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Mystic Bonds

Page 18

by C C Solomon

  “I can talk to the group about that.”

  He tilted his head. “Do that.”

  “Seems like you have made this town pretty fabulous.”

  He shrugged again. “It’s not all me. My predecessor had a vision and I’m just finishing it.”

  “And everyone just falls in line and doesn’t complain?”

  “Of course, we have complainers but that’s with anyplace. They aren’t a problem.” He leaned in to me. “Your eyes are especially beautiful under this lighting.”

  Obviously, he had no intention on being focused or talking shop tonight. He wanted to lay on the charm thick.

  I smiled, trying to keep things professional in front of the others. “Thank you. I’ll have to take this lighting with me wherever I go then.” It was just dim lighting upon chandeliers, playing off the red lights. There wasn’t anything special about it, so I knew he was finding excuses to flirt with me.

  He gave my hand a squeeze and I pressed my lips together. Faith, who was sitting across the table next to Seth, gave me a questioning look, eyebrow cocked.

  “I would love to kiss you again,” he whispered.

  God, I hope Erik didn’t hear that. I gave Phillip a schoolgirl giggle and leaned back in my chair away from him. “So, if dissenters aren’t a problem, I guess you don’t have much need for policing,” I said, hoping this change of subject would stick.

  Phillip gave a closed-lipped smile. “We always have to keep order. No place is perfect. And we have enemies, like the Fairfax town.”

  “Fairfax, Virginia. That’s a government town. Why would they be enemies to an awesome place like this?”

  “It’s because we run so well, are full of powerful people, and we don’t want to bow down to what they tell us. We worked hard to get this place like it is now. And how fair is it for them to come in, take over and do things differently? What we have works. They should take a chapter from us. Assuming we could trust the humans. Which we can’t, as you, more than anyone else, should know.”

  “I do. But there are good regular humans out there. My parents were. Some of the folks in my old town and in Hagerstown are too.”

  He brushed his pinky finger over the back of my hand and I fought the desire to shiver again. How had his simple touches made me feel like mush? I was convinced he was very aware of the full situation; of others noticing us and how he was getting to me. I had to get away from him.

  “I have no doubt your parents were good but I have no trust in most humans,” he replied.

  I frowned. “We’re still humans,” I stated.

  He raised both eyebrows. “Are we?”

  I moved my hand and pretended to massage the back of my neck as I looked over to Erik, who was listening to Raya tell him something but he was looking over at me with not so happy eyes. Shit.

  I looked back to Phillip. “Well, I certainly still feel human. I know my metabolism is the same because I still have to exercise to not turn into a beach ball.” I giggled nervously.

  “You look perfect,” He stated, his bedroom gaze back on me.

  “Oh, you are way too kind. You know what? I need a drink. Yep, uh-huh. I am going to go to the bar and get another drink. Do you need anything?”

  Phillip shook his head and smiled, all too confident of his effect on me. “I can get the bartender to bring a drink to you.”

  I pushed my chair back and got up quickly. “Nope, I need to move my legs after sitting here eating all that amazing food. The spicy California roll was everything. So good. I don’t know how you’re getting these ingredients. Magic, right,” I rambled and almost galloped away.

  I got to the bar and let out a deep sigh. Maybe Charles was right. Maybe this trip was too distracting to our main mission. I ordered a shot of tequila and another Old Fashioned. Pretty sure that was a dangerous combination but I needed to calm my mind.

  I asked the guy behind the bar how much, figuring I would barter something from my purse. He shook his head and turned to service the next person, who happened to be Erik. Erik ordered a beer on tap. They were making beer here, too?

  “Hey,” I greeted him.

  He leaned his back against the bar and looked out at the group on the other side of the room. “And she acknowledges me,” he replied.

  “Don’t do that. I’m just catching up with him. It’s weird seeing him in person.” I took the shot and winced a bit as the tequila went down my throat.

  “I see he’s trying to keep you here. We aren’t supposed to separate, remember that.” Erik looked down at me.

  “I haven’t forgotten.”

  “I don’t like him. And it’s not because he keeps flirting with you and touching you. I think he’s arrogant and I don’t trust him. Remember what I said about smelling deceit. There’s something going on here.”

  “Well, there are some suspicious people here. Like that Seth guy or Raya.”

  “I like Raya. She’s a werewolf and smart.”

  I gave him the stink eye and he smiled at me. “Are you trying to make me jealous or something?”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Why would I want to do that? You don’t remember our night together?”

  A fire grew in his hazel eyes that tightened my stomach. I was affected by him too. Damn you, hormones! As much as Phillip knocked the damn wind out of me with just a touch, one look in Erik’s eyes and I was a puddle on the ground. And to think, nine years ago I was swiping left on a phone app looking for a semi-attractive, decent guy, and failing miserably.

  I lowered my voice, looking over to the bartender who was busy making a cocktail at the other end of the bar. “Of course, I remember. I just thought it was a one-time thing because we never talked about it again. It was that time of the month for you and I thought it was all just lust.”

  He grimaced. “That time of the month? It’s not like I’m getting my period, Amina. Yes, I get a certain way when the full moon is close but if I wanted to just randomly hook up with someone it wouldn’t be you.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “Well, thanks.”

  He leaned in. “That’s not what I meant. I mean, you are more than some random woman. You are my friend. I wouldn’t do something meaningless with you. I kissed you because I am attracted to you and I like you…a lot. I only backed away because I thought, based on your reaction that night, you wanted to take things slow. I was giving you space. It’s barely been two weeks. I understand that isn’t a lot of time. Weres can sometimes let our more primal instincts rule us but I’ll follow at your pace.”

  Well, damn it, that made sense.

  “I’m sorry,” I said, looking up at him.

  His eyes softened and he gave me a slight smile, head titled back slightly. “So, what are you going to do to make it up to me?”

  Good question. There was no doubt in my mind that Raya would wrap her paws, no pun intended, around Erik the moment I stepped away. I craved love, believe it or not. I wasn’t going to pretend to myself that it didn’t matter. And it had been a long time since I met a guy who had me feeling...special. But I was no fool; neither of these guys were going to wait around for me or fight for me. Erik and Phillip were strong, good-looking men. A girl could dream about a love triangle, like in some sappy romance novel, only for so long.

  “I have no clue how to make it up to you.”

  Erik gave me a devilish look. “I have an idea.” He stepped a foot closer to me, grabbed my face, and kissed me.

  It was not some quick peck on the lips. It was full and deep and my knees felt like they were failing. He smelled so good; like clover and wood. His lips had the remnants of whiskey and I flicked them lightly with my tongue, wanting more of the sweetness.

  He inserted his tongue in my mouth and it danced across my own, pulling me closer to him. I was pretty sure the music stopped as we kissed but when we pulled away, the hook to a well-known hip hop song was still blaring. Had his kiss made me temporarily deaf?

  Public displays of affection were never my thing and I was ve
ry certain that Erik’s action was more for Phillip to see than a declaration to me. In some primitive sense, he was marking his territory. However, I wasn’t a thing, although secretly, I took some joy out of being desired so much. I really liked this man. His protectiveness and strength intrigued me. His alpha behavior, strong physique, and even his accent turned me on. I had to admit to myself that meeting Phillip hadn’t shaken me of Erik’s unexpected hold.

  I wanted to run out and hide in a room and think about my life choices. Instead, I took a large gulp of my Old Fashioned and willed my heart to slow down so I didn’t pass out. It was just a kiss, damnit. Just a passionate, knee weakening, soul-taking kiss.

  “Fun party,” Erik said, his eyes squinted in a sexy gaze. He grabbed his beer and headed back to the table, leaving me weak and confused.

  Chapter 18

  The rest of the party went as smoothly as possible. After Erik’s very public display of affection, I expected Phillip to give me the silent treatment or worse, kick us out of town, but he didn’t. In fact, he looked amused at the whole situation. He was clearly not threatened by Erik. Or perhaps he simply wasn’t serious enough about me to care.

  I was overwhelmed by it all and called it an early night.

  The next morning, most of the gang was ready to return to Hagerstown, having solved one mystery. Well, almost everyone.

  We were gathered in Charles’ and my guest apartment living room again.

  “I can’t leave. There’s magic here, I heard it,” Felix stated.

  “You mean ‘saw,’ sweetie,” Faith said, patting him on the back.

  Felix shook his head swiftly. “No, I heard it. The voices told me strong magic is here and I would find my way in this place. Maybe I can find out what I am.”

  “While I’m still concerned about these voices you’re hearing, I don’t trust the people here,” Charles stated, crossing his arms. “That Seth dude made my butt itch.”

  I rolled my eyes. “You couldn’t pick a better description.”

  He jutted his chin out. “I said what I said.”

  “That burlesque bar was everything, though,” Faith exclaimed, slouching down on the couch.

  “You went after dinner?” Lisa asked, with a look of shock.

  “Yeah, Blake took me there,” she replied, putting her boot-covered feet on the coffee table. “She’s kind of fun.”

  “I don’t even want to know,” Lisa muttered, putting her hands on her hips as she leaned against the living room wall.

  “But Felix’s right,” I began. “There is incredible magic here. I’m sure they’ll be able to help us locate the others. And I can learn some more spells here.”

  “We aren’t staying,” Erik said firmly, standing near the balcony sliding doors. “Seth has some barbaric practices with the pack that reminds me of what I left. If Phillip was so great a leader, why would he allow that?”

  “Maybe he doesn’t know.”

  Erik chuckled. “Are you being willfully naive?”

  I looked over to him and narrowed my eyebrows. “Excuse you?”

  Charles jumped up off the coach. “All right, let’s pause this lover’s quarrel for a moment and remember the big picture.” He pointed at me. “And for the record, I’m team Erik.”

  “So am I,” Felix added, raising a hand.

  “Me too.” Lisa squeaked, giving me a shrug and an apologetic look.

  Faith nodded in agreement. “I kind of want to punch Phillip and everyone associated with him. Except Blake. She’s hot, so she can stick around,” she said with a lazy smile.

  Well damn, so much for a secret love affair. Guess everyone did see that kiss. “Didn’t realize this was something open for a vote.” I grumbled.

  I looked over to Erik and his face held a cocky grin. Damn his infectious smile. I smiled back.

  “Aww, love birds are happy again,” Charles stated with a deadpan voice. “Okay, how about some of us stay here and some of us go—”

  “No, if we are this power of six, like Mae explained, we have to stick together,” I stated.

  “I want to stay,” Lisa said. “Annie Mae might be able to help me find other Fae with her ability. She could help Felix learn more about himself.”

  Faith cursed. “I’m not leaving without you, Felix. Maybe we could stay a little while. Blake did offer me a position at her bar.”

  “And Seth was interested in Erik joining the pack,” Lisa said in a sing-song voice.

  Erik let a loud sigh. “Let’s give it a trial month. See if we like it here,” he stated.

  “But we’re still going to focus on saving our friends, right,” Charles said more than asked.

  I nodded. “I think we’re in a better position to do that here, with all this power around us. We’re setting our friends free. This town is going to help us,” I stated with determination.

  I awoke to a loud alarm that Saturday morning, but I’d had no reason to set my alarm clock. I searched for the snooze button but the alarm persisted and I opened my eyes. The clock read 9:00 a.m. and I slowly realized that the sound was not the annoying chirping birds sound that I had programed the alarm to blare. It was more of a church bell sound. I shot up and ran out of my room. Fire drill? I raced to Charles’ room and he opened the door right before I could knock.

  “Do they have fire drills here?” Charles asked, his eyes still half closed.

  I shrugged. We’d been in Silver Spring for a month now and this morning alarm was a first for me since being here.

  Good morning, citizens of new Silver Spring. Came Phillip’s calm voice from seemingly everywhere.

  It’s a beautiful summer day. Enjoy and be productive. Remember that your leader, Phillip, is here to protect you. I want the best for you. I wish to make this world better for paranormals. Believe in me and follow my rules. Loyalty to me will be rewarded. Disobedience will be punished. Be good to each other. Make it a great day.

  What in the entire hell? “You gotta be kidding me,” I stated. “What is this?” I waited for more but the speech was over.

  I looked over to Charles. His face was blank and unbothered. Then suddenly, he turned right and walked to his bathroom.

  “Hey!” I cried.

  He turned to me and raised his eyebrows. “Why are you yelling?” he asked.

  “Tell me you heard Phillip’s voice coming from some type of loud speaker.”


  I threw out my hands to my sides. “Umm, you don’t think that was weird?”

  Charles frowned and shook his head. “No.”

  “Sounds a bit big brother-ish to me.”

  Charles gave me a sleepy-eyed smile. “Phillip’s a good guy. He wants the best for us. He wants to make the world better for paranormals.”

  I tilted my head and squinted my eyes. Had he just regurgitated exactly what Phillip announced like some brainless drone?

  “Don’t look for trouble where there isn’t any, Mina. Phillip’s a good guy.”

  “Yeah, you said that already. Look, that sounded really weird. Maybe we shouldn’t have jumped to move here so fast. It’s the end of the trial month. It’s time we reevaluate.”

  Charles smiled. “It’s okay, Mina. We’re safe here. It’s Saturday. Make it a great day.” He then turned back towards the bathroom.

  Yep, something was definitely up.

  I decided to make my day great by starting off with a jog around town. After this morning’s wake-up message, I was feeling plenty uneasy and I needed to investigate. Everyone in the group seemed to settle in just fine and, unlike a month ago, there was no division about returning to Hagerstown. Even Felix and Faith didn’t seem in a rush to go back to the jobs they were on pause from. Not that I was really complaining.

  The town was alive, with children playing, people gardening or tending to the farm, brunching at the few restaurants, and shopping. People actually waved and smiled at me as I jogged by; telling me to ‘make it a great day.’ I said the same thing back out of politene
ss but I could have done without it.

  I encountered Grace during my jog. She was running as well. At a much more athletic pace than myself. My jog was more of a jog/walk. Okay, mostly a power walk. I waved at her and stopped speed walking.

  “Hey,” she replied, taking her ear buds out of her ears.

  I shrugged. “What’s up? Did you hear that message this morning?”

  She nodded, smiling brightly. “Yeah, that’s the morning message. Play’s once a month.”

  “You know, I can’t recall hearing it before. Maybe I missed that day.”

  She shrugged. “Possibly.”

  “Doesn’t it get kind of annoying?”

  Grace frowned.

  “Did I say something wrong?”

  “No, but I just wouldn’t say that again if I were you.” She searched my eyes. “The messages are supposed to be encouraging. Phillip wants us to believe that he is here to protect us.”

  The way she said it seemed so careful and purposeful but there was no feeling behind it. I was missing something.


  “I have to go,” she started, cutting me off. She gave me a bright smile again. “By the way, is Erik your boyfriend?”

  Random topic change. Why did she want to know? “We’re still figuring that out, I think.” It was true. Six weeks in and we hadn’t exactly claimed each other. I was sure that was mostly my fault, as I was still busy figuring out my feelings about Phillip and then finding our friends, which was sadly still a work in progress.

  “Well, you better claim him soon.”

  I raised my eyebrows. “Oh, are you interested?”

  She shook her head. “He’s gorgeous, don’t get me wrong, but no. See, a guy like that is a prime pick for the women in the were pack. If you can get past Phillip, I’d make a jump on him if I were you.”

  “So, you’re on team Erik too?” I cracked.

  She gave me questioning eyes. “I like Phillip and Erik, but from one woman to another, wouldn’t you rather make the decision than to let some other woman do it for you?”


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