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The Wolves Are Everywhere

Page 10

by Janie Marie

  “You want me to relax?” Ryder yelled. “I knew you were jacking off, but this? This is what your fucking urges cost! You looked at her? Fantasized about her?” he roared, pulling out his gun. He didn’t point it at Logan; he was disarming to fight.

  Fuck, he’s been listening for a long time.

  “Ryder, please.” Janie sat up, coughing and crying as Ryder put his gun aside.

  He pointed at her, his eyes lighting with fire. “You hid this from me.”

  “She was ashamed,” Logan shouted, blocking her from Ryder’s sight.

  “Get away from her,” Ryder growled. “Get up and face me right now.”

  “Don’t hurt him,” Janie cried.

  Ryder narrowed his gaze on her. “You told him. You told him instead of me. We are everything, Janie. How could you not tell me?”

  “I hate myself,” she screamed, her sore voice cracking.

  Ryder’s furious expression didn’t soften.

  Logan got up. “You want to fight me, fine. But not in front of her.”

  “No,” Janie sobbed.

  Ryder didn’t bat an eye at her. He was too busy watching Logan the way a predator studies its prey. “Get away from her. Now.”

  “Go, Logan.” Janie lowered her hands, her lips trembling as she accepted the full force of Ryder’s wrath.

  He didn’t want to leave her with him. Even if Ryder wouldn’t hurt her, he could still break her heart.

  “I said go!” Janie tried to shove him but never tore her gaze from Ryder’s.

  Logan picked up his gun and slid it under his waistband as he told Ryder, “Don’t say something you’ll regret.”

  Though Ryder replied to him, his emerald eyes didn’t lose any of their fierceness as they stayed focused on Janie. “Get out. Don’t you fucking come back here unless I say. I mean it, Grimm. I’ll fucking kill you.”

  “Logan, just go.” Janie shifted on the bed, sliding her legs off the side. “Go,” she repeated harshly as she stood, wiping her cheeks as she limped toward Ryder.

  It was difficult to leave her, but Logan pushed the curtain aside, though he kept his eyes on Ryder.

  The bastard kept staring her down, but he slowly raised his hand to her cheek. “Never hide from me.”

  Janie nodded, guiding Ryder’s other hand to a spot below her heart. And to the side.

  Finally, his gaze softened, and he dropped to his knees, kissing the spot before he jerked back, turning in Logan’s direction. “Leave.”

  Logan looked at Janie, but she didn’t acknowledge him. She hugged Ryder’s head as her boyfriend wrapped his arms around her waist.

  Logan knew he’d fucked up again, but she would suffer if he tried to protect her. Not that she needed protection from Ryder. She needed to learn there was no reason to hide.

  So he left. He left her with the better man, and he was alone. No Janie. No Kylie. He didn’t even know where Logan Grimm was. The last time he’d been himself, it had been with Janie, and he didn’t have her.

  He was a lie. A lie who wanted to hide behind a bigger lie named Kylie Hood.

  “Where you off to, pup?”

  Logan halted, turning his head to the left.

  The big guy named Sin smiled at him, his gaze sliding down Logan the same predatory way Ryder’s had. “He walked in about the part where she let out your little secret.” He pointed to Logan’s crotch. “Your father and brother will chop it off if they find out you did that to her during those pictures.”

  “So tell them.” Logan deserved their punishment. He’d betrayed Janie. He’d lost what respect he had earned from Ryder. He’d betrayed Kylie.

  A wolfish grin stretched over Sin’s face. “She’ll protect you.”

  “Then I’ll tell her to stop protecting me.”

  Sin turned his head, winking at a nurse passing by. “Watch your back, pup. If the king gives the okay, you’re gone.”

  “Sounds good to me.” Logan continued down the hall, the hairs on the back of his neck raising as Sin laughed. “I’m a dead man.”



  Kylie fumed as she put away her things in her new bedroom. She’d never been to this house before. It was much smaller than their main house, but it was nice and isolated with the forest all around, just how she liked it.

  Something sharp poked her finger, and she gasped. “What’s this?” Her heart pounded as she picked up a sock. Something pointy was sticking out the bottom. It was the key chain and mace that Logan had bought.

  Her eyes watered as she remembered the day he’d bought it. They’d become a proper couple that day. It had been the best moment of her life. Why did it have to change?

  Janie and Maura.

  She squeezed the heart key chain, not flinching as the sharp edge threatened to cut her skin. Those bitches had ruined everything. Then they all had the nerve to tell her she acted like a victim? Maura and Lorelei had beaten her. She had the proof unlike anyone else. They broke her. Yet Maura had the Godsons treating her like a baby while Janie had the entire male population!

  Kylie’s hand shook as she squeezed as hard as possible. They were monsters, not her.

  A knock on her door startled Kylie, and she quickly shoved the key chain and mace into her pockets as Kevin peeked in.

  “Dinner’s ready.” He smiled sadly as he took in the tears streaming down her face. “Oh, Kylie.”

  She sniffed, staying still as Kevin came over.

  He hugged her. “I warned you he had a girlfriend, didn’t I? When will you finally listen?”

  She wrapped her arms around him, sobbing. “How many guys does she need?”

  He caressed her hair. “This isn’t what you should worry about.”

  “I just wanted him to love me—to pick me.”

  Kevin sighed, handing her a tissue from the box on her dresser then guided her out of the room and toward the dining room. “It’s late, but I think you should eat something. We have a busy day tomorrow meeting with my lawyers, and we have to continue the search for Lor.”

  Kylie shoved him away. “You’re still obsessed with her. You don’t even care she let Maura do these things to me. She hit me, and she even cheated on you with a boy I liked!”

  “Enough,” Kevin shouted, pushing her to the table where her meal waited. “I’m dealing with too much right now. You let your sister get raped, and you kept your mouth shut when I questioned you.” He grabbed her by the arm as he yanked out a chair for her to sit. “You ran off with Logan after lying to me—making up some ridiculous story to protect him. Don’t you dare sass me for things you brought upon yourself. Now sit down and eat.” He released her then walked to his chair.

  Kylie scrambled to sit. He’d never spoken to her like this before.

  Before Kevin could take a bite of his food, his phone rang. He sighed, standing and walking to the kitchen to speak privately.

  Kylie felt her phone vibrate. She peeked over to make sure Kevin wasn’t watching then pulled it out. Fucker. Her heart pounded. Logan was calling her.

  “What?” Kevin shouted to whoever was on the phone.

  Kylie glowered at the phone as it continued to vibrate. “Fuck you, Logan Grimm,” she whispered, pressing decline.


  “Dammit.” Logan ended the call instead of leaving a message. He was at the last stoplight that would take him to his dad’s house. He didn’t know why he was even calling Kylie. It was probably for the best that she didn’t answer.

  He revved his bike, eager to let loose on the twenty-minute scenic route to his old house. It would cut the time in half if he gunned it, but the streets were empty and he wanted to take his time.

  His eyes dropped to his phone where it was mounted; a text had come in.

  His Angel: Just letting you know everything’s fine. He calmed down. Love you. Drive safe.

  Logan smiled but frowned at the second text notification.

  Your Death: Just letting you know everything’s NOT fine with you an
d me bitch. Still skinning you alive for staring at her.

  Your Death: But don’t worry about her

  Your Death: We’re about to have hospital sex.

  Logan chuckled, his heart aching because Ryder really was perfect for Janie.

  Your Death: Come to the estate at 4 tomorrow. Your brother will be there. Baby girl will be home too.

  Logan glanced at the red light before replying to Janie: Love you too. Night baby doll

  Your Death: Saw that

  Logan quickly sent a reply: Sorry babe. Sweet dreams.

  Your Death: Honey I’m blushing.

  He chuckled, clearing the screen to play his music again. As soon as the light turned green, he took off and let his thoughts shift with every turn through the forest. Kylie was her. He knew little about the Daughter of Darkness; it was a sacred story. It was only by accident he’d heard anything at all. But nothing mattered beyond the piece of information that was crystal clear: the daughter of Darkness destroyed the Little Moon.

  He’d always sworn off women because of this. Now he’d let the very soul who could destroy Janie into his life. It was his fault he’d sought relief and escape—but it made sense. That’s what Darkness did. It masked the pain in the shadows.

  And in the first world, Darkness had destroyed Janie’s soul. Now he’d brought her enemy into their lives—into his bed.

  “Dammit.” He increased his speed when he remembered every sneer Kylie had shown. Just the simple uttering of Janie’s name, and her expression twisted with disgust and hatred. How could he do this? She was Janie’s wolf.

  His chest squeezed like it had been crushed. How did he push away all the signs she was hiding something? Like the damn wolf dressed as the sick grandmother. It was so obvious. She’d hidden under a disguise, hid her monster—shown wounds that weren’t what they seemed.

  All while Maura had simply fought back. He couldn’t say it was right what Maura did, but if he looked at this by removing Kylie, she got what she deserved, just like he was surely going to get what he deserved by not telling the truth about Trevor.

  He growled, trying to find something good about Kylie, but he couldn’t. Maura even said she hadn’t hit Kylie in years, but he’d seen the wounds. Just what the fuck was going on?

  He leaned into a turn as more clues started coming together. She’d sold Janie and Ryder out. She’d screamed that it was a good thing his baby died. She was cruel and full of hate.

  “Fuck!” Logan swerved his bike and skidded to a stop as a figure fell onto the road. He panted, looking down. He hadn’t crashed, but it felt like he’d just been in an accident.


  Logan looked behind him and revved his engine as he turned the bike to drive to the person. It was a woman, and she was naked. He jumped off his bike, his heart racing as the woman’s brown hair shifted, revealing her face.

  “Please,” she gasped, reaching up.

  Logan froze. She’d been beaten. From the chest down, cuts of all sizes, and scars. So many scars marked her skin. “Lorelei?”

  She jerked back, scrambling to the grass. “Please don’t hurt me!”

  He held his hands up. “Easy. I won’t hurt you.”

  Her eyes were wild as she pushed her tangled hair away from her busted face.

  Logan lifted his helmet off, slowly sitting it on the road. “Let me give you my jacket. It’s okay.”

  “Logan Grimm?” She darted her eyes around the street. “Kylie? Where’s Kylie?”

  He tugged his jacket off. Logan’s hands shook as he realized she had years of abuse carved onto her body. “Oh, God.”

  “Where’s my daughter?” she screamed.

  “Lorelei, who did this to you?” He already knew. Kevin.

  She sobbed, clutching his arm. “You let her go home with him, didn’t you? You were supposed to keep her safe. She’s sick, but she was supposed to be safe with you. You or the police.”

  “Fuck!” Logan lifted her, running to his bike. She’d been trying to get the girls away from Kevin this whole time. He snatched his phone, dialing Kylie again. “Oh, baby, come on.”

  Lorelei sobbed, her weakening body sagging against him. “I thought you’d keep her safe. He was tired of her—I tipped them off.” She cried, clutching him as the phone continued to ring. “I thought the other one would keep Maura safe. I didn’t know they were working together.”

  His muscles flexed as he held her against him, and the call went straight to voicemail. “Dammit.”

  She cried louder.

  “Where did he have you?” Logan held her at arm’s length as he scanned his surroundings.

  “I’ve been running for hours,” she said, pointing behind him. “I don’t know. I’ve never been to the place he took me. They had me in a cellar. Please tell me the other boy kept Maura safe.”

  He nodded, thumbing through his contacts. “She’s safe. Who else had you?”

  “Trevor. I thought he—” She looked down at her stomach, then her eyes rolled back into her head.

  “Fuck.” He kept her from falling but dropped his phone. Someone had stabbed her.

  Panicking, he pulled his shirt off and pressed it against the wound, then snatched his phone up. It was still ringing.

  “Do you think hospital sex with me takes only ten minutes?” Ryder growled.

  “Ryder, get me an ambulance,” he rushed, checking Lorelei’s pulse. “I found Lorelei. I need the pack.”

  “Babe, call Luc,” Ryder said to Janie, obviously, before talking to him again. “Where are you?”

  “Uh, ten minutes north of Woods Avenue, heading toward my dad’s place.” He listened for a moment as Ryder relayed information. “It’s Kevin. He’s the rogue. I think Trevor’s with him. Lorelei doesn’t know where he kept her. She just passed out from a knife wound. It’s deep. He tortured her. She’s got old scars all over her body.” His heart threatened to stop. “Ryder, we have to find Kylie.”

  “Did you try calling her?” Ryder asked as Janie’s voice rattled off orders.

  “She’s not answering.” He fixed the jacket around Lorelei. “I don’t know where he took her. I doubt they went home.” He scanned the woods. “This is the reserve.”

  “Yeah, Kevin owns it,” Ryder said before speaking to Janie again. “Who’s out there, babe?”

  “Nick and Than are on the way,” she answered. “Lucian’s team is closest. Gareth and Gawain are leaving now.”

  “I have a tracker on her phone,” Ryder said. “Gimme a minute.”

  The line went dead. Logan stared at his phone. He could text her. He glanced at Lorelei. Her stomach was pumping out a pretty good amount of blood, but he held his breath as he realized her scars spelled something.

  “There are always two.” Logan snapped a picture of Lorelei, then attached it to a text to Kylie’s contact.



  Kylie sighed as she took a bite of mashed potatoes. It was warm, but as soon as she swallowed, it felt like a lump of ice had settled in her stomach. She wanted to throw the whole damn plate in the trash, break everything in sight. Everything was gone.

  All she wanted to do was get in bed and cry already.

  “If you’re not hungry, you can go to your room.” Kevin gave her a tight smile. “I just wanted you to get something in your stomach. Sorry for what I said earlier—I’m just worried about my girls.”

  “Right.” Kylie stood, carrying her plate to the kitchen.

  “Just leave it on the counter,” he said, coming up behind her. “I’ll have staff here in the morning. Go rest.”

  She nodded, walking past him.

  “Do you still have the phone she gave you?”

  Kylie stopped, pulling it out. “Yeah.”

  1 missed call: Fucker.

  Then a text.

  Fucker: 1 Attachment.

  “Don’t read anything she sent you,” he said, holding out his hand.

  She couldn’t resi
st. She opened Logan’s text: Trevor’s working with Kevin. Run, Hood. She almost screamed at the picture of Lorelei.

  Kevin sighed as he dragged the phone from her trembling hand. “Looks like your mother broke her promise.”

  Kylie stared at him in horror as he smashed it against the sink before putting it in the microwave and turning it on. Electricity crackled as it lit up and smoke billowed out.

  He pulled a gun from behind him and aimed it at her. “Let’s see if they’re as noble as the stories say.”

  “I don’t understand,” she whispered, backing away. Blinding pain shot through her head, and Kylie suddenly envisioned her father leaning over her.

  “Daddy’s girl is so pretty.” He had twirled her hair as he came to tell her good night.

  Kylie was only five, and she smiled up at his grinning face.

  His eyes glinted as he reached for her blanket. “Want to show Daddy how pretty you are under your nightie?”

  “Yes, Daddy.” She smiled. He’d been so nice to her today. He usually never had time for her, but he had hugged her all day, and it was everything she’d needed after watching all her friends with their dads.

  “Good girl.” He sighed, lifting her gown above her chest. “So pretty. Look, Mr. Wolf thinks so too.” He grabbed her wolf plush she always slept with and lowered it to where her panties were.

  “That will tickle.” She giggled.

  He covered her mouth. “Shh . . . We don’t want to wake Mommy.”

  She nodded, frowning because his smile had faded. His pupils were big—so big—that his eyes looked black.

  He started to pull her panties down, but her mother’s harsh whisper broke the silence.

  “What are you doing?”

  He put the plush next to Kylie as he tugged her gown down. “I was telling her a story. Right, Kylie?”


  Her mother darted her gaze between them, shaking her head as she rushed forward, snatching Kylie up. “You bastard!”

  Darkness. Just darkness.


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