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Song of Storms (Song and Storm Trilogy Book 1)

Page 16

by Kayla Maya

  “So, I think my identity has been compromised,” Bryn started. “Like, by one person.”

  “Which person?” North didn’t remove his arm, but it twitched in irritation. “I told you to be careful Bryn.”

  “And I have been,” she retorted.

  “Just tell us who it is,” Lord Anderson yawned. “Because I’m beat and hurting from rustling around with a huge boar all day to amuse the king.”

  “It was Lady Hailey,” Bryn said.

  “I figured she’d find out eventually,” North sighed. “What did she want? A stupid plan she devised?”

  “It wasn’t stupid,” she countered.

  “Oh? Enlighten me then,” Lord Anderson said.

  “The queen is rather hard to make friends with unless you snitch for her, correct?” The silent nods were her answer. “Well, what if I decided to befriend, if not swoon over Prince Ryan? You said he’s devoted to our cause.”

  “Yes and no,” North sat up, dark circles lining underneath his eyes. “He’s not devoted. He’s just learning. He won’t work for us until we give him probable cause, which we haven’t apparently; otherwise, he would have dethroned his father months ago, and we wouldn’t have needed to find you to do this heist.”

  “As for befriending or swooning him over, that wouldn’t be such a great idea,” Lord Anderson said. “You’re married to me remember, therefore, if you are seen with another man that isn’t me, it’s considered treason and the king will no doubt kill you and then find and kill your family just for carrying your blood.”

  “It’s better than trying to win over a cold-hearted queen that acts nice in front of her guests,” Bryn insisted.

  “Fine,” North relented. “It’s better than nothing, I suppose.”

  “Fine? It most certainly is not fine in any way. In fact, you’d be putting Bryn’s life on the line, and I don’t think that’s the smartest of decisions.” Lord Anderson’s voice hitched in his throat. “I don’t want to see her hurt.”

  “Neither do I, but we don’t have a choice if we want to liberate Skeg and make it a better place for everyone. Don’t you agree?”

  Lord Anderson rubbed his face before he sat down in his chair, head bent down in submission. “Fine. Bryn, we’ll do this your way. I believe the Prince has an archery lesson later this afternoon tomorrow. I’m sure you can sneak around and find him and convince him to help our cause or to help dethrone his father. Whichever works.”

  “I thought taking the mask would help with getting Frederick out of power?” Bryn asked.

  “Saints above, you ask a lot of questions,” Anderson huffed.

  “It’s not her fault, you know,” North defended her. “Bryn doesn’t know of court life like the rest of us. Be nice.”

  Bryn’s face flushed bright red before she stormed off out of the room and into the bustling hallway. The maids were milling about like ants hurrying about like they were on a mission. What bothered Bryn the most was seeing Queen Elora of Skeg standing in the middle of the hurrying maids, her mouth twisted in a harsh smile as she slowly approached Bryn. The queen’s strides were small, but within a matter of moments, she was standing in front of the thief. Elora’s smile was devilish, her painted eyebrows arched perfectly to make it look like she was surprised about something, yet her perpetual scowl remained intact. Bryn couldn’t help the chill that ran down her spine.

  “Lady Illyea,” Queen Elora’s voice was like silk, wrapping around Bryn like a vice. Was this the true queen that everyone talked about? The one that seemed so innocent yet could slice your throat opens with a dagger in a split second. “I am glad I ran into you. Care for a walk?”

  Bryn swallowed. She’d rather refuse, but she knew that refusing the queen meant certain death. So, she did a small curtsy and accepted the queen's offer. Together, both Elora and Bryn walked side by side down the hall to where a huge door awaited. Bryn’s nerves screamed at her, her inner thief wanting to high tail it and run before it was too late. She chided herself inwardly, telling herself to never wander out of her room ever again without being escorted by either North or Lord Anderson. Elora pushed open the door, and Bryn was relieved to see that it was just the small gathering room where they had been earlier in the day before going out to play crochet. Elora took a seat at one of the pink plush couches, signaling for Bryn to take her place in front of the queen. Once again, Bryn obliged. The queen already had a table set with a tea kettle, two teacups, a small bowl of honey, and lastly, a plate of sugar cubes. Was she waiting for Bryn to talk with her alone since the moment they had met?

  “I’m glad I caught you,” Elora grabbed a teacup, pouring tea into it and then a sugar cube into the steaming contents. “I’ve been meaning to have a little chat with you since we met.”

  “I’m all ears,” Bryn smiled as she made her own cup. She hoped the queen couldn’t see just how badly she was shaking, so she tried to mask her shaking by gripping the cup with both her hands to prevent it from tittering.

  “I must say, I never thought Lord Anderson would ever marry, especially a nobody from some small village town.” Elora fingered her ruby ring, and her eyebrows pinched as she was trying to recall a forgotten memory. Bryn began to suspect that maybe the queen did realize that it was Bryn when she was younger and trying to steal Elora’s ring. Bryn had thought it was impossible since she was a malnourished child with nothing but spindly legs and arms. “I’m curious as to how you two really met.”

  Bryn swallowed, trying her best not to make eye contact. “We met outside my boss’s shops when I was sweeping the—”

  “I don’t trust you, Illyea.” Elora’s eyes narrowed. “In fact, I’m not quite sure you’re who you really say you are.”

  “I’m sorry?”

  “How can I put it lightly?” The queen crossed her legs. “Stay away from Anderson. You’re far too young and innocent to be with a man of high caliber like him.”

  Bryn was very certain that Queen Elora had no inclination that Bryn was the one who had tried to steal her ring all those years ago. Instead, she thought that the Raven Thief was in the way of an affair. Bryn’s blood boiled to an unruly temperature. Now she knew for a fact that she couldn’t befriend Queen Elora if she thought Bryn was up to no good. Bryn had to find Prince Ryan and soon so that she could find the mask without being seen. She tried to control her breathing before she placed the teacup on the table and stood.

  “I think I’d better go. It’s getting late, your majesty.” Bryn’s heart hammered in her chest, blood rushing in her ears as she tried desperately to hold her persona.

  “We’re not done,” Elora stood. “Far from it. In fact—” A knock on the door halted Elora’s speech, and her face turned to complete fury as she said, “What?”

  The door swung open, and Prince Ryan waltzed in. His hair was unkempt, almost standing up like someone had constantly run his fingers through it. His tunic was untucked, a large stain of what appeared to be red wine spreading along his right ribcage. When he noticed Bryn, he tried his darndest to fix his tousled hair, earning a growl from Elora in the process. Either for looking so unkept or for trying to impress Bryn, she had no idea.

  “Mother,” Prince Ryan did a small bow. “Lady Illyea.”

  “Son,” Elora’s smile was forced, teeth gritted as her grip on her teacup turned her fingers bone white. “What are you doing here?”

  “I came to find you. Father is wondering about your whereabouts and is starting to question.” Prince Ryan eyed his mother, a slow smile creeping over his face as he continued. “Don’t worry, I’ll escort Lady Illyea back to her room while you go calm Father down. Is that a problem?” He added when his mother’s face turned beet red in anger.

  “No, son.” Queen Elora stood, dusting off makeshift dust from her dress. She forced a smile as she brushed by Ryan and Bryn. “I should retire for the night. Goodnight. Oh, and Lady Illyea?”

  “Your Majesty?” Bryn’s voice faltered.

  “I’d love to have another c
hat with you some time again.”

  Queen Elora stalked off, slamming the door behind her in the process. Prince Ryan sighed and offered his arm for Bryn. She’d rather not loop her arm through his but knew she still could not refuse no matter how badly she wanted to. She sighed and took his offered arm. She was quiet for a few moments while Prince Ryan escorted her. Bryn took the opportunity to try and make small talk about getting a feel for the guy she was supposed to manipulate into sneaking her into her parents’ room to steal the mask.

  “I’m sorry about my mother,” Prince Ryan’s shoulders hunched. “She’s always had a thing for Lord Anderson, so seeing you with him, actually married to him, sent her over the edge you could say.”

  “Wait, so you know about her having an attraction to Lord Anderson?” Bryn gasped.

  “I do. I’m the only one before you ask. It’s a secret I keep and then use later when she pisses me off. Especially now since you’re such a gorgeous woman. It’s always the pretty ones she hates.”

  “This is my room,” Bryn unlopped her arm, forcing a smile on her face when he gripped her hand to plant a kiss on her fingers lightly. Oddly enough, she thought she felt alone butterfly flutter in her stomach. Almost.

  “May I see you again?” Ryan’s voice was low, seductive even.

  “I’m married.”

  “I’m engaged,” he countered. “Yet that doesn’t mean we can’t have any fun. I promise that I won’t tell.”

  A thousand questions flared to life in Bryn’s mind. Once again, she found that she couldn’t refuse, no matter how much she wanted too. Yet, this is exactly how she wanted to use her time with the prince. She felt a twinge of sympathy for Ryan because of what she was about to do. Using him made her feel dirty, and she hoped this would be the first and only time she would use someone for her own personal gain. She thanked Ryan when they made it to her room and kissed her fingers once again.

  “May I see you tomorrow?” Ryan asked. “I have an archery lesson tomorrow afternoon if you’d like to come and watch.”

  No. “Of course. See you tomorrow.”

  After the door closed, Bryn couldn’t help the smallest of smiles as her plan started to fruition.


  Bryn woke up with the same maid from yesterday in her room, except this time the maid was looming over Bryn’s bed with a pitch white gown and a handful of bobby pins. Startled, Bryn shot up in bed, holding out her hands in a way to ward off evil. Her nerves were on edge ever since her talk with Queen Elora. The queen suspected Bryn for being with Lord Anderson, a man she wanted an affair with.

  “’Morning.” Bryn yawned. “How are you?”

  The girl looked startled, almost as if talking to a maid was a bad thing. “I am well, Lady Illyea. How are you fairing this morning?”

  “Tired,” Bryn admitted. “I had a long night.”

  The maid cocked her head to the side; eyebrows furrowed, she said, “I have an herb that we use to help us sleep. I can crush it in a tea for you tonight if you wish.”

  “I would love that.”

  Bryn stood up and allowed the maid to help her dress. It felt awkward for Bryn to have someone other than herself, let alone another woman who was just as poor as herself. She wished she could tell the maid who Bryn really was, and not this prime and proper woman that was called, “Lady Illyea.” After about an hour, Bryn was deemed courtly enough to be let loose in the castle. Of course, Bryn had to ask help from the maid as to where Prince Ryan would be doing his archery lesson. After a cocked head and raised brow, the maid took Bryn right outside and straight behind the castle to where Prince Ryan awaited with a bow slung over his shoulder and a sheath of bows on his back.

  “Thank you,” Bryn told the other girl.

  “My pleasure,” the maid replied back.

  “Aren’t you a sight to see?” Prince Ryan held out a hand. “Beautiful as always, Lady Illyea.”

  Bryn couldn’t help the blush that formed along her cheeks. It wasn’t from attraction; it was from being ashamed. She wished she didn’t have to force a friendship with him as much as a fake relationship to get the mask. She would succeed with the heist by befriending the prince instead of his wench of a mother, who Bryn began to suspect was the one calling all the shots instead of King Frederick. She placed her hand in his, allowing Ryan to kiss her fingers, giving them a light squeeze before letting go.

  “I’m glad you came,” he told her.

  “As am I,” she lied. “My husband has been…distant as of late.”

  Prince Ryan instantly put on the charm, placing a hand on her arm where his fingers began to make light strokes. “I’m glad I can make your day better.”

  She shivered in revulsion. “As am I.”

  The rest of the day went by in a blur. Bryn spent several hours with Prince Ryan, lying her way into his heart. He ate everything up that she offered, even going so far as to try and kiss her, which proved unsuccessful. She began to think that him bedding her was a plight of its own to see how many women Ryan could bed by the end of the month, if not year. After the fourth hour, Hailey had emerged from the gardens to offer Bryn an afternoon tea and dessert rest, which Bryn accepted gratefully. Bryn hated to admit that Hailey was Bryn’s saving grace, a light in the darkness. They rested in Hailey’s room, a place that Bryn was able to relax and be herself.

  “How is everything going?” Hailey asked as she poured herself a cup of tea. “With the prince, I mean.”

  “As well as can be expected,” Bryn sighed. “At least, I like to think so.”

  “You are, and you aren’t,” Hailey smiled. “Ryan likes woman, that much you already know; however, he’d rather have a woman who plays hard to get rather than a goody too shoes who just says ‘yes’ to everything he says.”

  “I’d rather not.”

  “You want that mask?”

  “I do.”

  “Then, play hard to get!”

  Bryn rolled her eyes. “Fine…how do I start?”

  “Well…” Hailey drawled out the word. “Wardrobe!”

  Gods help me, Bryn sighed. At least it was better than having to sit around and act like a needy girl towards a guy she doesn’t even like. Now, if it were North on the other hand…she shook her head, ready to get rid of that thought when Hailey brought out an armload of dresses and skimpy garments that Bryn rather not name. She knew she was in for it big time when Hailey brought out a long, blood-red dress. Hailey held out the red dress, eyes wide and pleading for the other girl to try it on.

  “Hailey, I swear if this dress is scandalous, I’ll murder you.” Bryn snatched the dress, hiding behind a folding screen. “I’ll make sure it hurts too.”

  Hailey’s snort was Bryn’s only reply. Bryn couldn’t help but grin at the foolishness of being with another girl. She was beyond excited that she was starting to become friends with someone that didn’t want her dead for her powers, or just because she was not wealthy. The dress was long, trailing behind her like a wedding dress. The hemline at the bottom was decorated with spiraling roses, the roses reaching up almost like it was trying to catch the sunlight on a waning day. The neckline plunged rather low, showing off a good portion of her breasts. More roses decorated the waistline, and the necklace that came with the dress was attached to a half scarf, allowing the scarf to filter around her like a fluttering banner. Bryn hated to admit just how much she loved the dress, and judging by Hailey’s laughter, she too could tell Bryn’s excitement.

  “I don’t know,” Bryn lied. “I don’t think it’s my style.”

  “Saints help me,” Hailey moaned. “Just get out here already! I’m sure you’re to die for in that dress!”

  Despite her better judgment, she waltzed out from behind the screen getting an ear-splitting scream from Hailey as the other girl bounced up and down on the sofa, clapping as she bolted to Bryn.

  “You look amazing Bryn!” Hailey gushed. “I’m sure that guard of yours won’t keep his eyes off you.”

/>   “I thought I was trying to seduce the prince?” Bryn asked.

  Hailey waved her hand. “Yes, yes, and him too.”

  Bryn giggled before she changed back into her old outfit, taking her place beside Hailey. They chatted for what seemed like forever before Bryn realized she had to return to her room before anyone thought she had gone missing. Now that she thought of it, she realized that she had not seen Lord Anderson or North since last night. Unease settled in the pit of her stomach as she made her way back to her room only to find Lord Anderson passed out on the couch, arm thrown over his eyes and mouth open as he snored rather loudly. North was sitting on her bed, book in hand. He glanced up when he noticed her shutting the door with an audible click. She made her way over to North as he returned the book to the nightstand.

  “I see you’ve been out all night,” he observed.

  “Aren’t you supposed to be my bodyguard?” She countered.

  “I am. To a point.” He added. “I can’t be seen around you too much; otherwise, it would raise suspicion on why a lowly guard is waltzing around the castle with a beautiful maiden that he doesn’t deserve.”

  She sighed. “Fair enough, I guess.” She inclined her head in Lord Anderson’s direction, noticing that he was covered in dirt, and was that…blood? “Why is he like that?”

  “Hmm?” North appeared lost in thought. “Oh, you mean Lord Anderson. He’s fine, just got in a tussle with some wild boar while out hunting with King Frederick.”

  Bryn wrinkled his nose. “And he didn’t even wash his clothes?”

  “No,” Lord Anderson quipped, making Bryn jump out of her skin. “Some of us were a bit worried about you.”


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