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Heartbreak And Past Mistakes

Page 7

by Chenell Parker

  “Meaning what?” Maxine inquired, speaking as if Lyric was beneath her.

  “Meaning just what I said,” Lyric flippantly replied.

  She was all about respecting her elders, but Maxine had her fucked up. Lyric didn’t miss the way she turned her lips up when she spoke to her and she didn’t miss the harshness in her tone. As nice as she tried to be, Lyric didn’t mind getting ghetto on her either. She could already see that Maxine was a bitch and she could be one too. Sensing that things were about to go left, Javier hurriedly spoke up and changed the subject.

  “So, um, are we ready to order?” Javier asked uncomfortably.

  “Yes, we can do that. Lyric, get whatever you want, no matter how much it is,” Douglas said while winking at her.

  “Thank you,” Lyric replied with a smile.

  Maxine sat there looking like she sucked on a lemon with the frown that was plastered on her face. When they ordered their food, Lyric was happy to see the champagne come out first. She needed a drink or ten if she was going to get through the night. Between Javier’s father’s constant flirting and his mother’s attitude, Lyric was ready to go. She would have been happy with a baked potatoe and some nuggets from Wendy’s. She was sure it tasted better than what they were eating anyway. To say that the prices were so high, Lyric didn’t really care for the food too much. The meats were good but the spinach tasted like it was pulled straight out of the ground. She didn’t want to be rude, so she choked down as much of it as she could until she couldn’t take anymore.

  “Do you like your food baby?” Javier asked after a while. They had been there for over an hour and Lyric was over it.

  “It’s okay,” Lyric replied as she ate a few of the bland potatoes.

  “Quality food has a different taste than what you’re probably used to. This must be your first time dining at a five star restaurant,” Maxine snobbishly remarked.

  Lyric was about to reply, but she sat there and waited to see what Javier was going to say. When she saw that he continued to eat without speaking up on her behalf, Lyric nodded her head in understanding. He was clearly a mama’s boy and that was the worst kind of man in her opinion. She was happy that she was seeing everything now before she decided to go any further with him. There was no way in hell that she could bring her mother around Maxine without fists flying and hair being pulled. Melody was hood and her and Maxine wouldn’t last an hour.

  “I’m going to the ladies’ room,” Lyric said as she stood to her feet.

  Javier and his father stood up too, but he could save the gentleman act. Lyric wasn’t trying to be respectful anymore and it was whatever. She grabbed her glass of champagne and gulped it down before she walked away. She heard the whispers as soon as she left and resisted the urge to turn around and point her middle finger. After drinking four glasses of champagne, Lyric’s bladder was full and about to burst. She rushed into one of the empty stalls and relieved herself. It felt like she had a river coming out of her and she felt instant relief. Once she fixed herself up, she exited the stall and saw Maxine standing there with her arms folded waiting for her.

  “You’re not the one,” Maxine stated confidently.

  “What?” Lyric questioned with an annoyed frown on her face.

  “You’re not the one. Javier can do better,” Maxine replied.

  “So could your husband, but it’s not my place to point that out,” Lyric smirked.

  “My son has too much going for himself to waste time pursuing a relationship with you. Administrative assistant sounds nice when you say it, but you’re nothing more than a well-paid secretary. My husband and I sacrificed too much on Javier’s education and future just to have him bring someone like you home. You probably had to sleep with the boss just to get hired. Judging by the way you’re dressed, I don’t put it past you.” Maxine frowned.

  “Your husband sure doesn’t have a problem with the way I’m dressed. I mean, he’s been eye fucking me all night,” Lyric replied with a smile.

  “Excuse me?” Maxine said, taken aback by Lyric’s brutally harsh reply.

  She backed up to the sink when Lyric walked closer to her. Maxine thought the younger woman was about to hit her, but she never raised a hand. Lyric knew how to kill people with words and that was a gift that she’d had since she was a little girl.

  “Fuck with me and I’ll have your husband and your son licking the kitty before and after court. The money that will be missing from your bank account will be deposited right into mine. I’m sure Douglas has way more than Javier does anyway. I might not even have to fuck him to get some of it. Just bounce this fat ass a few times and have his old ass gone. I’ll be your daughter-in-law and your husband’s mistress,” Lyric said as she blew her a kiss.

  Maxine was stunned to silence as she rushed out of the bathroom quickly. Lyric washed and dried her hands and walked out right after her. She smirked when she saw Maxine gathering her purse and telling Javier and his father something. Appearance was everything to her, so she didn’t dare raise her voice in a public place.

  “What happened?” Javier asked as soon as Lyric walked over to them.

  “Ask your mammy,” Lyric replied as she grabbed her purse and walked away.

  His father pulled out some bills from his wallet and dropped them on the table before following his wife out. Maxine’s heels clicked on the tiled floors as she made her way down the hall towards the parking garage. Javier and his father chased after her while Lyric trailed behind. She was pissed when she got to the elevator and saw that Javier had gotten on and left her behind. It was all good though. Lyric saw all that she needed to see.

  When she got off the elevator on the floor where Javier was parked, she didn’t realize that his parents were parked a few cars over from them. Maxine was going off telling Javier about how Lyric had disrespected her and he was trying his best to calm her down. Once he turned around and saw Lyric standing there, he said goodbye to his parents and rushed to let her inside the car.

  “What the hell happened?” Javier asked once he got into the car and drove off.

  “Fuck you and that goes double for your mama!” Lyric spat angrily.

  “Excuse me,” Javier said, shocked by her use of language.

  He’d heard Lyric pop off before but it was never directed at him. He didn’t know what happened between her and his mother in the bathroom, but both women were clearly upset. Maxine told him that she would never accept his relationship with Lyric and that made his heart drop. He didn’t expect his mother to be crazy about her but he at least wanted them to be cordial.

  “You heard me. I’m just happy that I got a glimpse into my future before I made another mistake,” Lyric said, pulling him away from his thoughts.

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Javier asked.

  “Take it however you want Javier. Just bring me home,” Lyric replied.

  “Are we even going to talk about this Lyric?” he asked her.

  “Yeah, let’s talk. Let’s talk about how your mama had me fucked up from the minute we walked into the restaurant and you didn’t even try to defend me once. Let’s talk about how you walked off and got on the elevator with your parents and left me like I wasn’t shit. After being single for over a year, do you really think this is the kind of relationship I want?” Lyric argued.

  “I’m sorry baby, but that’s my mother. What did you want me to do?” Javier asked her.

  “Wow. You’re right Javier. That is your mother. That’s exactly why I had my own back because you damn sure didn’t. Just bring me home, so I can order me some real food and forget that this bullshit ass night ever happened,” Lyric fumed.

  “I’ll talk to her Lyric, I promise. I don’t care what she says. I love you baby and I don’t want to lose you,” Javier said, revealing his true feelings for her.

  “Yeah, well, you could have fooled me. I felt more love coming from your perverted ass daddy,” Lyric snapped as he pulled up in front of her house.

p; “Baby, please don’t leave like this. I’ll go crazy at home knowing that you’re upset with me. I won’t even be able to sleep,” Javier said, sounding like a bitch.

  “You better pop a pill and count some sheep,” Lyric snapped as she got out of the car.

  Javier jumped out and walked her up to her front door. He looked like he was on the verge of tears, but Lyric didn’t give a damn. She couldn’t even front, she really liked Javier. He lost a lot of points with her that night and she wasn’t sure how he was going to get them back. One thing she did know for sure and that was a relationship with him wasn’t happening anytime soon, if it ever happened at all.

  “I’m sorry baby. I’m in love with you, Lyric, and I’ll do anything to show you just how much,” Javier said as he gave her a tight hug that almost suffocated her.

  He waited until Lyric got inside safely before he got into his car and pulled off. As soon as Lyric walked inside, she kicked off her heels and undressed as she made her way down the hall to her bedroom. It was still early since her night ended much sooner than she thought it would. Clad in nothing but a black thong, Lyric walked into her kitchen and opened the fridge. After grabbing the fruit salad that she’d made earlier, she got a bottle of wine and headed outside to her screened patio. She flipped a switch and smiled when the lights in her hot tub illuminated and the jets came to life. Lyric already had the temperature adjusted to the hottest setting and she never changed it. She sighed in contentment when she stepped into the steaming hot stress reliever. Since she worked out a lot, her muscles were often sore. Her father had her and her mother a hot tub installed and that was the best gift that she could have ever received. Lyric didn’t even worry about getting a glass. She turned the bottle of wine up to her mouth and took a big gulp. She ate her fruit and relaxed in the hot tub, ignoring the constant ringing of her phone. Javier was calling and texting like crazy, but Lyric didn’t feel like being bothered. She regretted feeling like she had no one to talk to but, in a sense, she didn’t. She and Melody always went to the gym on Sundays so maybe she would finally confide in her mother. She needed advice and Melody always kept it real with her. She would hate to give up on a potentially good man, but she wasn’t with the bullshit. Javier needed to know that she didn’t do second place. She was never going to be okay with being the other woman, and that included his mother.

  Chapter 6

  Lyric was up bright and early the next morning ready to hit the gym. She had her curly hair pulled back into a puffy ponytail with her workout clothes on. Before she even left the house, Melody sent her a text telling her that she was skipping a day. She rarely missed and Lyric knew that she had probably gone out somewhere the night before. Lyric didn’t mind working out by herself, so she headed to the gym, preparing to get it in. Since she had to pass by her father’s house on the way, she decided to stop by to see what he was up to. Lyric and his girlfriend, Hillary, got along great and she always made her feel welcome.

  “Good morning Hillary,” Lyric said when Hillary opened the door.

  “Good morning baby. Come on in. I haven’t seen you in a few weeks.” Hillary smiled as she gave Lyric a hug.

  “Yeah, I know. How have you been?” Lyric asked her.

  “I can’t complain honey. What brings you by?” Hillary asked her.

  “I came to see my daddy,” Lyric replied.

  She never knew if anyone was home or not because they always parked in the garage. Lyric did the same thing, just in case if she didn’t want to be bothered with somebody.

  “He’s not here. I haven’t seen your daddy in two days,” Hillary said as she looked down at the floor.

  Lyric felt so bad for showing up over there, but she didn’t know. She would never try to hurt Hillary’s feelings intentionally and she hoped that she knew that. Hillary was ten years older than Lenard at fifty years old, but she looked great for her age. She had three grown children, but she was mostly a loner. From the first time she met Lyric, she had always been nice to her. They even worked out together a few times, but she would never tell Melody that.

  “I’m sorry Hillary. I didn’t know,” Lyric replied.

  “It’s okay baby. I’m used to it. I don’t know why I even put up with that man. I keep telling him that if he wants to get back with your mama, then that’s what he should do. All that back and forth mess don’t even make no sense. I’m a grown woman. I can handle whatever is thrown my way,” Hillary pointed out.

  Lyric would never sit up there and discuss her parents with anyone, so she didn’t even bother with a reply. Now she knew why Melody didn’t feel like working out. More than likely, she already got enough exercise with her father.

  “I understand. I won’t hold you any longer. I’m on my way to the gym,” Lyric replied.

  “I would join you, but my daughter invited me to breakfast,” Hillary replied.

  “Well, maybe next time.” Lyric smiled.

  Hillary walked her out to her car before going back inside. As soon as Lyric pulled away, she dialed her mother’s number and waited for her to pick up.

  “Hey mommy’s baby,” Melody answered just like she always did when she talked to Lyric.

  “Uh huh. Now, I know why you didn’t want to work out this morning,” Lyric replied.

  “What are you talking about girl? I told you that I’m tired.” Melody yawned.

  “I guess so since my daddy is over there,” Lyric noted.

  “And? What’s your point? That is my husband and father of my only child. How did you know that he was here anyway?” Melody questioned.

  “Hillary told me,” Lyric replied, knowing that she was about to hear her mother’s mouth.

  “I know you fucking lying! What were you doing talking to her ass?” Melody yelled.

  “Calm down ma. I only went over there to see my daddy,” Lyric said.

  “Oh, well, he ain’t there,” Melody replied, stating the obvious.

  “I just don’t understand y’all. Why continue to mess around instead of just getting back together? Y’all have been separated for years.”

  “I know baby, but we’ve been talking about it. We could have been back together if he wouldn’t have moved in with that bitch!” Melody fumed.

  “Don’t do that ma. That lady is nice and she’s never done anything to you.”

  “Wait, let me get up and wipe the sleep from my eyes. I must be still tired or something. I know damn well my one and only child, who I went through forty-eight hours of labor with, is not sitting on the phone defending another bitch. The same child who I sacrificed sleep and a social life for when I was just a baby my damn self. No, that can’t be right,” Melody said dramatically.

  “I would never. You know that nobody in the world is more important to me than you and my daddy,” Lyric said, telling Melody what she knew she wanted to hear.

  “Oh okay. Just making sure. But anyway, fuck Hillary. Bitch credit score was barely a five hundred when she came to me. I helped that hoe build her credit up and buy a house, just to move my husband in with her. That’s why I drop kicked that bitch at her house warming party,” Melody fumed.

  Lyric had to stifle a laugh because her mother was telling the truth. She already knew that Lenard and Hillary lived together in an apartment, but he messed up when he told her that Hillary had purchased a home. When Melody showed up at their housewarming party, the only gift that she had to deliver was an ass whipping. Lyric had to drag her mother out of the house and Hillary had to end her gathering early. Melody ended up going to jail because she refused to leave peacefully. Lyric had to keep reminding herself that her mother was only thirty-eight years old, but she acted much younger than that.

  “What did you and daddy do last night?” Lyric asked while trying to change the subject. She knew that her mother would go on forever about her father’s girlfriend and she wasn’t in the mood to hear it.

  “You sure you wanna know?” Melody asked.

  “Ugh. No, not that. Give me the PG version,”
Lyric replied.

  “Oh, girl, we went to an old school party that one of his co-workers gave. I had too much fun,” Melody said.

  “Where is my daddy now?” Lyric asked.

  “He’s outside cutting the grass. We had a long talk about our marriage and I think we’re about to make this shit work. We’ve been married for twenty years and separated for eight of them. That don’t make no sense. Hell, it ain’t like I’m fucking nobody else but him anyway.”

  “Ma! Please! I don’t need to hear that!” Lyric yelled.

  “Girl, stop acting like you ain’t grown. But anyway, I told that nigga that he gotta buy me a new house. I want something bigger and better. He owes me for moving in with that upside down built bitch Hillary anyway. I need a bigger yard for when I have me some grandbabies.”

  “With the way my love life is going, you and daddy will probably have another baby before I do,” Lyric replied.

  “I wouldn’t have another baby for all the tea in China. Your grandma got my mind right when I had you, honey,” Melody said.

  Her mother Greta was a no nonsense type of woman and she meant whatever she said. She used to always preach to her kids about sex, babies, and protecting themselves when the time came. She always told them that she wasn’t putting her life on hold if they had a baby and she wasn’t playing. When Melody had Lyric at only fourteen years old, Greta showed her just how serious she was. She kept Lyric while her daughter went to school, but that was it. She didn’t care if Melody had to stay up all night with her baby; she made sure that she was up at the crack of dawn to get ready for school. Parties or any other school functions were out of the question unless she had someone else to watch Lyric. Her sisters and Lenard’s family helped out sometimes, but it was hard on them. Lenard was only sixteen at the time, but he used to be right inside with Melody and their daughter. She made it clear to him that he couldn’t have a life if she didn’t. They didn’t really have a childhood and they swore that they were never having anymore after Lyric and they meant it. It wasn’t until Lyric became a teen that her parents really got to enjoy life. They were done with kids but they both wanted grandkids.


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