the young lady, but no word of her return had been brought to him. As the day turned to night, the King, the Princess, and the Prince retired early, knowing the next day would be busy.

  Pike laid awake all night, too excited for what the dawn would bring. He laid awake in his chambers until about an hour before it was time to meet with the King. Slowly, he swam from the castle, looking back only momentarily at the place he grew up, knowing he would never again swim the halls of the magnificent castle. He rounded the empty town and swam into the inlet where he would be meeting the King instead of Shayla that morning. Surprisingly, the King was already perched atop the large rock island, and he stood as Pike swam forward.

  “Good morning,” the King yawned.

  “Morning, Your Grace,” Pike bowed.

  “I have been informed that Shayla is comfortably resting in her chambers at the castle,” the King stated. “And now, let’s get this over with.”

  Pike nodded at a servant who walked forward and set a pile of clothes upon the rock. He moved to the edge and pulled himself up, his fishtail flapping against the surface of the water. The King closed his eyes and held his staff firmly in his hand as blue light billowed from the glowing stone at the top. The light moved like smoke, surrounding Pike’s tail and moving up across his body. He could feel a cold, tingling sensation as the magic worked through him. He closed his eyes tightly as he began to feel pressure in his tail, unsure of what to expect. Moments later, he opened his eyes, and as the light faded away, he stared down at his new set of muscular legs.

  The King chuckled as Pike moved his feet around curiously before pulling himself up to a standing position. The servants hurried around him, helping him into his clothes so as to not be standing in the buff on the rock for too long. He had never felt pants around his waist before. His mother and father went on land every year for Autumn Solstice, but Pike always stayed behind, minding the castle. This year, however, he would be greeting his parents with his new wife on his arm.

  King Osharus patted Pike on the back and led him to the shore where horses awaited. The men rode back to the castle and climbed the large staircase into the gardens. Osharus turned to Pike and smiled.

  “I leave you here for now,” the King stated. “We will meet after the solstice. Tonight, you marry your bride.”

  The two men turned toward the magical blossoming flowers where Shayla stood, her hair tamed and in ringlets, and her fresh royal gown blowing around her. She looked like a Princess, and Pike bowed quickly before running off toward her. Osharus excused himself, smiling as he walked back into the castle.

  “You look so…human,” Shayla said, laughing as Pike took her by the hands. “My father is more than excited about our marriage.”

  “I didn’t sleep a wink last night,” Pike said as he drew Shayla in close. “I hope you don’t mind, but as Co-Commander of the Cascading Army, you will have to stay in the castle. We
will get our dream cottage when the war is over.”

  “I don’t care where we live as long as we are together,” Shayla cooed, leaning in for a kiss but stopping at the sound of someone clearing their throat.

  “I apologize, but it is time to begin your wedding rituals,” Aralea whispered, beaming. She loved weddings and was all too happy to give the solstice celebrations a break for a night to join these two in marriage.

  “Your Grace,” Shayla stated, bowing with blushed cheek, “we did not see you there.”

  “Because you are in love,” Aralea laughed.

  “I will see you in just a few hours,” Shayla said, turning to Pike.

  “And I will make you my wife,” he replied proudly.

  Pike watched the two girls walk off toward the castle before turning his attention to the servants waiting for him. He walked off toward the chapel, knowing there were several rituals he needed to perform before he, too, had to begin dressing for the night’s ceremony. He followed the servants through the high-ceilinged hallways, pausing for a moment in front of a mirror to look at his new form. He was tall and muscular, bigger than he imagined himself to be as a human. His hair was pulled tightly back at the nape of his neck, and his eyes had changed from green to blue. He no longer looked like a young merman, but instead, he had the stature of a royal guard.

  Pike followed the servants into the chapel and gawked at the giant statue of the burning crown at the head of the church. Giant torches were lit and lined the side of the room, casting shadows throughout. The breeze from the open door blew the fire wildly, and Pike was mesmerized by how different life was above the ocean floor. Slowly, Pike moved through the various human rituals from prayer to cleansing. The entire process took several hours, and Pike was relieved when he was called to lunch, his stomach growling under his silken shirt. The King would not be joining him for lunch, so he took his food in his new chambers. As the doors closed, Pike stood and walked around the room, inspecting the curious items in his chambers. He plopped down on the large bed and sunk in, pulling his arms behind his head and smiling.

  Just as he sat up, there was a knock on the door. He opened the door quickly to find a man holding a fresh pair of pants and dress shirt with a jacket. The jacket was adorned with the ribbons of a Commander, and he smiled with pride as he took the clothes from the servant. He knew he would be left alone until dusk when it would be time to join his bride in the chapel, so he called for a bath and relaxed for the day. The feel of the water in the tub was strange on his new skin. He no longer needed to feel the warm water against his face and ended his bath as quickly as possible. Once done, he collapsed with exhaustion into the blankets and pillows strewn across his bed.

  By the time he woke, the sky was different shades of orange, and he knew it was time to get dressed. His pants, blouse, and jacket fit perfectly, and he stared at himself triumphantly in the mirror. After a few minutes of making different poses in the mirror, he realized he was still barefoot. He looked down at the long stockings and tall boots and scrunched his nose at the thought of the restriction. However, he knew walking into his wedding without shoes was probably not the best idea, so he sat down in the chair and awkwardly stuffed his feet into the boots. When he was done, he triumphantly stood, posing in the mirror.

  A loud knock echoed through his room, and nerves shot through his stomach; it was time. He opened the door, and the small servant girl smiled at him as he pulled the door closed behind him. Slowly they walked toward the chapel, the smell of the wedding feast wafting through the castle. He entered in through the back of the holy house and walked around the pulpit, standing next to the woman of faith. She nodded at him gently, and he smiled in return. The King was already sitting in the front pew next to his daughter, Princess Aralea, and her husband, Prince Georges. There were several other people in the seats behind them, but Pike didn’t recognize anyone else.

  The sound of chimes rang through the high ceiling room, and the large, wooden doors at the other end began to open. Pike stood nervously as Shayla appeared, her long dress billowing from her waist to the floor and trailing far behind her. The veil covering her face was just see-through enough for her bright smile to appear as her eyes rested on her groom at the front. She grasped tightly to her father as she walked up the stone walkway, not used to such fancy heeled shoes. Pike beamed ear to ear as the love of his life made her way to his arms. He nodded at Shayla’s father as he handed Pike his daughter’s hand and turned to sit next to the King. The two young lovers turned to the Faith, grasping hands.

  “I tried not to upstage the bride, but I think I pull off this human thing pretty well,” Pike whispered, leaning toward Shayla. She giggled and bumped him with her hip.

  The ceremony was short but to the point, and by the end, Pike knew he was now responsible for this beautiful woman for the rest of his life, and he was perfectly fine with that. He kissed his bride sweetly on the lips before turning to the crowd who clapped loudly at the matrimonial connection. He then led his wife from the hall and into the ballroom where one large table was spread across the floor, ready for their intimate wedding party. For a moment, Pike was saddened by the lack of presence of his family but remembered that they were the ones keeping him from his fate, his soul, his wife.

  The dinner was full of conversation and laughter as the bride and groom got to know the people who attended their ceremony. In fact, the King had invited the entire Council who was more than happy to be present at the wedding of the Prince of the mer-people to one of their own, even if she wasn’t royalty. The tie to the humans felt secure in their eyes, especially knowing how important his underwater world was to the safety of their realm.

  As the dessert was served and the conversation raged on, Pike looked up at a messenger who whispered into the King’s ear. The King looked over at Pike with concern and nodded, whispering something back. When the messenger had left, he stood and raised his glass.

  “My friends and family, I would like to toast the bride and groom,” he stated, taking a sip of his wine. “However, as we know, the kingdom does still move, even when love attempts to keep it in a hold. Pike, word has come from the missing army member. We must talk for a moment. Forgive me, Shayla.”

  Shayla smiled and nodded at the King. Pike kissed her on the cheek and stood, placing the napkin on his lap on the table and following the King out of the hall. Osharus moved at a quickened pace, and Pike could feel the anxiety radiating from him. As soon as they had cleared the room, the King stopped and turned to Pike.

  “The lost merman has brought back a body he thought to be deceased,” the King whispered. “It turns out he was wrong. My men have brought him back.”

  Pike’s eyes widened, and the two men turned, hurrying through the halls of the castle and down into the dungeons where they were treating the man as an injured prisoner. Many people stood out in the lobby, looking into the room while the servants treated the injured man. As the King turned and walked through the doorway, he froze, sticking his arm out to stop Pike from advancing.

  “Everyone freeze,” the King ordered. He picked up his staff and began mumbling a spell. Slowly, the glow that surrounded the man from his staff softened, and the King’s shoulders relaxed. “This is no man. This is the Commander of the Avalon Army, a shifter.”

  Chapter Five: It Begins

  Leonetta’s small feet moved swiftly and purposefully down the white marble hallways of her castle. She clutched her robe tight as her nightgown flowed behind her, her long, golden hair flying wildly around her. The night air was cold and dark, and Leonetta threw magic sparks at the unlit torches as she picked up the pace. The castle was like a maze, and though she had become familiar with it, she was frustrated with the time it took to remember her way to her sister’s chambers in the night. As she turned the corner, she ran directly into Asphodul, whose face showed she had had the same vision as her sister.

  Asphodul grasped Leonetta’s wrist and looked directly into her eyes. Without a word,
the two turned in another direction and entered a tall, twisting staircase leading to the tower where Asphodul spent many days playing as a child. Asphodul stopped at the large, wooden door and pulled a key from her bosom, turning it quickly and pushing open the door. Dust filtered through the room, and they immediately lit the torches along the walls to bring familiarity to the space. Leonetta looked around her at the ghostly room. It looked as if Asphodul had one day decided to drop her things and never return to the tower in the clouds, and in a way, that was exactly what happened. Things moved quickly in royal life, and when the words of Leonetta’s troubles had hit Asphodul’s ears, she put down her childish daydreams and locked them away in the tower.

  “It’s here somewhere,” Asphodul whispered to herself, sifting through the items on the floor.

  She pulled a large blanket back to reveal a carved wooden chest. She inserted another key into the oddly shaped hole and sang a fae melody. Leonetta watched the chest twist and move, pulling back levers and bars until the lid opened to reveal clothing and jewels. Asphodul pulled out a long, black velvet robe and leather gloves, along with a dark, flowing gown. She turned and handed them to Leonetta.

  “Put these on. You will blend in with the night,” Asphodul instructed. “They are enchanted.”

  Leonetta didn’t ask questions and quickly dressed in the gown and robes. She waved her hands at her feet and watched as boots laced themselves up to her knees. She pulled the dark robe on and slid her hands into the gloves before turning to Asphodul. The fae Queen approached her sister, Leonetta, and pulled the hood up over her head. She leaned in and kissed her gently on the cheek before pulling back.

  “Meet me in the courtyard. There, Tyriad will take you to the Cascading Seas,” Asphodul ordered.

  Leonetta nodded and headed out of the room. Asphodul stood for just a moment looking around at the remnants of her childhood before swishing her hand at the chest to relock it and throwing the blanket back over it. She left the room and locked it behind her, hurrying back down the winding staircase and out the adjacent doorway into the gardens. As she stepped out into the night, Tyriad rounded the corner as well, scooping Asphodul into his arms and kissing her gently.


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