The King's Descendants

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The King's Descendants Page 6

by Robin Simmons

  Edward placed the key into the lock, making sure he made plenty of noise. As the lock clicked and the door swung open his heart sank as he saw the rest of the servants huddled together in the middle of the room. None of them moved and it looked like they might be dead as well. Then they began to stir as they recognized the face of the king. Some cried while others broke away from the group and grabbed onto him for security. Edward then realized how frightening of an ordeal they had gone through.

  “Wait here,” Edward spoke to them gently, “I will return in a few short minutes.”

  Edward left the servants in his council chamber and went back to the great hall. There Jason, Master Rollins, Lucinda, Pi, and Adriell waited for him.

  “Take Mostell’s body into the spare room off of the great hall. There are also two servants who have been killed in the kitchen. Put them with Mostell as well. I found the rest of the servants alive locked in my council chamber.” Edward could see this news brought great relief to everyone, for they had all feared that all of the castle help had been killed. When the bodies had been removed, Edward went back for the servants he left in his council chamber. He led them gently into the great hall and brought out some bread and cheese and something for them to drink. When the servants had eaten some, they began to tell what had happened in the king’s absence.

  The evil Sucinord had come to the castle demanding to see the king. When Mostell had informed him that the king was not there, Sucinord stated he would make an example out of everyone left in the castle as a message for the king. That put Mostell on alert and a short battle took place and Mostell lost. Then evil Sucinord tortured Mostell for awhile to get information from him. After this he went into the great hall and found a couple of servants in the kitchen and killed them. By that time the other servants, fearing for their lives, locked themselves in the king’s council chamber. Sucinord tried to break the door down but it held until all was quiet. Everyone was afraid to move or open the door until the king had opened the door with his key to everyone’s relief.

  Edward thoughtfully listened to this story and realized this Sucinord was pure evil. It seemed all the clone wanted to do was kill and destroy. Somehow they must stop him before anymore innocent people died, or the whole kingdom perished.

  Edward gathered the other’s about him and began planning what they should do. According to the note, this Sucinord would wait three days at Hades Teeth for the king. If the king did not come, the clone would come find him.

  “It is better for us to go after the clone and meet him at Hades Teeth,” Edward said. “At least there are no villages close by that the clone might attack.” There was silence for a short space until Pi spoke.

  “We can not wait for the clone to come back here. If he encounters other people he will surely kill again. There is no choice but to pursue him.”

  Edward nodded, and then added; “The clone will not ambush us, or surprise us, he has too much confidence for that. Remember in the note he stated we die too easily for his liking. He views us as nothing more that something to entertain him until he kills us all. Tomorrow we will pursue him to Hades Teeth.”

  Everyone nodded as there was no other option left for them to pursue. They planed a few more details and retired for the evening.

  The next day began early with a funeral for Mostell and the two servants. After they were buried, the small group took supplies and headed out of the castle. Edward charged the servants that they should lock the castle gates and watch from the crenels for his return.

  “Do not open the gates for any strangers,” Edward said forcefully, even though he knew after the previous night they would be afraid of anyone they did not know.

  The small company rode in silence toward Hades Teeth, loaded with provisions for a journey that may take several days. When Hades Teeth began to loom before them, the whole group began to grow tense. Everyone knew this confrontation with the evil Sucinord would be a battle the whole kingdom depended on. And even with Edward’s talents the outcome was unsure.

  They rode on in silence until they came to Boiling spring. There the whole company stopped and dismounted. Edward stepped forward, surveying the rising granite of Hades Teeth.

  Edward then spoke with a loud voice; “Sucinord, we are here. We have answered the summons and your challenge, show yourself.”

  Everyone was looking around apprehensively, waiting for something to happen when a figure appeared on the opposite side of Boiling Spring near some boulders. It was hooded, so you could not see its features well, but Edward and the rest knew immediately who it was. Lucinda shuddered and took a step back, for the hooded figure was the same she had encountered when she shifted time. Sucinord’s attempt to kill her was still fresh in her mind.

  “Edward,” Lucinda said with fear. “We should leave now. You do not have to fight now. We can come back later with a larger force.”

  Edward saw how frightened Lucinda was, and was himself unsure of the confrontation. Although he had trained with his father King Raven, he had never engaged anyone in real battle. And added to his fear was the knowledge that the whole kingdom depended upon his abilities.

  He turned to Lucinda and said, “You above all people know I can not leave. The survival of Glenfair depends upon the defeat of this evil creature.”

  Lucinda only nodded, but she was thinking of the events she had seen in the future. Could they be changed? Could they be altered? Or would they all perish here and the kingdom with them. Had not the evil Sucinord said he had killed her once already? Maybe they would all die here. She looked at Edward knowing all their lives were dependent upon him.

  Edward too, felt the pressure of everything depending upon him. How had his father walked boldly to the back of the Wickshield army years ago with only Master Fields at his side? A new appreciation of his father’s bravery washed over Edward, and with it a bold determination to face this crisis as his father would have done. Edward walked forward with the metal rod in his hand and stopped at the edge of the creek that flowed from boiling spring. Sucinord, too, moved to the opposite side of the creek facing Edward. He reached up and withdrew the hood that shielded his face and a young Andronicus stood opposite them. Edward could hear the audible gasps behind him as the others recognized the features of their former friend. Only Pi and Master Rollins were unaffected, having never known Andronicus as intimately as the others.

  Sucinord then spoke; “I am disappointed that you did not bring a larger force with you.”

  Edward replied; “I do not think a larger force will be needed. We are flesh and blood, but you are a machine. I am the one you wish to do battle with. If I am defeated, let these others go.”

  “I do not make bargains, or give promises. Besides, I not only wish to destroy you, I want to see all of this kingdom you call Glenfair destroyed and laid waste.”

  Edward knew he could not argue or reason with the clone, but asked anyway.

  “Why do you want to destroy Glenfair? What wrong has the kingdom ever done to you?”

  Sucinord snarled, “Your beloved Andronicus sought to end my existence for the love of this kingdom. I destroyed him, and now wish to destroy all that meant anything to him.”

  When Edward realized how twisted and evil the logic of Sucinord was,he merely said; “Come then, and let us put an end to this madness.”

  With that invitation the wicked clone stepped into the water and began to approach Edward, oblivious to the water’s temperature or depth. Edward stepped back away from the spring as Sucinord approached, emerging from the spring. Nothing was said as the two warriors faced each other and began to move for position. The others cleared well away and watched tensely.

  The clone made the first move, stepping in and reaching for Edward. It was not a fast move and Edward sidestepped it easily bringing the ceramic metal rod down and across the shoulder of the clone. This sent the clone reeling sideways with a look of surprise on its face. It stopped, then faced Edward again and

  “You are the challenge I have been awaiting. This will be much more entertaining than I had imagined.”

  After those words were spoken the clone came at Edward with such speed it almost unnerved him. He was just able to ward off the blows that came in quick succession with the metal rod. Edward stepped away and had barely gained his balance when the clone came smashing in again. Never since his father had Edward encountered such quickness and reflexes. A few small beads of sweat broke out on Edward’s forehead, and his breathing increased slightly. He chided himself for not staying in tip top shape. He knew the clone would not tire as he would, so the longer this battle lasted, the harder it would be to defeat Sucinord.

  For the first time Edward began to worry that he might actually lose this battle, and with it the kingdom. All he had been doing so far was defending and barely keeping ahead of Sucinord’s moves. Then Edward realized the clone was learning from Edward’s defense and soon would be able to overcome his counter moves. He realized in that instant that the clone had no real battle experience, only quickness and strength to his advantage. He probably never had experienced a real attack before. Armed with that understanding Edward attacked brutally with the metal rod, raining blows down upon Sucinord’s shoulders, chest and thighs. The clone actually seemed confused and unable to predict the blows that were raining down upon it.

  Sucinord knew he could wear this human down and savored the fact he would have victory. Then things changed. Instead of defending, the human came at him with such fierceness and quickness he could not anticipate the human’s moves. Blow after blow came to his body and he was unable to stop most of the attack. Although he was not seriously damaged, his mind had already registered minor malfunctions in his exterior sensors. His mind calculated the damage and he knew he could not continue this for very long without sustaining major damage. An anger began to rise in Sucinord, a fierce burning because he was loosing this battle.

  Edward noticed a change in the clone as well. He could see it in his eyes, a fierce anger and hatred burned there. The clone howled and came rushing in, swinging and kicking with all the fierceness he possessed. Edward stood his ground and sent blow after blow to the android’s awkward attack. Edward had learned from his father King Raven, what fear had done to the Wickshields in the great war. His father had trained the fear response so thoroughly out of Edward that he did not flinch as the clone wildly attacked. He took advantage of Sucinord’s wild rage and found it easier to deliver powerful blows to the android. An awkward lunge allowed Edward to sidestep Sucinord’s attack and deliver a huge blow to the back of his head. An audible crack was heard and the clone flew forward and landed face down in the dust and was still.

  Sucinord felt the tremendous blow to the back of the head and knew that some of his systems had been damaged. He lay face down in the dust of the earth and quickly assessed his options. Although he was not disabled, and all of his servo motors continued to function, he could not continue fighting as he had been doing. He had been foolish to let his anger and hatred override his reason. This human, the king of Glenfair was more than he had bargained for. Yes he did want a challenge in killing this human, but his fighting ability was far greater than Sucinord was capable of handling. He would have to use cunning and deceit if he were to win this battle. So he lay completely still, unmoving, listening and waiting for the human to approach.

  Edward waited for Sucinord to get up. When the android did not move, he waited quietly, the only sound was his ragged breathing as his chest swelled and contracted. He had poured a lot of energy into the blows he had been giving the android, and knew that his strength was ebbing. He continued to stay where he was, catching his breath while the android was still. He knew that the blows he had delivered had done some damage, and he was hopeful that the android was finished.

  When he was rested a bit he looked at the others and they were still anxiously waiting for Edward to do something. He walked slowly toward the android and poked the metal rod at one leg, and still there was no movement. As Edward approached a little closer and reached out to probe further, the androids back a foot shot out so quickly that Edward could not avoid the kick. He felt his feet going out from under him and in that instant the clone rolled over knocking the metal rod from Edward’s grasp. At the very moment Edward hit the ground the clone was upon him, grasping, trying to reach some vital part of his body. But Edward had grasped the androids hands as he sprang upon him. There upon the ground locked in mortal combat the two struggled. Edward knew the clone was much stronger than he, and could feel the android’s hand moving up toward his throat. Why had he paused when the clone was down? He should have continued to beat the android until he was in ruin. Now that mistake would cost him his life. Just as the hand of the evil clone began to close upon Edward’s throat, Master Rollins landed on Sucinord’s back and began to plunge a knife in repeatedly. Sucinord thought to ignore the intrusion on his back and finish the king before turning upon the others, but that last blow with the knife came very close to his power supply. He quickly released his grip on Edward and swung around hitting Master Rollins in the chest with his forearm sending him flying backwards. That was all the diversion Edward needed to break free of the clone. He rolled free grabbing the iron rod as he did so. When he came up on his knees he saw Sucinord flying towards him in a desperate leap to pin him to the ground once more. Edward barely had time to raise the metal rod and lean back as the clone plunged down upon it. It did not penetrate far and the android began to vault over Edward. Edward saw this and added his feet to the motion which sent Sucinord flying into the air, landing the android in the middle of Boiling Spring. Sucinord slowly sunk down and disappeared beneath the bubbling water. Edward glanced back for a moment and saw that Pi and Adriell were ministering to Master Rollins. He turned back to the spring. He knew the evil android was not finished.

  The water of Boiling Spring was actually only warm, only the bubbles frothing up made it appear to be boiling hot. But this also obscured the ability to see into the water. Lucinda approached and stood by Edward as they both peered into the water. Edward was about to send Lucinda back away from the spring when Sucinord exploded from the water toward Edward. Lucinda screamed and jumped sideways as Edward brought the metal rod up toward the descending head of Sucinord. Too late the clone realized his mistake as his descending head caught the upward thrust of the rod in Edward’s hands. The clone’s head snapped back as the rod caught him under the chin. For a moment the circuitry of the clone shut down as his systems had to reboot from the shock of the tremendous blow he received to the head. It was very similar to a human being knocked unconscious, but only for a few short seconds. As Sucinord regained consciousness he became aware of blows raining down upon him. He raised his left arm to ward off a blow that was coming to his head and felt the metal bone in his arm snap. It went limp and became useless as more blows fell to his chest and head. For the first time he felt an emotion that he had never experienced before, fear. Sucinord was afraid. All he wanted to do was to get away. He rolled sideways and onto his feet and ran as fast as he could away from that which was destroying him.

  Edward tried to pursue the clone, but it was too fast for him. Never had he seen his friend, Andronicus run at full speed so he was amazed to see Sucinord run as fast as a horse. Edward watched for a moment before turning his attention back to the others. Master Rolling was coming around from the blow he received, and was sitting up and drinking a little water.

  Edward came over to him and asked, “Are you all right Master Rollins?”

  “I am fine,” Master Rollins replied.

  “You are not,” Adriell snapped back. “I am sure a couple of your ribs are broken.”

  Edward looked at Pi and she nodded in the affirmative. “You should go back to the castle with Pi and Adriell. We will pursue this clone and finish this once and for all.”

  Master Rollins looked at Edward and Jason painfully and said, “I will not go back wh
ile this is unfinished. Besides, you will need a skillful tracker to trail the clone. You may be the better warrior among us, but I am the better tracker.”

  Edward nodded and then said, “All right, we all go on then together.” Then smiling at Master Rollins added; “Thank you for saving my life back there.”

  Master Rolling smiled and said, “It is always good for the king to owe the weapons master a few favors.” Edward knew Master Rollins had said this in jest, for each would have given his life for the other. They helped Master Rollins to his feet and gathered their horses and rode in the direction the clone had fled.

  Following the trail of the clone was much easier than Edward had anticipated. The clone was heading strait south toward the Prescott Dukeship. He realized that he should have sent Master Rollins back, even amidst his protests.

  Turning to the others, Edward said, “We should make haste and head directly to the Prescott Dukeship. If the clone reaches there ahead of us, it may kill more people. If this evil Sucinord avoids the Prescott castle, we will pick up his trail the next day and destroy him before any one else dies.”

  Edward said this as much to himself as to the others, for he feared the Prescotts would suffer if Sucinord should go there. His uncle Gregory Prescott was an able man, but would die if he faced the strength and reflexes of the evil android. Edward doubted that even Master Rollins who was trained in the ways of the weapons masters of old could defeat the android. The gifts God had bestowed upon Edward were sorely needed now as Andrew Crestlaw foretold before his death. It was his battle and none of them would be safe until Sucinord was destroyed.

  The clone ran south for almost an hour before it slowed. The only reason it did was because he would face thermal breakdown from running his servo motors at their maximum for so long. He looked for a good place to hide and repair some of the damage he had received from the battle. To say he had been severely beaten was putting it mildly. A little longer under the king’s assault and there would have been nothing to repair. He wanted no human contact for the moment, and wondered if there were many humans who could fight like the king had fought. Even the man who jumped on his back with the knife displayed a level of talent Sucinord had not seen before. He was puzzled by the great degree of difference in the humans he had encountered. Now he was sorry he had left the laboratory so soon after he had been created. He should have learned more before leaving. He had no idea how to get back there, for the cliffs and falls were impossible to climb.


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