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Seduced by the Anti-Hero

Page 3

by Fine, L. J.

  Emma smiled. “Yes, and I know you love every minute of it.”

  Brian laughed and pulled Chloe’s hand into his. “I like her. She calls you on your shit, babe.”

  Chloe playfully punched him in the arm then tugged him toward the kitchen door, which led to a deck that took them down into the backyard. “Yeah, yeah. Let’s go sit by the fire.”

  In the backyard, Emma found the people who belonged to all those cars standing around the fire-pit. Surprisingly, Ben was part of the crowd. He must have gone out to his truck for a few seconds before coming back to the party through the privacy fence that surrounded the property. Though, to say that he was part of the crowd might be too generous. More like he was in attendance but decidedly separate from everyone else.

  A prompt introduction to the remaining Serano brother, Brandon, and his lovely, curvy and petite wife, Kim, forced her attention from Ben. Brandon, not surprisingly, bore a striking resemblance to his brothers. There were some seriously awesome genes running around in that family and they were all in the looks department. It didn’t take Emma long to see that Brandon doted on Kim much the same way Tyler did Mina. It was in the way he looked after her, making sure her cup was always filled and the considerate way he listened to her when she spoke. With new understanding, she thought of Adam’s earlier comments about how mushy in love they were. Only, unlike him, she found herself envious of their affection, rather than annoyed by it.

  As Chloe introduced her to more people at the party she came to learn that many of them were fighters from the gym that Tyler and Brian belonged to. Some had girlfriends with them but some, much to her delight, were on their own. And some of them were pretty hot. Hot and they seemed to reciprocate her interest. Unlike a certain gorgeous man sitting by the fire that she tried her damndest to ignore.

  Before she could examine that thought more closely, Adam arrived and pulled her into an unexpected hug, pulling her out of her reverie.

  “I’m glad you showed,” he said with that panty-melting smile of his when he pulled away. Not for the first time did she wonder if maybe Chloe hadn’t picked the wrong twin to hook her up with. But then she felt the weight of a silent gaze boring into her profile and it just did something to her that Adam’s warm embrace couldn’t match.

  Which was bullshit and something she needed to get over if she wanted her plan to be successful. Ben was so off her “Charming List” radar it wasn’t even funny. While she knew her mission called for her to kick her list to the side, they guy she hooked up with had to posses at least some of those qualities. Ben was just downright rude and non-personable.

  “I’m glad you decided to show up, too, little brother,” Brandon quipped, looking down at his watch for emphasis.

  Adam worried his lower lip between his teeth and ran a hand through his hair. “I know. I would have been here sooner but it was The Captain. He’s been having some…um…trouble lately and I wanted to make sure he was comfortable before I left.”

  Brandon laughed. “I swear, man, you should marry that damn dog and be done with it.”

  And with that, an almighty bicker-fest started up between the three brothers surrounding her and she couldn’t contain her amusement. But along with her mirth came a pang of homesickness for her own family. It had been a long time since her family had been assembled like this all in one place and she hadn’t realized until this moment how much she missed them. They were scattered on different ends of the country and didn’t get the opportunity to come together very often outside of the major holidays.

  It didn’t escape her notice, however, that Ben remained removed from his brothers. His lack of contribution to the lively conversation spoke volumes and despite herself, it piqued her curiosity.

  For the time being she shook of her wayward interest and settled into a seat by the fire to enjoy the present company. The fact that Ben soon got up and made his way toward the house helped. A burly looking man who could only be another fighter stopped him and from then on she was acutely cognizant of his location in relation to hers.

  “So, Emma,” Kim said turning away from the brothers and their arguing to face Chloe and Emma. “Chloe tells me you two went to college together. What did you study?”

  A rueful smile touched her lips. “I was an English major, actually. I have no idea how I ended up in banking.”

  Kim’s melodic laughter lilted through the air warm and infectious and Emma found herself smiling at the other woman.

  “Believe me I understand how that goes. I majored in psychology, intending to be an affluent psychiatrist for the criminally insane. The courses were interesting but it took me almost four years to realize I really wanted to go to culinary school. Go figure.” She rolled her eyes. “I would say college was a complete waste of time, but that’s how I met Brandon.”

  Once could not mistake the dreamy satisfaction that surfaced in Kim’s expression and from everything Emma had seen, it didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that their marriage was a happy one.

  “Well, at least you ended up doing something that you wanted to do. That’s all that matters,” Emma said.

  “You did too, thought. Or at least you’re on your way,” Chloe interjected then leaned forward on her elbows toward Kim. “Emma’s going to be a world famous writer.”

  Emma scoffed, thinking about the latest critique she’d gotten on her novel. “Yeah, I don’t know about that.”

  Chloe shot her an affronted glare. “I do.” She turned back to Kim. “She writes these really hot books…”

  Emma lost the thread of the conversation when Ben made his way back to the fire to sit near their little group. He didn’t speak to anyone and her curiosity ignited once more. She didn’t know why, but his stillness and appearance of solitude in a crowd full of people enthralled her. What made him this way, so standoffish? Obviously, it wasn’t a family trait as his brothers seemed happy and well adjusted. There was a story there. She could feel it.

  The shadowed light of the fire danced over his features. That strong jaw with just a touch of dark stubble. Those almost obscenely full lips and dark eyes that appeared black and fathomless. In that moment he looked like Lucifer himself sitting across from her, tempting and evil, staring solemnly into the flames of the fire-pit. And it was then, with no small amount of alarm, that she became cognizant of the fact that she had never been more attracted to a person in her entire life.

  Ben’s head snapped in her direction as though he’d been startled, the movement so sudden that it jerked her out of her reverie and she caught the tail end of what Chloe was saying.

  :…severe lack of quality orgasms are cutting off her creative flow.”

  Wait, what was that now?

  With dawning horror she realized, too late, that Chloe had been telling the whole world Emma’s real reasons for coming to visit. Okay, so maybe not the whole world but anyone other than Chloe knowing was one person too man. Let along Ben knowing. Because oh yeah, in addition to Mina and Kim, he’d heard all about it.

  This was Chloe’s grand strategy? To lay it all out there for public consumption? Wow, she’d forgotten how tactless Chloe could actually be. Now if the ground could just open up and swallow her whole, that’ would be fine and dandy.

  Ben regarded her pensively for a moment before uttering maybe the longest sentence to pass his lips all night. “What, your city boys can’t satisfy you?”

  Good Lord, please take me now and get it over with. What the hell was she supposed to even say to that?

  In the end it didn’t matter. Before she could utter a word, Chloe cut her off at the pass. “I personally think it’s men in general. Well, except my man of course.” She smiled sweetly at Brian who seemed oblivious. Thank God there were at least a few people in this backyard who hadn’t heard their conversation. Looking back at Ben, Chloe cocked an eyebrow. “You think you can do any better?”

  Sinfully dark eyes met Emma’s before his gaze slowly roamed over the length of her body. Down then ba
ck up causing tingling goose bumps to form on her skin. Then, what she was coming to believe was a rare smile, titled the corners of his lips.

  “Hell yeah, I can,” he all but growled. The deep sound sent a flood of moisture between her legs and she swallowed hard.

  Just as the implications of his words started to sink in, Chloe once again interjected on her behalf without consulting her.

  “Prove it, then. And since she needs inspiration that lasts, you have to make it diverse. Switch it up in a bunch of different ways so that her…stories,” a mischievous grin split her lips, “don’t ever get stale.”

  Emma would have then turned to her so-called friend to gape in outraged shock if she hadn’t seen the dark light glittering in Ben’s eyes as he put his beer to his lips.

  “I’ll take that bet,” he said after a slow swallow and then licked his lips. “And don’t worry, Sugar, I can make it last.”

  When her mouth dropped open, he laughed and got up to move toward the house, yelling at his twin to toss him another beer.

  Had that really just happened? He’d barely been civil toward her and now all of a sudden he wanted to help fuck her into a better writer?

  “What the hell’s the matter with you? You knew he was listening, didn’t you?” Emma hissed when Ben was safely out of earshot.

  A sly smile curved Chloe’s lips as though all had gone according to plan. Well, it had, hadn’t it? “Hey, at least it got you a man to experiment with, didn’t it? And a damn fine man, too.”

  “Oh come on, like he really meant all that. I’m sure he was just playing along with you.” Had to be, right?

  “Hmm…I dunno. I’ve never known Ben to joke about anything like that, have you?” she asked Kim.

  Smiling as if she’d been privy to Chloe’s plan all along, Kim said, “Nope. He’s not really the joking type.”

  “Usually when he says he’s going to do something he does it.” Chloe narrowed her eyes. “And don’t act like you’re upset about this. You forget, I know you too well. You can’t hide the fact that you want him.”

  “That’s beside the point,” Emma grudgingly admitted. “I didn’t expect you to tell everyone and their brother about my problem, Chloe.”

  “I didn’t tell his brothers, just him.” Chloe laughed when Emma glared. “How did you expect to find someone to help you out if you weren’t going to tell anyone you’re interested?”

  Emma opened her mouth to reply – had nothing – then closed it. Chloe had a point there. But still. “It’s one thing to let a man know that I’m interested and quite another to lay it all out on the line. Tell him that no man has ever given me an orgasm before. Nothing like putting on the pressure.”

  Shaking her head, Chloe gave her what Emma knew Chloe regarded as sage advice. “If you don’t present a challenge to them up front you’re just going to have more of the same experiences in bed. This way, they know they have to work harder. It’s a male ego thing.”

  She waved her hand in the air as if everybody knew that, silly. And apparently everyone did because Kim nodded in agreement.

  It made sense. But it still pissed Emma off that Chloe hadn’t given her any warning before she opened her big mouth, so she ignored it. “Besides, I figured I would hook up with one of the fighters while I’m here, anyway.”

  The incredulous expression on Chloe’s face bordered on comical but Emma refused to laugh. “Why would you want one of the fighters when you have Ben freaking Serano?”

  Well that was just it, wasn’t it? She’d only known him for less than a day but she didn’t want anyone else now that she’d met him. Rude behavior and all. But come on. Didn’t men like him usually go after stick figures with a low IQ who were too vapid and self-absorbed to notice how closed off he was? She had a healthy self-image but no way someone as gorgeous and private as Ben would want her with her inquisitive intellect and her size twelve figure.

  No, she figured she’d have to scale it down a bit. After all, she wasn’t looking for Mr. Right at the moment. Just someone who could make her come so hard she forgot her own name. Ben seemed a little too complex for something so simple.

  Oh she knew that he’d want to keep it simple but his complexity would spark her curiosity until she couldn’t leave it at only sex. She’d want to know more, delve deeper and that wouldn’t be good for either of them.

  She let the conversation drop for now and moved on to more pleasant things. But while she listened and smiled she resolved to find herself a fighter and leave Ben Serano and his complicated deliciousness the hell alone.

  Chapter Four

  Saturday night found Emma in a rather unexpected, though not entirely unwelcome, place. As with everything fall-related, Halloween was her favorite holiday and when Chloe called her that afternoon to ask if she would like to go to a haunted factory, Emma had jumped at the chance. She hadn’t done something like this since college.

  The lazy October sun started to set as she and Chloe waited in line outside the dilapidated looking building located on the outskirts of town. A brisk wind picked up, causing little wisps of her black hair to dance around her face and she zipped her hooded sweatshirt up a little farther.

  The long line wrapped around the building and as they waited she contemplated why people liked to frighten themselves so much. Maybe it was the blood pumping adrenaline or the exciting sense of the unknown. She had to admit that it had a way of making a person feel alive in an otherwise predictable existence. In a controlled environment, such as this one, a person got a thrill without an actual threat. No heart palpations or loss of bladder control because deep down they knew that none of it was real.

  And even though the people working the factory looked creeptastic as hell, she knew they weren’t actually allowed to touch her.

  Chloe’s apprehension, however, radiated off her in waves as she danced from one foot to the other. Emma narrowed her eyes.

  “What?” Chloe asked ceasing her hopping in place routine.

  “What do you mean what? For as long as I’ve known you, you’ve hated haunted houses. Why are you putting yourself through this if it scares you so much?”

  Hands on her hips, Chloe scoffed. “Since when have I ever been scared of anything?”

  That would have been a point well-made had they been talking about anything else. But as it was…”Remember the last time we went to a haunted house? Remember the gross seven-foot clown that followed you around the whole time?” Chloe visibly paled and Emma knew she had her. “You were so scared we had to sleep with a nightlight on in the dorm for two weeks. After that you swore up and down that you would never go to one of these things again. So why the sudden change of heart?”

  “Well, my boys are helping out and I’m showing my support.” She bit her lip.

  Emma cocked an eyebrow. “Your boys?”

  “Yeah, you know,” she waved her hand in the air absently as she looked around at everything but Emma. “My brother, Matt, Brian and the Seranos.”

  She mumbled that last bit so fast Emma almost didn’t catch it. But catch it she did and she felt a thrill run through her that had nothing to do with fear.

  “No ulterior motive, then?” Emma eyed her dubiously.

  Chloe rolled her eyes. “Absolutely none. They do this every year to raise money for the high school and I support their efforts.”

  Valid explanation but Emma didn’t buy it. Crossing her arms over her chest to block out some of the wind, she said, “I don’t care who’s working here, if you don’t want to do something no one can talk you into it. You’re that stubborn, Chloe. What’s the real reason?”

  By this time they had made their way to the front of the line and were about to go in. Letting out an exasperated breath, Chloe whispered so that the ghoulish woman taking their money wouldn’t overhear. “I’ll tell you later.”

  With a sigh of resignation, Emma handed over her money and decided to let it drop. Whatever Chloe’s plan was – and she was certain that her friend did hav
e a plan – she would find out soon enough. She wouldn’t have been able to get out of it anyway so she made the choice to go with the flow and see what would happen.

  Ghost Lady gave them a spiel that served as the ground rules and a warning before she allowed their group to enter the maze of the haunted factory. “Be forewarned, gentle travelers. To enter beyond these walls you must be on your guard at all times. The ghouls and spirits herein find their joy in harassing the living. Be wary of unseen taunts, dark figures stalking through the corridors and the sound of footsteps running past you in the dark. But don’t lose heart. If you do not seek to touch the spirits, they will let you escape unharmed.”

  Sooooo, basically that was a fancy way of saying don’t molest the workers.

  Yeah right, Emma thought. Now that she knew Chloe was up to something, she kind of wanted to get through the maze as quickly as possible. No way would anyone find her groping one of the people who worked here, especially as one of those people very well could be Ben.

  With that sobering thought, Emma suddenly had an idea as to what Chloe had planned. And when Emma slid her a narrowed glance of dawning understanding, Chloe’s complete avoidance of eye contact couldn’t have been more obvious. Emma shook her head. Chloe never listened.

  When they finally entered the maze, she could barely see her hand in front of her face once the door shut behind them. A soft glow coming from a strand of lights lining the floor flickered to life and she saw that there were several entrances into the maze. She hadn’t expected this to be a choose-your-own-adventure kind of deal. Usually these types of places took you on a guided path from beginning to end.

  This should be interesting.

  Seeing a few people take the farthest entrance on the right, Chloe and Emma looked at each other and both shrugged simultaneously. Laughing, they followed the crowd. One entrance was just as good as the others, in Emma’s opinion.

  In the near complete darkness, they wondered around the first corridor at a snail’s pace until someone wearing a hockey mask and holding a chainsaw jumped out at them. Screaming they put their asses in gear, running to get around the next bend.


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