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The Warrior Princess: A Reverse Harem Paranormal Romance

Page 25

by Siobhan Davis

  “Eh, Alinthia.” His voice is roughened. “You’re not wearing any clothes, beautiful.”

  I can’t keep the smile off my face. “I know. Does that bother you?” I tease, angling my hips and pushing my pelvis into his so there can be no doubt of my intent. The growing bulge in his shorts tells me he’s down with this plan, but I like messing with him.

  He audibly gulps, his hand moving to rest casually on my left hip. “Bother isn’t really the right word, because there is nothing about your beautiful, naked body that could ever bother me in any way. I guess I’m just confused.” He frowns, and his eyes scrunch up at the corners a little. “What’s going on here?”

  “Do I really have to spell it out for you?”

  His cock is like a brick against my lower stomach now, and I can’t help grinding against him, rubbing my core against his length to create much-needed friction. He moans, dragging a hand through his hair, his eyes temporarily closing. I sit up and straddle him, my long hair falling over my shoulders, partly concealing my bare breasts. “Look at me, Coop.” I gently palm his face, and his eyes flutter open. His pupils are dilated, the look of lust undeniable.

  “I don’t want to hold anything back from you or the others anymore. I’ve spent weeks apart from you. Weeks where I was scared I’d never get to experience this with you. I’m done waiting.” I thrust my hips forward, gliding against his erection to drill the point home.

  “Beautiful,” he whispers, clasping the back of my head. “We only just arrived home, and you’ve got to be exhausted. We don’t have to do this now.”

  I lean down closer, and my chest brushes against his. My nipples instantly harden and pucker. He emits another strangled moan, and my core throbs with extreme need that is almost borderline excruciating. “I’m not exhausted,” I whisper, nipping at his lower lip with my teeth. “I’m actually the furthest from exhausted a girl could be.” I run my tongue around the seam of his lips. His cock jerks against my pelvis, and I moan this time.

  “You’re killing me here, Alinthia.” He pulls my head down, aligning our lips and kissing me passionately. His tongue licks the inside of my mouth, and I see stars. Digging my hands into his shoulders, I writhe on top of him, mewling like a cat. He bucks his hips up into mine as his lips leave my mouth, trailing a path of soft, wet kisses down my neck and over my collarbone. “Are you sure, baby? You really want to do this with me now?”

  “Yes.” I hiss, stretching my neck to the side to grant him more access. “I want to feel as close to you as possible, Coop. I need it. I need you.” I thread my fingers through his hair as I stare deep into his eyes. “I think I’ll combust if I can’t have you.” I push up using his shoulders for balance, straddling his hips as I ease back a little, tossing my hair behind me, baring my body to him. My eyes burn with desire as he rakes his gaze over me.

  “Fuck, Alinthia. You’re so beautiful, all sexy and confident like this.” He trails his fingers up my thighs, up over my stomach, edging toward my chest. His fingers brush the underside of my heaving breasts, and I grind against him as my pussy pulses with longing. He rolls my nipple between his fingers, making this primitive sound at the back of his throat which only elevates my desire to the next level. I’m ready to pounce on him when he says, “Lie on your back.”

  Gripping my hips, he flips me onto the bed beside him. He kicks the covers away before nudging my thighs apart and kneeling in front of me, his eyes ablaze with desire. He stares at my most private area like he’s never seen a girl naked before—which I know is definitely not the case—and I’m hugely turned on. His fingers brush against my mound before he runs the tip of one finger up and down my slit. “Fuck, you’re so wet for me.”

  “Told you I need you,” I rasp, gasping when he pushes one finger into my liquid heat.

  “Is this what you need, baby?” he murmurs, adding a second finger, pumping both in and out without any urgency, like I’m not just about to explode.

  “More, harder,” I demand, fisting my hands in the sheet as my back arches off the bed when he inserts a third finger.

  “Oh, fuck.” Using his other hand, he rubs along his hardened length. “If you keep making sounds like that this will be over before it’s even started.”

  I hoist myself up on my elbows, glaring at him. “Don’t even joke about that.”

  He chuckles, crawling up my body to kiss the shit out of me. He keeps his fingers inside me while he’s devouring my mouth, pumping them in and out quickly this time. I’m squirming and panting underneath him as pressure starts building in my core. “Oh, God, yes,” I moan into his mouth.

  “Not so fast,” he whispers, removing his fingers and sliding down my body.

  Before I can protest, his mouth is on me, his tongue plunging into my hot warmth, and I shove my head into the pillow to muffle my scream. He alternates his attention, sucking my clit, running his tongue up and down my slit, and plundering my opening with his impressive tongue, and I’m adrift in a sea of heavenly bliss.

  My orgasm hits me so fast I cry out, wave after wave crashing into me, knocking me down and keeping my head under water. I’m bucking and writhing on the bed like a woman possessed, and I’m sure the whole house has heard my moans and screams, but I couldn’t care less. My bones are fluid, my body satiated as I come down from the most incredible high. My hair is a knotty mess all over my face, and I push it away, watching as Coop shucks out of his shorts, standing before me in all his magnificent male glory. I’ve seen him naked before. Made him come with my hand and my mouth, but I’m still blown away by the hard, throbbing length bobbing against his stomach as he quickly rolls a condom on.

  He climbs back up on the bed, prowling toward me with wicked intent in his eyes. “Now is your last chance to back out.”

  I sit up, yanking his mouth to mine. “As if.” I scoff. “I’m not backing out. I need you inside me, Coop, and I can’t wait a second longer.”

  “This is going to be hard and fast, baby, because I’ve never been this turned on before.” He positions the tip of his cock against my entrance, licking his lips as he watches with lust-crazed eyes. “I have dreamed of this so many times.”

  “Me too.” I smile lazily at him, my hips flexing upward as he starts edging inside me.

  Our eyes are locked on one another as he moves slowly inside me, and it’s like looking into his soul. His emotions skate over me, combining with mine, and I’m drowning in love and happiness. When he’s fully inside me, he stills, leaning down to kiss me softly. He nuzzles my neck and kisses that sensitive spot right below my ear. “I love you so fucking much, Alinthia.” He lifts his head, peering deep into my eyes. “I cannot even find the words to express how much love there is in my heart for you and how incredible it feels to be inside you. Nothing has ever felt so amazing or so right.”

  Happy tears leak out of my eyes. I cup his face. “I know how you feel because I feel all that and more.” My eyes search his. “I love you to the end of time, Cooper.”

  He thrusts his hips forward, and my body comes alive. “You are my world,” he simply says, kissing me softly as he starts thrusting in and out of me.

  I wrap my legs around his waist, digging my heels into his ass, needing to feel him closer. He pulls out and then slams back in, over and over, and my back lifts as intense pleasure rockets through me. He latches onto one nipple, teasing the hardened bud with his tongue, while his hand grips my hips tighter and he starts slamming into me hard. I run my hands down his back, squeezing his butt, urging him to go even faster.

  Sweat drips down my back and clings to my forehead as I yank his hair, pulling his mouth to mine. Our kisses are frenzied and greedy, his lips insistent against mine. We moan into each other’s mouths, and I feel another orgasm building, pressure growing and growing, my core aching and pulsing, my body bucking and writhing, and still Cooper thrusts into me, rutting like a wild animal.

  I shatter into a thousand pieces. Stars explode at the back of my eyes. And then he’s there w
ith me, roaring my name as he releases inside me. He collapses on top of me, both of us sweaty and breathless but completely satisfied. My fingers roam over his sweat-slickened skin as I pepper his face with kisses. “I love you. I love you.”

  He rolls over onto his side, pulling me with him, and I’m shocked to find tears glistening in his eyes. “That was everything, beautiful,” he whispers, pressing a tender kiss to my forehead. “Everything.”

  “I agree,” I whisper, snuggling into him, happy and contented and still riding the high.


  I wake early, still wrapped around Coop, smiling as memories of last night surge to the forefront of my mind. My body aches deliciously, and I don’t move for ages, happy to watch the gorgeous man sleeping at my side. Coop’s lips are slightly parted, air trickling out of his mouth. The steady rise and fall of his chest is intoxicating, and my eyes roam hungrily over his naked body, stirring my lust into gear. I’m tempted to wake him up with my mouth and my hands, but he’s fast asleep, and he looks too beautiful and too peaceful to wake. With sneaky, precise moves, I slide out of his arms and slip out of the bed, fitting the covers back over him to keep him warm.

  I shower and pull on some denim shorts and a tank, slipping my feet into flip-flops and making my way downstairs.

  The rest of the house is quiet. All the guys are still fast asleep.

  I get to work in the kitchen, making a breakfast feast to top all breakfast feasts, wanting to spoil my guys as they deserve.

  “Something smells good,” Maddox says, ambling into the kitchen in only a pair of gray sweatpants, fighting a yawn.

  “I hope you’re hungry.”

  He grins at me, messing my hair. “As if you need an answer to that question.”

  “Did you sleep well?” I inquire, pouring him a cup of coffee.

  “Like a baby.” He pecks my lips, dropping his head to my shoulder and circling his arms around my waist. I put the cup down and rest my head atop his. He smells like the minty shampoo he uses, and I love the familiarity of it.

  Without warning, he lifts me up on the counter, pushing my legs apart and positioning himself in the middle. He palms both my cheeks. “It’s fucking fantastic to be home. To come down the stairs and find you at the stove, right where you belong.” He winks teasingly.

  I swat at his hands. “Careful, or I’ll give the others all the food.”

  “You wouldn’t dare.” He pulls me to the edge of the counter, and I wrap my legs around his waist. “Although it might be fun punishing you if you tried,” he mumbles before claiming my lips.

  Maddox kisses like it might be his last ever kiss—every single time. I’m putty in his hands under his expert ministrations, swooning as his tongue sweeps against mine. His lips are bruising in their greedy assault, and I’m struggling to breathe. With the way we are pushed together, I can feel his hard length nudging my already sensitive core, and my body reacts instinctively.

  “Morning,” Beck says, and I shriek, pulling back from Maddox with a loopy smile on my face.

  “Your timing is impeccable, brother,” he moans, slapping poor Beck on the back.

  “Or spot-on.” Beck grins, winking at me.

  I laugh, jumping down from the counter and pulling him into a hug. He kisses me quickly as Maddox grabs his coffee and starts loading his plate with muffins, pancakes, bacon, eggs, and toast. “Go sit down,” I tell Beck, pushing him gently toward the table. “And I’ll bring a plate to you.” He drops into a chair, instantly tapping away on his tablet, and it’s so comfortable, so normal, that I’m delirious with happiness.

  “Did I put that goofy smile on your face?” Coop asks, sliding his arms around me from behind. He presses his mouth to my ear, while his hand slips under my top, and my body purrs at his touch.

  I spin around, circling my arms around his neck, and I can’t stop the massive grin spreading across my mouth. “You definitely played a part,” I tease, capturing his lips in mine.

  “Last night was the best night of my life,” he whispers into my ear, and I almost melt on the spot.

  “Mine too,” I honestly admit, my cheeks flushing.

  “I was hoping for round two when I woke up,” he admits, sliding his hand down my back and cupping my ass.

  “You were in a deep sleep, and I didn’t want to wake you although a naughty thought had crossed my mind.”

  His eyes flare. “What naughty thought?”

  “I was going to wake you by sucking your cock.”

  “Holy fuck, sweetheart. If my brothers weren’t here, I’d drag you back upstairs and make that a reality.”

  “There’ll be other times.”

  He playfully swats my ass. “Most definitely.”

  Maddox is watching us silently converse with a knowing look on his face. He grins at me, waggling his brows, and I poke my tongue out at him. He chuckles, shaking his head.

  “Sit down and I’ll bring you some food,” I tell Coop, shucking out of his arms and fixing his breakfast. I’ve only just put plates down in front of Coop and Beck when Dane shows up.

  “Morning,” I say cheerily. “You hungry?”

  He eyes the feast, nodding quietly. His brothers all watch him on the sly. “Take this and sit down.” I hand him a coffee, and our fingers brush in the process, igniting a spark of electricity between us. His eyes smolder as he stares at me. My tongue darts out, automatically wetting my lips, and his gaze darkens further. Butterflies soar to life in my chest, and my panties are practically soaked.

  I’m not sure what’s happened me, but I’m like one giant walking hormone right now.

  Dane ends whatever moment we were having, stalking to the table with a frown, a dangerous vibe exuding from every pore. My hands are shaking as I plate his food. Dane regularly intimidates me, so this antsy feeling is no different, except that I know he’s suffering and I need to crack through his hard exterior and break through to him. It requires a level of bravery and confidence I’m not sure I possess, but I’m definitely going to try.

  My heart is in my mouth as I walk toward him, leaning over his back to set his plate on the table. Before I can talk myself out of it, I wrap my arms around him from behind, pressing my chest into his back and leaning forward to kiss his cheek. He stiffens in my arms, unused to me touching him uninvited. It wouldn’t be an issue with Maddox or Coop, and even Beck seems to have turned a corner since he returned, so I don’t think he’d mind anymore either.

  But Dane minds.

  And he’s not shy about telling me.

  “Stop. Just stop.” He removes my arms from his body, pushing me away.

  “Dane, come on.” Coop starts to defend me, but I silence him with one look, shaking my head.

  Dane’s chair screeches as he stands. “All of you, stop it.” He glares at his brothers. “Stop looking at me like I’m to be pitied. I can’t fucking stand it.”

  He shoves me aside as he storms off, leaving a path of destruction behind him.

  I have two choices here. I can leave him to stew, or I can go after him and force him to confront this. Maybe I’m wrong to push him. Maybe he should be given space. But Dane is not good at opening up, and I fear the longer he mulls this over, the more pigheaded he’ll become. And this is not like anything else we’ve butted heads over.

  I won’t let Alandra continue to come between us. She’s dead and I want her out of our lives for good.

  “I’m going after him,” I say, picking up his plate and silverware.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea, sweetheart,” Maddox says, popping a piece of egg into his mouth.

  “I do.” Coop looks at all of us. “He’s not going to open up for us. If anyone stands the best chance of getting through to him, it’s Alinthia. We can’t stand back and watch him self-destruct.” He drags his fingers through his hair. “We had no choice in that dungeon. We couldn’t help him. But we can now. Alinthia can.”

  “I’ll try, and that’s got to be better than letting him bott
le it all up and fester.” I walk out of the kitchen, following Dane to his office. I don’t even bother knocking. I just open the door and walk in.

  Dane is sitting at his desk with his head resting on his hands. “Get out,” he says, without even looking up.

  “Make me.” I put the plate and silverware down on the table and close the door.

  “I’m not your latest pet project,” he snarls, still not lifting his head.

  “No!” I hiss. “You’re just the love of my life. You and your brothers. And I’m fucked if I’m going to stand by and say nothing, do nothing. Not when you’re hurting.”

  “This is my fault!” he roars, finally sitting up and looking at me. “And I don’t deserve your comfort or your pity or whatever the hell this is!” He stands, glaring at me. “I don’t want you here. I don’t need you to fix me. I’m fine.”

  I push my finger into his chest. “No, you’re not, and you can deny that till the cows come home, and I still won’t believe you.”

  “I don’t care what you think! This is nothing to do with you!”

  “The hell it isn’t!” I shout back. “If you’re hurting, we’re all hurting.” I try to rein in my temper before I say something I regret. “You can say all the horrible, nasty things you like. Continue to push me away. Continue to deny my comfort and my love. You can do it all, and it won’t make a difference. I am not going anywhere. I am not leaving you to deal with this by yourself.”

  His eyes darken, and he exudes rage as he steps into me. “You don’t get a choice. I’m not under your thumb like they are.”

  “Just stop, Dane. Stop!” I reach for him, and he grabs my wrist, stalling me. “She is not going to ruin us. She is not going to take your happiness. I won’t fucking let that happen!” I’m shouting again, but that’s not unheard of when I’m around Dane. He tends to bring that side out in me. I wrest my hand from his grip and go with my gut. I pull my tank up over my head and shimmy my shorts down my legs. Kicking both items of clothing aside, I stand before him in only my panties. I want to be vulnerable with him. To lay myself bare in the hope he’ll do the same. His nostrils flare, and his eyes are like two black orbs, heavy with desire. Taking his hand, I pull it to my naked breast. “Feel me. Touch me. Replace her touch with mine.”


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