The King's Descendants

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The King's Descendants Page 5

by Robin Simmons

  “That is easy,” Lucinda remarked, “we are their children!”

  “That may be true if one or two of us inherited our parent’s abilities, but not all four,” Edward remarked. “Andronicus has said that a time shifter may appear only once in a millennia. Andrew Crestlaw was convinced that Lucinda would be a time shifter, he even told me it would happen beyond doubt.”

  Jason let out a low moan, “Why could I not see this. The probability of all four of us having our parent’s abilities is beyond coincidence.”

  “Then why do all four of you have these special abilities?” Master Rollins asked.

  “You of all people should know,” Edward stated. “It was Master Fields himself who proposed that God himself gave our parents those abilities to defeat Layton Teal and save the kingdom from being destroyed. There is only one reason we all have the same abilities, to save the kingdom once again. I believe God’s favor has shined upon this fair land, and He wishes it to continue.”

  “But I saw it destroyed!” Lucinda interjected. “Can we change what will be?”

  Jason, with his father’s analytical mind was piecing everything together very quickly. All of a sudden he stood up, which captured everyone’s attention.

  “My father, Andrew, knew this day would come. Everyone of us will have a part in the saving of Glenfair. Lucinda, you may have already done your part in warning us of the danger to come in time to prevent it. Adriell and I will have to use our special mental powers. And you, my king, probably know already that there will be some kind of battle.”

  Edward nodded, “Your father told me this as well. But we are no closer to knowing what we all face. I still believe the answer is at the top of the falls with Andronicus.” Everyone nodded in agreement as they adjourned to get some rest before the morrow.

  The next morning a bright and wonderful day dawned. The small group that mounted their horses and rode out of the Crestlaw’s castle was, for the most part, oblivious to the beauty about them. All of them were somber after Adriell failed to contact Andronicus once more. They rode along in silence until they reached the falls. It was there that Edward took over when he saw the wreckage of the merchant caravan.

  “Master Rollins, come with me. The rest of you wait here while we investigate.”

  Edward and Master Rollins rode over to the caravan and dismounted. The bodies of the men who had fought the clone lay upon the ground. As Edward and Master Rollins examined them, Master Rollins began to piece together what had happened. The training of a weapons master enabled such a person to extrapolate any fight or battle.

  “I do not understand,” Master Rollins told Edward. “Only one person killed all of these men, and with no weapons. He did it with his bare hands. I know of only one person who could have done such a thing, and that is you my king.”

  Edward rubbed his chin in thought, “No, there is another who could have done this, but I can not bring myself to believe he would do such a thing.”

  Edward motioned for the others to come forward, and together they buried the dead before pressing on to the secret entrance behind the falls. No one spoke during the burials, the day had only become more dismal for the small group.

  Edward took the lead again and guided everyone onto the ledge behind Brickens’ Falls. He then pushed in the eyes of the natural shaped owl that was part of the cliff face, opening the door to the chamber behind the falls.

  Once inside with the door shut, Master Rollins spoke; “I have heard Master Fields tell of such secret places. But now mine eyes have seen what I had only half believed.

  Edward smiled, “If this chamber impresses you Master Rollins, then wait until you see what is at the top of the falls.”

  Edward then led the way to the small room at the back of the chamber. When everyone was inside and the doors closed, Edward placed his ring with the family crest in the proper slot and the room began to move. Pi smiled at a sensation that she had not experienced in a very long time. But poor Master Rollins turned pale and looked faint at the feeling they all received from the fast trip to the top of Brickens’ Falls.

  When the door opened, Master Rollins was relieved to be out in the open once again. His relief turned to wonder as his senses finally began to absorb his surroundings. The garden, as always was immaculate. The symmetry flowed and soothed away the tensions a person did not even know they had. Master Rollins stood speechless, taking in the surroundings until he finally realized the rest were heading down a path that wound its way along the river. He followed, content to be in the back, looking right and left at the beauty that surrounded him.

  When the small company entered the Hall of Wisdom, they stopped and stared at the broken remains of the opposite wall. Edward drew his sword, and so did Jason.

  “Stay here,” Edward commanded the rest, “while Jason and I find out what has happened here.”

  Edward went through the hole in the wall while Jason went toward the kitchen. The evidence of a tremendous fight was everywhere. Edward was staring at the imprint of a body in the far wall when Jason called.

  “Edward, come here!”

  The others followed behind Edward as he made his way to the kitchen and then out through the broken windows onto the back lawn. There Jason was standing over the body of Andronicus. Edward moved closer and looking down saw the damage that was done to the body of Andronicus.

  “Who could have done such a thing?” Jason asked.

  “I do not know,” Edward stated. “But whoever it was is much stronger than any of us.”

  At that moment Adriell came forward and knelt beside the body of Andronicus. With tears in her eyes she picked up the head and said, “Oh Andronicus, who could have done this to you?”

  The eyes of Andronicus opened and he spoke, “Good, you have finally come!”

  Adriell was so startled that she dropped Andronicus’ head and sprang back away from it. All that could be heard was a startled “Be careful with what is left of me, will you,” from Andronicus.

  Jason smiled, walked over and once again picked up the head of Andronicus.

  “Now, everyone gather around and listen, I don’t have much time,” the head of Andronicus stated. Andronicus’ eyes went from person to person until they came to Master Rollins and Pi.

  “Ah, Master Rollins, it is good to have you here. But this woman, I do not know.”

  “I am Pi, designation 3.141592654.”

  “Another android, how is that possible?” Andronicus asked.

  “I came back with Rebekka and Adriell,” Pi answered.

  “Edward,” Andronicus protested, “if you had told me that another android existed, all this could have been avoided. Pi could have taken my place here after I had ceased to function. Now my creation has escaped and everyone is in danger.”

  “You created another android?” Pi asked. Pi looked around at the others to see if they would speak. But it seemed they were somewhat shy about conversing with the disembodied head of Andronicus. In fact, Pi concluded the head made the humans very uncomfortable.

  “I created a clone of myself to carry on the work of watching over the kingdom of Glenfair. Before I could transfer my personality and memories into the clone it attacked me and escaped.”

  “How is that possible?” Pi asked. “Androids have a prohibition against harming humans or other androids.”

  “To my folly I removed the prohibition against harm.” Andronicus said sadly. “My time is short so listen carefully. The android I created looks just like me, only younger. It is evil and must be stopped before it injures anyone else.”

  Finally Edward spoke, “I am afraid we are too late. Your clone has already killed some merchants near the falls. How do we stop it?”

  “You must detach the head or disable the main power source,” Andronicus stated.

  “How do we do that?” Edward asked. “Will my sword sever the head of this clone, as you call it?”

  “No, do not bring your swor
d against it, for it will probably break the sword.”

  “Then how do we defeat it?” asked Edward.

  “I am sorry, my friends, for I do not know how that can be done.”

  “There is one more thing,” Edward said. “Lucinda traveled to the future and found out this evil twin of yours may have destroyed the whole kingdom.”

  Andronicus was silent for a moment as he absorbed what Edward had said.

  “Use the talents you all possess and destroy the clone before any of this can happen. My time is running out, I can feel the emergency power cell in my head weakening. Pi, watch over Glenfair as I have done. You must take my place as protector of this kingdom and its people, especially my friends. All you need to know is in the Hall of Wisdom. When you destroy this evil clone, bring the remains here and place them in the cave that I have shown to Edward. Place mine there as well and destroy any trace of us. Promise me you will do so.”

  “I Will,” Pi answered back.

  Andronicus’ eyes dimmed and that was the last he spoke to anyone. Jason gently laid his head back down and went over to the body and began to work on the hip and leg.

  “What are you doing?” Lucinda asked.

  “I am retrieving the strongest section of steel alloy in Andronicus’ frame, the femur.”

  “Very wise,” Pi stated. “It is much heavier and stronger than your swords. It may be the weapon needed to disable the clone.”

  Adriell and Lucinda could not watch as Jason and Pi dismantled Andronicus. Even though they knew it was necessary, it seemed wrong to salvage parts from his body for future battle. When the task was completed, Edward gathered up Andronicus’ remains.

  “There is the cave that Andronicus showed me, where some weapons retrieved in my father’s day were destroyed. I will take him there, that is what he wants.”

  The other’s followed as Edward and Jason carried Andronicus to the cave. They placed him in the small tunnel off of the main cave that Andronicus had used years before to destroy the weapons Layton Teal’s men had brought with them from the future. Along the cave wall Pi identified exploding devices that had not yet been detonated. She picked one up and explained how they worked and then set it back in its place.

  After they were all outside once again, they gathered around the entrance and Edward began to speak.

  “Andronicus was more than a machine, he was guardian and protector of this kingdom for more than a thousand years. He was our parents friend and ours as well. How can we give proper tribute to such a one when the people of this kingdom do not even know all that he has done on their behalf.”

  Adriell started crying, finally able to release her grief. Pi went over to console her as Adriell sobbed; “It was always such a joy for Andronicus to speak to my mind. Without fail since I returned with mother he has talked with me at least once a week. I took it for granted that he would live forever, long past us.”

  The rest had tears in their eyes as well, for none of them could believe Andronicus was actually gone. Even Master Rollins was overcome with the other’s grief, and was saddened that such a dear friend of those he loved had gone the way of all the earth.

  “It is true then,” Adriell said to Pi, “androids do not live forever.”

  “No,” Pi said, holding Adriell close. “We like humans are mortal as well. We just function for a very long time.”

  Edward cleared his throat as he wiped away the tears from his eyes. “We must pursue this evil clone and destroy it before our whole kingdom perishes. Come, our time may be short.”

  The small company left the cave, sometimes glancing back as they made their way back to the Hall of Wisdom. Somehow all of them felt their short tribute to Andronicus was incomplete. And without speaking it to each other, they each knew they would return to honor Andronicus properly when the time permitted.

  Chapter 3

  The Hunt

  “If evil be left unchallenged, nay, even be unpunished, it groweth until all that it toucheth wilt be consumed. Remember thou this; a swift and just blow to evil is all that saveth a nation from being overcome therewith.”

  --Chronicles of the Ancients

  Edward, Jason, Lucinda, Adriell, Pi, and Master Rollins found themselves surveying the graves they had dug earlier for the slaughtered merchants. Master Rollins looked at what was left of the tracks and made out the faint prints of the clone leaving the scene of the battle heading down river.

  “The evil clone Andronicus spoke of is heading down river,” Master Rollins informed the group. “We should pursue it as quickly as we can and get rid of this evil.”

  Edward nodded and motioned for the group to head south. He was glad the leg part taken from Andronicus did not resemble a true leg bone, but only a metal rod. He would have felt uncomfortable carrying it as a weapon if it had. It was not very heavy even though it was larger and thicker than his sword, for it was constructed of the same titanium ceramic alloy, triberridum.

  The group headed south on their horses at a fast pace, stopping only to check the trail of the clone, making sure it was heading south as well. It was well into evening when they finally reached the beginnings of Pearl Lake. Master Rollins dismounted and it took him some time in the dim light to pick up the trail of the clone.

  “I fear, Sire, the southernly route this evil thing is taking will bring it within sight of the castle.”

  “I, too, fear the same,” Edward returned. “We should make haste and ride directly to the castle, if the clone is not there, we can find its trail in the morning.”

  Everyone agreed this was the best choice for the time being as darkness began to descend upon them. They rode at a slower pace until the dim outlines of the king’s castle loomed into view. They slowed and warily approached the courtyard of the castle. Everything was quiet, too quiet, Edward thought. He grasped the metal rod and took the lead into the courtyard of the castle. The rest let him lead quietly, for they all knew Edward possessed the abilities and senses of his father. Edward stopped and surveyed the courtyard letting his senses absorb the surroundings. Something was terribly wrong. There should be lights on in the castle, and the servants should have greeted them by now. Edward slowly dismounted and the other did as well.

  “Pi, Lucinda, and Adriell, stay with the horses. Jason, Master Rollins, you are with me.”

  The men carefully moved into the castle stables and looked for anything out of the ordinary. Nothing was amiss, for the horses were all calm and still in their stalls.

  “No one has left, for all the horses are here,” Master Rollins whispered.

  They came back out of the stables and headed for the main part of the castle, the quietness brought on an eerie fear that the clone was somewhere in the shadows. No one felt that fear more than Lucinda. The quietness reminded her of the castle of the future where she had encountered the evil clone. They entered the great hall slowly and as Edwards eyes adjusted he could see a body hanging from the doorway to the kitchen in the faint moonlight.

  “Light some lamps,” Edward said to Master Rollins. When they had some light in the great hall, Edward approached the body. He knew now who was hanging from the doorway. It was Mostell, the captain of the king’s guard. Edward started to take the body down from the doorway when he noticed a note stuffed in the front of Mostell’s tunic. Edward took the note out and motioned for Jason and Master Rollins to take down the body. He took the note over to one of the tables with a lamp and set down to read it.

  I am Sucinord and I have destroyed your beloved Andronicus. The man who called himself Mostell put up a much better fight than the ones I encountered by the falls. Nevertheless, you humans die too easily for my liking. Mostell gave me valuable information and informed me that the king of this land will give me a much better fight than he. I will wait for you in the small mountain range in the middle of this valley Mostell called Hades’ Teeth. If you do not come, I will destroy every living soul in the entire kingdom of Glenfair. Actually, i
t does not matter if you come or not, I will destroy every living soul anyway. I kind of enjoyed toying with this Mostell, but I think you will be much more entertaining if what I was told about you is true. You have three days to show up. If you do not come, I will come for you.

  Edward stood just as Jason and Master Rollins were laying old Mostell down.

  “Bring Lucinda, Pi, and Adriell into the great hall and wait for me here. I am going to check the rest of the castle.”

  “Sire,” Master Rollins interjected, “I do not think it is wise to go alone through the castle.”

  “I do not believe the evil one is here. The clone left a note telling us to meet it at Hades’ Teeth in three days. I will return shortly.”

  Edward first went into the kitchen to check on the servants there. To his dismay two were laying dead upon the floor. His heart sank and he felt sick to think that perhaps all of the castle help had been killed. He checked several places that should have had servants, but there were none to be found. When Edward had searched almost the entire castle, he still had found no one else. Where could all the servants have gone? Edward could think of only one place, the king’s council chamber. When he had approached the door quietly he reached out for the latch and tried to turn it. It was locked. Edward felt a surge of hope fill is heart as he realized the only door that could be safely locked was his own private council chamber. The door was massive and could not be easily broken down even by the clone.

  Edward knocked and said; “This is the king, if anyone can hear me, open the doors immediately.”

  There was no answer from inside, but Edward thought he heard a faint stirring.

  Edward spoke once again, “I have the key and will open the door so you surely will know it is I, the king.”


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