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Hot Stones & Homicides (A Cozy Spa Mystery Book 2)

Page 11

by Jenn Cowan

  “Long enough.” He pushes off the wall and comes over to me. “Autumn, you’re painting a target on your back. You need to be careful.”

  His words send a chill up my spine and I shiver.

  “I don’t want to scare you, but you keep putting yourself in the middle of murder cases.” Travis takes my hand and squeezes it.

  “I know.” I stare down at our hands. “But I can’t help it. You accused me of murdering April and then accused Josh of killing Jamie and poisoning April. If you would quit accusing me and the people I love of murder, I would quit getting involved.” I poke his chest to emphasize my point, but he just smirks at me. The look he gives me says he doesn’t believe me for a second. I can’t say I blame him. I’m not sure I would stay out of a case even if it didn’t involve someone I love. There’s just something ingrained in me that wants to bring closure to families and make sure justice is served. Maybe it’s because my dad’s a lawyer. Regardless, I have the desire to help, even if it puts me danger. My stomach chooses that moment to growl.

  Travis smiles and wraps a hand around my finger still jammed into his chest. A spark shoots up my arm like I just touched an electrical fence. I yank it back and rub the tip. Note to self: Quit touching Travis. He pops open an umbrella. “Let’s get you something to eat.”

  I join him under the umbrella only to avoid getting soaked, but I make sure not to touch him. His woodsy cologne engulfs me and for a moment I’m taken back in high school. We’re walking down the hallway, hand in hand, talking about our future. Tires squealing in the parking lot jolts me out of the memory and I turn to see who’s leaving so early. Scott’s black Ford is turning onto Main Street. That’s strange. I wonder why he’s leaving so soon. The bakery along with every other business in town is closed today.

  When we reach the town hall, Travis shakes out the umbrella then opens the door for me. We step into the hall and stop. No one’s talking or eating. Everyone’s focused on the stage. That’s when I see it.


  Blood. It’s dripping from the stage. Travis takes me by the elbow and practically hauls me over to Josh, who’s holding a chicken wing in mid-air with his eyes focused on the stage.

  “Keep her with you,” Travis growls then gives me a warning look before heading to the stage.

  Everyone’s seated so it’s easy to see over their heads. They all appear to be in shock, which is kind of creepy.

  “What happened?” I squeeze Josh’s shoulder to snap him out of his daze.

  “It was really strange. There was a scream. We all stopped talking then Margaret saw the blood starting to pool on the stage. She screamed and everyone froze. I think we were waiting for the other shoe to drop…or body.” He shivers.

  I glance around. It’s like everyone’s afraid to move for fear they’ll be next. I don’t blame them. This killer is seriously deranged and really getting on my nerves. “Where’s the blood coming from?”

  “I think the rafters. That’s where the scream came from.”

  Sirens sound in the distance. EMTs burst through the door although with that much blood I’m not sure their presence is needed. “Did you see anyone?”

  Josh shakes his head. “I was busy eating.” He gestures to his plate with his chicken wing then sets it down like he’d lost his appetite.

  I smirk then turn my attention back to the stage. Travis is standing around the pool of blood scratching his head. I frown and say, “I’ll be right back.” I make my way to the stage and wave at Travis.

  He spots me and walks over.

  “What’s going on?”

  He crouches down and whispers, “There’s no body.”

  “What?” I exclaim then lower my voice when I see people staring at us. “How is that possible?”

  He shrugs. “We’ve searched everywhere. It’s almost like someone just dumped a bunch of blood on the stage. There’s blood dripping from the rafters, but it’s not coming from anywhere.”

  “Are you testing the blood?”

  He gives me a look like I just asked a dumb question and I guess it is, of course they’re going to test the blood. “I’ve got to get back to it. You should go home.” Travis studies me for a moment. “Promise me.”

  Josh pipes up from behind me, “I’ll take her home.”

  Travis pursues his lips and says to him, “Be sure to give your statement before you leave.” Then he gives me one last look before turning back to the stage.

  “Let’s go, Autumn.” Josh bumps my shoulder.

  I reluctantly nod. I’m not ready to go home. I need to figure this out before someone else gets hurt…or dies. Someone dumping blood on the stage and screaming seems a little ridiculous. What’s the point? To scare us. To throw us off the case…again. It’s like the thrown stones through the windows. It makes no sense.

  “Autumn, let’s go.” Josh tugs on my hand.

  I follow him. We have to wait in line along with everyone else who is giving their statements to the officers before we’re allowed to leave. When it’s our turn, they take Josh aside to question him and motion for me to go on. I guess Travis told them I was with him when this happened. I was grateful to escape the stuffy hall. The fresh spring air feels good on my face and the sun peeking out behind the clouds gives me hope for a better tomorrow.

  “Hey, Autumn.”

  I turn to find Ryder leaning against the brick wall. He really does remind me of Thomas Rhett, with his dark eyes and hair. He has a little dark stubble on his cheeks and chin, which only adds to his scruffy look. He’s probably a little taller than Rhett and definitely skinnier. Ryder’s skin and bones. His voice though. You wouldn’t think such a big voice could come from this scrawny looking guy. I walk over to him. “How’s it going? Are you ready for your performance on Friday?”

  He shrugs. “As ready as I’ll ever be. I only sing for fun. It’s not my passion.”

  This news throws me, especially, since he’s so good. “Really? So, what’s your passion?”

  “My shop…although it’s not doing well at the moment.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that. Can anything be done?”

  “I’m working on a few things.”

  “Like winning the competition?”

  His eyes go dark. “The competition money won’t even come close to taking care of the shop’s problems.”

  “What will?”

  Ryder sets his jaw. “I’ve got to go.” He pushes off the wall and starts toward his truck then turns back around and yells, “I didn’t kill Jamie for some stupid prize money.” He glares at me before getting into an older model Ford and peeling out of the parking lot.

  “But did you kill her over something else?” I mutter to no one.

  “What did you say?” Josh walks up behind and makes me jump. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

  I place a hand to my chest in an attempt to slow my racing heart. “It’s fine.” I turn and motion to the Jeep. “Ready?”

  “Was that Ryder you were talking to?”

  I nod.

  “What did he have to say?”

  “That he didn’t kill Jaime for the competition money.”

  “But you think he might have killed her for another reason, right?”

  I smirk. Another thing I love about Josh is that he can read my mind. “Come on, let’s go home.”

  He unlocks the Jeep and holds the door open for me. I slip in and buckle my seatbelt. Movement behind the church catches my eye. I spot Violet talking wildly on her cell phone. One hand has the phone pressed to her ear. The other’s waving around like she’s directing traffic. Her face is red and she keeps stomping her foot.

  “Autumn. Autumn.”

  “Hmm?” I keep my eyes on Violet.

  “What are you’re looking at.”

  I gesture to Violet, although she’s slightly out of Josh’s view. “Wonder who’s she talking to.”

  “You don’t still suspect her, do you?”

  “I’m not ruling anyone out except old m
an Gus.” I turn and focus on Josh. “I think Adam got hurt because I accused him although Travis and the cops were the only ones who knew about my suspicion.”

  “Violet couldn’t have gotten Adam into that shed without help.”

  “But someone could have helped her? Ryder? I don’t think Eva is strong enough, but maybe both she and Violet together could have drugged him and put him in the shed.”

  “Why set it on fire?”

  “He could identify them. They had to keep him quiet…or silence him forever.”

  “Do you think Mrs. Walls’s death was an accident?”

  I shrug. “I’m not sure. Maybe she knew something about the killer.” I sigh, close my eyes and massage my temples. “It’s just so awful. I should have solved this case by now.”

  Josh pats my shoulder. “Solving this case isn’t your job. The police should have caught the killer by now. They wasted so much time focusing on me when the real killer was still out there causing havoc.”

  I open my eyes in time to see Violet hang up her phone and shove it into her purse. She glances around and spots me. I contemplate ducking, but what’s the use? Everyone in town knows I’m trying to piece this case together. It’s no secret. Maybe if she thinks I suspect her, she’ll slip up and I can catch her in the act. That or she’ll come after me and I might end up dead.

  Violet glares at me then turns and stomps inside the hall. I watch her go and think about the case. All the stones should be gone, but this whole blood on the stage throws a kink in things. Is this related to the case or another distraction? “Did the scream sound like it was male or female?”

  Josh frowns and taps his thumb on the steering wheel. “Male. It was deeper and didn’t actually sound like a scream, but more like a yell.”

  I groan, thinking I was on to something for a minute, but now feel lost again. My theory was Violet screamed and dumped the blood to make it look like someone else was murdered, but if it was a guy then that blows my theory, unless it was Ryder. I sigh and rest my head back against the seat.

  Josh puts the Jeep in drive and heads for my house.

  My phone beeps and I check it.

  “Who is it?”

  “My dad. Just updating me on my mom. She’s getting antsy and isn’t being a very good patient.”

  Josh smiles. “Kind of like her daughter.”

  I stick my tongue out at him, but it only makes him laugh.

  When we pull into my driveway, I see someone sitting on my front porch. I get out and head over to them. “Scott, what are you doing here?”

  “I have some information for you. Thought it might help.” He gets up from the rocking chair and holds out a piece of paper.

  “What’s this?” I gesture to the paper, but don’t take it.

  “I went to sign the lease for my new space today. Looks like someone bought it and has decided not to lease it anymore.”

  “Oh, I’m so sorry.”

  “Me too.” He runs a hand through his blond hair. “I did a little digging to find out who the new owner is. I wanted to call them and see if they would reconsider leasing to me.”


  “It’s linked to a corporation. When I called, I only got a recording. There was no website for them either.”

  “Hmm. That’s interesting. Do you have the name of the company?”

  He holds up the paper for me. “VF Enterprises. Ever heard of it?”

  I bite my lip and look at his handwriting. “The name sounds familiar.”

  “Here. Take it. Maybe it will jog your memory.” He thrusts the paper into my hands.

  I take the paper and say, “Thanks for sharing this with me.”

  Scott smiles at me. “If anyone can figure this out, it’s you.” He turns to Josh. “Up for a game of chess? The bakery’s closed today for the funeral and I could use the distraction.”

  Josh’s blue eyes light up like someone offered him a free trip to the Bahamas then he glances over at me and says, “I think Autumn needs my help.”

  I fake a yawn and stretch. “Actually, I was thinking about taking a nap.” I sneak a peek at Scott. He seems like he could use a friend right now. “You guys go play.”

  “Are you sure?” Josh puts a hand to my forehead. “Are you feeling okay?”

  I swat his hand away. “I’m fine. It’s just been a long week. Go, have fun.” I shoo them toward Josh’s blue house. He keeps glancing back over his shoulder every few seconds as he crosses over into his yard. I smile and wave to him then unlock my front door.

  When I enter the house, I see drops of blood in the entry way. My heart speeds up in my chest. I fumble with my keys and get my phone out of my purse with shaky hands. I step around the blood carefully as I dial Travis’s number.

  “Autumn? Everything ok?”

  I don’t even recognize my voice as I tell him about the blood in my entry.

  “Stay put. Actually, go to Josh’s. Autumn, don’t go into the house.”

  My voice catches in my throat as I try to tell him I already found the source of the blood.


  Caleb’s lifeless eyes are forever burned into my brain. I shiver as I stand in my front yard while cops go in and out of my yellow house. Someone stabbed him although I’m not sure with what. There wasn’t a murder weapon in my kitchen. The gray grout is probably stained forever. A permanent reminder someone died in my house or was dead and dumped in my house. Is this a threat? Am I next?

  I glance over at Travis questioning Scott. Did I eliminate him too early from my suspect list? Was the whole lease story, a cover-up to throw me off his trail? I saw him leaving the church right before we found the blood. Was Caleb’s body in the bed of his truck? I shiver at the thought.

  “Here.” Josh hands me a cup of chamomile tea in a plain green mug from his house. “How are you holding up?”

  I take a sip of tea, letting the herbs soothe my nerves and fill my senses with its calming scent. My stomach turns slightly as I remember the last time I drank this tea and it was poisoned. I refuse to let someone ruin my favorite tea. I take another sip and force myself to think about how much I love this tea, then something clicks. The poison in my tea must have been my warning and now the body in my kitchen is a definite threat. I must be getting close to figuring this out or at least someone thinks I am. I know I have all the puzzle pieces. I just have to get them to fit together.

  “I called your parents. They’re planning to call you later. Your mom’s feeling guilty because they can’t be here.” I open my mouth to tell him she’s being silly when he says, “I told her she’s being ridiculous. I’m here plus there’s nothing they can do. They told me to tell you they love you and will call you later.”

  I nod and sigh. The sun is setting behind the trees and the humidity shot up after the rain so I’m sweating in my black dress. Travis assures me I’ll be able to grab some clothes, but it’s been over an hour and it doesn’t look like anyone’s clearing out of my house anytime soon. Not like I’d stay there tonight. It’s technically a crime scene so I won’t be able to get back in for a few days.

  Travis offered to let me stay in his guest room. I don’t want to think about what that implies for our relationship, not to mention, Cat lives there. I politely declined, stating we didn’t want to give a teenage girl the wrong impression. He reluctantly agreed, so I’m staying with Josh, who would have been insulted if I’d stayed anywhere else. The guest room’s practically mine anyway since we have late movie nights and I’m usually too sleepy to walk over to my house.

  Josh painted the walls a soft blue color and the white bedspread and furniture make me feel like I’m sleeping in the clouds. I may love that room more than my own. Maybe I should do some redecorating once my house is clear of crime scene tape…and blood. It will need something to erase the stench of death or more like the feeling of death.

  Josh squeezes my arm to get my attention. I think I’m in shock. “I’ll see if Travis can give us a timeline on when we can g
rab some of your things.”

  I smile. Josh knows me so well. “Thanks.” I watch him head over to the driveway where Travis has set up interrogations with all my neighbors. We all have big yards and mine is at the end of a cul-de-sac, which backs to trees. Perfect for viewing wildlife, but not so great when trying to catch someone sneaking into your house to dispose of a body.

  The only people who could have seen anything would have been Josh and my other next door neighbor, who at this time is no one. Mr. and Mrs. Whiteman moved to North Carolina a few months ago when their daughter had her first baby. They haven’t sold their house yet, but I did notice the For Sale sign came down a few days ago, so maybe I’m going to get a new neighbor.

  Travis is still questioning everyone on the block, but I can tell from the frown on his face and clench in his jaw that no one has any information for him. Scott storms off down the street toward his bakery. I watch him go and wonder why he would have killed Caleb, given me the information of VF enterprises and then stuck around to play chess with Josh. It doesn’t really scream murderer. Maybe he was trying to throw suspicion off him. I shake my head as my stomach growls, reminding me I never had lunch and dinner was probably going to be a while longer. My phone rings in my purse and I glance at the caller ID. It’s from an unknown number.


  “Did you like my little present I left for you?”

  My hand starts to shake and my heart starts to beat like a stampede of horses in my chest. I don’t recognize the voice. It’s muffled and sounds a little bit like Darth Vader. “He was just a kid.”

  “He stuck his nose where it didn’t belong. You’ll be next if you don’t leave this case alone. Tell that boyfriend detective of yours that Adam and Violet were responsible for the deaths and you’ll get to stay alive.”

  “Adam and Violet?” My nerves steady and I actually snort at their ignorance. “That’s not even believable. Adam’s in a coma and Violet isn’t big enough to kill Caleb and put him in my kitchen by herself.”


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