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Nobody Can Love You Like Them Roughnecks Do 4

Page 30

by Shvonne Latrice

  We both laughed because it was true.


  “Aye, Izzy, did you want kettle or buttered popcorn?” Herman banged on the door, and I shut my eyes tightly, feeling like I’d been punched in the throat.

  “Is that Herman?” Judd asked.

  “No, that’s not him, it’s just—”

  “It’s cool. Do you.” Judd hung up so quickly that I was still mid-sentence.

  I was paralyzed for a minute, not knowing what to do. I tried calling Judd back as Herman banged on the door.

  “Kettle!” I roared, getting him from the door, just as Judd’s voicemail picked up.

  “Come on, baby, answer.” I texted him before calling again but got nothing.

  Finally, I emerged from the bathroom inhaling sharply, letting the kettle corn scent travel up my nose.

  “We good to go. I got the wine, the popcorn—”

  “Herman, I have to go. My umm, my mom needs me.” I dropped my iPhone into my purse. I felt so stupid.

  “Can’t she wait? I mean—”

  “No, she ca…” I exhaled. “I’m lying. My mom doesn’t need me. I’m leaving because Judd found out I was here, and I’m sure he doesn’t want me anymore.”

  “Gives us room to be together.” He grinned, tossing popcorn into his mouth.

  “Except I want to be with him. It’s just I didn’t realize it until right now. Enjoy your movie, wine, and popcorn.”


  I hurried out of his door, listening to him call me a couple more times. I couldn’t believe what I’d just done.


  Runnin' through the money and the bitch keep callin’… Hold up, she gon' have to wait on it…

  I was seated next to my friends, dancing to “Put A Date On It” by Yo Gotti, while sipping champagne. Tonight, my man Sly was having a bash at a club to celebrate the release of his very own tracksuits. It was something he always wore, so it was only right he launched his own. The place was plush, and so was the party, especially because he hired Alivia to deejay.

  “I haven’t seen you this happy in a long time.” Blaise nudged me.

  “I know, right. I guess because everything seems to be falling into place. It used to be either my professional life was great, but my personal wasn’t, or vice versa.”

  Just recently, I’d booked my first major choreography job for this up and coming singer. It paid more than I’d ever gotten in the past, and I was sure that I’d be able to open a dance studio in just two months, with plenty of money to spare.

  “Girl, I know what you mean.” Rubbing my back, Blaise added, “But you deserve this happiness.”

  “Thanks, best friend.” I side pecked her cheek so I wouldn’t get lipstick on it. “Hey, did you tell Isabella she could come?”

  “I did, but she said she wasn’t in the mood to see anybody or party. I think something happened with her and Judd.”

  “Really? It seems like she can do no wrong in his eyes. But then again, I’ve only met him briefly.” Blaise had taken me with her to bring Belly some protein powder, and there, I was introduced to Judd. He seemed like a very sweet guy, but a lot of times that was a facade.

  “He’s obsessed with her, but you never know. Niggas will chase you for a hundred years, sell his first born to get you, then do you dirty after a week.”

  Blaise and I giggled after slapping hands. That shit was very true. Men were just dumb as hell.

  As soon as I turned away, I saw Sly looking at me on the low as he conversed with his friend. He winked at me, making me blush before turning back to Blaise.

  She and I continued to enjoy ourselves, going by the deejay booth for a minute to chat with Alivia, before returning to our section. She said she’d be over in a minute, when Sly got ready to make his announcement.

  About twenty minutes had passed of Blaise and I snacking on the chips and salsa, then Alivia joined us. Before leaving her booth, she’d turned on some soft music, which was odd. I then noticed Sly take a mic that had been handed to him, before he began making his speech.

  “I just wanna thank everybody for coming out to support me. I still remember when I was just a young nigga working at Foot Locker, thinking I was doing something by talking people into buying a certain pair of shoes.” Everyone laughed. “It took a lot of blood, sweat, and tears to get here, so I’m grateful for it all.” He palmed his chest. “Now that we got that out of the way. Priscilla, can you come here?”

  Everyone began clapping as I looked to Blaise and Alivia, who shrugged. Sly waved for me to hurry, so I set my champagne glass down and strutted over to him.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Everybody, give it up for Priscilla’s fine ass!” he shouted, and they all began to applaud. “Priscilla, ever since I met you, I knew that I wanted you. Shit, even before, when I used to see your dance videos all over the gram.”

  “Baby.” I giggled along with everyone else as we held hands.

  “Anyway, I was wondering…” He got down on one knee, causing the whole club to cheer wildly. I felt my jaw hit the floor. “Would you marry me?” Sly placed the microphone down and reached into his pocket to pull out a diamond ring.

  I lifted my head to see a bunch of people waiting with bated breath to hear my answer. I loved being with Sly, but I didn’t know if I was ready to get married. However, I too felt like he and I would be together forever, so why not say ‘yes’?

  “Yes, baby, of course.” I beamed, and feeling him slide that ring down my finger was so euphoric. I’d never been proposed to in my life. Not even by the man I’d held it down for, for years and bore two children.

  The whole venue clapped and shouted out of excitement as Sly rose up to pull me in for a peck. We stood there kissing for a while, before he released me and told everyone to get back to turning up. Just as he hugged me again, I noticed a familiar face in the crowd of people in the section across the club; Rafi.

  Ignoring his piercing stare, I slipped my hand into Sly’s and went to sit with my friends. We all fawned over the rock then got back to partying, especially when “Twerk” by City Girls came on.

  Alivia couldn’t drink of course, but she didn’t let that stop her from having fun.

  Around 1 a.m., we decided to leave out of the back.

  “Bye, ladies!” I hugged and kissed Blaise and Alivia, before starting toward the black Rolls-Royce Ghost waiting for Sly and me.

  “Aye!” someone called out from behind us.

  “Oh my gosh.” I rolled my eyes, seeing Rafi jogging over. Even though I abhorred him, he looked nice.

  “Congrats to you two.” Rafi reached to shake Sly’s hand, and he hesitantly gave in.

  “Thanks, Rafi.” I half smiled.

  “Yeah, I mean, just because we didn’t work out doesn’t mean I can’t be happy for you. Shit, I admire couples who can work through the muddy shit and still decide to be together.”

  “Muddy shit?” Sly frowned.

  “Baby, let’s go.” I tugged on him, feeling so nervous I thought my knees would buckle.

  “Yeah, the fact that Priscilla didn’t know if she wanted you or Will.”

  Sly cocked his head before turning to look at me.

  “I’ve never wanted Will while I was with you,” I assured him, making him turn his attention back to Rafi.

  “Quit the bullshit, Rafi. Let her go. She don’t want you, nigga.” Sly shook his head in disgust.

  “You sure she want you? ’Cause she came home in the afternoon after being out all night on a few occasions, and I know she wasn’t with you, homie.” Rafi shrugged. Pretending to think, he added, “The time you were in Texas. Yeah, yeah, that was it. She came through the door looking guilty as a muthafucka.” Rafi cackled.

  “Markis, he is lying.” I used Sly’s first name, wanting him to believe me.

  “So you ain’t admit to me that you were out fucking Will that night? And also that you were in love with him?”

  Before I coul
d answer, Sly walked briskly toward the car. I rushed off after him, hearing Rafi laugh maniacally.

  Soon as I got into the back seat of the car with him, I said, “That is not what happened.”

  “It’s not?” Sly looked to me then chuckled, obviously upset. “You know, I thought the shit was funny when Will pressed me at that shoot. I wondered why he was so damn up in arms if y’alls shit was old like you told me it was later that day. But it’s not old, is it?”

  It was silent except for the low sound of the blues music being played by the driver.

  I just covered my eyes, before sobbing softly.

  “Markis, I am not this type of person. I love you. I just got confused and—”

  “You don’t love me, Priscilla. I can’t with you no more. You’re beautiful, I love spending time with you, and I wish I could be with you, but I’m too good of a nigga to be dealing with a female who don’t all the way fuck with me.”

  He was right, so I didn’t debate him on that as I slid the beautiful diamond off of my finger. He pocketed it once I handed it over.

  “I’m so sorry. I hope you don’t hate me.” I sniffled. “Even if you do, I still love you. I deserve the hate.”

  Sly was looking out of the window for a moment before he turned to look at me. Surprisingly, he pulled me into a hug, and I definitely needed it.

  “I’m angry, but only because I wanted you, badly. I know you’re a good woman, Priscilla; you just got caught in some shit. This Will nigga, as weird as he is, I don’t know how he got you, but he’s lucky as fuck.” Sly pulled away to look at me. When he smiled, I chuckled, dabbing my eyes.

  “I’m pretty sure we’re done; he hates me.”

  “If he does hate you, it won’t last long.”

  We pulled up to my place, yes, mine. I’d finally moved out of Rafi’s mansion, and I guess that set him off for this final round. He was miserable, but he’d done this to himself. He ruined our family, so I couldn’t care less about him going through it.

  “Sorry again. I want you to know I enjoyed you though, Markis. I don’t regret the time we spent together.”

  “Neither do I.”

  Leaning over, I pecked his lips once more, before getting out and heading up to my condo where my aunt and children were sound asleep.

  Tonight was bittersweet. I was sad that I wouldn’t have Sly around anymore, but truthfully, I felt free. I was tired of lying and protecting feelings. Rafi unknowingly did me a favor.



  “So it’s settled. Once we get clearance from the therapist, you will fight Jaylend. Your payout for this is seventeen million,” Sebastian, the CEO of Avenue Productions, explained.

  “I ain’t complaining, but I like to know the breakdown. I signed a contract for eight million per fight, if I give y’all exclusivity. Where is this extra money coming from? I don’t do that advance shit.”

  “Yes, but I explained to Sebastian here that your pay needed to increase by more than half because of how your fight with Mason went, which was better than expected.” Carson nodded with a smile. “Your new lawyer that you have on retainer, Olive, found a loophole in the contract, letting me know we can break it at any time with no penalty. So Sebastian here agreed to the increase.” Carson patted his shoulder.

  “Aight, cool then.” I sat back on chill, even though I was clicking my fucking heels on the inside. I ain’t expect to get paid double for this fucking fight. I knew keeping Olive’s ass around for future shit would be a good ass idea.

  The three of us left the building, since Carson and Sebastian wanted to escort me to the truck AP had sent to pick me up from the crib.

  Avenue Productions treated my ass like a king, but I knew that shit would only last for about as long as I was the king of this boxing shit. All the endorsements and shit I’d been racking up made me top dog.

  However, as soon as it even looked like I was about to fall off or go into a decline, I’d be treated like a peasant. But as long as shit stayed the respectful route, we would have no problems. I had no issue knocking Sebastian and whomever else the fuck out.

  “Hey, fuck you, asshole!” Some dried-up ass white nigga ran up to me with his homie in tow.

  “Nigga, what?” I frowned, baffled by the disrespect.

  This nigga had to be about five feet eight and 115 pounds, only if he had bricks in his pockets. I was almost three times his size and height, yet he was buck. That told me right there that he was either strapped or a muthafuckin’ fool.

  “You killed Mason. You don’t deserve the belt!” He growled, hatred soaring through his sunken in face. Nigga was aging like avocados in the sun.

  “Hey, get on somewhere.” Carson stepped in.

  “I will call the police if you don’t get off the premises,” Sebastian added. I was his moneymaker, and that nigga would kill himself before he let some shit happen to his golden goose.

  “Call them!” His homie finally chimed in, pushing his blond hair backwards. It was broad daylight, and these muthafuckas were out here acting a fucking monkey.

  “Yeah, call!” The initial nigga who approached me pulled a gun from his waist, making Carson jump back and Sebastian yelp slightly.


  Because I wasn’t new to being held at gunpoint, I snatched the gun from his frail ass hand and clocked him upside the head. He collapsed to the ground as Sebastian called the police, and his homeboy turned to run.

  “Ah!” the blond-haired homie yowled when I grabbed him by his hair like a bitch.

  Tossing him to the ground, I hissed, “You tell whomever the fuck else that’s in on y’all trying to press me over Mason, that I got more where that shit came from. I’m not like these other muthafuckas who grew up soft and just wanna box. I will murder you and yo’ whole fucking family, but I’ll make sure to get ya mama or ya wife to suck me up beforehand. Hurry up.”

  As soon as I backed away some, he scrambled to his feet, booked it out of the parking lot, and hit the corner. Carson swiftly took the gun from me.

  “Cortez, you okay?” Carson asked as Sebastian busied himself on the phone.

  “Perfect,” I threw over my shoulder.

  “Great! Get that clearance from the therapist, please!”

  I nodded before getting into the back seat of the truck. I chuckled, seeing it drive past that nigga still laid out in the parking lot.

  I got home pretty quickly since I now lived close as fuck to the nice neighborhoods that most of my meetings were in.

  As soon as I walked in, Blaise was coming down the stairs, holding my son, so I greeted them both, taking him into my arms.

  “This onesie is fresh as fuck, little nigga.” I inspected Cortez as Blaise and I walked toward the den. He just touched his face with them hand muffs on that Blaise kept on him as I kissed his forehead.

  We sat down in the den, and like usual, I propped my feet up on the ottoman, allowing my son to lie somewhat flatly in my lap.

  “How was the meeting?” Blaise rubbed my head.

  “Better than expected. Doubled my pay for the fight.”

  “Damn, baby!” Blaise grinned. “Now I don’t feel so bad about spending all that money on flowers.”

  I tittered, seeing her that happy.

  “Told yo’ ass get whatever the fuck you want because this is ya last and only wedding, Blaise.” I looked down at my son who was watching me. This was the chillest baby in the fucking world. Muthafuckas would comment on it even when we went out. “Some nigga ran up on me with a gun in the parking lot trying to defend Mason’s ass.” I smirked, but when I looked at Blaise, she didn’t think the shit was funny.

  “You need to get security.”

  “I don’t need no damn security. I handled that nigga.”

  “What if he shot you?”

  “He didn’t though. I told you I ain’t getting no fucking security, so leave the shit alone.”

  “Fuck you.” She got up to leave, and I just watched, wanting to know what th
e fuck just happened.

  I put my son in his bed swing after talking to him for a little bit, before I heard Blaise coming down the steps while conversing with Island.

  “Oh my gosh, Daddy!” Island screeched when she saw me, before darting over. Blaise quickly left out.

  “’Sup, beautiful?” I kissed her cheeks after scooping her up.

  “We paint now?”

  “Yeah. We can paint.”

  She began moving her body wildly, which was something she did when she wanted me to put her down, so I did. She rushed off to her toy corner, dug for something, and then came back over to me.

  “Open paint, Daddy.”

  Looking down, I saw it was a children’s nail polish set. I opened it for her, and she immediately took the four bottles of polish and lined them up on the couch cushion next to me as I watched.

  “What color you getting?” I inquired. I assumed she meant paint a picture, but I guess this was painting too.

  “Mmm, blue because, umm, because you boy.”

  “Me?” I felt my brows dip. “Nah, baby girl. This is for you. I don’t wear this type of shit.”

  “No paint?” Island looked up at me sadly.

  I wish like hell I didn’t love this little girl, because this shit was about to piss me the fuck off.

  “Yeah, come on.” I placed a magazine under my hand, then watched as she took the cap off, before starting to messily paint my fingernails.

  “Design?” Island asked, and I heard Blaise burst into laughter as she entered.

  “Nah, I like it simple.” I shook my head because I couldn’t believe this shit was happening right now.

  “She comes to the nail shop with me a lot, so she knows the lingo.” Blaise watched as this fuckery continued. “Cortez, please get security. If something happens to you, you don’t think Island will miss you? Your son and I are a given, but look how happy she was to see you in the den.”

  I thought for a minute, watching how content Island was to be violating me with this cheap ass nail polish.

  “Aight, Blaise.” I watched her body as she started out to leave.


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