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The Wolves Are Everywhere

Page 13

by Janie Marie

  “Despite what we have learned, we will not welcome you at the Godson or Knight estates, and Mr. Grimm is not welcoming you to his home either. It simply isn’t something we can risk. And because your stepmother is going to remain hospitalized for some time, she has no means to watch over you.”

  She swallowed the painful lump in her throat, not daring to ask what Logan had said.

  “I will inform you now, a judge has ordered that you be admitted to a State Hospital. That’s why it took so long for me to come find you—I arranged to keep you out of a state facility.”

  “Thank you.”

  He continued with no change in tone, “Janie has asked I extend a last offer for you to voluntarily seek treatment at a trusted facility. There you will undergo evaluations to diagnose and treat your mental illnesses. You’ll also receive protection from Trevor Grimm and Kevin Blackwood. We will hunt both until their ends, but they are a threat to you until we locate them.”

  “I’ll go,” she whispered, staring at her feet. A nurse had given her a pair of socks to put over her bandaged feet, but she could see blood seeping through.

  “Very well.” He stopped by a door guarded by the big guy she’d seen with Janie earlier. “Lorelei is requesting to see you.”

  She jerked back. “What?”

  He watched her panicked eyes sweeping the halls and the door he stood before. “Your stepmother would like to see you. She’s asked to withhold pain medication until she does. It would be considerate of you not to make her wait.”

  The door opened, and Kylie gasped upon realizing Logan stood there. He wore only his jacket and jeans, and he was once again covered in dried blood.

  He took in the state of her then waved a hand toward her feet as he glared at Luc. “Why are you making her walk?”

  “I wasn’t about to carry her.” Luc motioned for Logan to move. “Let her enter. You can talk to her another time.”

  Logan settled his gaze on Kylie. “They wouldn’t tell me where you were. Are you hurt anywhere else?”

  She shook her head, afraid to speak. How could she possibly expect him to want anything to do with her now? She was a monster. She was evil. On top of everything she’d already done to Maura and Lorelei, she’d given Janie up to the cops, and even reveled in the death of their baby.

  “Did he do anything—” He swallowed, his chest rising and falling fast.

  “No,” she croaked. “He wasn’t that kind of monster.”

  His dark gaze shifted between hers, but he breathed out, relieved. “Lorelei got out of surgery a couple hours ago, and they sedated Maura. Tercero’s guarding her. She thinks he’s Ryder, so she’s calmer.”

  Kylie whimpered, nodding because she didn’t dare show her jealousy. They were taking such good care of them, and she’d thrown all their support away. Spat on it.

  “Don’t say anything you’ll regret,” Logan said, looking behind him. “She’s suffered more than you can imagine. Don’t let your pain destroy you because they need more obvious attention than you do right now. We know you’re a victim, too.” He looked at her again, sighing. “Just think things through, okay? Don’t blurt shit out. She tried to say as much as she could because she wasn’t sure she’d survive. She wanted you to get help. So I, we, know more. She said you wouldn’t.”

  “I remember,” she whispered, tearing up as a flash of anger flickered beneath his gaze.

  Luc exhaled, pulling his phone from his suit pocket. He read as he spoke to Logan, “They are requesting your presence in Janie’s room.”

  Kylie wanted to ask Logan if they were still together, but she didn’t have the guts. She saw it in his eyes. He would never forgive her. He saw a monster when he looked at her.

  “I’m glad you’re okay,” he muttered, passing her without glancing her way.

  Luc held the door open, but he gave her a dark look before allowing her to enter. “Mr. Grimm, Logan’s father, is inside. He will remain with your stepmother and stepsister from now on. Do not question his behavior around them.”

  Kylie searched his eyes. He wasn’t saying this to be mean—he knew something she didn’t. Like always. “Does it have to do with your stories?”

  “Everything has to do with our stories, Miss Hood.” He motioned forward. “Behave and I’ll allow you to stay by her side throughout the night rather than spending it in a jail cell.”

  Tears stung her eyes as she took step after step into the dimly lit room, and she gasped the moment she set eyes on Lorelei. There was a nurse on one side of the bed, leaning over a bandage on Lorelei’s stomach that had a drain tube sticking out. Every inch below Lorelei’s chest had either scars or fresh knife wounds. Some even looked like burns.

  Lance Grimm was seated at her side. He held her hand, praying as he occasionally kissed her bandaged fingers.

  “Kylie?” Lorelei rasped. “Darling, it’s okay.”

  She shook her head as she suddenly remembered Lorelei reading her bedtime stories, particularly Red Riding Hood. In her version, the hunter came. He was always too late to save the girl, but he came. Lorelei never hid how dangerous the wolf was—only that he was never what he seemed.

  All Kylie’s dreams about her mother being kind; they hadn’t been her mother at all. Every time she believed Lorelei had hit her, it was because Lorelei was trying to stop her or mend her wounds.

  Lorelei gave her a weak smile as tears slid down her bruised cheek. “I didn’t know what to do anymore.”

  Kylie, still frozen, cried one word, “Mama.”

  Lorelei choked out her own cry, wincing as her heart rate spiked.

  Lance stood up, smoothing her hair back. “Shh . . .”

  Luc sighed, grabbing Kylie by the elbow as he walked her forward. “Be gentle.”

  Kylie dropped down in the chair Lance had been in. She couldn’t stand anymore. She wailed when Lorelei reached for her hand. Every memory of Lorelei being kind rushed forward. The cruelty she’d displayed was Kylie’s own fault. Lorelei needed to be the villain to keep her safe.

  “Mr. Grimm,” Luc said, “if you wish to see Maura, I will stay and watch over them.”

  Lance stared at Lorelei. It was such an anguished, torn look.

  Lorelei touched his cheek. “Please go to her.”

  He nodded, leaning down and kissing her forehead. “I’ll take care of her. I promise.”

  Her stepmother cried silently as she took Kylie’s hand again. “I know.”

  Lance finally stared down at Kylie. “Never again will you treat her or sister the way you have been. You will get help without hurting others. It’s not a bad thing to get help, and you need it. Do you understand?”

  She flinched, but she nodded, dropping her gaze to the floor. He was terrifying, and he was acting like he was guarding the most cherished people in his life.

  “She didn’t know,” Lorelei whispered. “It’s not her fault.”

  Lance growled, only moving when Luc yanked him out of the way.

  “Go. Now.” Luc gave Lance a rough shove before moving in front of her. “I will watch them. Remember where you are and why you are here.”

  Lance took a deep breath, giving Lorelei a lingering glance before storming out of the room.

  “Are you ready for pain medication?” the nurse asked.

  “She’s ready,” Luc said, walking to the couch. “Mind your manners, Miss Hood. I am actually tired this night. Have a cot brought for the girl,” he added, staring at the nurse.

  Kylie dropped her head down beside Lorelei’s hand. There were so many memories of shoving or hurting Maura and lying to Lorelei so much it became the only way she could go on. One lie after another until she no longer recognized what was truth.

  God, she even realized Maura cried for her sissy every night.

  The hooded girl lifted her head. Her eyes matched Kylie’s. Green with envy, broken and angry. Tears slipped down her cheeks, and just when her lips trembled, her sadness vanished, and she sneered.

  Lorelei weakly rest
ed a hand on Kylie’s head. “Rest, you’re safe now. The hunters finally came.”


  Logan nodded his thanks to Ryder as he tossed him a T-shirt. Janie was on the bed, her serious demeanor fading as some of the men cleared out. It was late, and she should be asleep, but he knew she was the reason so much manpower was here, and her brothers were hovering just as much as Ryder.

  They all knew Ryder was their best bet for finding Kevin and Trevor, but he wasn’t leaving Janie’s side now. Lorelei had said the only reason she managed to escape was because Trevor left to finish what he’d started with Janie.

  “No,” Gawain said, pointing at a map on the tablet. “He had too many outlets. Nick said two of his pack have gone silent. They last communicated from here.” He tapped the screen. “They’re probably dead. They’re bringing the Hounds. They’ll find them if they’re dead out there, but I don’t think they’ll have luck with Kevin. We already found scent traps—he was ready to be hunted. He hung his clothing throughout the forest.”

  Logan took a seat beside Janie when she patted the bed. He put an arm around her shoulders, kissing her head. Ryder cut him a fierce look, but he went on with the briefing. It was strange seeing them in their true element. Well, their element here.

  Janie yawned. “How was she?”

  “I’m not sure.” He rubbed his face, tired. Lorelei had told him everything. She’d been the one to send in the anonymous tip, fearing she wouldn’t last much longer against Kevin to protect the girls. She’d also told them where to find Kylie’s records and who to speak to at the police station in their old town. She admitted how she didn’t really make things better, but based on what she had revealed about Kylie’s dad and the mental hospitals both girls had been at, he didn’t blame her for being afraid to get help.

  Then she had to worry about Kevin wanting to kill Kylie. If Kylie suffered at Maura’s hand, she’d live. Maura had stopped fighting back after Kylie had gotten seriously hurt after falling through a glass table. But Kylie kept the wounds from that incident fresh. Lorelei let her do it to herself because it kept Kevin pleased.

  It was the most fucked up situation he’d ever heard, but then again, their world wasn’t normal. If things were true about the stories, the most ruthless and evil souls lived and breathed in their world. And Kylie’s soul had been one of the worst from the stories. So had Kevin’s.

  Janie picked up her phone, opening a text. Sir Wolfalot.

  Logan chuckled, kissing her head again. “Does he know that’s what you have him listed as?”

  She smiled, reading the text: Mind coming to see her? I don’t know what to do.

  There was no hesitation from Janie: I’ll be there as soon as we’re done.

  Sir Wolfalot: Thanks, baby.

  Sir Wolfalot: Maybe drop off some clothes for the other one. She was a mess.

  Janie sighed, replying: I’ll take care of her.

  Logan hugged her, breathing in her sweet smell. “Thank you, baby doll.”

  She leaned against him. “You need to figure out how you can support her, Logan. Everything that Lorelei said—Kylie’s really messed up. It’s worse than just bullying and lying—she’s, I don’t know. Her dad almost got her. I can’t imagine if my dads or brothers ever did that to me.”

  He tensed, not ready to process what Lorelei said Oliver Hood had done to both girls. Kylie had gotten lucky, but did it really matter he didn’t do as much to her as he did Maura? No. He’d groomed her and it was merely Maura who held his interest more. “I don’t know what to do. I feel bad because Kylie was right—I take sexual abuse harder.”

  “You’ll figure it out, and it’s not like you don’t have a reason for being more affected by sexual abuse.” She read another text.

  My King: Don’t exert yourself. Get some rest.

  She chuckled, texting back: I’m queen. I do what I want.

  “Don’t flirt with him.” Logan frowned, tilting his head to see her blushing. “Janie.”

  “Shush, that’s not flirting.” She read the response.

  My King: Mind your sass. Don’t forget what we discussed.

  “What’s he talking about?” Logan glanced at Ryder. His old rival was already watching her.

  “Nothing you need to worry about,” she muttered, texting: I haven’t. I’ll rest soon, my king.

  Logan sighed, shaking his head. He didn’t care what the stories said about Luc and Janie; she was his baby doll, and Ryder’s girlfriend.

  My King: Don’t leave my brother’s side. Sweet dreams, my queen.

  She yawned but slid off the bed to make her way to the closet.

  “Babe?” Ryder walked to her, grabbing the bag she was trying to pull out. “What are you doing?”

  “Lance needs me, and I was going to have some clothes sent to Kylie.” She smiled up at Ryder’s disapproving glare.

  “Don’t give her any of your cute shit.” He carried the bag to the bed, lifting her on it too as he kissed her forehead. “I’ll be done in five minutes. We’re not staying with Lance for long, though. You’re coming back here and sleeping.”

  “I know.” Janie dug through her bag.

  Ryder took the anime shirt she was holding out. “Not that one.”

  She grabbed another one.

  “Not that one.” He snatched it from her, then started digging through her things. “Babe, these are all your cute, comfy clothes. Don’t give them to her.”

  “It’s fine.” Janie stared at one Logan knew was her favorite.

  “Baby doll, I’ll take care of Kylie.” Logan stood, grabbing his jacket.

  She grinned at him. “Oh, good.”

  He shook his head at her. “I know you planned that somehow.”

  Ryder smirked, leaning down to kiss her. “Sneaky. Put some shorts on. Sin told me all about your ass walking around in gauze panties earlier.”

  She giggled, pulling out her shorts. “Luc covered me as soon as he saw. I wasn’t paying attention.”

  “Mhm.” Ryder motioned for Logan to go. “You can come stay here tonight after you’re done. Unless you want to be a man and stay with Kylie. I’m not going to be nice to her, but you can try being a man for once.”

  “Fuck you.” Logan nodded at the others as he got off the bed.

  Ryder laughed, taking Janie’s shorts when she winced, trying to bend to put them on. “Lean your sexy ass back and stop letting him off the hook for shit. I should beat his ass for eternity. And not the way I pound yours.” He grinned at Logan, and Logan could only laugh.

  Janie did as she was told, winking at him with her swollen eye. “Night, Logan. Come see me in the morning.”

  He smiled, hoping he could find what goodness she believed he had. There was no way to see Kylie like he used to, but he didn’t want to abandon her. Despite how cruel she was on her own, it wasn’t her fault. She had been so young when her father manipulated her, and her mother didn’t protect her the way a mother should. She’d been just as much a victim of her father as Maura was. The only blessings were each time her mothers had stopped him before she could realize she was being abused.

  Ryder sat behind Janie, retying her gown, but he reached under, copping a feel. “Damn, baby, are you about to start?”

  Janie’s bruised face pinked. “Yes, thank you for telling everyone.”

  Ryder chuckled before kissing her cheek. “So fucking pretty, babe. Let’s get this shit over with so we can finish our hospital sex.”

  Gawain pinched the bridge of his nose and groaned. “Brother in the room.”

  Ryder grinned evilly as he positioned his hand a few inches from her breast. “I’ll give you five seconds before I have my way with your sissy.”

  Janie covered her face.

  Gawain slapped his leg. “We are literally looking for the bastard who wants to kill her, and you’re fucking around.”

  “He’s joking, Gawain.” Janie smacked Ryder’s hand.

  “I’m not.” Ryder smirked at Gawain. “Pretty
sure I made a baby with her earlier. I got excited and nutted early.”

  Logan darted his eyes to Janie. She pressed her lips together and lowered her eyes.

  “Hurry up,” Ryder snapped. “Get the teams in position and have the next round notified when and where to relieve the others.”

  Janie peeked at Logan, smiling as Ryder possessively placed his hand over her stomach.




  Kylie jerked, almost rolling off the cot with how disoriented she was, but she calmed when a hand came down on her head, smoothing her hair.

  “You’re okay.”

  “Logan?” She pushed herself up. He was in a recliner beside the cot where she’d fallen asleep. Luc was standing, staring out a window as he talked quietly on the phone.

  “Are you hurting?” Logan asked, rubbing his eyes.

  “What are you doing here?” She glanced over at the bed to find Lorelei still asleep.

  “I brought you some clothes.” He lifted the bag she’d taken to Kevin’s house.

  She pressed her trembling lips together. He’d come back. “I’m so sorry, Logan.”

  He nodded, pulling out his phone. “We don’t have to talk about it right now. I just want to be here for you while things get sorted. I plan to meet the others later, but I want you to know you’re not alone.”

  Her heart hammered away. She knew this didn’t mean he was forgiving her for what she’d said, and she didn’t blame him. “Thank you.”

  He placed the bag next to her. “I had the nurse leave towels on the counter in there. You should shower.”

  She clutched the bag, afraid to move. If she went in there, would he be gone when she came out?

  “There’s a toothbrush and stuff in there too.” He stood, holding out a hand.

  Kylie let him help her up, then cried when he pulled her into a hug.

  He sighed, cradling her head. “I’m proud of you for staying here with her—for choosing to get help.” He ran his fingers through her hair. “You’ll make it through this, okay?”


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