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Kiss Me There

Page 7

by E. L. Todd

  “Put it in the storage closet,” Dad instructed.

  “Why don’t you get off your ass and help me, old man?” Slade said.

  Trinity left her chair. “I can help you—”

  “Sit your ass down and eat something,” Slade barked.

  Trinity plopped back down and rolled her eyes.

  “Such a pussy.” Conrad came over and grabbed the other end of the table. “I could move this by myself.”

  “Because you’re the size of an elephant.” Slade picked up his end of the table, and together they moved it out of the main room.

  Dad turned back to me. “What were you saying, sweetheart?”

  “Pike asked a lot of people to come tonight, his clients, artist friends, and people he knows…” Without that help not nearly as many people would have showed.

  “He did?” Dad asked in surprise. “I didn’t even see him.”

  “I did.” Arsen grabbed the bottles of wine and liquor and shoved everything into the storage cabinet.

  Dad turned to me with a knowing look in his eyes. “You want me to talk to him?”

  “No. He can throw a hissy fit all he wants. I don’t really care.” Pike helped me and I would always be grateful for that. Arsen needed to get over it. Besides, he shouldn’t feel threatened at all. I was married to him.

  “Well, that was nice of Pike to do that,” Dad said. “I wonder how he knew about the exhibit.”

  “He saw a flyer,” I explained.

  “Well, I’m glad that worked out. You obviously got a lot of new fans.”

  “I’ll have to send him a thank you card or something,” I said.

  “How is he?”

  “Good. He’s thinking about moving to Paris for a year. He said it’ll be a great inspiration for him.”

  “I can imagine.”

  Dad handed the bag of cash and receipts to me. “Well, here’s your first paycheck.”

  I immediately handed it back. “And here’s my first payment for my loan.”

  Dad eyed it without taking it. “You don’t have to pay me back, Silke.”

  “I want to.”

  He still didn’t take it.

  “Either take the money or I’m just going to deposit it into your account. You took a risk when you gave me the money to open this place. I’m paying you back.”

  “Well, you don’t need to give me all the money you made. Just give me a percent.”

  “No. I don’t need it anyway.” I set it on his thigh. “That’s not why I’m doing this.”

  Dad didn’t try to hand it back to me. He finally accepted I was just as stubborn as he was. “In the future, you don’t need to give it all to me. Just so you know.”

  Slade came back into the room with Conrad behind him. “Dude, what’s up with the Prestons?”

  “What?” Dad asked.

  “Sean and Roland are at war with each other or something,” Slade said. “It was the most awkward thing ever.”

  Dad clearly knew about it because he had that look in his eyes. Sean was one of his closest friends, so naturally they told each other everything. “It’s none of our business so we should stay out of it.”

  “Since when did we start doing that?” Conrad asked. “By the way, I’m a Preston too, just in case you forgot.”

  “But you’re a different Preston,” Slade said.

  “I’m from the same gene pool, idiot,” Conrad barked.

  “Mike and Sean are definitely different kinds of Prestons,” Slade said. “I’ve had to deal with both of them a lot. Believe me, I know.”

  Conrad rolled his eyes.

  “Well, I need to get my wife home.” Slade walked up to me, his sleeves rolled to his elbows. “You need anything else?”

  “No,” I answered. “Thanks for all your help.”

  Slade did the unexpected and hugged me. “You did good today, sis. Proud of you.” Then like nothing happened at all he walked away and grabbed Trinity.

  I gave Dad a blank look, still surprised.

  Dad chuckled. “He’s a sweetheart underneath all that bullshit. Believe me.”


  Arsen and I walked home, both silent.

  He didn’t grab my hand like he normally would.

  I didn’t grab his.

  He was giving me the silent treatment, the cold shoulder.

  But I wasn’t taking the bait.

  “When were you going to tell me that you guys still talked?” Despite his hostility his voice was surprisingly calm.

  I crossed my arms over my chest to fight off the cold. Normally, Arsen would give me his jacket but tonight he was being inhospitable. “We don’t talk.”

  “Really?” he asked venomously. “Because it seemed like you two cozied up to each other pretty easily.”

  We hadn’t had a serious fight since we got married. Once we tied the knot, all of our previous problems went out the window. We started over, giving each other a clean break. But now there were bumps in the road. “Now I can’t hug other guys besides you?”

  “I don’t care who you hug. Hug an underwear model for all I care. But don’t be buddy-buddy with a guy you used to sleep with.”

  I hated Arsen when he was like this. It was like sandpaper moving across my skin. “Get over yourself.”

  He stopped walking and grabbed me by the arm. “You obviously still have some kind of relationship with him. How else would he have known about the art gallery? Why else would he talk to you for most of the night?” The blue color of his eyes started to fade away, replaced by a maniacal sheen.

  I didn’t even want to be around him when he was like this. “Check into a hotel tonight, Arsen. I don’t want you at the house.”

  “Excuse me?” he snapped. “You’re the one in the wrong here.”

  “No, you are.” I twisted out of his grasp. “How can you accuse me of sneaking around behind your back? It’s like you don’t know me at all.”

  “But you were sneaking around behind my back.”

  “Did you ever stop and think that Pike may have found out about the gallery and just stopped by? You know, to be a friend and be supportive? Did you ever wonder why so many people showed up to the exposition at all? That perhaps he asked them to? Did you ever stop and think there’s a logical explanation for everything because your wife would never betray you?”

  When he pressed his lips tightly together I knew I had him. I maneuvered through the argument and hit him right where it hurt.

  “We’re married now, Arsen. That means there’s a new level of trust between us. How could you possibly doubt me when I take care of your daughter? When I cook dinner for you every night? How could you possibly doubt me when I sleep beside you every single night? Maybe marriage means something different to each of us.” I let those words sink in before I turned around and walked away. I wondered if he would stop me—or if he would let me go.


  I stopped in my tracks when I heard that nickname. It was the kind of expression that always stopped me.

  He came up behind me but didn’t touch me. “You’re right.”

  “I know I am.”

  He didn’t walk around to face me. He stayed where he was, out of sight. “Marriage has changed both of us—in good ways and in bad ways. Somehow…I’m more in love with you than ever before. But that also makes me more possessive than ever before.”

  I kept my arms across my chest, not ready to look at him just yet.

  “I shouldn’t have flipped out the way I did. I’m sorry.”

  “You should trust me.”

  “I do trust you. It’s just…when I saw you hug him it drove me insane with jealousy. I’ve never felt that kind of rage before. I can’t even explain it.”

  “It’s just a hug, Arsen.”

  “But it reminds me of all the other things you had together—besides hugs.”

  “Arsen, you have a little girl with some other woman. How would you feel if I was uncomfortable by that?”

the same thing…”

  “It is the same thing. When I look at Abby I don’t think about another woman you used to be with. I just think of Abby—someone I love. Even when I was with Pike you were never really gone. You were always in my head because you were the man I wanted but couldn’t have. There’s no reason for us to be jealous at all—because we’re together.”

  He put his hands in his pockets, his eyes downcast. “I don’t think I’ll ever stop being jealous. I’m sorry. I just don’t think it’s realistic.”

  “Well, you need to try.”

  “I love you and adore you too much. You’re mine, and that’s how I’ll always look at you. I admit I need to control my outbursts better and chill out but…that’s the best I can do. And I know if you saw an old flame going out of her way to see me at the shop you wouldn’t like it one bit.”

  “But I wouldn’t get mad at you.”

  “But you’d be uncomfortable by it.”

  “Being uncomfortable and overreacting are two different things.”

  “Silke, I said I was sorry for my behavior. And I said I’d work on it. Isn’t that enough?”

  It was hard to stay mad at a man I was so fond of. Even during his worst moments I loved him irrevocably. It was the kind of love that would last forever. “I forgive you.”

  “Thank you.” The second those words left my mouth he closed the gap between us and cupped my face. “I’ve wanted to kiss you all night.”

  “Now you have your chance.”

  His thumb brushed against my bottom lip. “Never thought I’d say this, but I’m glad Abby is staying with your parents.”

  I never thought I’d say it either. “Me too.”

  Chapter Eleven


  Conrad wasn’t himself that night.

  He was quiet and thoughtful, his mind somewhere else. He brooded in silence, something nagging at him behind the privacy of those terrifying eyes. He was the gentlest man in the world. But if you didn’t know him, you’d be a little frightened.

  “What’s on your mind?” I sat beside him on the couch and wrapped my arm around his waist. “You’ve been distant all day.”

  He didn’t respond to my affection or even acknowledge it. “I guess I’m scared.”


  “Your doctor’s appointment tomorrow.”

  I booked my surgery to reverse my hysterectomy. It was a common procedure with limited side effects. There was nothing to worry about. “There’s nothing to be nervous about.”

  “It’s still surgery. I’m not sure if cutting you open is worth it…”

  “But it is worth it.” It was something we needed to do.

  “I don’t want you to do this just because of me.” He finally looked at me, the vulnerability in his eyes.

  “I’m not.” I wanted this for myself as much as us. “I want to have children. I want a family.”

  “But there are other things we can do.”

  “I want it to happen naturally. Con, there’s no reason to be scared.”

  “I just hate hospitals…”

  Probably because a lot of his family members had been in hospitals over the past decade. “Really, I’ll be fine.”

  “I’ll ask Dad to cover for me. I doubt he’ll mind.”

  “I really don’t need you to be there. It’s pretty routine.”

  “I want to be there.” His tone suggested it was futile to argue. “You’re going to be my wife, Lexie. I want to be there for every little thing—big or small.”

  “I just don’t want you to worry…”

  “I’ll worry no matter what. I know what it’s like to live without you and I don’t want to go through that again. I really hope I die before you.”


  “I know that’s a morbid thing to say, and we’re far too young to think that way. But it’s the truth.”

  I rubbed his arm, trying to comfort him the best I could. “Let’s live in the present—not the future or the past.”


  I turned his face toward me and gave him a gentle kiss. “I love you.”

  He breathed deeply into my mouth. “I love you too.”


  Conrad sat at my bedside before they wheeled me in for surgery. His hand was in mine the entire time, and he looked paler than a ghost.

  I wasn’t afraid whatsoever. I knew there was always a possibility I would die on the table or some other side effect would take place, but that was so rare that it didn’t cross my mind.

  Conrad felt otherwise.

  “I’ll be back before you know it.”

  He stared at our joined hands. “I should be the one comforting you…”

  “It’s scary for both of us.” I grabbed my engagement ring and pulled it from my finger. “I probably shouldn’t wear this while I’m in there. It could get lost or dirty.”

  He took it and shoved it deep into his pocket. “I want you to wear it the moment you’re out of there.”

  “And never take it off.”

  The doctor entered the room with my chart tucked under his arm. “Ready to go, Lexie?”

  “Yes,” I answered.

  Conrad couldn’t hide his terror. He was beyond scared at the moment.

  I grabbed his hand again. “Just think about this…I’ll soon be Lexie Preston.” I’d never said that out loud before, and it felt right. Dropping my last name and adopting his felt natural.

  Finally, life came back into his eyes. “I love the way that sounds.”

  “It was like I was made to have that last name.”


  My eyes fluttered open hours later. The ceiling slowly came into view, and I realized the lights were off. The sound of nurses walking past my door landed on my ears. I could hear the distant beep of a monitor.

  Conrad came into my line of vision. “Hey, baby.”

  I blinked a few times before he completely came into focus. “Hey, babe…” I was still drowsy and tired.

  “The doctor said everything went well. You should be able to conceive in a few weeks.”

  “That’s great…told you there was nothing to worry about.”

  He grabbed my hand and brushed his thumb across it. “Actually…the doctor said the left fallopian tube couldn’t be repaired. He did the best he could but he said there was too much damage. But you do have your right one.”

  It was a blow I hadn’t anticipated and it took a moment to sink in.

  “But you can still have children. It’ll just be more difficult to conceive.”


  He brought my hand to his lips and kissed it. “You all right?”

  “I think so…”

  “At least now we’ll have more time to make a baby.” He gave me a smile to cheer me up.


  “The doctor said you could go home whenever you’re ready. I know Apollo is worried about you.”

  “Is he here?” I knew I must still be high to ask that question.

  “No, he’s at home. But take all the time you need.”

  I was too tired to get out of bed but I didn’t want to stay there a moment longer. I wanted to go home, to be in my own bed with Conrad beside me. And I missed Apollo. He’d become my new best friend since that terrible night when Conrad was jumped. “I don’t think I can walk.”

  “Then go back to sleep.”

  “But I want to go home…”

  Conrad ran his fingers through my hair.

  “Carry me home?” I loved having this strong man in my life. I could ask him to do anything and he would make it happen. He always took care of me, and he even let me take care of him.

  “Of course, baby.”


  I woke up to dog breath invading my senses. It was potent and powerful, and the moisture stuck to my face like sweat.

  I opened my eyes to Apollo’s face pressed to mine. He was watching me intently, waiting for me to wake up. Once he saw my eyes open his tail wagged
uncontrollably and he released a quiet whine.

  “I’m okay, Apollo.”

  He licked my face, all the way from my chin to my forehead.

  “Yuck.” I wiped the saliva away with my forearm. “You’re a terrible kisser.”

  He licked me again, getting his tongue on my nose.

  “Gross.” I pushed him back slightly so he would give me some space. “I’m happy to see you too, Apollo, but I am marrying Conrad. I can’t just kiss anyone like that.”

  “That’s right.” Conrad appeared at the door wearing dark jeans and a t-shirt. “You’re going to have to get your own woman.” He came to the bedside and ran his massive fingers through my hair. “How’s my fiancé?”

  “Better now that you’re here.”

  “You were out for a long time.”

  “Really? What time is it?”


  “Oh shit…it’s bedtime?”

  He chuckled. “Yeah. I guess we won’t sleep much tonight.” His hand removed the covers and he lifted my shirt so he could take a look at me. “You doing okay down there? Need some Advil?”

  “I’m okay. It’s not bothering me.”

  “You must be hungry. Your man can whip you up something.”

  “My man.” I liked saying that. For the past few years I hadn’t been allowed that luxury. Even when we got back together it still didn’t feel like he was completely mine. But once I asked him to marry me everything changed. He seemed to completely accept me back into his life—for good. “Yes, I’m hungry.”

  “How about some soup?”

  “And a grilled cheese sandwich?” I asked hopefully.

  “What are you? Sick?”


  “Whatever my lady wants, she gets.” His fingers latched onto some hair and he kissed my forehead.

  I drifted away into another dream, but this one wasn’t unreal. It was true and beautiful, and I never wanted to leave. I sighed deeply and felt every ounce of stress melt away.

  “I like it when you do that.”

  “Do what?” I opened my eyes because I hadn’t realized they closed.

  “When you melt.” The corners of his lips rose in a smile. “You only do that with me.”

  I didn’t even do that with Jared. “You have a powerful affect on me, Conrad Preston.”

  He slowly pulled away and eyed the door. He seemed to have realized something because when he turned back to me his happiness was no longer present.


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