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Waiting for Him

Page 4

by Stormy Glenn

  And I could so seriously spend hours mapping out every inch of Lyn's body. He was so gorgeous, he made my teeth ache. In the years that I'd known him, he'd grown from a young, inexperienced beat cop into the sexiest damn thing I'd ever seen.

  I wasn't one to give blow jobs very often, but Lyn's cock begged to be licked. I wrapped my fingers around the base of Lyn's cock then swiped at the drops of pre-cum pooling on the tip with my tongue. Not too bad, tangy but not overly so.

  Lyn cried out when I sucked the mushroom-shaped head into my mouth. His hands tightened in my hair, his hips jerking.

  It was a good response.

  It made me feel like a king.

  I gave his cock a few generous licks before swallowing down his entire length. Lyn's sweet moans and words of nonsense accompanied my movements as I bobbed my head up and down, swallowing Lyn's cock before licking my way back up to the tip.

  When I tasted copious amounts of pre-cum, I moved back and popped the top on the lube. I poured a good amount onto my fingers before closing the lip and dropping the bottle onto the bed beside me.

  I swallowed Lyn's cock back down my throat. At the same time, I pushed my finger between Lyn's ass cheeks, separating the luscious little mounds. I sucked hard as I pressed my finger into his tight little ring of muscles.

  I was startled by how quickly my finger was sucked into Lyn's ass, especially considering how tight he was. It was almost as if Lyn ached to be filled.

  I was so ready to take care of that ache.

  I moved my finger around, pushing it in then out, as I loosened him up. As tight as he was, it would take a bit to get him ready for my cock. I wasn't massive, but close. I was a very respectable eight inches long, but I was almost as thick as Lyn's wrist. He'd need to be very stretched in order to take all of me.

  "Please, please, please." Lyn tugged at my hair, making me realize I had stopped sucking his cock.

  Well, that would never do.

  I sucked him back into my mouth, swallowing until I felt the head of his cock hit the back of my throat. My cheeks hollowed out when I increased the strength of my suction. Lyn's words became loud cries of ecstasy.

  I hoped it was ecstasy.

  When I thought he was ready, I added a little more lube then pushed a second finger into Lyn's ass. I scissored them back and forth then pushed them in deep, curving them up until I pegged Lyn's sweet gland.

  Lyn's cries became high-pitched. His entire body trembled.

  I quickly added a third finger and then a fourth. I didn't want him coming until I was inside of him. I wanted to feel his muscled ass tighten around my aching cock.

  I needed to feel it.

  I might die if I didn't feel it.

  The second I felt Lyn was sufficiently stretched, I moved back to kneel between his legs. I dribbled a bit more lube between his ass cheeks then tore open the condom package and rolled it down my cock. I was so hard and so achy, I almost came from that little bit of stimulation, but I wanted to wait. I had to wait.

  "Are you ready for me, baby?"

  Lyn's shudder was the only response the man gave.

  I lined myself up, pressing the head of my cock against his small ring of muscles. My breath caught as I watched my cock slowly sink into Lyn's ass. I'm not sure I'd ever seen a more alluring sight.

  I'd certainly never felt anything as glorious. I drew in a controlling breath as I gripped Lyn's hips. If I didn't get control of myself, this would be over before it began. Lyn was so tight, so warm and silky.

  I could live in his ass.

  I groaned when I started moving. My cock was being held in a soft vice grip. I pushed myself into Lyn then slowly pulled out. I couldn't figure out what felt better. My fingers dug into Lyn's hips as I picked up speed, driving myself into his silky warm depths.

  When that wasn't enough, I hooked my arms under Lyn's thighs and leaned over him for better leverage. My thrusts became frantic as my need skyrocketed. I needed Lyn to come before I did. I reached down to grab his cock and jerk him off, but the man cried out and ropes of pearly white cum shot out of his cock, splattering across his chest.

  The sight of Lyn coming without me even touching his cock jerked me right over the edge of the abyss. I roared as I slammed into Lyn, filling the condom with my release. I stilled for a moment, caught in the overwhelming pleasure coursing through my body at light speed, before collapsing over the top of Lyn.

  My heart beat so fast, I was afraid it was going to leap right out of my chest. That had been, without a doubt, the single most exhilarating experience in my life. I'd been with a lot of men, and a few women, over the years, and not a single one came even close to making me feel what being inside Lyn's beautiful body did.

  I was in so much trouble.

  I needed to go.

  I could easily spend the rest of my life right where I was, and that right there told me I needed to get the hell out of there before I did something really stupid.

  Begging Lyn to let me stay was at the top of the list.

  I gripped the condom as I pulled out of the man. I rolled to the side of the bed, pulled the condom off, and tied the end. I didn't see a trashcan, so I carried the condom into the bathroom to toss it away.

  While I was in there, I did a quick scrub down then wet a washcloth and carried it back into the bedroom. I might not have planned this, and I certainly wasn't going to stay, but I refused to leave Lyn lying there covered in sweat and cum.

  I wasn't that much of a bastard.


  I winced at the look in Lyn's eyes. I could easily see the want and the worry. It was the desperate hope that made me swallow tightly. The apprehension made my stomach knot.

  I quickly cleaned Lyn up then tossed the washcloth back toward the bathroom before reaching for my clothes. Lyn didn't say anything as I dressed, but I could feel him watching me.

  I grabbed my jacket and headed for the door, pausing in the doorway to glance back at the man still lying naked on the bed. "I'm sorry, Lyn."

  Lyn drew in a stuttering breathe. "I guess this means you're not going to stay."

  I shook my head. "This never should have happened."

  It wouldn't happen again.

  It couldn't.

  I wanted it too much.

  Lyn grabbed the edge of the blanket and pulled it over his naked body as he rolled to face the other direction. "Make sure you leave a tip on the coffee table on your way out."

  There was nothing I could say that would make this situation any better. Having sex with Lyn was something I had been fighting for so many years, it was practically second nature to me. Giving Lyn platitudes wasn't going to change my stance on the subject. We had no business having sex. We weren't in a relationship, and we never would be.

  End of story.

  So, why did I feel as if I'd just lost something precious?

  Chapter Five


  I was dead.

  There was no way on earth that I could feel this bad and still be alive. I groaned as I reached up and pressed my hand to the side of my head. My hand came away bloody.

  Yeah, definitely dead.

  Okay, maybe not dead. I didn't think people could feel this level of pain if they were dead. But if dead could feel, this would be it. Maybe death warmed over was the right term? Who knew? All I knew was that every inch of my body ached.

  Hell, my hair follicles ached.

  I heard a weird metallic rattling sound when I went to lift my other hand. I frowned—and good god, did that hurt—as I glanced down and saw a handcuff attached to my wrist. I didn't own a set of handcuffs, not even kinky ones. What was even weirder was the fact that the other end of the handcuff was attached to a briefcase.

  What the hell?

  I grabbed the briefcase and set it down on my lap. It was one of those silver briefcases, the ones with the rounded corners. That reinforced the idea that this was not my briefcase. I would have chosen leather.

  I tried to open it, bu
t it was locked tight and my eyesight was a little blurry without my glasses. I had no idea where they were. I anxiously turned the lock tumblers a couple of times, hoping to get lucky, but nothing happened.


  I was handcuffed to a briefcase I didn't own and stuck in a…where in the hell was I? I glanced around, quickly sucking in a harsh breath when I saw the body lying on the cement just feet from me.

  Well, that couldn't be good.

  I slid the briefcase to the ground then rolled to my hands and knees, wincing at the aches and pains that pulled at my body. I wasn't real sure what had happened. My memories were a bit fuzzy, but I felt as if I'd had the shit beat out of me.

  I was pretty sure I had.

  Or maybe I'd been hit by a car.

  Both were strong possibilities.

  God, I hoped Lany wasn't in the neighborhood. There'd be elephants involved for sure.

  I started to crawl toward the body when I heard voices coming toward me. I froze before taking a slow look around. I was outside. That was easy enough to tell by the shadows around me and the dim moonlight overhead. The tall brick walls on either side of me told me I might be in an alleyway of some sort. The smell of rotting garbage convinced me I was.

  So, beat to shit, left in some alley somewhere, handcuffed to a briefcase I couldn't open, dead body mere feet from me, and someone talking and coming closer. I did the only reasonable thing under the circumstances.

  I ran.

  I jumped up and hightailed it in the opposite direction from the voices. I immediately realized that I needed to run with one arm wrapped around my ribs when I felt pain flare through them like a red-hot poker. I prayed nothing was broken. Probably was, though.

  My luck just seemed to be going that way at the moment.

  When I reached the end of the alley, I slowed then came to a stop. I peeked around the corner to make sure no one was waiting for me. When I didn't spot anyone, I zipped around the corner and started running again. I needed to get somewhere safe so I could assess the damage to my body then figure out what in the hell happened, and then call for help.

  Maybe not all in that order.

  I kept running until my legs started to feel like rubber. When I finally slowed to a fast walk, I looked around again, trying to figure out where I was. I didn't recognize anything. Not that I could see that much without my glasses, but what I could see wasn't familiar. Just a lot of dilapidated brick buildings and a couple of seedy-looking bars that seemed to have closed hours ago.

  There were a couple of very artfully done gang signs painted on the sides of some of the buildings. This was clear to me that this was not an upper-class neighborhood. It didn't even look like a lower-class neighborhood.

  I was pretty sure I was in hell.

  I kept as close to the side of the buildings as I could manage and kept walking until I spotted bright neon lights off in the distance. I really hoped I wasn't heading to a biker bar or something. I didn't plan on getting my ass handed to me for a second time.

  Just as I reached the edge of the sidewalk, I heard a vehicle coming up behind me at a high rate of speed. Anxiety knotted in my gut as I glanced back down the street. I didn't know who was coming—probably a totally innocent driver—but I wasn't taking any chances.

  I ducked back around the corner and ran until I found a break in the fence that ran between two buildings. I squeezed my body through the small opening then ran over and dropped down behind a stack of wooden pallets and an old musty mattress.

  The stench of garbage and decay was overpowering. I pressed a hand to my mouth and swallowed tightly, hoping I didn't throw up. My stomach was knotting, but that could be from my anxiety or the stench. Either way, I was close to hurling.

  I squeezed my eyes closed when I heard car doors slam shut and then voices. I held my breath, hoping those voices were headed for the bar and not looking for me.

  That hope was shot to hell when I heard someone call out, "He's got to be around here somewhere. I want him found."

  Oh yeah, they were here for me.

  I just didn't know why. I suspected it might have something to do with the briefcase attached to my wrist, or maybe the dead body back in the alley. I didn't really care one way or the other. I just didn't want to be found until I knew what in the hell was going on.

  The voices were growing closer and louder. I was afraid if I ran again, I'd be spotted before I took two steps. I needed to find a better place to hide. I opened my eyes and started looking around. I just didn't see anything. Granted, I was partially hidden behind the wooden pallets and an old mattress that was propped against the side of the building, but anyone who came this way would easily spot me.


  My back went ramrod stiff. Then I slowly panned to the dirty mattress beside me. I knew I was beat to shit, but I didn't think I'd reached hallucination stage yet.

  I could be wrong.

  My eyes widened when the mattress moved and a hand appeared. I didn't know whether to lean close to see who it was or scream like a banshee as fear grabbed a hold of my spine and gave it a good shake.

  "Pssst." The hand waved me closer. "You gotta hide before they spot you. Come on."

  I had no idea why I considered it a good idea to follow, but I found myself crawling behind the mattress and through a jagged hole in the side of the building.

  I blinked when I found myself face-to-face with a young boy dressed in dirty, ragged clothes. He couldn't have been more than ten or eleven. Maybe twelve. I wasn't sure I approved of a kid that young having a pierced ear. It seemed odd to me.


  "Come on, we can't stay here. They'll search this building eventually."

  I had no idea how this kid knew that, but I believed him. There was just something in his tone that said he was telling the truth. I climbed to my feet and followed after the young boy. I thought we'd be going through the building then out another exit. I was confused, and a bit concerned, when the kid led me through a doorway that went down a set of stairs to the basement instead.

  "I thought you said we needed to get out of here," I whispered.

  "This is the way out."

  Yeah, I didn't think so.

  "Doesn't this lead to the basement?"

  The kid looked at me like I was stupid. "There's a way out through the basement."


  "What's your name?" I asked.

  The kid stopped and stared at me, his eyes filled with wariness. "Why do you want to know?"

  "Because I can't keep thinking of you as the kid." When the kid just continued to stare, I rolled my eyes. "My name is Lyn. Lyn Philips."

  I was pretty sure telling him I was a cop would be a really bad idea.

  "Whatever." The kid turned away and started walking again.

  He reminded me of Eddie…and Lany…maybe TJ. They could all be pains in the butt on occasion. "Do you have a phone?" It would be good to call one of them.

  "Do I look like I have a phone?"

  Yeah, he was a pain in the butt.

  "Do you know where I can find a phone to use?"

  "Well, I suppose you could always go upstairs and ask one of the guys chasing you."

  I smiled sweetly. I really wanted to wrap my hands around his little neck. "Look, kid, I—"


  "Excuse me?"

  "You can call me Jigsaw."

  I didn't snort out a laugh, but it was close. "Your mother named you Jigsaw?"

  "My mother was strung out on drugs when she had me. I doubt she even thought about naming me. She was too interested in getting out of the hospital so she could get her next fix."

  Okay, now I felt like crap.

  "Fine, Jigsaw." I so wanted to find another name to call this kid. "I need to call some friends to come get me. I don't know what's going on or who is after me, but I need my friends to come save me."

  I hated that I had to call them, but I couldn't think of anyone else I could call when I was in t
rouble. Sal and Lany would come get me without explanation.

  Okay, there would be explanations because Sal would demand them just so he knew who to go arrest, but they'd come get me without question.

  "You don't think you can save yourself?"

  "I think I'm in deep shit, and I need help figuring out why." I lifted my hand, the one cuffed to the briefcase. "I woke up in an alley with this attached to my wrist. I have no idea what's in it, and I don't have a key to open it or get it off of me."

  Jigsaw's lips twisted. He huffed before pulling a small metal wire out of his pocket. "Give it here."

  Curious, I held out my wrist, the briefcase dangling from it. My jaw dropped when Jigsaw stuck that little piece of metal into the lock of the handcuffs and wiggled it around. A moment later, I heard a distinctive click and the handcuff popped open.

  "How in the hell did you do that?"

  Jigsaw snickered as he stuck the piece of metal back into his pocket and started walking again. "Sometimes, the simplest answers work the best."

  I couldn't exactly argue with that.

  I picked up the briefcase—because I wasn't leaving it behind—and followed after Jigsaw once again. I wasn't thrilled with walking through a dark, dank basement, but it seemed to be the better option. I didn't really want to go back out onto the street and get caught by whoever was hunting me.

  I really wanted to know who was hunting me and why. I knew it had to do with the briefcase and the dead body back in the alley. I was a police officer. I could figure that part out. What I couldn't figure out was what I had to do with it.

  I didn't even know how I'd gotten here.

  My memories of the last twenty-four hours or so were a bit hazy. I remember going to work this morning. I even remember what I had for lunch. Chicken salad sandwich. I don't remember much after that.

  Somehow, I had gone from my new job at the FBI cyber crimes division and ended up in an alley in a part of the city I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. I needed to fill in the hours in between and figure out how I'd gotten where I was right now, which was basically escaping down into the basement of an abandoned building while trying to escape whoever was hunting me.


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