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The King's Descendants

Page 7

by Robin Simmons

  Looking to his left, the clone saw a small ravine with brush and some trees. There he would hide and repair the damaged systems as best as he could. Sucinord reviewed the diagnosis his computerized mind gave him and began repairs. He would be able to restore most of the damage by cannibalizing other non essential systems. One of the rib supports would replace the broken metal rod in his left arm. Although not as strong, it would give him full function of the arm again. Many of his systems had back up replacements that already were functioning when the others failed. With a little rewiring, and trading of parts he was fully functional again, however, not with the same speed or strength he had before the battle. With his main functions repaired, he turned to his outside cosmetic appearance.

  Back in the ravine he found a small pool of still water and looked at his appearance. He was startled by what he saw. His plastic synthetic cover was torn and disshelved, giving him a hideous appearance. Then Sucinord was angry, he did not care what he looked like, he was functioning, that was what mattered. But something inside of him longed for the perfection he once possessed. He also knew that other humans would not accept him in this condition, and that would hinder his plans. A great hatred grew within him for the damage he had incurred at the hands of the king. It did not matter that it was he who began this fight, nor that he had hurt and killed others, he only wanted revenge.

  His memory contained the methods needed to repair his appearance and he began by pulling back the tip of his right index finger. The index finger contained a heating element that would fuse the synthetic skin back together. He soon finished the repairs with the skill of a surgeon. All that was left was a thin line resembling a faded scar where the tears had been. Only a portion of the back side of his head containing the decorative hair was unrepairable because it was missing altogether. That could not be helped Sucinord knew, and decided the cloak and hood which he had taken from the first humans he had encountered would cover that defect.

  The next order of business was strategy. Sucinord now knew he could not defeat the king by himself, he needed allies to complete his evil scheme. He was sure that soon his plot against this kingdom would be known to its residents and he would find no help here. He needed to go outside of Glenfair to find his allies. What he had read from the computer about the history of Glenfair told him of the northern Wickshields attempt to conquer Glenfair. They would be a certain ally, though they would be in the opposite direction he was heading. To go back north would bring him toward the source of destruction he wished to flee. He had to keep going south and then remembered the mention of another kingdom there. The Sabatols, they were called. The Wickshields referred to them as barbarians. Sucinord did not know what that meant, but perhaps they lusted for this land as much as the Wickshields did. He would go there and see if they would aid him in the destruction of Glenfair.

  Edward and his group soon could see the Prescott dukeship to the south. An uneasiness had settled upon the small band as they approached. They had not encountered the clone and each silently feared the clone had reached the southern dukeship first.

  Master Rollins, sensing this said, “I saw the trail of the clone turn westward awhile back. I do not believe he circled back to the Prescott dukeship.”

  Edward only nodded, unsure of Master Rollins’ assessment. It was only after he saw a messenger riding out to meet them, that he felt some relief. When the messenger reached them he did not look concerned or uneasy with the king and his escort, but waited patiently to ascertain weather the king was visiting the duke on official business or just passing through. As soon as the messenger learned of the king’s business he rode off in a flurry toward the castle. Edward felt much better knowing the clone had not reached the Prescott castle ahead of them.

  As soon as they entered the courtyard, Gregory Prescott met them and asked,

  “What business brings the king to see his uncle?”

  Edward smiled, then a seriousness settled in, “We have come here because the kingdom is in great danger.”

  Gregory only nodded and then motioned them into the hall of the castle. After they were seated and comfortable, Gregory began; “Are the Wickshields gathering their forces to attack our kingdom again?”

  Edward shook his head, “No, the danger is of a different sort, but none less threatening.”

  Gregory looked at the king with a somber expression but did not speak.

  Edward seeing the thoughtful calculation of his uncle continued, “What I am about to tell you may seem to be far fetched, but I assure you it is the absolute truth.”

  Before Edward could continue Gregory Prescott raised his hand, “I do not think you have to worry my king, your mother Rebekka and my father Bandon told me much before I ascended to this position as Duke. They thought it fitting that I should know a little of the history and secrets of our past. Besides, you are the son of the greatest king who ever reigned in Glenfair and his greatness resides in you. He never lied to us and neither would you.”

  Master Rollins smiled in appreciation of Gregory’s statement. Here was a duke who knew what manner of king they all had.

  Edward continued slowly, “I do not believe they told you about our friend, Andronicus that resides above Brickens’ Falls, who is a machine that was created to think, look, and act like a human being.”

  Despite every effort Gregory employed, he still could not prevent his jaw from dropping open at this new revelation. Edward almost smiled at his uncle’s disposition but calmly continued.

  “Andronicus was brought here by the ancients and has watched over our kingdom since it began. But even he was wearing out after a thousand years. He created another machine that would take his place and carry on the care for this kingdom. Only this machine turned evil and killed our beloved friend. His name is Sucinord and he is determined to see our kingdom destroyed. I fear if we do not soon find him and destroy him, all will be lost.”

  Gregory sat there in silence trying to absorb what was said. “I do not doubt you my king, but my mind has a hard time grasping the truth that such a machine could exist.”

  Edward looked at Pi and said, “Do you remember when my mother returned to us after so many years? She brought Pi along with her. Have you noticed that she has not aged at all over the years? She also is a machine!”

  Gregory looked at Pi and realized that she had not aged at all since she had arrived with his mother. Why had he not seen that before? At the same time Pi arose and walked over to Gregory and pulled back a portion of the skin in her arm revealing the metal rods, wires and servo motors that controlled her hand movement. Gregory sat in awe as he watched the mechanical movements Pi made while flexing her fingers. She then replaced the patch of synthetic skin and sat back down.

  “You see,” Edward stated, “I am telling you the truth.” Gregory could only nod, so Edward continued; “This evil machine is faster and stronger than any man, and does not bleed as we do. I have already fought this evil thing once and I would have lost my life had it not been for Master Rollins.”

  Master Rollins interjected, “The king is being modest, for Sucinord suffered greatly at his hand in battle. If he had not fled King Edward would have destroyed him.”

  Gregory frowned, “Why did you let him flee if he is as wicked and dangerous as you say he is?”

  Edward shook his head, “Sucinord ran away from us faster than a horse. Tomorrow we will track him down and finish this evil once and for all. I would also appreciate it if you would attend to Master Rollins. In the saving of my life he has suffered some broken ribs.”

  Gregory Prescott looked at Master Rollins with new appreciation, for he showed no signs of a painful injury. “Perhaps Master Rollins should stay here and recover from his injuries?”

  “Alas,” Edward said with a sigh, “Master Rollins is the best tracker and will be needed to find Sucinord.”

  Gregory Prescott motioned for some servants to come and help with Master Rollins who reluctantly left with th
em to receive some long overdue aid.

  With that taken care of Edward spoke to duke Prescott once again, “Close the castle gates and do not open them for anyone until tomorrow.”

  Gregory nodded, and motioned for his men to make the castle secure, and then said, “You must get some rest, tomorrow will be a hard day.” Edward only nodded as they stood to retire for the evening.

  Inside his room, Edward slowly removed his clothes. He examined the bruises and cuts he had received in the battle with the clone. He had been battered, but was still well enough to join battle with the android again. Right before he drifted off to sleep, doubt plagued him. Could he defeat this Sucinord? The whole kingdom depended on him to do so. He knew somehow he could not fail.

  The next day Edward rose early and headed down to the great hall. Master Rollins was already there and dressed. Edward shook his head at how well Master Rollins looked, even though he was injured. Lucinda, Pi, and Adriell would stay at the Prescott dukeship until this was over. So Edward and Master Rollins waited until Jason arrived a short time later then headed toward the castle courtyard to depart. Edward thought it funny that his uncle was no where to be seen. He did not have time to go searching for him because their mission was urgent. He needed not to worry, for as soon as he entered the castle courtyard there sat Duke Prescott on his horse with a large group of his soldiers. Edward was surprised, then smiled as he approached the duke. It was just like a Prescott to do this very thing.

  “These men can not go with us,” Edward said quietly to duke Prescott. “Mostell was a talented man at arms and Sucinord easily killed him. If any of these men engage this evil thing, they will die. I, and I alone will do battle with this Sucinord. Besides, we need speed and light travel to catch up to him quickly before anyone else dies. This army will only slow us down.”

  “If you can not use my soldiers, then at least I will go with you,” Gregory answered.

  “I would rather you stay here,” Edward said.

  Gregory Prescott frowned, “You are my king, and I will obey your commands. But you must hear me out. When your father fought against the Wickshields I was too young to fight. I watched the battle but I did not engage anyone. I saw how bravely those men fought and vowed that day that if the kingdom were ever in danger again I would give my life for its safety.”

  In that moment Edward saw what he knew was always there in his uncle’s heart. And he knew he could not refuse him. “Come with us then,” Edward stated.

  King Edward, Master Rollins, Jason Crestlaw and duke Prescott rode north in silence with Master Rollins in the lead. They hurried quickly to the place where they believed they would find the trail of the clone. It did not take Master Rollins long to find the trail and they began their pursuit as fast as Master Rollins could make out the trail. It did not take them long to realize that Sucinord had passed the Prescott castle in the night or early morning and was headed farther south still. Although they did not want to leave the trail, Edward began to fear that Sucinord was headed toward the southwest pass. He could see the same apprehension on Master Rollins face. They quickened their pace and soon the southwest pass came into view. As they rode up the guards at the gate, Edward dismounted and went to the captain of the guard.

  “Has anyone gone through these gates this morning?” Edward asked.

  “Yes, your majesty,” the captain answered. “This morning a man with a hooded cloak upon him passed this way.”

  Edward was stricken with panic, “How long ago did he pass here?”

  “Early this morning,” the captain replied, “Just after the rising of the sun.”

  The others were listening to the conversation, but were shocked when Edward stated: “I must pursue him where ever he goes and destroy him.”

  “Pardon me sire,” the captain replied, “but I do not think it good that the king of our land ought to go down to the Sabatols. If they catch you we will be out one good king.”

  “I did not ask your opinion,” Edward snapped, “you know nothing of what is taking place here.”

  “I know what lies south of these gates, your majesty, and you should not go there.”

  Edward was getting red in the face at the insolence of this guard when Gregory Prescott interrupted.

  “Captain, you are dismissed, I will handle this.” The captain nodded and left. Then Gregory turned to Edward and said, “I forbid you to go past these gates in search of this Sucinord.”

  Now Edward was angry, “How dare you speak to the king this way!”

  “I do dare,” Gregory stated. “Because of the solemn oath I swore the day I was commissioned as duke of these lands. To protect this land and her king. I can do neither if you leave my borders. And you will put the kingdom in jeopardy if you leave. I can not allow that upon my honor.”

  Master Rollins and Jason quickly sided with duke Prescott and Edward began to see that he would not prevail against the three.

  “Very well then,” Edward conceded. “I will not go.”

  Master Rollins then spoke, “I will be the one to pursue Sucinord.”

  “And what will you do when you catch up to him?” Edward asked. “No one will go, and that is final.” Edward then approached the captain again and stated, “You must be on alert for this man. If he comes through these gates again into our kingdom, you are not to try and detain him. Only send a messenger quietly to alert me right away, is that clear?”

  “Yes Sire,” the captain answered.

  The four mounted their horses and began to head back to the Prescott castle. Gregory rode up beside Edward and spoke, “I am sorry about the confrontation at the pass. I only had the best interest of the kingdom in mind.”

  Edward began to cool down and knew that Duke Prescott was right. His father had told him time and time again to listen to the wisdom of others, especially his dukes. He had emphasized the truth that without the combined wisdom of Andrew Crestlaw, his sister, his wife Rebekka, Master Fields, and Andronicus, they would not have saved the kingdom from its past crisis. He knew he needed to listen, weigh the facts and then make a decision that was best for the kingdom.

  “You were right to speak so,” Edward finally said. “It would be wrong for me to leave the kingdom. Besides, I know Sucinord will return.”

  “How do you know that?” asked Jason Crestlaw.

  “He said his purpose was to destroy Glenfair. I do not believe he will rest until he is destroyed, or succeeds in doing so to us. We will wait for his return.”

  Chapter 4

  The Evil Plot

  “Evil doth not rest alone. It seeketh out companions who doth rejoice to help in any evil plot.”

  --Chronicles of the Ancients

  Edward was discouraged by allowing Sucinord to escape the kingdom. His only purpose for existence was the destruction of Glenfair. Something that evil ought to be destroyed and Edward knew he had missed his opportunity.

  Everyone rode in silence the whole way to the Prescott castle. The silence was not broken until Lucinda, Adriell, and Pi came out to meet them.

  “Did you destroy Sucinord?” Adriell asked.

  Edward shook his head, “No, he has escaped through the southern gate and we do not know where he has gone from there.”

  “I hope you did not entertain the idea of pursuing him south,” Lucinda said fearfully.

  Everyone was silent at that statement, letting Lucinda know that the king had entertained the idea of leaving the kingdom. She wished she had not mentioned that possibility because of the uneasiness that had come upon everyone.

  Edward broke the awkward silence, “We are thankful for your help, Duke Gregory. Please send word if anyone hears of this evil Sucinord, we will return today and look forward to seeing you at the coming feast.” Gregory nodded and wished them all a good journey as they departed. As he watched them go he thought, they look so much like another group of people he knew of in the past. And with great heaviness he knew that they, like their par
ents would be called upon to make a great sacrifice for the kingdom.

  Sucinord continued south on the trade route that led to the Sabatol kingdom. He knew nothing of the distance to his destination, only the direction. For a day and a half Sucinord walked south until a large City became visible. The answer to the destruction of Glenfair might be found there. He quickened his pace and soon came to the intersection of the east and west trade routes leading into the city. He realized without thinking that little trade went north to Glenfair. Most, if not all of the merchants joining him now were from the east and west routes. Another fact amazed Sucinord, the size of this city was enormous! All of Glenfair’s population could be placed inside with no problem. At this revelation he rejoiced, for a force of arms large enough to destroy all of Glenfair could be housed within the walls of this place. No one paid him much attention as he entered the gates until an official with two soldiers approached him.

  “What is your business in Selma, the great capitol of the Sabatol kingdom?” the official asked. Sucinord looked at them a moment. The accent was different, but he understood the speech.

  “I will ask you just once more, stranger, what is your business here? We do not take kindly to spies in our city.”


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