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References to figures and tables are denoted by an italic “f” or “t,” respectively, following the page number.
abortion: billionaires’ effects on policy
Affordable Care Act (ACA), 101, 105
concerning, 97– 98; billionaires’ political
Africa, lack of immigrant billionaires from,
actions on, 82, 83 t; billionaires’ silence
on, 88, 131; intensity of feelings and
African Americans, absence of among top
debates concerning, 77, 84; prediction
billionaires, 16
of statements and actions on, 89– 91,
Airbnb, 16
89 t; statements by billionaires on, 85,
Alamo rental cars, 12
85 t; statements by individual billionaires
Allen, Paul, 10, 12, 22
on, 151– 54; web- scraping techniques
Amazon, 12, 138
concerning, 79, 155
American Airlines, 58
accountability, political: and full disclosure,
American City Council Exchange, 105
143; lack of among billionaires, 52– 53;
American Crossroads, 119, 123
need for, 26, 52– 53, 83, 99; questions
American Express, 58
concerning, 6– 7
Americans for Prosperity (AFP), 72, 102,
achievements of billionaires, 138– 39
104– 5
activists, reducing parties’ dependence on,
American Legislative Exchange Council
(ALEC), 105
Adelson, Sheldon: age of, 15; casinos as
Ampex, 11
source of for
tune, 12; contributions to
Anglo- Saxon origin of billionaires, 14,
governors by, 103; and Donald Trump,
17– 18
2; number of statements on social issues
Anschutz, Philip, 12– 13, 22
by, 85; on Obama’s “socialist- style econ-
Appaloosa hedge fund, 22
omy,” 47; as pro- GOP despite abortion
Apple, 12
issue, 86; silence of on specific policies,
Asian- origin billionaires, 17
47; and stealth politics, 46– 47
austerity policies, 138
advanced countries. See under immigrant
Ayers, Bill, 119
affluent Americans: billionaires included
Ballmer, Steve, 12, 85, 86– 87
among, 51; political influence and pref-
Bannon, Steve, 70, 104– 5
erences of, 3, 30, 51, 135; as proxies for
barriers to entry, 112– 13
the truly wealthy, 166n77, 179n4
Bartels, Larry, x
Beal, Andrew, 22
4; variations among, 6; visibility of as
Berkshire Hathaway: Buffett’s fortune and,
predictor of political statements and
10, 57– 58; Buffett’s political statements
actions, 89– 91, 91 t, 95 t, 96; where they
and, 58, 59– 60; funding of Planned
live, 18. See also policy impact of billion-
Parenthood by, 61; stakes of in diverse
aires; policy preferences of billionaires;
industries, 58
political actions of billionaires; political
Bezos, Jeff: achievements of, 138; age of, 15;
contributions by billionaires; political
fortune of, 12– 14; same- sex marriage
influence of billionaires; political speech
and, 82; Washington Post purchase by,
of billionaires; political statements by
billionaires; silence on politics by bil-
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, 10
lionaires; study of billionaires; tax rates;
billion dollars, magnitude of, 1– 2
wealth of billionaires; wealth levels of
billionaires: access to media of, 83, 131– 32;
ages of, 14– 16; argument for sharing