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Stolen Heart (Bride of the Billionaire Book 4)

Page 4

by Jenna Rose

  “You’re too much…” Her smile meets mine as I pull her panties down.

  “Too much for you, or too much for her?” I ask as I spread her pussy lips with two fingers. My beauty reaches down between my legs and grabs my cock. “Both.”



  I can’t even believe it. I’ve never been on a plane before in my life, let alone a private one. So when I look over at Zander as we start to land, I must look like a deer in headlights. He laughs and puts a hand on my knee.

  “Don’t worry, we won’t crash.”

  I can’t even look at him the same way anymore. Billionaire, playboy, womanizer. Sure. Maybe. But he’s more—so much more, and I’m the only one who knows it.

  He’s a man who made himself strong. A man who never loses. A man who gets what he wants. But he’s also a man who built himself a tower, a high tower above it all, a tower that only has room for him and him alone. But as he looks at me, I can’t help but feel like he’s finally starting to expand. Maybe there’s space for me in that tower now.

  I may still be humming from what he did to me ten minutes ago on the bed in the private room at the back of the plane, but that’s not what’s causing the deep sensation inside my chest.

  No, that’s something more. Something I’ve never felt before.

  That’s love.

  I love Zander Duke. The man who kidnapped me.

  But what about Childers? What if he catches Zander, and I’m all alone? How could I go back to life knowing what I’m missing out on? Knowing he’s stuck in a cold cell somewhere away from me?My heart would break. Maybe if I can convince him to stop…if I can fill the void in his life that causes him to go out and take those kind of risks.

  I don’t know what I would do with myself if he was caught.

  “I can’t believe you would ever get bored of this lifestyle,” I say as the plane starts its descent.

  “It’s not boring,” he replies. “My life is never boring. It’s just not thrilling anymore. Not unless I’m doing the other thing I do.”

  “Or me.”

  His face lights up, and he leans in. “Mmm, or you.”

  My head tilts back as he kisses me, and I moan as his hand finds my breast, uncovered beneath the sheer fabric of a blouse he gave me back home. My heart flutters, and I reach out and slide my hand up his leg until I feel the bulge there. Just knowing that it’s me doing that to him has me filling with pride.

  Zander Duke, getting hard because of me.

  “Look what you do to me,” he whispers. “I don’t know how I’ll ever be soft around you, sweetie. Unless you help me out of course.”

  “Help you out?”

  “I need to come,” he tells me. “But I don’t want it in your pussy this time. I want it in your mouth. Do you want to taste me?”

  A wash of excitement pours through me as I realize that I do—I really do.

  We skipped that last night and just got straight to business. He’s gone down on me, and it’s time to return the favor. But as he pulls out his thick cock and presents it to me, I feel myself getting nervous.

  “What if I don’t do it right?”

  Zander chuckles. “Baby, you do everything right. Just open your mouth and let Daddy guide you.”


  The word hits me in the chest and sends me spinning. I never thought something like that would ever turn me on, but as he slides his hand around the back of my head and pushes me down on his cock, I’m hotter than I’ve ever been.

  His thick shaft slides between my eager lips, and already I feel myself wanting to gag. His enormity is unreal. The warmth, the scent, all has me dripping for him. But this isn’t about me. That comes later.

  Desperate to please him, I do the best I can. He guides me, shows me what he likes, and I look up to see his eyes on me, flaring with passion as his cock flexes against the insides of my mouth.

  I gag, cough, and sit back as tears fill in my eyes. “S—sorry,” I stammer. “You’re just so big.”

  “Don’t apologize, baby,” he growls, tightening his grip in my hair. “Take a deep breath, relax your throat, and go down on it. You can do it.”

  I do as I’m told; I take a deep breath, mentally focus on opening my throat, and with his guidance, take his cock into my mouth again. My tongue explores his shaft as he gives me his inches. I can feel the veins and begin to fantasize about how it’s going to feel when he explodes.

  I want it more than anything.

  “That’s it,” he tells me. “Just stay right there like that. I’ll do the rest.”

  He begins to fuck my throat, and I can’t hold back. I reach into my pants and find my clit with my middle finger. Eyes watering, mouth full, my breath short, and my body tense, I rise closer and closer to that peak, the climax I know will be nothing close to what Zander gave me last night, but I desperately need.

  “Christ, you feel how fucking hard I am, girl? You’re going to make me come and you’re going to swallow all of it. Understand?”

  I want to cry out to him that not only do I understand, I want it. But I can’t. My mouth’s full. So all I can do is moan back. But he gets the message.

  His cock flexes, and I feel a jet of hot warmth as he fills my mouth with his load. Golden light radiates through my body as I swallow eagerly. My climax hits me hard, and I slow my finger and apply pressure as we come together, sharing a moment I’ll never forget.

  It feels like he’s coming forever. I keep swallowing, fighting my gag reflex from how deep he is in my throat. He tastes sweet and I start imagining all the places I could get down on my knees and please him.

  “Jesus…” he groans as I start to pull back. “Hang on, hang on. So sensitive.”

  His cock still in my mouth, I smile up at him, slide my hand from my pants, and gently caress his balls. His whole body tenses up, reminding me of his strength, and I slowly rise up and swallow one last time.

  “Fuck, baby. I swear. You’re a natural. That was the best head of my life.”

  “Stop,” I giggle as I throw myself onto him. He wraps me in his arm and holds me tight. Yeah, I could live here forever.

  “I’ll never lie to you, baby. It’s the truth. It wasn’t as good as being in your pussy, but it was close.”

  The taste of his release still lingers on my tongue and the inside of my cheeks, a sweet reminder of what I can do for him. Should I feel weird about being proud of that? It’s not like the pride I feel after finishing a painting. It’s different. Not something I would brag to everyone about, but still…

  I feel the wheels of the plane touch down and realize I’m the farthest away from home I’ve ever been. We put ourselves back together and make our way out of the cabin and onto the tarmac, where a car is already waiting for us. We climb in the back seat as our luggage is loaded in, and I nuzzle up to Zander as we head for the hotel.

  “Look at the sunset,” I muse as I gaze out the window at the peach and violet sky. “So beautiful.”

  “Wait until you see it,” he smiles. “Driver? Change of plans. Let’s skip the hotel. Bring us to the house.”

  The driver nods and makes a turn.

  “The house?” I ask. “You have a house here too?”

  “I’ve got houses all over.” He grins. “I thought spoiling you with a night at a hotel would be nice, but this feels better.”

  Ten minutes later we’re parked at the beach, and my hand is in Zander’s as he leads me down to the sand. The smell of the sea fills my nose, and the breeze twists my hair into my face. I also notice that there’s no one else around.

  “Where is everybody?” I ask.

  “On the public beaches,” he replies. “I own this one.”

  Wow. I wonder if I’ll ever stop being shocked by Zander’s wealth. But right now, that’s not what’s on my mind; what’s on my mind are the feelings running through me that are impossible to ignore.

  We’re staring at the ocean together, watching the waves break lazily on the bea
ch, when I feel his eyes on me. For some reason I don’t turn. There’s something on his mind. I can almost hear his thought process, so I wait. After a moment…

  “I love you Amory.”

  The words spark within me. I know now that no matter what I do, I have to convince him to stop. No more thieving. There can’t be even the slightest chance that he’s taken from me.

  My eyes well up and I finally bring them to him.

  “I love you too, Zander.”



  I gaze lovingly down at Amory as she sleeps naked on the bed. Her body is a work of art. This whole scene is.

  I’m falling fast—scratch that, I fell fast, and I’m still falling. It’s only a matter of time before I’m a whole new man. Shit, I don’t even know if I care about my business empire anymore. After all, what good is a boatload of money or success if you have no one to share it with? No woman. No family.

  That’s no life at all.

  I’m starting to re-think everything. Even now, stealing that Picasso seems like something another man would do. Not me. I have Amory now. Why would I risk doing something as crazy as that?

  Now I’m angry at myself.

  No, I’m angry at life. The universe, for denying me this woman for all those years—years I could have spent making her happy. Years we could have spent together.

  I made love to her before bed, and we fell asleep in each other’s arms. This time it was slow, sensual, and nothing but missionary. I couldn’t keep my eyes off of hers, and when we climaxed together, I fully understood that I am now a changed man.

  Wrapping myself in a robe, I head downstairs and get a glass of water. As I take a sip, I see it; a black sedan parked out front. I know before the knock comes.


  When I open the door, I’m ready to hit him.

  “What are you doing here?” I growl. “This is not the time.”

  “I figured you’d say that,” he chuckles. “You’re on your honeymoon, right? Or have you not made it official yet with that new girl of yours?”

  New girl? How does he know about Amory? Has he been following me this whole time? Instantly my animal instincts kick into high gear, and I go on the defensive.

  “Watch what you say next, Childers,” I say, my voice low. “She’s got nothing to do with this.”

  “Oh contraire, Duke. She has everything to do with this.”

  From his coat, the detective produces a manila folder and shows me a sheet of paper inside. “Amory Alder, real name Jessica Green. Accomplished art forger wanted in four countries for selling counterfeit work. Ripped off over seven million bucks before she fled to the US and got her little cover-up job sweeping floors at the Met.”

  “Bullshit,” I reply, snatching the documents from him.

  “Say what you want, Duke. But we’re charging her today, and we’ve got enough evidence to put her away for good. Hope you weren’t planning on starting a family with her.”

  My hands begin to shake. Childers is a real son of a bitch. Even if this isn’t true, I wouldn’t put it past him to push a fraudulent case on Amory just to make my life hell. With his connections, he could make sure she stayed in jail for a long time. Even if it was only a few years, she’d be living in hell.

  “You wouldn’t…” I say, crushing the file in my fist.

  “How long have you known me, Duke?” he replies with a grin that makes me want to tear his face off. “I would, and you know that. Unless of course you come in.”

  Blackmail. So much for honesty among law enforcement.

  “You’ve got nothing on me, Childers. Come in? For what?”

  “Well to start, you confess to the Picasso break-in the other night,” he replies. “And then the Monet, which we’ve been looking for. Oh, and the Van Gogh where we got your fingerprints and you managed to convince the judge that it was because you had touched it accidentally at a museum fundraiser. That one too.”

  “And if I don’t?” I ask. “Then you’ll charge Amory with this bullshit?”

  “That’s the deal, pal. Take it or leave it. But I need an answer right now.”

  I glance back at the house where my love is sleeping, blissfully unaware of the Machiavellian level deceit going on out front. I should have seen this coming. I knew Childers was determined, but I never thought he’d stoop this low.

  Even if the charges don’t stick, she’ll be dragged through hell because of me. I can’t allow that to happen. I love her, and love means not just doing what’s best for you, but doing what’s best for the other person.

  “Last chance, Duke,” Childers says. “Come with me now, or I go inside with a SWAT team and we drag her out here in whatever she’s wearing right now. You want that to happen?”

  Son of a bitch. I should black his eye for saying some shit like that. Or worse.

  “Fine, Childers,” I say. “You win.”

  I know he’s smiling as he grabs his walkie-talkie and calls in the troops, but I don’t even look at him. I send a quick text to my lawyer and am pressing send as he takes it from me. I hear the sirens as two squad cars pull up from either end of the street and present my wrists to him.

  “Bet you never thought this would happen,” Childers remarks as he puts the cuffs on me. “But I guess it’s true what they say; even the mighty shall fall.”

  I’m sorry, Amory. That’s all I can think as he puts me in the back of the squad car.

  She’s going to wake up alone and confused. The pain she’s going to feel will surely rip her apart, but it’s nothing compared to the alternative.

  I clench my fists until my knuckles scream with pain.

  I won’t see her again. That would be cruel. I’m going away for life and to drag this out would just make things worse. No. I have to let her go now to give her the best chance of surviving without me. And even if she hates me for it, she’ll be free.



  When I wake up, I’m alone. I don’t even have to call out for Zander to know it. Somehow, I just know.

  I get up and find one of his T-shirts and slip into it and head downstairs. I glance out at the beach, hoping to find him sunning himself or sipping a drink on the patio, but he’s not there. He’s not out front either.

  I try my best to stay calm, but I’m alone. By myself.

  My chest goes tight, and even though I know it’s pointless, I do a quick search of the house. I even check the closets and the laundry room. But he’s not there.

  Maybe he went out to get something. But why would he do that when he could simply make a phone call and have one of the countless members of his staff do it for him? I go around the house again, this time looking for a note he might have left me. But again, I find nothing.

  Terrible thoughts begin invading my mind. I tell myself not to listen to them, but it’s near impossible to block them out.

  Was I just another girl to him? Is this his game? Romance like this is like a simple dinner date to a billionaire. Did I completely misjudge him? He is a thief after all.

  Stay calm. Don’t panic. There must be a reasonable explanation for this.

  I’m on my way back up to the bedroom when it hits me.


  He got him. I don’t know how, but he did. He’s been arrested and taken to the police station. I have to find him.

  But what can I even do? They won’t let me see him. I’m not family. And what am I even going to say?

  I’m trembling as I find my clothes and put them on, and then I’m shaken as the sound of a phone ringing blares throughout the house.

  “Jesus!” I cry out, literally leaping into the air. I spin and spot a phone headset on the wall and quickly thumb the answer-call button. “Yes!?”

  “Miss Alden?” a male voice asks.

  “Yes? Speaking?”

  “Mr. Duke regrets to inform you that he has an important matter to attend to. A car will be arriving shortly to take you to the airport, where a plane will take y
ou home.”

  “Wait!” I scream. “What—what are you talking about? A matter? He was arrested, wasn’t he? Who am I talking to? When will I see Zander again?”

  There’s a long pause that I feel in my chest. “Mr. Duke thanks you for your time together, but it will not be possible for you to meet with him again. Thank you.”

  “Wait!” I shout, but the call ends with a click that causes tears to spill from my eyes. My legs collapse out from under me as a sense of loss I never could have known fills my insides.

  Painful sobs spill from my lips as a chill fills me. Who was that on the phone? Surely Zander didn’t tell him to speak that way to me.

  Did he?

  I couldn’t have been played. No. Not Zander. The way he spoke to me—the look in his eyes. I can spot a forgery, and those were real emotions I saw, not a player doing his thing.

  But then why the phone call? Why wouldn’t he just call me and tell me what happened? If he’s been arrested, he is allowed to do that, isn’t he? Or he could easily pass a message on.

  It doesn’t make sense.

  I feel my heart beginning to crack, and when I hear the sound of the car pulling up outside, I feel it shatter.

  The rest of my day is a blur, and not just because I’m looking at the world through tears. A man in a suit brings me to the car and drives me to the airport. The same plane that took me here takes me back to New York and drops me off at my apartment. My roommate, Tracy, is visiting her family this weekend, so I find myself crawling into bed alone, my head hurting from how much I’ve been crying, and my chest filled with a burning hatred for the man who convinced me he was in love.

  Fuck it. I’ll just sleep for the next week.

  But then my phone rings. It’s work, and no matter how much I don’t want to talk to anyone or see anyone right now, I have to answer. I’m not rich like Zander. I don’t have the luxury of making my own schedule.


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