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Nobody Can Love You Like Them Roughnecks Do 4

Page 10

by Shvonne Latrice

  “Am I Herman’s sister?” The girl repeated what I’d said, turning her attention to Herman before setting the baby carrier on the clean countertop. It was quiet as I darted my attention between the both of them. “You got this bitch in my house? Really, Herman?”

  “Traci, relax, baby. It ain’t even like that. She’s just here to help me with my shit.” He laughed nervously, shrugging.

  “What shit!” Tracie hollered. She went from being mild mannered to crazy in two seconds.

  For a moment, I was speechless because I couldn’t believe I was in this predicament, and then secondly, Herman’s explanation had caught me off guard.

  “You know what, I’m going to go.” I rose up and started toward the door.

  “Is that my necklace?” Traci barked.

  “What? No. He gave this to me!”

  “Bitch, that is my shit! My damn grandma passed that down to me! I know my locket when I see it!” Traci snatched it from my neck, ripping it off. “You son of a bitch! You’re cheating and giving my shit away! You watched me cry, thinking I’d lost it, when you really gave it to this hoe!”

  “Traci, Traci, baby, calm down—”


  Traci slapped the dog shit out of Herman, and I stayed paralyzed, still in disbelief. She then sobbed into her hands, the locket draping from in between her fingers.

  “Herman, really?” I stared him down, shaking my head.

  “Baby, she must’ve stolen it. I swear I wouldn’t do that.” He went to console Traci, ignoring me completely.

  Feeling stupid, I pulled the door open and hurried out to my car. It was about four or five niggas outside by now, sniggering at what they knew had happened.

  “This same shit pops off every other month or so, baby girl. Don’t trip!” The same guy who’d spoken to me earlier yelled out.

  I paid him no mind, because I was ashamed as hell, and got into my car.

  I looked good and didn’t want to waste my outfit, so I texted my friend Grace to see if she was busy.

  Me: Hey wanna go to dinner? Or a lounge?

  Grace: Can’t, got a dick appointment. What happened to your date night?

  Me: Tell you later.

  I dropped my phone into the cup holder, thinking, and then finally decided I would go see Judd’s match. I looked too good to just take my ass home and wipe off this perfect makeup application. Plus, I’d already posted on Instagram how I was gonna be out on the town tonight, so I needed to make that come true.

  Putting the location in on my iPhone, I let it lead the way, until I was parking in the lot next to the small venue. Walking up to the front, I smiled at the bouncer, hoping I could get in.

  “Ticket?” he questioned.

  “No, can I buy one on site?”

  “Sold out.”

  “Oh. I really want to see the fight. I don’t mind standing if I have to.”

  Giving me a skeptical look, the older man nodded to allow me inside. I hurried in before he changed his mind, and saw the place was packed. Finding an empty stool, I sat on it, not wanting to take an official seat that probably belonged to someone.

  The fight was already in motion, and I couldn’t really tell who was winning. I’d never seen Judd fight, but he seemed to be pretty good just from what I’d seen in the past at Herman’s matches. Herman moved a lot, avoiding punches, but Judd wasn’t the same at all. He went full force at his opponent, trying his best to knock him out.

  “You into boxing?” Some man approached, clutching a cup of beer that was toppling over.

  “Uh, not really. I’m here to see a friend.”

  “A friend?” He squinted his eyes, making me laugh. “Who?”


  “Oh, okay. He’s good. He’s gonna be one of the ones to make it.”

  “You think so?”

  “I know so.”

  I nodded, turning my attention back to the fight as I let the man’s words seep into my mind.

  The fight was over a little while later, with Judd being declared the winner, and I stayed put as everyone took pictures before leaving. By the time the venue was damn near clear, I saw Judd coming from the back.

  “Hey, hey!” I jumped off the stool, waving so he’d see me.

  “Isabella.” He looked around. “Herman was here?”

  “No, he wasn’t.” I moved toward him. “I came to see you. I mean, I came to see you fight. You’re pretty good.”

  “Thank you.”

  I inhaled his scent, which smelled more like a manly deodorant than cologne, but it was fresh. He must’ve showered back there. He looked nice in a simple white shirt that wasn’t too tight, some black track pants, along with some socks and slides.

  “Welcome. So is this it for the night? Are you heading somewhere or—”

  “I’ll probably get some food then go home. Isabella, I ain’t trying to be rude, but why you here, trying to be nice and shit?”

  “I guess I wanted to apologize for how I talked to you that day you were practicing. It was immature and stupid.”

  “It was. I accept your apology.” He nodded. “You have a good night, okay?”

  “Okay.” I watched him walk off but decided to catch up. “I want you to know I’m not some stupid, immature girl at all.”

  “Oh yeah?” He smirked. His caramel complexion was flawless. I doubt he’d ever had a pimple. “That’s good to know. Thanks for showing up.”

  “Anytime. I can come to your next match as well.”

  “Cool.” We got to his car, where he unlocked it with the remote.

  “If you’re not too tired, did you want to hang out? I got all dressed up for plans I had, but they got cancelled at the last minute.”

  “What were the plans? Because you look pretty fancy.”

  “Dinner.” I shrugged, looking off before staring back up into his eyes.

  “With Herman?” He chuckled. “You must’ve met Traci.”

  “You know Traci?”

  “Everybody does.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me about her when you knew I thought he and I were getting close?”

  “Not my job to shit on another nigga.”

  “Whatever. So do you want some company while you eat or no?”

  “I guess.”

  I smiled, feeling happy about eating with him for some reason. I didn’t even like him like that. I guess I just felt good about him forgiving me.

  We decided to meet at Bestia, a little Italian restaurant in LA. Judd parked before me, so by the time I shut my engine off, he was at my door, waiting to open it for me.

  “Thank you.” I placed my hand in his as he helped me out.

  We entered, and it wasn’t packed, so we sat down quickly. The waitress was prompt, so we ordered wine to drink while we studied the menu.

  “This spiced porterhouse sounds amazing.” I eyed it, deciding on whether I wanted to spend $55 or not.

  “It does. I want this spaghetti with the crab though.” Judd nodded, scratching his little bit of facial hair as he kept his eyes on the menu.

  Our wine came, so we gave the woman our orders, allowing her to leave the table.

  “That food better be bomb for fifty-five dollars, or I’m causing a scene,” I joked.

  Laughing, Judd replied, “I got you, don’t trip.”

  “No, you don’t have to. I know your income isn’t that much, and this isn’t even a date. I can’t make you pay.”

  “I do okay. If I couldn’t afford ya steak, I wouldn’t have offered, Isabella.”

  “Oh okay, good. Well thank you then.” I surveyed my manicure. “You have a girlfriend at home?”

  “I don’t. We broke up about two years ago, so I’ve been focused on boxing and my daughter.”

  “Daughter? You have kids?”

  “I have a kid. She’s two years old. When I told her mother I ain’t wanna be with her anymore, she bounced.”

  “Bounced? And left the baby too?”

  “Yep. It’s straight t

  “Where is the baby now? I mean, since you’re out here with me?” I sipped my wine.

  “With my mother. She keeps her for me when I have to fight.”

  Judd and I continued to converse until our food came. My shit was good, and by the way he tore into his, that pasta he got must have been delicious as well. We got dessert, and then after Judd paid the bill, we left the restaurant.

  “Thank you for letting me come eat with you, and paying.”

  “It’s nothing. I liked your company. It was nice seeing you be like this versus how you are when Herman is around.”

  “Well, like I said, this is the real me.” I looked down at my shoes. “You said you didn’t like the person you saw before, but what about now?”

  He cocked his head to stare into my face.

  “Now, I think you’re straight. Beautiful as ever, but you know that.”

  I blushed.

  “So that means we can hang out again?”

  “For sure, but an actual date since this wasn’t one according to you. Plus, I ain’t even dressed up.”

  “You look fine.” We gave one another eye contact as we started toward the parking lot. “I mean, for a short guy.”

  Together, we roared with laughter.

  “The ladies have never had a problem with my height. I guess yo’ ass is the first.” He opened my car door for me.

  “No, I’m not the first. I don’t mind at all.” I was close to him, and I liked it. I liked him. I don’t know when it happened, but it had.

  “Good.” He gave me a closed mouth smile, eyes admiring me like always. I loved that! I loved how pretty he thought I was, and that I could tell without him saying it. “Put your number in.” He handed me his old ass iPhone.

  “What the hell is this? An iPhone 2?”

  “Fuck out of here. It’s a 6s and works perfectly fine.”

  I chuckled, typing my number in before handing it back to him.

  “See you later, Isabella.”

  “Bye.” I waved cutely before he closed my door.

  I watched him jog to his car, licking my lips. Everything he did seemed sexy to me now.

  Taking my iPhone from my purse, I texted Blaise.

  Me: You won’t believe who I like now.

  A few minutes went by before she replied.

  Blaise: Judd.

  Me: What? How did you know?

  Blaise: He’s sweet, he likes you, and I knew it’d happen.

  Me: Oh, dang. Well yes he’s bae! But I’m kind of iffy because he’s so mature. I’m not used to guys like him.

  Blaise: You’ll get used to it, and you will love it. I promise.

  I smiled, putting my phone into the passenger seat, and cranking up my car.

  Priscilla Dimitri

  A few days later…

  I could put you in the Mile-High Club… What's up? Let's take a trip…

  The ladies and I were doing one of our sensual numbers to “Planez” by Jeremih. I was in the front with Katie to one side of me and then Brittany on the other.

  For the first time in a while since all of the drama in my personal life, I felt like myself in dance class. Every move was smooth and felt natural, as I focused, staring myself down in the mirror. I paid no attention to Katie and Brittany behind me as I slid to the floor for a sensual move to J. Cole’s verse.

  The dance was over a little bit later, us ending with a pose.

  “Damn, girl!” Katie screeched. “You did that shit!” She slapped hands with me as I laughed.

  “Right. I was trying to decide if I wanted to watch you or keep up with the choreography,” Brittany added.

  “Thanks, ladies.” I panted, grabbing my water bottle to down some of it.

  “No, but seriously. You’re one of the main reasons the studio’s Instagram page gets so many views. Whenever we post you, girl, the count is crazy high.” Katie shook her head, drinking her own water.

  “I gotta get like Priscilla.” Brittany grabbed her bag as we all chortled. “See you ladies Friday.”

  “Okay,” Katie and I replied in unison.

  Brittany left out as Katie and I got our bags together to leave as well. I kept glancing over at her, wondering why Will was able to fuck her with no problem and no role-play.

  “Today was good! I had a great breakfast, I shopped a little, and we killed it tonight! Now all I need is some dick.”

  “Yeah, that is always nice.” I sighed. “You still umm, dating that one guy you mentioned during the hike?”

  “Will? Girl, we are not dating.” She twisted the cap back onto her water. “I have a man, he’s just away. Will and I are fucking. He’s too weird, but I like riding that dick.”

  “Oh, okay. You know, I think he’s still dating Dionne.”

  “What? Are you sure? Because I don’t really know her like that, but I’m not trying to fuck nobody else’s man.”


  “Yeah, I wanna say I’m 100 percent sure she’s back with him. She told me they were working things out after he got exposed for the whole prostitute thing.”

  “Damn. He sure didn’t act like he had a girl when we were fucking.”

  Could she stop saying fucking? I mean, I get it! Y’all are fucking!

  “They never do.” I threw my bag over my shoulder. “But be careful, girl, because Dionne is not all there. She’s the type to break in your house and stab your ass.”

  “Yeah, she was a little strange while she was here. Always staring off into space or sad. I don’t have time for that shit. Not trying to explain to my man why some bitch stabbed me over her nigga, so I may have to cut Will off.”

  “Shit, I know I would.”

  I wanted to convince her to do so. I shouldn’t have even given a fuck about Will, but I didn’t like knowing she was messing with him. Yes, I had Sly, who I liked, but my feelings for Will hadn’t completely disintegrated yet.

  “Yep.” Katie looked like she was thinking, then added, “See you later, girl.”

  We both left, and once I got in my car, I pulled my phone from my bag to see I had a lot of missed calls from Will. Like I’d been doing, I ignored them, but tapped the one from Sly after starting my truck.

  “Hey, beautiful.” Sly’s deep voice poured through my speakers.

  “Hey, babe.” I felt myself smiling as the heater blasted on me while I drove.

  “We’re still going out tonight?”

  “Yes, we are. I just have to make sure my babies are sleeping, and then I will get all dressed up for you.”

  “I can’t wait.”

  “I’m sure.”

  We chatted a little bit about tonight and then got off the phone so I could continue driving. My music was interrupted because my phone began ringing again, and when I looked at the screen, I saw it was Will. I hit the green button on my GPS screen to answer the call, but I didn’t say anything; I just rolled my eyes instead.


  I missed his voice.

  “What, Willem?”

  “I was wondering if you were busy tonight. I wanted you to come through so we could spend some time together.”

  “Nigga, what? I don’t wanna spend any time with you.”

  “I didn’t mean spend time. What I meant was I want you to come over here, eat with me, and let me talk to you about what’s been going on.”


  “Because you told me to update you on my progress and all that shit.”

  “Yeah, when I planned to be with you still. I have a man now, so maybe you should call up Dionne or even Katie.”

  “I would, but I’d rather call the woman I love.”

  I swear I stopped breathing for a little bit as I continued to drive. I didn’t know what to say, so it was just quiet, allowing me to listen to him breathe.


  “Just for a little bit. I made food already. Well I can’t cook, so I ordered food already.”

  “And just assumed I would come.”
br />   “Nah. I wasn’t sure, but in case you did, I wanted to have enough for you to eat too.”

  “Fine. I will come, but I’m only gonna be there to listen, and maybe eat because I’m hungry.”

  “Good enough.”

  I made a detour so I could head in the direction of Will’s place. I got there pretty quickly since it was after 8 p.m. and not many cars out due to it being a weekday.

  Exiting the car, I checked my surroundings and then went to ring his doorbell.

  “Hey.” Will opened the door, smiling.

  His light skin was glistening, right along with his short, curly fade. He was dressed up in just jeans and a shirt, but it was still unexpected since we were only in his home.

  “Hey.” I slipped in, moving quickly when I noticed he tried to hug me. “We’re not leaving, right?”

  “Nah. I just was already dressed from being out today.” He closed then locked his front door as I sat down on the couch.

  “Okay, because you know I’m in a relationship, so I can’t be seen out in public with another man.”

  Nodding, Will replied, “So that’s your man now? Sly?”

  “Yes, he is. And actually, I plan to see him tonight, so we should probably get a move on.” I checked the time on my Rolex.

  I felt Will staring at me, before he went to get the food from the kitchen. It was Chinese, and after he set down some plates, glasses, and a wine bottle, we prayed. I was supposed to have dinner with Sly, but this looked good, so I was just going to have a little.

  “Is it serious?” Will finally spoke.

  “Is what serious? My relationship with Sly?”

  “Yeah.” He kept his attention on squeezing the hot sauce over his shrimp.

  “Very serious,” I half lied. Sly and I were getting very close, and I could see it getting to the point where we’d be serious. As of right now, it was too new to say so. “But we’re not here to talk about that. We’re supposed to discuss your progress.”

  “Right. Well I told you about my therapist, and he’s been helping me figure shit out. The whole sex with Katie thing, he ain’t tell me to do it, but he told me to come onto her and see what happened.”

  “Why the hell are you in therapy talking about Katie? I didn’t even know y’all were close. I assumed you did some videos and photography for her, but I guess you fuck all your clients.”


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