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Rampage (Ruthless Tendencies Series Book 4)

Page 13

by D. M. Burns

  “Oh, noooo. More… Slade, give me more.” I love it when she calls me by my given name. It sounds sexy as fuck coming from her, only her.

  I slide my hand up her outer leg anchoring it to my hip, holding it there, and piston my hips. Trying to hold back but my body won’t allow it anymore. I feel her insides contract and suck the semen straight from my balls as she screams my name.

  “Oh, holy shit. YES, SLADE.”

  “Fuck, baby. Ahhh shit, I can feel you cuming. I can’t hold back.” I glide into her one last time and stay rooted as I ride the release out. She pulls me into her wanting mouth and I take it, zero objections. Her pulsating warmth is retracing all around me, it’s a relieving lullaby to my dick.

  Then I remember, no condom. You have got to be shitting me. What the fuck were you thinking, Carter? What do I even say at this moment with her? It’s her first sexual experience… Uh, thanks for your virginity now how about I show my appreciation by knocking you up. What the fuck? Never in my life have I been so god damn stupid, not even during my teenage years. Son-of-a-bitch.

  Sitting off into the shadows of the room, in my oversize recliner, I watch as Lena sleeps. I feel like a god damn super creepy stalker. My Italian satin perfection sheets are contoured around her silhouette. Placing my index finger to my temple, I tilt my head to the side. She belongs in that bed, with me, inside of her. Fuck…

  She wanted to bolt out of here as soon as I untangled my body from hers. Babbling on about some early morning meeting bullshit. Tomorrow is Saturday and I’m the god damn boss, meeting canceled. It was a conversation etched with nervous delivery and I knew she was lying. Something she does often. I also knew she wasn’t going anywhere.

  Refusing to entertain her one-way chit-chat of deceit, I simply wrapped my arms around her little body, lifted her off the bed, and carried her into my spa luxury bathroom. I ran her a hot bath and we both sank into the steaming water together. She went silent as soon as I slipped in behind her hugging her against my chest.

  I was caught up in the middle of doing things with this woman that I had never fathomed before with any other. The list is topping out at an all-time high too. Then again this would follow suit, history repeating itself. I seem to be willing to do all kinds of shit where she’s concerned, always did.

  Of course, my cock didn’t comprehend the fine print in the mental contract outlined in my mind that highlighted Len’s sexual inexperience. When I pulled her against my body that business bastard presented himself with steel intentions poking at her back.

  Wanting everything and anything she was willing to give me has been a constant ever since I was in middle school. Denying those desires has been nothing less than a fucked way of life obviously. Knowing what to do or how to move forward now is like a fork in the middle of a deserted road. I’m standing at a stop sign with no god damn directions on which way to turn.

  Her head lolled around, and those glacier blue eyes sparkled back at me full of intrigue and unspoken questions. I merely shrugged my shoulders and took those luscious pink lips, kissing her deeply. But it was the perfect opening for us to have a discussion. One that had to happen.

  “Miss. Carter…” That was the first time I had ever spoken those words and she answered to such with a full-on smile. One that I returned in equal amounts of pleasure from hearing my declaration. I’m so fuck. “I know it’s not lost on you that I failed to solider up with a condom.” I looked up at the ceiling above us and shook my head out of pure stupidity.

  “Well, yeah. Uhmm.” She whispered while biting down on her bottom lip.

  “I’m really sorry about that, baby. That’s a first for me. I’ve never slept with anyone without wrapping up before. I should’ve protected you and for that I’m sorry.” I twirled a silky wet strand of her strawberry red hair around my finger and continued, “I can purchase you the morning after pill or…” I let my words hang in the air.

  That entire conversation was uncomfortable because that thought fucked with me a great deal. Automatically, I thought of my twin nephews, Raid, and Zaid. Nothing about those words spilling out of my mouth sat well with me, period.

  “Rampage, I’ve been on birth control ever since I was in middle school and a certain less hairy version of a yeti explorer started coming to the house. My mom was persistent and well it just made sense.” She lets out a throaty laugh at her yeti dick jab.

  My heart crawled out of the pit of my stomach and took its rightful place back in the middle of my chest instantly calming the fuck down. The immediate relief must’ve been evident on my face because Len stroked her soft hand across my jaw in an effort at easing my level of discomfort.

  “Still with the yeti bullshit, huh? Plus, I’m not hairy in the least.” I tickled her side and she tried to scurry away from me, but I closed my arms around her caging her in.

  “Yeti refers to your wandering ways. I know you and just because I caved doesn’t mean you’ll retreat to one and change. I don’t expect that of you.”

  She looked back down into the water. Those words were hard for her to say out loud. She also wholeheartedly believed them. Len has no idea how I feel but she’s a girl of action. Words hold no clout with this one.

  “Why did you wait so long to have sex?” I asked.

  That’s been in the corner of my mind nagging at me. I had no right to ask but I did anyway. Of course, with my egotistical ass ways, I’d love to believe it had everything to do with me. The worse she could do was deny me her reasoning. Which incidentally she did.

  “Maybe one day I’ll tell ya, Mr. Carter but not today.” She giggled.

  That answer sorta caught me off guard though. I wanted to know. But I’ll wait for an answer just like I know I’ll wait, eagerly might I add, to slide back inside of her. Tonight, it wasn’t going to happen but soon. I’m well equipped in the dick department and I knew without a doubt that she had to be sensitive to the touch.

  “Fair enough.” I pulled her soft body to mine and for the first time in my entire life, I didn’t want to do shit but hold her, another damn first.

  Leaning my elbows into my knees, I stare at her a few more moments knowing I’m completely fucked and borderline creepy as fuck right now. Standing from the chair, I snatch my clothes from the floor and quietly make my way into my massive closest.

  Dumping everything on the clothing island inside my closet, I quickly get dress. Pulling my dress pants out of last night’s clothing pile, I dig into the pocket and retrieve my keys along with a certain engraved money clip that I never leave home without. Stroking my thumb over the shiny golden carved out letters of my name, I smile then pocket it. Sentimental fuck that I am.

  Stopping in front of my bed, I peer down at Len one more time as she breathes steadily. Her long naturally wavy red locks are splayed across my silk sheets. Her skin is flawlessly tan with a slight flush. I stroke the side of her cheek then lean over and place a barely-there kiss to her forehead. Backing away all I can think is…

  She looks gorgeous.

  She looks peaceful.

  She looks at home.

  In my bed.

  In my life.

  chapter 14 – rampage

  age 16 - monroe High School

  Spying out of the corner of my eye, I see Len traipsing her way down the hall with her best friend, Paige, at her side. Len busted my fucking eye open, successfully scaring a straight line right through my god damn eyebrow. It’s been well over a year ago but I’m still feeling a fuck-load of red-hot anger and animosity about it among other things.

  My brothers plus Rage all gave me shit about it, but I shrugged it off. Honestly, I can’t be that damn mad. It has enhanced my good looks but in a more refined rugged way. It made me a high school hunk and all the bitches wanna ride my junk. Or at least that’s what they whisper in my ear when I’m pounding out their pussy. Still, there’s payback to come for that little redhead.

  Honestly, for the past two years, I’ve been fucking with her hard just not wit
h my dick. One time I snuck into the girl’s locker room while she was in the shower and stole all her clothes, bra, and panties included. I might have kept those as little souvenirs but that’s beside point. Being the nice guy that I am, I left behind a white wife-beater along with a pair of my boxer shorts for her to wear. Which she did. The joke was on me though because she looked fucking hot in them.

  As she stood in front of me, arms crossed, and tapping the toe of her shoe in a rhythm that sounded dreadfully like a countdown to a swift kick in the balls, I chuckled. When she dropped her arms, I could see her nipples as clear as day through my wife-beater. That was when I decided to give her shirt back, not the bra though-that was mine. Selfishly, I didn’t want anyone else to see her tits. Craziest bullshit ever.

  Honestly, I cradled my cock for weeks to that peepshow. I’ve been playing this game with her ever since she face-planted me with her locker door. It’s a twisted game that’s a one-way street. Len has yet to retaliate but that’s sure to change after today.

  Standing back, I do the countdown in my head as she fumbles with the lock on her locker. This shit should be good. As a matter of fact, I’m already snickering. When she clears the restraint from the door and swings it open Paige screeches and Len tries to jump out of the way.

  All the used condoms that I’ve collected for over a year, just for her, comes barreling out in a nasty heap at their feet. Her entire locker contents are covered in my jizz coated rubbers. Some are left hanging from the inside of the steel door while others topple off the books overflowing onto Len’s shoes and she tries to shake them free. What can I say? I like to fuck. Call me the fuckboy extraordinaire.

  Rage slaps a hand on my shoulder and bends over in hysterical laughter. Renegade runs a hand over his face then joins in sharing the laughs with Rage. Rebel simply arches a brow at me then refocuses his attention back on his phone. Something about his latest app he’s perfecting or some shit like that.

  “She’s going to fuck that other eye up for ya, brother.” Rebel says unaffected and without looking up from his device.

  “Probably but fuck her,” I mumble while watching her expression morph from disgusting shock to fury. Hell, I know what I did was fucked up, but that reaction doesn’t really warrant that deadly look.

  “This should be good.” A familiar voice says just from behind me.

  I look over my shoulder to see Jackson Davis chuckling as he nods his head back at Len. Turning my attention back to the rubbery scene, I watch as Len takes out the bookbag that she loves so much. The one that her dad had specially made for her a few years ago on her birthday. The year she gave me my money clip. My gut begins to twist with nauseating anger.

  “What did you do?” I growl at Jackson. Everyone near me goes quiet shutting down the laughter altogether as I stare at him.

  “Man, I just finished out the stitch job on that bookbag of hers.” He laughs. “Just harmless fun. At least I didn’t cram her god damn locker full of used condoms. Now that’s just fucking nasty.” He scrunches his nose.

  When my eyes slide back to Len, I see she’s holding the bookbag out and her eyes are taking it all in as well as mine. On the front, spray painted in bright bold red letters are the words FIRE CROTCH. God damnit. I know how much she loves that damn bookbag her dad gave her. I would never take it that far, ever.

  Len’s eyes meet mine from across the hallway. Tears are swelling by the second coating those glacier spheres. Tipping over and cutting a path down her cheeks in a steady stream as she shakes her head at me. She turns away from her locker, bag in hand, shoulders deflated, and walks away without bothering to grab her books or even shut the locker door. Paige doesn’t let it go though, no. She walks right up to me and bares her teeth.

  “You dick.” She hisses.

  She shoves me hard in the chest and my jaw clenches. I’m still watching Len’s defeated little body slowly move in the opposite direction down the hall. She tosses the bookbag into the trash then disappears down a side hallway.

  “Not that it’s any of your damn business, Carter, but her dad passed away two weeks ago. AND that bookbag was one of the last things that he had made for her. I should kick your ass all over this school, but she wouldn’t want me to. Why she continues to take up for you is a mystery to me? Hell, you damn well deserve it.” Paige shoves me again on a growl then turns and hurriedly walks away in the direction Len disappeared in.

  I knew she was out a few weeks back because she wasn’t here for my routine slinging shit sessions. The last stunt I pulled on her was a little too much. That fuck session she showed up for in the girl’s locker room dug deep. I saw it on her face and in the depths of those ice-blue domes.

  As demented as it may sound, it feels good to hurt her until it doesn’t. The second I saw the effect my actions had it was over. Then I end up carrying that shit around like boulders weighing down on my heart. It’s fucking disturbing the way I feel when it comes to her.

  My heart triples over in my chest at this newfound information about her dad. Len loved her dad something fierce and I knew nothing about her loss. Fuck. The rage coursing through my veins feels like hot volcanic steam ready to erupt. I should’ve known about her dad. Shit.

  “You’re a real asshole, Jackson,” Renegade says as he moves to take off. “You’re not much better right now either, Ramp.” I’m not even mad at his words because my twin is right, I’m a dick. No wonder Len chose him instead of me.

  “Fucker.” Rage finishes his sentiment by flipping Jackson the bird. Both Rebel and Rage move through the hall heading to their next class.

  “Shit, I didn’t know about her dad. Damn…” Jackson runs his hands through his hair. I can fuck with Len but no one else can. Why I feel this way is not logical but it’s just cold hard facts. This fucker needs to understand that too.

  Turning to face Jackson fully, I grab him up by the collar of his shirt and slam him into the lockers directly behind him. “Fuck with her again and I’ll knock your god damn teeth out,” I growl.

  “Hell, Rampage… I didn’t know, man.” His voice is irritating. I release my hold on him only to slam my fist into the locker beside his face. Caving it in the way I desperately want to fracture his skull.

  “You took it too far. Stay the fuck away from me, Jackson. You see me, walk in the other god damn direction.” I move my ass down the hallway where Len tossed the bookbag in the trash. Lifting the top, I pull her bookbag out and make my way for the parking lot.

  chapter 15 - lena

  My eyes crane open and I wonder if it was just another dream, one of many I’ve had since middle school. Dreams of him. Dreams of me. Dreams of us-together-sex. But when I shift my limbs the soreness between my legs tell me all the truths I need.

  The screaming protest in my lower body is urging me to soak my muscles again in his marble pool that he considers a bathtub. The silky high-priced material wrapped around my body is also something that shouts out Rampage ways all day. I wouldn’t have the money to purchase such luxuries, only Ramp.

  I turn my head to the side peering out into the shadowy room then scan over his side of the bed, it’s empty. But his scent is everywhere, covering my body. I close my eyes and breathe deeply. That spicy aftershave mixed with sexy sin coats my body and filters through my senses. It’s enough to promote my southside lady wet again. The last thing she needs right now is another encounter with that well-endowed wonder wand.

  Running a hand down my naked stomach, I remember last night in vivid detail. All the years of hype over Slade’s sexy ways were nothing compared to the real thing. That man is a master manipulator where my body was concerned. If you take away the initial entry of his hulking yeti dick, he was delicate to the touch with me.

  He wasn’t rough or selfishly seeking out his orgasm endgame, no. He was gentle and caring. The way he kissed me and moved inside of me was as if I was something to be savored and coveted. In his hands, I felt safe, treasured even. That was my Slade.

  If I d
idn’t know better, I’d think that’s exactly what making love felt like but that’s ludicrous. It’s probably my overly wishful ways wanting to read more into it then there really is. Everything about Rampage changed that summer he ghosted me. But it felt like the man I was with last night was the boy I’ve always loved resurrected. Not the guy he had grown to be or the one I’ve read and seen on social media throughout the years.

  At some point, I’m fairly sure shame will slam into me for breaking under the pressure of his yeti whore ways but right now, no. Rampage likes variety that much is a well-known fact. And even though I wished I could change that, I’m not delusional enough to think my inexperienced ass would be enough for him. We had a night and that’ll have to be good enough for me.

  Truthfully, other than the ache that my body both invited in with legs wide open, I feel damn good. That man knows his way around my body and his mouth, OH MY GOD-YUM. Secretly, I hope like to hell everything that took place last night will happen again and soon. Though it’s also known facts that Rampage is never seen with the same woman twice, ever. Plus, I keep forgetting that I’m his damn employee. For the love of God.

  Covering my face with my palms, I let out an embarrassing sigh. Shit, what have I done? Nope… I’m not going down that scary slope of slut-shaming. NO. I have zero regrets. I choose Rampage long ago. When he asked me why I waited I wasn’t ready to share that. Telling him that he was the only one that I ever dreamt about would’ve left me completely vulnerable. Something that I already felt like I was drowning in, virginal vulnerability.

  Sliding from his noteworthy maple masterpiece of love, I gather my clothes off the floor and quickly get dressed trying my best to be as quiet as I can. For the life of me, I can’t find my garter or underwear, damnit. Tripping over my shoes in my hast, I swipe them off the floor and cradle them to my chest.


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